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_ _ _ _ , __ _ _ _ <br /> !t'� .���� .., ...�. fiLF y -L 37-H�cAFA�!?RPA''tl`�+'�' rH- ,�''� •:.�b 1°_,.__'�`-' ._ _ <br /> 7 '[�5�,y°r�R. � i ,�� r t��t�'�'�" �d 1°( r I 4 ( , , .. - , ....T .. _ .._ _r� _--'- - <br /> �},n' ... `AI4�q���.� i t 1 ,t. ia� -�(� ���. . . � �1."1i4f�'p� . �� � . <br /> � f V f' d�' � . �r' ' � . , '� _ � ' , � <br /> ,1 ., a � � .. 1 <br /> �� . i . � - . . . . � ' � u ., <br /> ;9�• . . � ,. .. , .. „ ,, , .. ' •� q i:,Wt:A+iY:�:. .- <br /> . .. � .. .+.'���.�a , ��f�uY�'�^h^;•r•.-.-,a,.,. .,..yf...J -i�,iwiJti.�,q.y.r::Mpr.���vM,._..r�. _ ' n�._... "��.,'•�� �Y'����-.. <br /> � �� .�._... _._.�. _. .... .. .���..._�._...,. �__. . ����:LY' <br /> � 'a w S <br /> W1.d <br /> . �- <br />„ �� ... , � • y �5� ��� �r-� <br /> �, � � 1�� ��. <br /> �. ~� ' � 15. Fututs Advanoet.Upon request of Borrower. Lender may,et ita optlon,meke additfonal and luture advances and ro- <br /> ' „ 8dvancea to Borrower.Such advanae��an�!teadvanFea.wlth interest thereon,shall be sacured bythisDeed ot Truet At no tlmo�hell <br /> � • tho prinolpal amount of the indebted ����CUred iiy this Qeed o!7ruat,not inctuding sume advanced ta proteot the aeaurity of this <br /> � Deed�t T►u��,exceod ths original pNncipai amaunt stated herein,or$5,5�IIQ�.�- whlchever is greater. � <br /> =.-'x. ., 18. 1111scatlaneous Proviu�n�. , <br /> (e) Bonowsr No!Rol�ssad.Extenston of the time tor payment or modfficadon of amortf�tlon ot the sums seoured by this <br /> � ' . � 08ad of Truat granted by Londer to nny 8uccet3sor!n Interest ot Bonower ahali not operate to releaea,in any manner,the Iiabllity <br /> � � of the originat 8or�ower end @or�ower's successors In Interest Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedings aga►nst <br /> " auch successor or refuse to extond time for p�yment or otherwise modity amortlzation of the eumesecurod by thia Deed ot Y�ust <br /> by reaeon ot any demanda made by the Qriginel Borrower and Borrower's successors In fnterest <br /> - �,;���=; (b) L��dtPs Pow�n.Without aftecting the IfabiBty of any other person Iiabie for the payment ot any o��igatlon hereM <br /> ,�,,;,w� mendoned,and without atfeating the Ii�sn or charge of this Deed ot Trust upon any portion of the Property notthen or theretofore <br /> �'**�_ released as aecurity tor the fuli emount of all unpaid abtigations,Lender may,irom time to tlme andwithout�oUce(t)�elease eny <br /> _ �.`;,�- � - - psrson so Ilable,(!I)extend the meturlty ar atter any otfhq terms ot any sucn oblfgations.(iiq gra�t olher Indulgences,pv)reteese <br /> � ; , or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any Ur�o et lendePs op�fon any parcet,porUon or ali of iF�e PropeRy. <br /> ' ' {v)take or retease any other or additlonal secudty for any aDtlgadon:herein me�tioned,or(vi►make compoatUona or other <br /> - ' "� ' arra�gert�ents with debtors in re�atlon thereto. � � . 1 - <br /> .� �, • �- <br /> �- •�+°� •,. • + (o) Forbear�nee by Londsr Not e Waivor.Any torbearance by lender in exercising eny rlght or remedy hereunde►,or __,_, <br />- • �+� '"• � otherwise a8orded by appticable Iew,shall�ot be a wahrer ot or preclude the exerefse of any sunh right or remedy.The <br /> �-•.