. .- -- -- -= — - —_ _
<br /> �� _ _�..� -�.�..� �:�.mrcar .-�. � °-=z�ra. . .. _. --. -#_-,-'-_. --- ----- �y.-ia�,�r:..-�°---"""--.-.r.n ��,a a-.
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<br /> (d) Grantor haf tha r1�P►t tnd t�duty authorizst!to exeouta and pe�torm Ita Ob1lgaUono undor ehla Qood af Truat and theae eottone da not nnd .. � _,
<br /> • ehali not aoatitoe wlth ths prwietons of eny st�tute,reguta�tton,obinanoe,n+ta of law,eo�rtraa!or ather agreemeM whloh m�y be binang on .,
<br /> I 0rantor at sny dms; `
<br /> l (�) No aoUon or praasdlnp b or ohilt be p�r�dlnp or throatsnsd whleh mlpM matorlatry afteot 1hs Property;and
<br /> � I �1) Gr�rNar haa not vlolated and ahetl not vtolate any atatute.repu�ntlon,ordlnnnoe,rute otQS�dQ�e�rt� hte or inttna+n th��Prop�lrty�nnt ° , �►
<br /> � � t m1Ud M,thoa powminp a4�sardous MeUrltls)whtah mtpht mat�d4lty aH�ot th�Rropsrty 9 .. -
<br /> to tht�Oad of Truat.
<br /> 3, F�p{Q��E@D8�F TRl39T.t#rnntor reprosente end wanants that th�n en no pdor dteda ot truet affeoUng eny part ot tho Properiy except ns�et _
<br /> ' forth on&heduls 8 atttohtd to thls ONd ot Truit.whioh tiantot apn�to pay�nd p�Nom'►In a tlmdy munrer. I1 thero aro any priot da�o14tu2t „ , .^.
<br /> � thsn dnnta�rNt to p�y ail amou�m orad,andp�rforen�tl obllpaUon�nqulnd,und�r taoh dad�o!truit and th�indebt�dnss�s�ound th�»bY ,. __-
<br /> and furth�tapre�s that a def�uR undsr any ptlor de�d ot truat nhtil b��d�tauR under thts Oead of Truat cnd ehW entide Lender to aH HpMS tnd ��
<br /> � nm�di�s oo n t nlned hs»!n or In ths O Elipat lone to w h tc h l on der wau i d b��m l U�d In ths event ot any athsr dstau�. ' ,
<br /> i �. TIiANSFFHS OF TNB PROPLRIY OR OFNEFICW.�NTERE8T8 tN�dRANTOAB OR dOpRtyINERB. In ths swnt of a ato,oonvay�na,Isaa�, ,..
<br /> . � oonttaet for d»d a tran�r to any p�rs9n of tll or any part of ths nd prop�riy d�scribed In Sahedule q or any IMeroat thsreln,or of aN or any •; �
<br /> b�n�ttolal Innnst In Bonow�r or t3ru+tor pt�orrower o��nr►tor le nm a nuutalpe�son otpersona but Ia n oorporatlon,Ilmltod Ilabliny company,
<br /> • � partnenhip.trust,or otlisr!�0tt�Miry),L�ndsr may,at Ite optton d�etars tM outetending pdnaipal batanoe of the ObUgmionn ptua acaued Intemet
<br /> m�roon immodlaaly due and prya�ito.At Lond�'s raqu°sst.t3renta a Rorcownr.aa the cese mey bs,shall fumiah a oomplete staumeM csttuig foM �
<br /> ail ot Ite atookhotdero,mtmb�ro,or putnsre.as eppropdete,and the extent of thelr rocpeoGve owneranlp interoata.
<br /> 0. A881(�NMENT OP RENTB. in oontid�nNon of tM Obtipariom,whtoA an ssCUtad br thls O�sd of Truat.�nntor abwtutttY aaalpns to laid�r atl , .
