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<br /> ' ta, TpXE$AHD AB$F88Nl8N1'8, t3raMor ahail pay all mueo and ensesamente retnting to Proparty when due artd Imm�dlatety provid�t+�nder •
<br /> ' avidono�of paym�m ot eame. Upon the repueat of L,ender,Orantor shatl deposit with t,�nda each rnonth ons•twelfth(t/tZ)of the estlmated artnuat . •
<br /> tneurQnoe promtum,texea and asaossments portelnino to the Properiy, 60 long ne thero ta no dsfauit,thsas amounte ahnil be e�plNd to ths paymont
<br /> of tausa,nsa�asinsnM ertd Insuranae aa reyulred on tho Properi��. In tho avent ot defaul�Lender ehatl havs the rtflht,at Ite sote option.toapply tha
<br /> funds so hst�to pay any tax�a ar apalnat ths Obllpattone. Any tunda�pptl�d may,et L,sndsr'a opUon,bs appifed In reverse order of 1ho dus dat��
<br /> th�reot.
<br /> 18. tNBPECTION OR PROPERiY� BOOKB,RECORD8 A(JD RBPQRTB. Qrnntor ehail Nlaw lender or ks egente to examine end inapeot the�
<br /> Properiy arttf exemins,tnapeot and make coptea af Qrantor'e booka and r000rda perWintnp to tho Proporry irom tlmo to Umo. Qmntar cholt provtdo.j
<br /> any aaaittana roqulred by L�end�r tor these purpoaos. Ait of ths atgnatures and Intormmon aontaln�d In(iraMor's books and��oobs ehatl b�
<br /> genains,uu�,accurats and oomplste in N�respeols. tirantor shell note ths exlatenev ot Lendsr'e baneftclei IMorest in its baoks tnd reoordb g , ,
<br /> pertalninp to the Propsriy Addidonatly,(ireMOr shalt roport,in e form eatl�ry to Lend�r,ach IMo►matlon as Lertd�t m�y roquat r�pudlnp
<br /> � Qrantor's ftnnndd aondidon m th�Prop�riy. Ths IMormatfon shafl b�for auch perlods,thatl nfl�ot(inntor'e nootd�at wch dms,u�d t?nll be
<br /> � � rondered witl�cwcn frequenay aa Lender mny dealgnate. Ai�iMormaBon fumlahed by 3remor to Lender ahalt be trus,aocurate and oomplm!n att
<br /> ---^ rospeste,and stpnsd by Orarnor it Lender tequeste.
<br /> 17, ESTOppEL CERTIFICATEB. Mlkhln ten(10 dsys nfter aay requsst by Lsnder,Qr�ntor sMtl deiiwr to Under,or�ny IM�ndod Cann�ru of ��
<br /> " tander's�ohts wlth rsspact ta tha Obti�attona.a r,�gncd and askna+�ladaed ekuement epedyinp(e>the outet�nding bai�rta on tht O�blig�tiorti:ana
<br /> � (bI whether Qrentor posseasss tny o1�Tms.detertaea,asi�ot(a or oouMSrcitlms with mp�et to tfi�BbiiAaHa�s�td,tt aa.tha�ur�a!sush dclmo, •
<br /> de�nsos,sstofls or oouMerciNms. (inMOt wtti be oaaoluaNely bound by ropnaer►tatlon ttut trendar may make to ths Intsndsd trot►sferos with
<br /> rospect to these mattms irt the event that t3rentor falis to provide the requ�stetement In a tlmey menner.
<br /> 18. DEFAULT. tirnMor shall be in de}ault under this Qeed of Truat and tha Truatae's power shail beooma operaWe In the event that Qrantar. - ,.
<br /> .. 8orrower or any guerantor o}the Obtlgedons: ,
<br /> (a�fatis to pay any Obligadon to Lender when dua: .
<br /> �p }��tp pdt(otm any Ob11Q�tlon ar broaches any wartanty or oovenant to Lend�r ooMeinW in this Ce�d of Trust or any o1Mr pnaeM or tuturo n
<br /> agr�mer� `
<br /> (o)desuoya,tosea ar damagc+s tho Pto�riy tn eny materia!rospeot or eubjects die Prop�rty to se�wro,oorMiscatton.or oondemnatton: .. ..
