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<br /> DE�ED OF TRU�T � �
<br /> . �a .
<br /> �AR�'�� tfe�le D Squier. Rusband�'��A .
<br /> �iale D eqnier �y y gquiss� Wif e �
<br /> ltay L 8quier �
<br /> � �owifiaa AD°��
<br /> �.� . 1700 i4oulh 8arri�on i�a� ��� �rrisoa
<br /> Graad islaaQ, N15 6880i �raad Yeinred, !da 68801
<br /> ' ��. ��Q�q, iqptrtRCwnaxao. tm�w�owieo. �'�M�
<br /> ..a..
<br /> " . . . I �tssss�:tiafasa 8a� !� Tr��t cetipano arand islaad SssaaD `;.
<br /> Z008 ltos�lh 1t�bb Road, �ire�ad 2slaud !te 68805 1 �;`
<br /> M oomdd�ratbn ot ths loan or othsr aedR axommodatton herelnafter epec(fted end any tuturo advenoea ar tuturo Obit�attona,aa dsHned hsroin, �,.:.
<br /> � . whioh may M�sinafcer bs advuiad or incurted and the trust heroinaiter merntoned and other good and vaiunbte oonaidsrattton,ths aalpt ara! ��
<br /> � ' suocsssoryrsandaaat nros,�lntust,for��o���asic�i�nB�Tieas����vnar tand isl� Sra�acn; 1�08 �o�TN�bbh� �
<br /> • Graad ��laad. ttl� 68803 ('trend�.ths �
<br /> B�+i9
<br /> ° � bsnefldW under thia Oeed of Ttust,wHh power of sele and rtgM of erhry end poss�ion eil of(ireMOr'e preseM and tuture estats��IONt.tlUe a�►d �i.,�`.�
<br /> ;, � IMsrsat U and to ths roat proPeAq desoribed in Scheduie A whioh is attaehed to thls OeW of Trust and Irtaorporated heroin by thia�afsr�nos.topsth�r p y._
<br /> - with ett p�seM end tuhiro ImprovemerMa e�d fl�aturos;eti tanglbie personat property includlnp wlMout Iimitatlon all mechtntry.aquiPmsn�.bultdiny
<br /> �. y materiats,and gooda of every naturo(azotuding oonsumer gooda)now or hsrsafter loeatsd an or used En aonneotlon with the reat property,whetAer �'
<br /> or not afRxed to the Iendt P�eBe�heredNemsMo.+nd appurtsnaneea includinp eIl davalopmeM cipMs assoWnted with tAo PraPenY.whsther Qt�-�
<br />_ " , � � provtousiy or sub�squeMlyuaneferrod to B►s ProPe�tY tr°m othsr roal propsrty or nvw or hersatter susosptlbla of tranMor trom this Properiy to otDer ��
<br /> ' nat property;l�usa.11osn�es aed otMr eyreemeMe;rorna,lasuea and profltn;water.well.dkch,rosenol►and minsral dphts and atocka psraWnq to
<br />— �•. �' th�naf Properiy(cumulatNsly'Prop�rty"):to haw and to hotd ths Properiy and th�dgMa harcby gnr�Sed tor ths uss and b�n�flt of Truaw.hb
<br /> _. .. .,� sueoesaoro and assi�es,u�tl p�ymsnt In tuU af dt�Iipettona eecurod hsroby. �
<br /> Morwrer.In futthn oor�aidsnUon Grer�tot does�for(iraMOr and tiranmrb hef�a.representaUves and esaiprta,hsrsby�xProaatY wu�ant.oov�n�nt.
<br /> . ., and aprss wtth lender and Trustee and their eucoeaaore nnd assigna as tollowa:
<br /> . '��� 1. OCLIOA7tON8. 1AIs Oeai ot Trwt shatl securo the paymsnt and pertormana of tll proasr�t and futuro indebtednesa.ltnbflitles,obllyatlons and _
<br /> _ '"'•; ,,v. oavenonq oi Borrow�r or(irer+tor(a+muleiWeiy'Obliaatlonsy to lender purauarit to: °—
<br /> e e
<br /> .. •�b Dssd ot Tcuat end the toltow►np Promieaory notes w!ro er a9reem�� s —
<br /> . .••.`. .. ��{ �ItUMiT AqR�Nf AS OATE M�M�'L!! � --
<br /> — � rsEEp $100,000.00 10 19 95 10 19 96 S 0 17 456 S �
<br /> w" " :. _. � � .
<br /> ',�;' t••
<br /> �-. . °. �� ? ro)�t pnes�rt or �wetten ayreemema tender thst r apooittoa�y m+��s a rru� .u.euae ror�.am.or �
<br /> 1 aUhrsnt putpos�s tM�����
<br /> • .. .` . ro? �Y Ou�MY�obllpaUons of other puNea gtven to Lender naw or heroafter exeouted thrt�eMre to this O�sd of Tnux _
<br /> ., �� t�uro advanoes.whsther obllgatory or opllonal,to tha eame exteM aa M made oont6mporaneowh►whh the execuUon of U►la Ossd ot Trust. �__
<br /> „ � S mede or extended on bshtlt at�r or Bottower. Qrantor agroea th�I!ano of the Obligatlona is a Iirte of crodit,the Iten of thta Osed°f T�uet �.:..:
<br /> �� ''t ehatl cor�Unus until payrne+�t in fuil of NI debt due under the tlne notwtthstandin8 ths inot that ft°m ttme to Nme(but betoro tormination of the Ilns)
<br /> < � no bataneo maytp o�etanding At rto tlme sheil tho Iton of thia Deed ot Tn+st,not Including sums ndvanced to pro�t the seeuritY ot thia Deed°t
<br /> 7Nat.enoeed S lOO.00O•oO 'aRd
<br /> - . . (�)ali amendntenSe.exten�lons.ronerrals,modHtaiUona�replaoemems or suDstitutlons to eny of the torogoin�.