<br /> OnMor's eaat�. ht,tlU�.l�nst.oWrn md d�mand rtor�owned or hen�tte�acqutnd tn aD�xistl�md tutu»la�ea ot tfn PropMY Moludi�
<br /> ��xtmatona,nnsw�4 and subtasss)��tl aarNm�rtto tor ue��nd oocupu�ay of tM Prop�Af►(all euoh I�a�sn�nda8rNm�Mt whWui wrftt�n a onl 11 *4
<br /> ars ho»atbr nt�rrod to as tM't�asa'►.and atl puarantles ot bta��'performanoe unde�dn t�ais.to0�thu wNh t��Imm�ditU�nd oantlnuinp
<br /> . { dpht to ootNot rutd no�ha ali of tlt�mds,inoam�.reoefpte.nwnws,iwua,Proffts and other lnoonn of any natun now or hsnt4t�t du� (tndudlr� . , r. ,�,;
<br /> � any inoom�of any nawn oominp due dudnp ury rodempUon p�dod)urtMr tM Nasa or hom or ari�na out of th�Proprty Ineludin9 mhtmum
<br /> rmb,additlonni m►ts, tant�p�aMS.Wrklnp ot oommon�»a mtlr�aana ooMributtan�,t�x and Inwrsrta oa�Mbudonf,daflofir�cy nr�, �
<br /> �y tl�uld�tad damayaa tair�rtrtp e�tauR�rt my Iaase.nt!proaeede peyahb undu�ny pottcy of Inaurmo� oowrinp loss of nMS nsuttlnp trom ;...
<br /> uMm�ntabUHy caue�d by d�atruadon or damaa�to th�Prop�rty�tll proo�ede payabt�a a�utt ot a t�ttN'o unroia ot an optlon to purahw Un „ ;��;
<br /> Prop�Ry�di Prow�ds d�riv�d trom fh�brtninaUar�or nj�ction of any L+�aw in a bu►kruptay or oih�r treiohrenoY prooMdlnp.�r�d tll proes�d�trom .�f-
<br /> any�i��rtd olatms of u�y kirtd which t3nnmr msy haw aQdntt any pssM unda tM Lras�s ar sny oaouAanri ot tM PropMy(�11 ot ths�Eors u� •°�•-
<br /> � hma�t�r ooll�otlw4 rohrred to as th�'R�nu'). Th�s aesipnm�M la QubJ�ct to th�dpht,powsr ertd authodty afven to tt�e Lsnd�r to oo�l�at and app1y � . `- -
<br /> ths R�mt. fiis tulpnrrhnt h noordrd in a000r9ana with applioaDA srit�Isw;8» Il m crated by this astt8nment is Int�nded to be�psotNO. • _
<br /> p�Asobd��nd chaU upon th�noordlnp ot thts O�W ot Truat.a1i as proHd�d by�PPitcabu�14w a amend�d from Urt»to 8rm. /1f bnp u s . -
<br /> �� th�»b no d�fauR under Ue�ObIlpaUone or thb O�ed ot Truat,Lenda prams QreMOr a rewctble Ilans�to aolleot a!I Rtr�m tmm fhs Lsaan w�n ':,
<br /> du�and to ues such prooKds In tiru►tor9 bwin�ss aP�ona. Mowrwr�LmdK rt�aY n NY tl��7utn Qrentor to d�posit a!1 R�nrta h►to�n .�_�—
<br /> t000uM mtintaln�d by tinntor ot L�ndsr at Unda'a Instld+tlon. Upon d�hult in tl�s paym�r�t ot.ot tn th�p�Aormana of,�ny of tn�Oblqations. •` :" �
<br /> I�nd�r may at f!t optian t�Poss�s�ior�at th�Propaly and hav�.hotd�mm���lsas��nd opsrats tl►e ProPMy on torms aM for a q�tod ot tlms ���-
<br /> � fha L�nd.r d..ma p ro p�r. L�nd�r may pr000�d to ooll�ot and toaivs dl R�MS from ths PropeAy.and Lendet eha0 hav�fi+u powes ro�vnk� �-_ "�-
<br /> . . �Rtlons,nnovaUoae,tepaira or r�p1aoama�to tla Aropsrtyr es Lendas mny ds�..m proper. Lende►maya�p t y s i l R e r n s in L o n der's e o l s d i�c n tl o n • , ,..�-�- -
<br /> to paymsnt a}th�ObttpaUona or to the paymsr�t of ths oagt of euoA atteratlons.nncvaUons.roPairo�nd roWaaemsrns and any�xpsna�s[nddsrd to .�_
<br /> •.• � tvcinp�nd ntatninp pou�on of th�ProP�+�lI P�rfodloatty and M�mane�smmt�nd owraUon ot tM i�rop�riy. 4ender may ksep thv ProPMy ���
<br /> ProFMf►inwrsd uW maY dboharp�Ny was,c�wOn,cidma aa�a�sn�ents uM oifier Usna whtoh��Om�ons. Thess a n��n�b.��
