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<br /> s - DEED 6F'�RU�T WITH �U�'U����1iANC�
<br /> ...r.� •��
<br /> � � , THIS OEED OF TRUST,is made as ot the�_day of �tot�r ,1995.._,by and amonp '�_��,
<br /> :. :,�,' . .i, .,-s,r
<br /> � theTruswr.�iq F. Wescott & Rhonda L. Wescott� f/k/a Rhonda L. Lakev, husband and wife �� ''`'�s:�
<br /> �.. . � .�°y..'
<br /> ��.Ery�,4 .;'tf- Q ti.;.
<br />=��:':,:` 5�8 E ].S St . Gxand island NE 6�801 (herein"Trustor;'whether one or more�). C_="'
<br />_,��, �.t� whose mafling address is
<br />�����,:.t!�. � �""
<br /> • Five Pointa Bank� a Nebrastca CorForation - �;_�„;:
<br />:-r}'"':.:`�i:�* � theTruatee. � �--
<br /> �f.j��,� .. �.�-y:.
<br /> • whose mafling address is p•0• �x 1507. Gr_and Islanc3 NE 668D2-1507 (heroin"Truates'�.artd �`
<br />- " ° • ? Five Pointa Bank, a Nebraska Cotr�oration . �`f��
<br />�;;:�: the Benaflciary,
<br /> 'r`='�-�::;��� whose mailing address la P•�• �x 150T Grand Islartd NE 6H802-1507 (hereln"Lender�. �:
<br />=?!�'�.,..,,
<br />�"��b`:i�:�� ' FOR VAWA8IE CONSIDERATION,Inciuding LendePs extension o!credlt identifled hereln td'�.�.9�e�`�**�8�d--
<br />�;:�- �w ° _-
<br /> ��'�'' • (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)snd tfia truat Aerein croat'o�,
<br />�1F'" � �fL���l'.. T f�lweww�� —.
<br /> Y'::. °1:
<br />'�'�-''`�:�rr;�ot�_ the recelpt of which is hereby acknowiedged,TruaWr hereby Irrevoaably grants,transtera,conveys and aaelpns to Truatee.t
<br />-_;�;���;��� TRUST.WITli POWER OF 8ALE,for the bsneflt and seauNty of Lender,under and aubJect to the terms and candttlona hereinafter set
<br /> - ----== tor�h.the resi proDoriY.�vsc�iDaci as taltarr' .
<br />�;;.:^�� �.ot xwo t2) and tt�e Fast aa�.f (Fa./2) o� Lot �ree (3)� Block �telve (i2), r.ambert�s
<br />� _,��.�,�� Addition to the City of C,Yand island� Ha].l County, Nebraska.
<br /> �-,i�e�'..�
<br />���`��,xc���
<br /> ��� Together wtth atl bultdings.Improvements,ffxtures,atreeta,a�teys,passspeways,easements,rlphte,privllegea and appurte-
<br />—�.�,�`�'� nances Ioceted thereonmat Is a�ched to th'e Impro emonta eo as to conatltute a Hpxtufle,lncludlnp,b t ot t m�ted to,henUnp�and
<br /> _�,��,,.��� auoh pe►sonal propertyr
<br /> �;,��_�„� cooling equlpment and togecher with the homestead or marltal Interesta,Bany,whlch interests are hereby released and walved;a11
<br /> __�_-,_;z�� ot whlcfi,Inoludlnp reptacemenisand addlUons thereto,is hereby declared to be a partof tt�e real esf�te seaured byth�Iten of thls
<br /> •- _---.--.� Ceed of Trust and all of the toregol�g belrtg refened to hereln as the"Properry". _
<br /> —..a�!.�F�iw:�J.?3J1�li:.1
<br /> °---� Thla Deed of Trust shalt secure(a)the payment oi the prinalpat sum and Intereat evlCenced by a promlasory aote or oredft
<br /> �� �� agreementdated �r'"!'�'r �n_ 1995 _ ,having a maturNy date af 1°�::;� 79. ��6 - ,
<br />--�m:.:���.�i
<br /> -- ---W`° tn the cdglnat princlpat amount oi$52•000�00 ,and any and a0 motllflcaUona,extena�ona and renewata
<br /> thereot or thereto and any and atl fuWre advances and readvances to Bortower(or any ot them if more than one)hereundet s
<br /> ---------- pursuant to one or mnra promtsaory notes or credtt agreementa(hereln oaI lod"Note'�;(b)the payment of ott�er suma edvance0 b�►
<br /> - - ----� Lender ta protect the seaurlty of the Note;(c)the pertormance of all covenantesnd agreemenls ot T�uator aet loAh heroln;and(�al!
