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<br /> aseignment or otherwise. Neither the aeaeptanee oP this Deed Qf
<br /> �rust moz i*�a a�Pc��aeraeYi� wF�a�fla� by Court aation ar Aux�auant �o ,
<br /> thfl power o! e�le or other powere hereia aontain�d, shali prejudiae
<br /> ox in eny manner aPPeat Trustee'e ox HenePiei�ry�s right ta realize _.
<br /> upon or enforee any other oeaurity naw or hereafter held by Truatae
<br /> or Eeneficiary, it being agreed that Trustoo aad Henefiaiary, and _
<br /> each of them, ahall be entitled to enEorae this Deed of Trust and
<br /> any other seowri.ty now or hereafter hoid by BersePiciary or Trustee �
<br /> �n suoh order and manner as they or eiicher oE �he� �►ay in thair �
<br /> absoxute disaretion determine. No remedy herein conferr�d upo�► os
<br /> reaerv�d to TruBt�e or Ben�efiaiary is lntonded to be excluaive of
<br /> any cther resne�y herein ar by law p�covidsd or pormitted, but eaah
<br /> ehall be aumulative and shall be in &aidition to every o�her remedy
<br /> or by statute. Every power or reaedy qiven by any af the Loan
<br /> =netruments to Truetee or Bemeficiary or ti4 w�i�Ya eithsrc af them �
<br /> may be otherwise entitled, may be exeraise8, aonaur.rently or
<br /> independentiy, from time to time and as often as may ba deemed
<br /> expedient l�y Truatee or Benefiaiary and either of them may pursue
<br /> inconsistent remedies. Nothinq herein ahall be aonatrued as
<br /> prohibitinq eeneficiary �rom seeking a deficienay judgment against
<br /> the Trustor to the extent such aotion is permit�ed by law.
<br /> 13. �?Fat1EST FaR NOTiCE. Trustor hereby request� a copy of
<br /> any notiae of deFault and that any notiae of sala hereunder be
<br /> mailed to it at the address set Parth in the first paraqraph of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. ;
<br /> 14. GoVEE�*?1�iG LAW. This Deed of Trus� shall be govarned lby
<br /> the laws of the State of Nebraeka. In the event that any provision
<br /> or alause of a�cey of the Loan Znstruments conf iiats crith�appliczdbie
<br /> lawa, suah aon€liats shali not affect other provis3ona of s�ch Loan
<br /> Instruments ahiah aan be giiven gffeat without the co�fliating
<br /> provisions, at� to this end the provisions of the Loan Instruments
<br /> are dealared to be geverable. This instrument aannot be waived,
<br /> changed, or disaharged or terminated orally, but only by an
<br /> instxument in writinq signed by th� party agafnst whom enforceYnent
<br /> of any waiver, change, disaharqe ox termination ig sought.
<br /> 15. g�Y�u�� �Y ��STEE. tlpon written request of
<br /> Bc�nefiaiery stating that all suma secure8 hereby have b�on paid,
<br /> and u�on surrerider of thia Deed of Trust and the Note tc Trustee
<br /> for canaellation and retention and upo� payment by Trustor of
<br /> Trustee•s Pees, Trustee shall reaonvey to Trustor, or the person or
<br /> persons legally entitled �hereto, without warranty, any portion of
<br /> the Truat Estate then held hereunder. The recftalo in such
<br /> reconveya�nce of any matters or faats ahall be aonclusive proof of
<br /> ttte truthfulnese� thereof. The grantee in any reconveyamae may be
<br /> described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto."
<br /> 16. i�oTic$s. Wheneyer Beneficiary, Trustor or Trustee shall
<br /> desire to give ar serve any notice, demand, request or other
<br /> communiaation with r��gecL to this Deed of Trust, eaeh suah
<br /> . 6 _
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