<br /> = aattota mq b�p�id ir�m�'m iiina r:�f�.ti.snG�y uts�std�ssotsss��I!��!!!!a►�Mndpel :
<br /> wtth o1PNr ootla.ehatt boom�put ot ths Oblipatla�s eecurod by th[a Oesd of Trust
<br /> d. tF�SEB AND OTHER AQREEYENiB. tirtntor ahatl not Uks or tdl to teks anY actto�whteb m�n cause or Pertnit the temYnatlon or the c:
<br /> •
<br /> � withholdirg otar�y'aymstft in oanneadon wNh any l�or othsr�yrsema�t('ApreemeM'!P� 9 �RY. In�lditton.tinr�or wftliout +
<br /> et t '
<br /> L�nd�Pt prla wrttbn oonaad,shill nox(�)oollwt arry monl�s payabl�und�r am►AOr»msM mon tlun an�mmnh fn advanor Q�)modlN+�Y
<br /> ' , ' Apreemenk(o)�On or aliow a Ilsn,seourity iMSroat or othsr encumbranoe to bs piaosd upon�irantor'e dpMe.tltls and f�rost h and ta�rty }
<br /> AprmemeM or the amoums payable thereunder,or(d)tertninats or canoe!any AArsert�ent exoePt tor the nonpaymsM ot anlr�um or othe�m�iM�1
<br /> broaoh bp ths ottrer parly theroto. If OraMOr roalves at any tlms any written eommuMcation aaseNng a detauR by dantor under an lla�eement or � � � } �,
<br /> Purpatlt� to tertninaa or eanoel any AAroerr►ent, tirantor ehail promptty fonward a oopY ot suoA oommurtiea8on (wM� any subt�qwM �.'�-;.
<br /> . oommuniaUan�rotattnp therno)to Lender. AII woh Apre�ments and the amourns dus to(�rerrtor tMrnunder ars hsreby aa�pn�0 to l�ndor as _.
<br /> addtUand eeourltYtorlt�Obliyattone. .
<br /> 7. COLLEC7iOH OF INDEBTEDrlE9S FROM lHIRD PAR7Y. LenBet shali bs emltled to rtosih or roquirs Qrantor to moNN anY ehird p�uty Mo►udin0. ,,._
<br /> but rtot timibd to�less�es.Iloensss�,Qovxnmernaf authoriNss and Inauranee aomPar►NS to tsnda anY tnds9bdnen or abU�tbn owi�p to ,��.yn. ,
<br /> 001� I��b�todni�owinp�rr irom�Mis�t�h[�pud�s unU�l tl�is y'��vin agawoh n�otffieaUon�t�n tl i Mnt�tirarKnr Poe�a orrw�a f�
<br /> post�ssion of any instrumsma or other nmithnoes with�s a p s a t to tho htdebtsdnsss totlowtnp tt►s ghr[np ot suoh�a N the t�trwrnt�a : T.;:*� ��i
<br /> ' .�� w�oh InaVu��t�u�d oUier tertt3�o�ea�nl tfu3t toryl+mder+�paK ttom�oth��rot p�e�Yy�dO��tmtrumerrts�d�iltanoes tOlsad�t. • "'
<br /> . u►d Imm�diatoly pmvfds Lendet wHh poasc.:.�ton o!t1a Ir�trumoMe and otl�er romiltanoos. Lander ahall be e�iriW.but eot nqulr�d�to aoA�ot lbY . .'-,.��
<br /> tsgal proceedinga or othsrtwles).sxtend fhe tims tor paymerit,oompron�ise�sxe��n�s a rekaas arry obimor or oollatKal.or o��any ot ._:-- ��
<br /> , ; 1tro hdsObdness whether or no!an evsnt of dstauR e�sta under this Aproemerrt Lender aheit not bs ti�e to Qrantor for aery aatlon.ertor,mfabJce,
<br /> omisston a dstaypsrfalninp to the aotlona dsxxib�d in thts panigraph or my demepes roauiUng theretrom. Nolwlthsf�ndlrg th�torepotn8�na1Nn9 :.�
<br /> ,� _ Mroin thaU cws�I�mdsr to be dsemed e mmtgsgsatn�posseasian.
<br /> !. iJ8H AND MAINifNANCE OF PROPER7Y. Qrantor eheU taln efl ndlor�s and make am►ropalre nsed�d to mUm�tn tM Prapsrty in good .,.. �
<br /> . -� i oonditlon. Orantor ahail not oommR or petmkar�y waate to be oommltted with roaPeet to the PropeRY. �aha[I uae Cis P►opsrty eoidY b► _. ,,��
<br /> �$:•:'.�� o o mpII a n o s w t t h a p p l i c t b l s I�w a n d i n s u r e n o e p o l i d e s. f i r a M or W�aJt not make an Y��na.additfons or improvamsrna to 1t��op�rip without a .