<br /> "' --� preaent and tuture indebteEneas and oblt$atlona of Borrower(or any of theen It more than one)to Leader whethe►dlroot,Indlr�lct, __ _
<br /> "°`d`� absolute or conttngent and whether arleln�by�oto,guaranty,overdraft or othorwtae.The Notg.this Oeed af Truat end any and al! _
<br /> - -- otherdocuer�tl�ataeaurethelVot9orotherwtseexecutedlnconneatlontherewith,IncludingwkhouttimitaUonguafanteee,se�urHy
<br /> __._____r�� a���nts and asslpnrmeata of�easea aed rents,shall be referced to hereln as the"Loan Doauments". !
<br />_ ` 7ntator covenants artd agrees wlth Lender as tollowa
<br /> --•AT,��,�.� 1, p�ym�nt d Ind�bqdnyt.All indebtedness secured hereby shall De pald when dua
<br />—._.__. _��_„�,�,� 2.Tit1�.Trustor le the owaer of the Property,has the rlght and autho►Ity to convey the Property,and warrants thet the tten _
<br /> __ _=-��� croatt�d hareby ia a flrst and prlor tlen on the P►operty.sxcopt tar tlena snd encumbrancea eet forth by Trustor In wriUnp�and -
<br /> - dellve�ed to Lender before exeaudon of thls Deed ot Trost and the exeautlon end deUvery ot thta Oeed ot Trust doea not vlolate any
<br /> _ __�� cornract or other obltpaUon to whlch Trustor ia subjeot. -
<br /> ----s� 3.Ti�x�s.A�n�nb.To pay before delinquertcy all taxes,speolal assea:,menta and atl other ahargee egatnet the Properiy R_
<br /> _-�-�'"��• now or hereafter tevted. '�°
<br /> � ��`�`7'�`a�4 4. Ittsuranc�.TokeeptheProperrylnsuredagalnstdamegebyfire,hezardstnatudedwlthtntheterm"extendsdcoveraQe",and �--
<br />�--�s�G�:�s �_�..
<br /> ==�_��•��� such other hazards es Lender mey requtre,In amounta and wlth companles acceptable to Lender,namirtg Lender aa an eddMtonal e:rr
<br /> - =�4�•. named Insured.wlth loas paqable to the Lender.�n case of Ios3 uedor suoh polldes.the Lender Ia authodzed to edluat,eolted and -_
<br /> _ .�..,;..
<br /> -- !�# compromlae,aticlafmstherounderendshe0havetheopUonofapptyingall orpartofthelnauranceproceeda(�toanyindebtedneae
<br /> � � • . - -�� seoured hereby end tn such order as Lender may determine,{iq to the TtuaLOrto be used tor the repafror reatorelon of the Properi�► °
<br /> a
<br /> , x orpiqforanyotherpurposeorobJectsaUsfactorytoLenderwlthoutaftsodnetAellenofthls0eedofTrustiorthefullamountseaured
<br /> - hereby betnre sucb payment ever took place.My applicaUon ot proceed��tndebtedness sha�l not extend or poatpone the due
<br />- _� date ot any payments under the Note,or cure any detauft thereunder or h�reunder.
<br /> � �.��„n�,�e�demand bv Lertder.Trustor shal�pay to Lender,ln such manner as Lender may desienate,suflfcient
<br /> F=�r aums to eoable Londer to pay as they become due orte or more of the fal�owing:(�a!1 texes,assessmer►ts erta omer cnargea epainai
<br /> �'��•v:; tho propeAy.(il)Ne promlums on the properly fnsurence requlnid hereunder,and(Iln the premfums on any mortqaQe inaurartce �
<br />- ,�,�,.... ..
<br />�`. � : tequired by lendsr.
<br /> " " 8. MatM�nana�.R�palrs�rtd Com�lltnas wI1A Laws.Trustor shatl keep the Properiy in Aood eoadiUon and repafr,ehall
<br />—_ • ° � promptly repalr,or repfnce any improvemen!whlCh may be damaged or destroyed;sha11 not aomm(t or po►mlt any araate or
<br /> - deierioraUon of the Property;ehalt eot remave,demolfah or substantiatry atter any of the Improvemente on the Properiy;aha�l�ot ,
<br /> " commlt,auffer or permlt any act to be done tn nr upon the PropeAy 1n vtolatlon of eny law,ordlnartce,or reputaUon;and eha►1 pny and
<br /> promptly dlaoharge at Tivator's cos!and expenee aIl ltens,enaumbrances and charges tevted,Imposed or edseased eaalnat tha
<br /> � properiy ar any Part theroof.
<br /> �
<br /> b �
<br /> .j .. . �'�iaY ��,
<br /> „ ���
<br /> ' 1
<br />