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Eminenl0o�naln.Lender l8 hereby aaaigned ali compeneatlan,awarde,damaqeaand other payments or reilef(heretnuttor �n.�!i <br /> � "Prooeeds'�in conneaUon with conde�nnntion or othor luking otihe Property or port thoreot,w tor conveyanco in Ileu of condemna- <br /> � tlon.Lender ahall be enUtled at Ita optlon Eo commonce,eppear In and proseoute in Its own name any aaUon or proceedlrtIIs,and „ „ <br /> " ehell�leo�e entitlad ta make any aomp�amiae or eeritement in conneotYon�vith auch taking or the event any partton of • <br /> the PropeAy Is eo teken or dameped,Lunder ahatl have the optlon.In Ite sota and abso l ute d isc�e t lon,t o a p p l y n i l a u c h P r o c e o d a <br /> ' ` efter de�ucUng theretrom all coate and sxpenses Inourred by it In conrteatlon wlth suoh Proceeda,upnn any indebtedrtsss seoured ;, '_ <br /> {` hcrcby nnd In auch order ae Lender may determine,or ta apply ati suat�Ptoceede.aRor euch deducdona,to the raatoratlon of the <br /> • Property upon euah cortdiUone 8a lsnder may determine.Any appllaatlon of Proceedato indebtedneas ehall not ex"►end ov poatpa�o � <br /> • � � the due dete of any paymenta undar the Note,or aure nny default thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplled turtda ehall be pa�d to ,,.{. <br /> Truat�or. • <br /> �,�=r—'� 8. P��lonnana�by L�ndw Upon the oasaurrence of an Event of Qeiauit hereundeT,or if any aat le taken ar lepnl proceedins : <br /> ��'�' commenced whiah materiaily afteata Lendors intereat in the Property,Lender mey In ite awn dlaaretton,but without obltQatlon to do <br /> ��,-"�'-"�'` so,nRd witPiout noUoe ta or dsmand upon Truator and without roteasirtp Truetor trom any obllnatton,do any aot whtah Truator hae <br /> ==- � �gr�but talia to da and mny etQO do c�ny other act tt deeme neaesaary to protoct tha eeouriry hereot Truator shatl,immedlatery .:'.: <br /> . ,,�_. _,'� upon demand theretor by lender,pay to Lender atl cwte and expenaea inourred and auvtiw expand�d by Lendsr i�connerstion with •;;_ <br /> the exerclae by Lender of the foregoing�Iphta,topether with interest thereon at the detault raM provided in the Noto,whiat�ehalt be ���:_ <br /> � ���'= added to tho indebtedneaa seaured hereby.Lender ahat�not fncur eny Iisbility becsuae of an y t hinp It mey do or omit to do �a=.=� <br /> . .;_� . • hereunder. '°` <br /> � h'""�''� 9.Nuu�w k��t�st�Truatar ahall keep the Properly In aomAl��with aN nppllaabls laws.ordinances and rogulMlons �,._ <br /> �:, <br />:f':. . <br />�.r,..,.i�' roiatinp to[nduaVfal hygiene or ernironmental proteaUon(coiteativety�eterred to froreln as"Hnvironmentat lawB�.Trustor 1 �J'_F_ <br /> ` �s-��°- keep the Proqeriy tree h�om ail aubsfancea deemed to bs hua►doua or toxto ander any EnvironmeMal�(colleaBvety reter►ed to = <br />_,�,<4`'`�'?�' � herola as"Hezardous Materietls�.Truator hereEy war�anta and ropreaente to Lender that tAero are no Haurdous Matedals on or --- <br />"'-� �` under Me ProRerly.TI'ustor hereby apreesto indemnity end hotd Nsrrr�tes9 LerEder,{tsdir".ctats,ofAcor�.emPbYee�and eg��t0.end �_` <br /> �• `-�� ~ any sucaeaao►a W LeRdere Intar�trom and epainet any artd ail ctetma,damapea.Iossea and Itabltitlea aNain�in connectlon witA �,,y- <br />,�`�'`�� • � tlie presence.use.diaposal or trana�ort ot any Haza►dous Materiets on,under,trom or about the Property.THE FOREGOtNG -� _ <br /> -` � � 3URVNE RECONVEYAN E OF THtB OEED OF TFtUSTR�&OBUOATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREQOiN0lN0EMPU'1Y,SHALL �"_,�. <br /> y �E��;ti.: 10.AaNpnc�►t ol R�nt�.Truetor hereby asaigna to Lender the renta,lasuea artd proflts of the Property:provtded thst TNa�or ?