<br /> �:. : Landsr'e prlor wdtten oonaeM. Wltliout limiUr�p the toreeoln�.ail dterntiona�addidons and improvemema made to the PtopenY e h a t h a A b a e a�J e c t t o �. .�.
<br /> e
<br /> ��,; ths beneRdat ir�terest belonpinp to t�mder,ahatt not bs romoved witlfout Lender'e prior wrtttsn oonae�ri.and stWl he mads at Gra�Or's�ole azpe�as. •��.%•.-�
<br /> ,,-.. �. �O S S O R Q�N A t i E t 3 n n t o r s h e t i b e a r tt►�e M t ro�i s k o f a r ry l o a s,t h e R t.d e s tr u c tl o n o r d+m a D s(c umu t a t M l y'i.oss or O�m a�e9 m t�P�opsrlY a . �---
<br /> amr poRton thsrsof tromarry oauas whauo�iwt. In th��v�m of ar►y la�s or Demaae��irantor ehtiL at ths option of LmMet,nPttr ttw att�ctsd •°�y ----
<br /> r;'•. :'�.;,� prop�rty to Na previoua oonditloe or pay or causs to be paid ts Lendet tt�s deoreaae in fhe fair markot valus of the af(eeted ProPM�r. ,. . . T��-�
<br /> tt�
<br /> � 10. IMSURANCE. TM Properiy wili bs kept Insursd tor its tuli irmun4ble valuo(m�i3aosmeM ooat)a g d n s t atl hnuds Includirg loss �damf�pe _ a,c?,�,�:.. ,
<br /> ', oaused by flood.euThquake,tomado end flro.thett or other casueity to the eocteM roquirod by l,ertder. (�r a n i or may oM�ln insurmo�an the Prop�rty •. -
<br /> ".';��.i trom sueh aomp�nlas as�axeptabls to L�nder In Ite sote dlaexeNon. The inauranos poqolsa ehail roqutro tAe Insuarro�oompmy to provide .
<br /> ro�
<br /> L,�ndor wfth at Iw! dsys'writbn notlos betoro suoh pollolss ar�altercd or canoeilod In any mennet. Ths Inaurana�polbits ehatf
<br /> , neme lendsr aa�W9s payes arM provids tAat no aot ot omlaston ot Qrontot or arry other peraon aheli aftset ths ripM ot tmder to b�paid the �
<br /> Inauro�procNds pertelnttp 4o Uu tou or damsgs ot the Ptoparty. in the eveM tirentor 4atb to aoqutro or mdrnaln Insuran�,L�nd•r teftn
<br /> . • pro+Adina nott�oe n m�y bs roquired bY law)mq in ks diaaetion proouro aAP�Pdate Insuranoe cov�erage a,pon the ProRerlY and the Insuru►os aost „
<br /> o e
<br /> - ehdl bs�n sdvuaepayab1�and b�arinp IrKSrest aa dssaibed In Paragraph 23 and securod herebl►� Qrnr�or ahntl tumish Lsride�with evidenoe o! -
<br /> fnauranos indloatinq�h6roq utrsd aoviraee. Lender mny act aa attomeyandut tor Grantor in maMnn end aett11n�ctalms under Inau�at�a polldes,
<br /> ' eanoeltinp enY Polloy or endo�atrtg GrmKarb�neme on enY drnft or nepaUehle tnstrumaM dravm bN m+Y Insuror. Al!such Insurenoe Poliel�at�tl bs :i?'.` ..
<br /> lmmedlatety asalgned,pledped and daihrored to Lender na fuAher securtry Tor the Obtigadona. M the evem ot loas,QrnMOt shell tmmed�tely ghra ,. .
<br /> LArtdet wdttsn�o tloe e rt d L e n der la n u t h o r f:e d t o m a k e p r o o f o f t o a a. E a e h E n a u m n o e o om p a n y is dlrocted to meke diroeNy ro Lender
<br /> fnaEead at to Lsnder and Grentor. Ler►der shatt have the rtght,at its sote optf�on,to apphr suoh montes toward the Obtig ona or toward�Ae�ost of
<br /> ' ro b u i l d tng a n d�r g the P r o p e rt y.A r►y amouMs mn y�Lendar•s cyptlon bs appQed In the Invarso order of tPte due dats3 theroof.