� ��:: <br /> °•��.�:;;'.';=�r�� procurement of Insurance or the payment of taxea or other liens or charges by Lender shali not be a waiver ot Lender's right to � <br /> `_;v�� ��:-�3-31�� acceferate the maturlty ot the indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Truat �;-: <br /> ;,t . �'• ,,�„� (dj gucces�oFO us+d paoipna Baand;dolnf a�ee!8eve�e!Gl�b!lity;GepttRfna.The covenaRts and agreementa herein con- � <br /> -`�;�,,;.,.�. ,. - tained shali bind,and the rlghts hereunder shall i�ure to,the respecUve successore and assigna ot L�snder and Trustor.All �,,,. <br /> :�.�'�.;v�' �� covenants and agreemeMS of Trustor ahall be jdnt and aeverai.The captlons and headi�ga ot the paragraphs of this Oeed of — <br /> � ' ,, Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to fnterpret or define the provislone hereof. <br /> �"-=��!,_--:��i�-�� (e) Requeet tor Nottees.she parties hereby request tAat a copy of any notice of detault hereunder and a copy of any rtotice �::. <br />--_ -•;�"',,;r�r�i� <br /> of sele hereunder be matted to each party to�hla Deed of T�uat et the address set forth above in the manner presodbed bY <br /> _,���_`. applicable Iaw.Except tor any other notica requlred under applfcabie law to be givqn In anott�er manner.any noYtae provided �;_ <br /> ;�;r:�. 3,;r-• V '� for in thia Deed oi Trust shati be given by maiting such noUce by certitied mait addressed to the other parties,atthe addreas set <br /> ``_.�;;,�.�;�5+ -i�; brth above.Any notice provided tor tn this�eed of Trust ahall be etteotive upon maliing in the manner deslgnated hereln.if -._ <br /> �. • `� Trustor is more than one person,notlae sent to the address set forth above shali be�otice to ali such pe►sona <br /> ;-;=;;*�.•. (� tnsptcflan.Lender may make or oause to be made reasonabte er�trfes upon and inspecUona ot the Prapsrty,pravid� �- <br /> *��;a• thet Lender ahail give Yrustor notice prior to any suah InspecUon specitying reasoneble cause therefor retated to Lende�'e <br />°�'_-'=h��- interest in the Property. <br /> - ' ""� ' _ (g� Racomsyane�.Upan payment of all sums secured by this Deed ot T�ust,Lender sha�l �equastTruetee M reconvey the <br /> - .-°..r-.r.... .- <br /> ... ;�__��,� ' <br /> .�:�=.'_�.,, Properly and shall surrender thia Deed of Trustand aIi notes evidenc�ng tndebtedness secureai�byttnis DaeB tit'i�usi 2o Tissstsa. <br /> -•�--E:_A`��.� Trustee shatl reconvey the Property wlthout warranty and without cherge to the pereon or persans legatly enUUed thereto. <br /> """"'"`�"°' Trustor shell pay eil costs of rscordatlon,it any. <br /> .a1f!'.t.,{'. <br /> - �'-�j�"�'-'" (h) P�nonal Props�ly;Seaudry Asre�ns�n� As addldonal seourly tor the payment ot the Note,Truetor hereby�rants <br /> -'��*�='���:��u. Lender under the Nebraska Unftorm Commercial Cade�security tnterest in ail flxtures,equfpmeM,&nd other personai prop�riy <br /> = =.��.:... used in connecdon with the reai eatete or improvements Iocated tt�ereon,and not otherwise declered or deemed to be a part of <br /> .���;���";;.�`'� � the reai estate secured hereby.Thls instrument shall be construed es a Seaurtty Agreement unde�Said Code,and the L.ender <br /> -'-?