<br /> As ua�d in this Parasreph t.tM tarrt►s G�°M°r and e°rtowe�she�i tndude and etso mean any�raM4r or 8ortowar ff mo�s the�ona
<br /> , 2. REPAFSEMATt0ti.9�WARRANilEB AND COYENAMB. (irarKOr reproa�r�b�vrursnts and oov�nar�ri to I�tMet that
<br /> i
<br /> (aa (irar�tor haa tet slmAi�markstelite Utle to the Property end ehall meirndn ttro Properiy hee ot all itens,seaurily IMerosts.eneumtora►oms�nd
<br /> uatma exoePt tor this Deed of T�uat eM thoss desodbed tn Schedute B.which Is attnehed to thia Deed of Tn�st nnd Inoorporated herein b1►
<br /> .. . �
<br /> wt�»�.wAloh tiranlor e9roas to Pa�Y nnd pertortn in a timey mnnner; ng
<br /> . --- -- - ----- mf tfnnEOr ta in oompltanoe tn ali respects wtth ett npplfcable tede..re1.�...state..,.aMn.i��i�,�nn.a��i,Amn�m��LatMt9.�a d eefthsr���t�d�
<br /> — — --'- .-- - iefaUng to'Ftesaraoua t►watsnais,`as de`n.�eo �w����,��.••'�'""�• •••..-��.—.—..._.._._ ,_
<br /> . oovsmmeM�eor�ny pthsr qa�nmmernal or que�l povemmeM�t eMiry has fllet!a�len on the Praperty,nor are thero anft povemmsnta�.lua►aau a*
<br /> adminlsVdNs anttons w7th respeat to emrlronmeMel mateenpendin8�or to ths baat ot the Gwntorb kmrAsr��e�threatsned,whlch Inwtre the
<br /> property Neitnu GraMOr nor.to the best of Orentor's knawled�s.enY other party has used.Sene�aMd�roteased,dtsohareed.stosed.or dlsposed
<br /> � �}a�►y fiaz�rdous Materiels as daRned hereln,In oonnectlon wHA the Property w transported eny Fterarda+s Materlais to or from ths Property
<br /> tirantor shalt rsot oommit a Pennft such actlons to be teken In tho tudue. The term'Maiardous MaMdats'shnU mean ar�y substenoe.mnertai�ot
<br /> " �,��ph�s or b�omes regulned py any govemme�al authodty MNudlng but not Ilmitee!to,¢)peL^oleum;ph Mable or nm�Mable asbeatos:
<br /> pfq po�ychiminated ClPherhAs:Ml those substanaes.MaMdats or wastes desi8nsted ea e Ta=ardoua substanco'PuBUant to Seotlon 811 ot the
<br />— qean Water Act or Ilatsd pursuant to Seedon 30T ot ths qean Water Act or eny emendmeMS or ropincemeena to thess statutss:t�►)thoss
<br /> supstenoe�,matertats or westes dafIned as a 4►emrdoue vraate'purauant to SecNon 1004 of the Resoures Oonsenatton and Fieoovery Aat ar nny
<br /> amsndmmds a npinsmeMS to that statute:and(vi)tP�oss eubstenoes.mistedala or wastes deflned ea a�ha:ardous substartoe'pwsuant to
<br /> Ssotlon 101 oT the Gomprohsnsive Emdronmemel Response.Oomp�nsation and UabilHy Ast,or any amendmerda or roplasxmeMs to that staU+te
<br /> or m�y other simiiu a�te or tederet atatute.ruto.reputadon or ordlnnnoe rtow or Iroreaiter In eftect. (irantor s�I�not I���g e��obl�ase
<br /> o}��property to a teaant or aubtenent whose operattons mny rosuk In cronfamUation ot the Propeny
<br /> — , eubstanoea;
<br /> (o) A{i appiteable tc�and mgutat[ona,inctuding,wtthout timitation,the Americana wIM Oisabilitles Act.42 U.S.C.SectE���y�e�.(��
<br /> rogulMEons Rromutgated therounder)end ol�ioMng and buttdtng taws and regu�atlons retating to the Property by �d aU
<br /> munidpat suthority wNh Jurisdictlon over the Property,Prosenty►are artd shatt be observad and oomp�ie0 witA tn eli matertal reapects.
<br /> � dghts,IYaenses,permHa.and certiftcates°f oxupar►cy pnoludtng but nat Ifmtted to=oning varienxs,apedei exoopttons for rtoncoMormirtg usa�.
<br /> - and flnat Inspectlon eppmvals).�rhetlter tomporary or permeneM.wfifch ere material to t�e use and ooeupanaY ot the Properiy.Presernh►are and
<br /> shatl be obtained.Proserved end,whero rtecossary,renewed; -
<br /> a�q.+as —.
<br /> �7.. . lPNE9ttl�FOmJ�uonTKNwtoples.d+e.(e/16/Bq 18001937J7B9 -
<br />