<br /> 11. ZONIHO AND PQiNATE COYENANTB. Grantor sheti not inttiste or consortt 4oerry change in tne zoNng pro�istona ar p�aavenarne affocting ��
<br />� tn�usr of ttN Propetty wNhout L�t�r+rMNsrb pdor written aonaeM. It firenDOr's use of the Property beoomes a nonooniorming use urMer any zonirtg :. ,:
<br /> .
<br /> --- ._._ .��_�_,.Y.��_
<br /> •.�......_M..�a�.�...w...�n N.�..,�.d�hnus the rnior writtea oonaeM of Lender. Q�u�tor will .
<br /> ..n..-.�: �-.-.— w �1 V10tM Of�O1�MYtYO�M�����t�wwn�w�w��ww�..w.���. ��.� . . _ . "
<br /> • imr wdiabip prw►ds t�ndet with wdtten noNo�of anY P��8ea to the uning provisiona or prhiets aovenenfa nifeeNng ths Propesty. _- -_ - -
<br /> ty CpkDE[Y[NAftpN. Qrnntor sheti fmmsdl�ely pmvide Lender wNh written�ot enY ectual or throaterted oondomnatton or emtrseM�tamafn
<br /> P����D P�►�i�9���PeM. Atl rrtonles payabte to GrerKor from such oondamnation or takEr�are heroby asstgrted to tander erd shali be
<br /> rpplted fl�st ta the payment af Lm►dePe aRrons+sys' fees, tegat experises and other oosta pndudmg eFPraissl tees) tn oonnxtton with the
<br /> �� oponPdemnarion or eminant domain prooeedinga end then,at the option of landet,to the payment o11he Obligatlona ot tho rostoraHon or repair of the
<br /> 18. L��IOER'3 qIGM TO C01tYF.�iCH OR OEFEtiD LEOAI.ACTIOHS Grantor shell immedlatety provide Landor wrih wdtte�i notim of eny�tuat
<br /> or thnatsned aotion.suit.or othet prooeadirtp aHecdng the PropeAy. tireMOr heroGf►ePPofMS tsnder as its attomeydrt�fact to oommence.UKener�e ��
<br /> tn,ar►d deSeftA euch aettons.auits,or other tepal pro�eedinps and to oompromise ot setUe any dalm or aor�trovarsy perfeintng theroto. �maer aAuil •
<br /> .. not bs pabts to tiraMOr tor any aqton,ertor,mistafce.omisskon or delay pertelrting to the ae�tons deseribed In this Paragraph or er�y damages .
<br /> rosui8r�g thereirom. NblPtinp contained hemin will provent leeder from tnldrtp the actlona desaibed in thls paragrepA in ks own nartte. .
<br /> � � 14. INOEMNtFtC�1tON. tertdsr shalt rtot easume or bs rosponsibte tor the pedortnanoe of enY ot Gra�r's obllgatlons with respeat to tAe Properiy
<br /> unQ�r tny dtcumsb�naa tirar►tor dta►I Immedlately provfde lender wNh writton no8oe of artd Indemnity nnd hotd Londer and ite elfineholdere,
<br /> direCtore,otttoeie,emplayees artdegsMe harmlesa from dt daims,damqges,ilabtlYtles pnduding attortssys'tees end legat expsnsts),cauaes ot , ,
<br /> :' atxton.aoibns,suifa and ottter legel prootodfngs(cumulativety'Clelnt�'►pettafning to the Ptoperty f rtciading,but no!Umited to.t�ose Irtvohirtg
<br /> Ftaieidoua Materiels). Grantor,upon the roquest ot tm►der,shali hiro IegtJ oaunse!to defend Ler�der trom such Gaims,andpay tha�tomeys'teea
<br /> �� tegat expem„ss and otl�sr oosta trtarrod In connectlon therewith. tn 1Ra altematva,Lendor ahalt be eeniried to emptoy Ita owro et gal counsel to detertd
<br /> sue�+datma rt Qrar►totb aost. tirentor's obitgattoa te tndemnHy tcnder under thts paragraAh shalt suivMe t�e tettnlnatton,ee4easa or fonotosure of
<br /> . this DenE ot Teuat
<br />- t,W�fS�teC�r•wmMonr�dwotog:r�,��Nrt�/9t1t8001977J799 PY�nZae-- ----�-- '
<br />- � .. . .. — . ... . .__ _._ -
<br />