<br /> (d seeks to rovoke,terminate or othaiwise limR ita Ilabillty under any guaranty to Lsnder, •� ;�-
<br /> (e;diss,beoomes tegelty IncompeteM.is diasolvad or terminated,beoomes insoNerd,makea an assipnmeM for ths b�rt�fit of er�ditora fails to �,:__
<br /> , pay debb es they beoome due,tilea e peUtlon under the federal baniauptcy lawe,hes en irnoluMery peUHon in bankn+ptay flted in whtch Grarnor, ,
<br /> 8omower or arry puarantor is named,or has property taken under ar►y wAt or prooeas af eour�
<br /> ;� (f) tllowa goodt to b�uced�tran�porbd or atond on ths PropMy.tM poss�ssion�trintport�ton,or ua of whi�h�is iUsaa�• •. �. ,
<br /> (g) eltwae arry party other than GraMor or Bmrawer to aswems or undertake any Obligatlon without ths wdtten consent ot Lender.or „ ,
<br /> (h) oau=ss Lender to dssm itseN Inzau+ro due to a signiflcant dedinv tn t�re value ot the PtopeAy;or H Lender,in good fafth,tor arry reason.
<br /> belieres that the prospeet ot paymeM or pedormer►oa ta impalred. �'�'�
<br /> . .r,.__
<br /> 10. RtQNiB OF LENDER ON OEFAULT. If thero ia a defautt under Uiia Oeed of Trust,Lender shall be erdiried to exe►dss one or moro of ths � �,�'�;
<br /> to!►owinp romedies wfthout rtotioe or demand(exoept as roquirod by Iaw): ^ �_
<br /> .� (a)to d�dare the abtlgatlona tmmedlatey due and payabta In tult; �
<br /> �o)to aotiect the outatartdinp Obllgatlana wtth or without resorttnq to judiciat prooess; .�'�
<br /> )to roqutro Qraritor to delhrsr and maka avatlabte to Lender any pe�sonN pmperty ar Chdtals oonslidrdng the Properly at n plaoe reasonably �, _ '.
<br /> " �_ com�erdent to tirornor ertd Lsnder,
<br /> : (�Uo eMtr upon�nd teke poa�sion ofi ihe Properiy wiih6ui 8ppiyl+'+$tGr ac abtatiiitip tYx�4!s!S^_slv�t�1�!,+!t 1�r•a optlon,to =-'�i�
<br /> . „ appolm n rooeNer wiU�out bond.without flrrt b�inging suk on the Clbilprttons and wttliout otherwise meeUnp ar►y statutory oond(tlons ropsrdtng
<br /> roaiv�tts.ft bsing irrtsnded that lindsr shalt hwe this oornraetual dyM to appoiM a reooiver, ��
<br /> (e) to empfay a managt��gerd ot ths ProPenl►and�et tl�e�ame,elthsr in T�uste�'s own mm�s,In ths nems of Lender or in tM ntme of . `�
<br /> „ tireMor,tnd noefvs ths roMs.Irroomes�feaues and proHt�of the ProPettY�aPPb ths eams.aksr paymeM of all neoessary ohar9os and '`.:`.- `�:�
<br /> - expenas�,on e000aM ot the ObliDetlons; :
<br /> � (� to pay any suma in em►form or menner deemed expedlent by Lender to protect the secuAty ot th�s Deed of Trust or to aure nny dstsuft otDer �.�
<br /> ,�: c:.'. than paym�rtt ot inbrsst or pdncipd on th�Obitga�tons;
<br /> ,; ,,� (p) tp tpteCtass lhls pesd ot Trust Judldal or nonludldaliy end to dtrect the eele ot the property through etterdae of tfie power o!eate ea •''�' �,��
<br /> reteronoed tn paraQraph 20hereof In aa�o wtth eppllcabie iaw; "�.'
<br /> (ry�tp setoi}QraMOfs pl�IlpaHom asafnst any emounta owed Orantor by Lender Irtdudirtg,but not itmtted to.montes,instrumente,and deposit
<br /> a000uMs matMairted with 4endar ot eny eurteMly existing ot tuture affilisto of Lendor,anci ��:�. ..� -�
<br /> (i)to sxerdse alt other�IgMa evailabte to Lander under eny other w�itten agroe,mnt or appitaabte Iaw. _.'�"� �°-_
<br /> •;.;�;. Lender's rights are eumutathre and may be exerd�ed togstt►er.ssparately,and in arry ordx. tn the evsM thst lender insdtutss an aadon se�kfr►a tho :^'f�. --
<br /> rsoowry of eny of Uro Prapsrty by wr+Y of a projudgmsrrt romsdy in an aaUon a�gainat anntor,tirantor waivas the poating of arry bond whkh mlnht ,
<br /> otheniias beroq uirod. Lender or Lander'e deatpnes may pure6nae the PropeRy at arry als. Prooeeda ofa�r Truatss's sW Mnund�r�tl Ee ,.