�-- <br /> '-u� shalt.until the oeaurrenae of an Event of Defautt hereunder,have the d ht to cotlect and remin auch rents,laaues and proflta es thoy , <br /> ,�. �.':-- <br />, ..�. , beccme due an�payable.Upon the occunence of an Event of Defau�it,t ender may,either in psraon or by eQer�t witb or without �;�; <br />..-R��y bRnping any actlon or procesdin�,or by a reaeiver appolMed by a court and without regard to the edequacy of its soaurity,er�et ;_; _ <br />,-�:f� ' upon and talce�c►ssesaion oithe Properiy,or any partthereof.In�ow�nammor in Me nsme of the Truatee}eneai aa rmiter�t tharain, ;�>`,� <br /> ► <br />-�:Y�',. i- - deemsne�eaaaryordes(rablewpreaenrethevalue,markombii orranfabll otmeproperty,oranYpa <br /> -�`-- increaee the ineome theretrom oi protect the seauri4y hereof and,wtth or without taking possesalon of the Property,eue tor or :. <br /> , ,;;��a othcerwise collect the renta,tsaues and profita thereot,Inciudinp those past due and unpaid,and apply the sama,Ieaa coata and _ <br /> _ e�y��a}�pst ttsK!CC!!eC?lets SslCits!!!s!g elt4m3yn•ixes,upon any indebtednesa secuced hereby,ail(n auch order as l.ertder _ <br /> -�=-'���3 may determine.The enteflng upo�artd mking possession of the Property.the collecNon of suah rents,tssuea ana p!otits and the ` <br /> _^�;xi;;�J _. <br /> _'-,.���,�� epplication thereot ae ataresaid,ehail not cure or watve any defauit or notice of detault hereunder or irnnitdate anr act done n <br /> �eaponse to euch defauit or purauaM to suoh noUce ot defauit and.notwithstending the conbnuance in posseaston of the Property ar <br /> --:T�:,� the coliectlon,recelpt and appllcaUon ot rema,[ssues or proflts,and Trustee and Lender shali be enUtled to exeralae every N�ht <br />— =-:i�,k,r prpyidedtorinanyoftheLaanDocumenisorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEveMOfDeiault,indudtngwithoutlimitetlontharlgMto <br /> "'�74'!�.�;'�� exerciae the pawer ot sale.Furcher,Lender's rights artd remedlea under thia paragraph shali be cumuiative with,8rtd in no way a <br /> --_;;�y� Umitatforton,Lende�aNghtsandremesdtesunderanyasstgnmentofteasesant9rentsrecordedegainsttheProperty.Lender.Trustee __ <br />.^_:.�--f,,,�� arM the r�eceiver ehafi be liabte to accouM oniy.those renffi actuatty teoeiv0d. ' <br />:_�;�.,,.,,._r-� 1 t. Ermb ol�IauN.The foilowing ehall constlNte an Event ot Detault under this Deed oi Trust <br /> ,.�,��� (�Fallure to pay any InsffiIlmem ot prinaipat or Interest of any other surn escured hereby when due; <br /> ._�_ (by AbreachofordeTaultunderanyprevtsioncorrtainedintheNote,thisOeedotTruat,anyoltheLoanOocumeMs.orany <br /> :�.H�,.;�; otAor Ilen or encumbrance upon the PropertY� - <br /> �- —� (c)A writ ot exeaudon or attachment or any simflar proceas shall be entered BgalnstTrustor which shatt become a Ilen on - <br /> ---- the Properry or any poMon thereaf or irNerest thereirr, -. <br /> �`°�'-- (d)There ahall be 81ed by or egatnst Truator or Borrower an action under arry present or future fedarat,atnte or othat �;:_ <br /> -`"' ---- 8tatute,iaw or reputation�eledng to bankruptcy,inso�vency or other reitef for debtora;or there shatl De appotMed any trustee, __. <br />----- --- ---. receivor or itquidator ot Truator or 8orrower or of alt or any part of the Property,or the rents,tasues or proftta thereof,o�Truator ` <br /> --_ or Bonower shalt make any generai asalgnment tor the beneflt of creditora; <br /> (e)Tl�e,sate,trenater,tease.assignment,conveyance or turther encumb�ance ot ali or ar►y pan of or any intereat in tne <br /> --.