�ti��' � ahaN have a1t the rights and remedies ot a secured party under eafd Code in addttlon to the dghteand remedies oroated under <br /> -r_";i�,?�:,:e::.: <br /> ;,.�.,,,,.�,;.�• and accorded tha Lender pursuant to this Oeedof T�ust provided that LendePe rights and cemedlets under this paragraph eha�i <br /> �_,_...�_��A be cumutaUve with,and in no way a limitaUo�on,l.ender's riphts and remedies under any other secudty agreement slgned by <br /> gorrower or Truator. <br /> I�.��i (i) Uons and Encumbrana��.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there la no defeult under the provialons of any <br /> �c"��� moRgaye,deed of trust,lease or purchase contrsct describing ait or any part of the P�openy.aother contract,inatrument or <br /> �""`-'".°_'� a�reement aonaNtuUng a tien or e�cumbrance agalnat ell or any part of the Property(cotleatively."Uana'�,existinp as ot the <br /> -�``'"�°� date ot this Deed oi Trust,and that any and all existir�g Uens remaln unmodifled except as dlaclused to Lender in Trustor's <br /> -_—- written d{sclosure ot Ilens and encumbrances provlded for herein.Trusbr shatl tlmely perfom► ail of Tivator'a obllgattona <br /> � -- - - covenants,representeUono and warranties u►►der$rty and atl exisiUng and tuture Uens,shall prompUytorward W Lender copiea <br /> ° of aN�ottces of detault sent in connection wtth any and aIi existing or future Lfens,and shali notwithout Lendefa prlor w�itten <br /> ::_.���� consent In any manner modity the proviaions of or allow any future edvances under any exlsUnp or tuture Uena. <br /> --:�=_rr.I�� Q)AppUc�Uon of P�ymMb.Un►ess otherwise requfred by taw,sums paEd to lsnder hereu nder.inaludtng without Iimitatlon <br /> =T �4•�� payments of prinefpal and iMerest,inauranca proceeds.aondemnadon proceeda and rer�ta end profiM,ehell be applied by _._ .. <br /> =e.r,-_� � <br /> --- Lender to Ne amounts due and owing from Trustor and 8urrower in such ordar as Lertder in its soto dlacreUon deema desirabte. <br /> --= (k)8ew7abiliq.It any provision of this Deed oi TNat co�iicta with&ppiicable law or ia declared invalid or otherwiae <br /> -- unenforaeabte,sueh confliat or invalldlty aAail not aNect the other provtsons ot thls Deed of Truat or the Note which oan be <br /> - -°�T - '-'�� ghren eTtect without the conflicting provlebn.end to this end tP�e prov�sions of this Oeed of Trust and the Note are declared to be <br /> - - -�= severable. <br /> "�''°'�..�� (I)Terms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shail Ina�ude both singular and ptural,and whan the Trustor and BoROwer <br /> .��� are the same person(s),those terma ea used In thte Deed oi Trust shall be interahangeabla <br /> ••-- '-,=_:�;� (m)Oov�nfinp 40�.This Deed ot 7ast ahail be govemed by the lawa of the State of Nebraska <br /> e�:=��� Q{1 �_ - <br /> - Ttuator has executed thfa Deed of Trust as of the date wr/iti�y^above. <br /> _—��P–'i��:Y;�' / M <br /> .. !' / <br /> �l 4 S %`" � - _ <br /> r. ,:at; �_�� (CCai esCOt True tor — <br /> �;h,.�. � �' (Rho L. Wescottr us�r � �''`" <br /> , . . f/k/a Rtionda L. Lakey) <br /> -- -,- ... _-,�� . �-`_;`` <br /> -�__aR�.... .: <br /> ,.�,_ . <br /> - _ " , . <br /> . , � <br /> � � <br /> • ' � <br />