<br /> �. , ,y ePPlied flret.to the oosts and expensea ef sxerdsinp ths parer ot eaie and ot fhe sNe.induding tPts paym�nt ot ths TnntM's t�es aotuaihl Mwmd ,ee�rry��:�,�
<br /> and not to eaooed tAs amourn whkfi may bo providsd tor In thie Oeed ot Trust,seoond.to paymerrt of ths Obii�adons e�our�d Mnby.thlyd.to ths �.==A.-.�,,-
<br /> . , ° paymeM ot Juntor nuat deedx rnort�aDea,or other tienhotdere,nnd tne batonoe�tt ar►y,to ths percon or pemona Iepsih►ontlUed thereyo.7he property ;,�,_.:�_ •
<br /> . � or any part ttanot may b�eold In on� voet,or In such paroela mann�r or order as Lsnder In iQr soN dis�ton may eleet,and om or mor� �:?-
<br /> .�.�-., .
<br /> , • :� exercises ot tne power herotn prarMed ah I not exUnpuiah or exhnust the power unleaathe aKlrs QropeBy is sold or the oblipadona ars paid n tult. -
<br /> by ����
<br /> �p, 7RUgTF��g pfERCiSE OF PGWER OF SAt.�ON QEFAQLT:Upon detauk by tiraMOr inpaym�M of eny Ob1lpattons securod hero L�ender �.c�r�,�-.
<br /> tnay declars�II suma sewrad hereby immediately due and payabte tnd ehall cauae to bs flied ot reoord a written noUos of dettaR and el�ctfon to esA .
<br /> �pnppeKy. qfar ths lapse ot euoh tlme as then may be raquired by Iaw tollorAny r000rdation of cuch notlos of dofauit,and nottos of eals havinp �•_��C�'
<br /> been pNsn ae then requirod by taa+.Tmstee,wHhout demond on t3rentor.she11 eetl auch propertfr.either as a whoie or In separats paroe�f.aed fn suoh �.',+�.�vw_
<br /> ^ ordet q It or bnder may d�tennine atpublta aucKton to the highest bldder. Tnisteo may poalpons tlfe aats ot ail or nny portlon of�hs Property bY � �`"��-_'-
<br /> • e the eata by publto ennounoement�ths time and '��°�
<br />_ , - pubiie snnounoement et the Ume and plaoe of eale,and from Ume to 8me thereatter may postpOn ,--,...-,..
<br /> ptao�ftz�d by tl�e prooedtn�poat�m�emeM. Truatee shell deiiver to suoh purohaser its dbd eonveying ths proPefh►.orportion theroof�eo sold.but ',,kt;z_:-=.-_�
<br />- � wtthout ar►y oaenu+t or waraMY.exProas or Implled. Ths rooft�ls In such deed of nny mattora of hat or othsiwlae sha11�s oonctc�aiw proof ot ths .; -.,..
<br />- ., truthtulness tMrsot Any ps�eon.Enotudirtg tirantor.Trustee or tender.maY Purohase et auoh sale. '::
<br /> 2f. REOUEBT FOR NG�CEB: GraMOr ro4u�ab that a copy at any notlos of dsfaNt and a oopy of a»y notios ot sate henund�r bs maitM W euh ._�,r..,,��tii'l�:f;
<br /> p�raon who b a pfriy Pror�to at fh�addross of such Pe�son est farth heroin et the aams tlme and tn ths sune manner requfrod aa thouIIh a separace . ;3•.y��S,G,
<br />- requat therso!hsd bs�n filsd by eash such ps�son. _
<br /> �Z, SEqIR11Y INTER�BT UHDER iHE UNlFORM CO�IMERCIAL CODE fiis Osed of Truat shaq bs oonsiderod a Hnanoin amtsmeM and a : ••
<br /> 8T ..
<br /> fixdin tiUnB urswnt to ths p�ovistora ot the Unttortn Commerdat Cods(as adoPted In the ata�wMre ths roa�proporty k�located�oove�inp fGcwcea, .
<br /> — chatttls,�erddes of personat propMy now owned or heroaRer attaohed to or to bs used In aonmotton with ths Property toBethm wkh pny end att •
<br /> rop�am�s lMnp}end addttlona th�reto�the'Chattels�,end Cirernor heroby gro�Under a aeaurity irrterest in such Chatte►s. Ths dabtor ta tisa 0 ,
<br /> Grer�tot described ebove. Ths eecurod paM fs the Lemler desaibed above. UP�demend.tirnntor eheil meke.execute ered deliver such eeeurfty .
<br />' � ygrum�rrts(as euW�brm Is dNinsd In sald UnNortn Commarclal Cods)as L,onder at anyNms may desm�soesoary or proper or roquirsd to grant to t.
<br /> Leader a pedected secutity trnerest in the Chattets,and upon Orartmr's teiluro to do so.Lender is autherised to sign enY such e8reemeM ea the agent
<br /> of tirentot. Cirantor herehy euthorizes Lendet to flie finandnp atatomerda(as such tertn Is deflned in eaid UnHorm Commereial Code)wtth respeet to .