-- Properly. either voluntarily or tnvoiuntarity, without the express written co�sent ot Lender,provided tnat Trustor ahatl be <br /> `-�' permitt6d to exeCUte a lease oi the Property that does noS conffiIn an optton to purchase end the term of whiah does not exceed __ _ <br /> -�"�m`' one year. - <br /> --- (fl Abandonment ot the Propedy:or �,_ <br /> -" (g) If Trustor Ia notan Individual,the issuance,sate.transfer,assignment conveyance or encumbrance of morethana totai <br /> _.,-�� a(�_percent of(if a eorporation)tta isaued and outatanding stock o►pt a partnership)a to2a1 of_ pereent of <br /> -�,_;,� pertnerehip interesle ditring the pedod thfs Oeed of Trust remal�s a lien on tt►e Properiy. W <br /> _.,� 12. RNtt�dit�ACC�laratioe Upon DetaulE In the event oi any Event of pefault lertder may,without notice except as requir�d by E_ <br /> Iaw.declare aU indebtedness seaured hereby to be due end payabte and the ssma ehei�thereupon become due and pn�eble <br /> _ -�.��=-^�,. without any presentmerK.domand,protest or noUce ot any klnd.Thereatter LenKer may: �;�: <br /> "'` '°'��'rn' (a)Cemand that Trustoe exercise the POWER OF 3ALE granted herefn,and Truatee shall thoreatter cause Trustor's T ,_ <br /> '='��=` tnterest tn the PropeRy to be s01d end the proceeds to be distrlbuted,nil in the menner provided in the Nebrsska Trust Deeda - <br />^':s,'ut._ Ai � ACfi .r <br />=��'n'��.�:,� � (b) Exerclseenyandall�fghtsprovtdediorinanyoftheLoanDceumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEveMOfDe?aut� ";;. <br /> . ..;.�.,.;, and �— <br />-`-#"�`�''�.•:` _ (c) CommenGe an acUon to foreclose th�a Oeed of T�ust asa mortgage,appolnta receiver,or speaHtcalty enforce any of the <br /> _ . covenanffi hereot. �m: <br /> _ _ _•.;� � [��<. <br /> � •�- No remedy herein contened upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ia intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,In the <br /> ' . .;, Loan Documenta or by taw provided or permitted,but each ahali be cumu�aUve,shall be in additfon to every other remedy given <br /> •,tir� = hereunder,in the loan Uocuments or now o�hereafter exiating at taw or in equity or by statute,end may be exercised concurrentty. <br /> ,a. tr�adnnnMnMv er a���,•�a�vetv. - <br /> _ <br /> [:cts�+^"_ -�- ^•__►"'--"-'� ' _ <br /> --;, : 13, Tn[at�e.The Truatee may realgn at any Hme without aause.and�enaer may at eny nme ano wiinoui cause e����a _ <br /> � �Y�y`�� succesaoror subsUtute Truatee.Trustee eha�l not be 14abte to any party,inatuding vulthou►IimltaUon Lender,Borrower.Ttuatoror any <br /> ".` ��� � purchaser of Ute Proporty,tor any loss or damage unless due W recKless or wilNul misconduct,and shall eot be required to fake any <br /> ' • aation in connection with the enfo�cement of this Oeed o!Trust uniess indemnitied,in writing,tor ail costs,compensadon or <br /> � expensss which may be associated Merewith.In additlon,Trostee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudtc[al or <br /> � under the power of saie granted hereln);postpone the sale of aii or eny portton ot the provfded by law;or aetl the „ <br /> _' • Property as a whNe,or fn separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscreUon. <br /> - iq, Fses and Expensts.In the event Trustee se�is the Property by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee shall be enUUed to apply <br /> --- any sale prcceeds Nrst to payment of afi Cosla and expenses of exeroiafng power ot saie,including all Trustee's tees,and LeRder's . <br /> �� artd Trustee's attomey'e feea,aatualiy Incurred to extent pennitted by eppltcabie the event Bo�rower or Trustor exercises any <br /> --_- . �ight provldod by Iaw to cure an Event of Gefauit lender shali be entitled to recover hom Trustor all costs a�d expensee actually <br /> irtcurred as a result of TrustoPs defauif,including wfthout�imitatfon all T►uatee's and attomey's tees,to the exteM permlttad by <br /> . . °, J ' appllcable Iaw. <br /> ii d ' <br /> ` .. .� � � <br /> L <br />