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<br /> aause Truetor�s intereet !.n tho T�ust Egtate to be eold, �ahiah =
<br /> notiae Truata� �hai�. caus� to duly Piled gor reea�� 3a �he
<br /> nppropriate otP�oial reaor�g o! the CAUnty ia whiah the T�ustc
<br /> Estate ie laoated.
<br /> 11. FQjt�CIA8LIRE_�Y POWER OF SALE. BhoulQ Henefiaiary elect
<br /> to forealase by exerais� o! the Power of 8aia herein contained,
<br /> BenePfaiary shall notify Trastee aa� s&aii deposi� with Trustee �
<br /> tbis Oeed o� Trust and t�e N�te and suah reaeipfca and evidenae of
<br /> expe�aitures ma8e an� seaured hereby a� Triatee may zequire.
<br /> a. L1pon receipt oP suah notiae from Heneficiary, Trustae
<br /> shali aause to be reaorded, pubiiahed and delivered to Truator such
<br /> Notiae of Default and No�iae of eale as then required by law and by
<br /> this Deed of Truat. Trustee shall, without detaand on Trustor,
<br /> after auah �ims ae may then be required by law and after
<br /> reaorciation og such Notiae of Default and after Notiae of Sale
<br /> having been qiven as required by law, sell the Truat Eetate at the
<br /> tiffie and place oF sale fixed by it in suah Notice of Sale, either
<br /> as a whole, or i.n separate lots or paraels or items as Trustee
<br /> shall deent expedient, aarl in such order as it may determi.ne, at
<br /> publia auation to the hiqhest bidder for aash in lawful money of
<br /> the LTnited S�atss payable at the time oP sale. Trustea shall
<br /> deliv�r ta euah purchaser or purahasers �hereof its good and
<br /> auffiaient deed or deeda aonveying the property so sold, but
<br /> without any a�venant or warranty, express or implied. T�e rea3.tais
<br /> in suah deed of any ma�tera of faats shall be conalueive proof of
<br /> the tx�thfulness thereof. Any person, includinq w3.tY�out
<br /> limitation, Trudtor, Trustee or 8ene�iciary, may purahase at such
<br /> sale and Trugtor hereby aovenanta to warrant and defend the title
<br /> of such purahaser or purahasers.
<br /> b. As may be permitted by law, after deductinq all costs,
<br /> fees, and experises of Trustee and of thia Trust, including aoets of
<br /> evidenae of title in corineation with eale, Trustee shall apply the
<br /> proaeeds of sale to payment oP (a) ali sums expended under the
<br /> terms h�rsof, not then repafd, with acarued interest at * �ercent
<br /> (*�) per annum, (b) all Ather aum� then seoured hereby, and (a) the
<br /> remaindex, if any, to the person or g�$rsons leqally entitled
<br /> ' ther�to.
<br /> a. Truatee may in the mannex provided by law, postpone eale
<br /> of aYl or any p�x�tion of �he Trust Estate.
<br /> 12. REMEDiBS NO�EXCLIISittE. Trustee and Beneficiary, and
<br /> each of them, shall be entitled to enforce payment and pgrformance
<br /> of any 3ndebtedness or obligations seaured hexeby and to exeraise
<br /> all riqhts and �owers under this Deed oP Trust or under any Loan
<br /> instrument or other agroelaent or any laws now or hereaP�sr i.n
<br /> Forese, notwitDetaaadfng aome or all of the suah indebtedt1ess and
<br /> obligations secured hereby may now or he�reaf�er bg otherwise
<br /> a��aured, whethex by mortqage, deed of trust, pledqe, lien,
<br /> 5
<br /> T � uz �r ��
<br />