<br /> the Chattsts,atar�y tims.wlthout the slIInaNro o!tirantcr. Grantor witi,however,ata�y tlme upon roquest of lender.sf�n auch flneadnp ataten�Ma
<br /> : . tiraritor wtll pay aU fiqn feas tor the fltUrg o!such ftnnncing statemeMs end tor ttro�ilinglRereof at the timst roqufred,in thh opinton ef tander,by .
<br /> -; � d�itaati�t under thte Osed of Trust.aU the�tBM.U�tle��datl ot Ttu��Je�t and�to�wrni�d�a.i of�a��ts ta h M aaslgn�ed�t0 Ler►de�,r tMOg�stl�et ��
<br /> . with the penefit of erry deposita or paymenta now or heroaker mede thereof by CirenLOr or the predeoeasora or suooessore In tlUe ot GraMOr in the
<br />'` ProDertv. _ y.���.._.. •w....�e tL�,h,.unn a»ernsva'�aes and tecat '
<br /> _. _ --
<br />—___ _- -- - - ---------
<br /> 48. REIMSUASEIIET�R OF All[QYNIS EJIPea[uev oT i.e�strcn.uoeuo�.w.u�..so�o.r....n.••�,•••r-�-._.--�..-•--- ___ ____- -
<br />- • e��)mpe�mm any aa roqutrod to be taken by Grantor or to exerclse eny right or rornedy of L�or►der under thls Oeee3 of TrusG Upoo demand,
<br /> �� Grentor shali immedtately retmburse ter�de�for ait such amouMa expended by Lender together with ir�teroat thereon at the lower of the hiphest rnte
<br />- ' dssorlbed In am►ObUgatlon or the highest race ellowed by taw irom the date ofpaym er►t uMft the dats of rotmbursromern. These sums shel�be
<br />� . frtduded In the deffnttTan o!Oblfgatbns heroin and shati be securod by the berteflcfa!Uiterest granted herein. tt the ODtigaUons aro patd after the
<br /> ' beginntng ot pubifeatlon ot�otlae of seie,as herein ptovfded,or in tho evoM Lender s�all. at its sole opUoe,pertnit t3rantor to pay any paft ot Uro , •
<br /> . Obiigat[m�s eftet the be8lnn►n9 of pubiIcatlon of notise of sale.as herein provlded,then,GreMOr shall pay on demand aIi a�enses Incurted by the
<br /> trustee and Lender tn oonneGIon wfM eatd publi�etton.lndudtrtg roasonabte attcmeys'toes to tl►s atmmeys Por the Tiustee and tor the Le�er,and a ,
<br />- reaaor�able tee to tlte Trustee.end if�l�Deed ot Trust shatl be securfty for aIi sach expensa+and tees.
<br /> sa+
<br /> ?�. APPUCATtON OF PAYMEPIT8. A!1 paymertta made by or on behalf of Cirnntor rRay be epPltedag dnst the emouMe pafd by Lender pnduding .
<br /> = ��ey8•}eeg end tegal expenses)In oonnactlon wiM the exercke of ita rfgMs or rorttedles desatbed fn this Oeed ot Truat and Ueen to fhe paymerd
<br /> of tlie romaining Obligatlons in whatever ordet Lender chooses. °
<br /> IIg. POYYER OF AT70RNEY. CireMor herobY eApotMa Lender ea ks attomeyan4est 1� andorse titantor's name on alt inshume�ta and other ,
<br /> documorna pelt�tintr�p to the ObllpaUons or Deed of Trust tn additlon,lender shall be e�itted,but not requtred,to paAom�any ectEon ar execute eny ,
<br /> dopuROat requtrotl fo be teken m axeculed by Grantor under thls Deed ot Trust. lertdm's pe�tormance ot a+d+aatton or ezecutlon of such
<br /> dxurttsMS ahatl rto!rolfeve�rantor irom any ODiigaUon ot euro amr deteult umler lhis Oeed of Trust AII powsrs ot attomsy des�xibsd In this Oeed of , .,
<br /> Ttust 8ro Coup9ed with en fMetes!and ate Irrovocabte. '
<br /> 1:
<br /> d��g��A�rtds advanoed by lertdeemg:udt�of��eU�e�r theseee s seeuriy Enterestaot�other enc�uumbr�arioes heve D nrol�eased o�o�oro�
<br /> ., vqgeaa5 ---- -- ,
<br /> — � LW�tE911C�FennA.".onTeclv+o�a8tef.tnt.f�/��/EiAI 130019]1�3789 . --- . . _
<br />