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�`j,:;Tb".?y'.iS' . . . .. ... .,- ... --; <br /> .. � �. ��ir�: <br /> r. . .. �.i'aa•,v.;., . .:�: :,�-.- - � � . . � . . _ . ... _ - '.;�k�'(I'�C;. <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � ,,. .. . .` . . . . _.._- ._ ..-... --_.... ..� - <br /> .._—,�_�z3 . .. . <br /> .. -. • . . . . . �- .. :•.ui�`�;�+ _ <br /> i. - .. � , . � �� . -'.: - <br /> . ` ,. fl <br /> ._...��:�i�.-r � • ., . . .. . .. . . __.�_�i:. ._. <br /> ; _.. • r . .. . . .., , - <br /> . , w ,.. ..__ _ . .... . . . .. . . . `. ' , , _ '_ '` �'_„'__�-' <br /> 0: . , .. . , '.__.——�-----"'-_.._.. .; _... - -� . . . . . _.._..... -�. . .._ , ..r.......�+�.w.+ ='�?�. _ <br /> .. . .�:.�.��+- ' _.� ___.._....... . - - <br /> . , . . �1d��. •. .. . . _ .. . . .. . _ <br /> , . ...� • [---• _ ..__.--'--._ .. .. — <br />.. i,R.wa... _..__.r........_...1—_.:.��.a .,.._W....._..�_.�.�-----'-'-��-' -- ... . _. _._ <br />-i-�d 'cF=. <br />.A� � � � — <br /> "x y <br /> . 17.'l'��i�t�sPcr oP tlte Pfoperly aP u Ucncfirinl I�ilcrrvt In Il�►��ivnrcr. IP all���•���� ;��rruwcr ii.r na1 n n ta►ul�u��an)�vllhnut E` <br /> I�tiold or trnns�crr�d(ar If n boneticinl intcrest in Nurr�►�vcr ir;suld ur U�iuvfcrr�d nc►d{ ! ' E- <br /> = i.c►�+Icr's ��rlur �vrlttcn cansent, l.rndcr may, nt Us oplinn, requlrc Innncdin�r puymen1 1�� I'ull ��f iill �:uro.r �+rcuird hy IhIA� � <br />- VccEUUv li�stctuncnt.Itc�wever,thia i�ptian shnll nut he ererciscd by I.rnile�•If excreise i�:prul�ibltc�cl hy I'c�tt•uil lu�v ns af 11►r dme ` <br /> nf this Sccurity Inatiun►cnt. <br />:_,.. � It 1.�tde{�x�ftot tNlkteyt!�ale,�ilte noti o iy deliv;cre 1�ur�ia;dlcd�wl�hin iwhich t���rr�►ver mus��P��Y��il��t�+!iuvehecurcdilry�itds� _ <br /> SY `�S5 1�i�iil .�{�y � <br /> Scc�irlly Insuument IP[lorruwcr li�ils to p,►y tl�csc sums prinr tu�lic rxpirnUuu uf�his peric�ci, i.����1�r�ria; i i.i+��:n►, Et:lU�ilICS�'� ' <br /> ' permittcd hy thfs Srcuri�y 1nstrunicnt wl�liout furthcr nuUcc�►r demnnd�m Ilurra�vcr. Hun�o�vcr nl�ull huvc Iha rIE;1�1 la hi�vr�i � <br /> ; . ..18. {lorrn�vcr'K ltl!�I�t io ticinstatc. If Nurrowcr mcetw ccrl+dn rnndiNnnr•, __ <br /> � cnfnrcemunt uf this Securlly Instrua�cnt Jir,�onlinucd ia nny timc prior tn 11►c enrHcr af: (�i1 S day� 1���• ti���h ulhrr pert��d nv�►j _ <br /> � opj�tic��hle I�i�v nuiy spccify fe�r rcinst:+temcnq I�efu�ro tinlc ��f U�c Pruperty �ursunnl tu �iny pawcr ol' �:nlo runlnincd in IIdA <br />-.�- Scci�Sity lu:t�tutitiant;or lh)c��try nf s�Jud��uu�����:�ifur�lne ihis SccuritY ln9lr�mient, 'Phasc cunditfnn9 nru Ihul Iinrr��wcr: (a1 pnyH = <br /> 1• (I <br />;.; Lc►ider ��II sums �vhich�hen wuuld be due under thiK Securiry Insh��unent nud Ii�e Nme ns ii ni►ncceleruiiuu Lud a�:ttcr: , �1 <br /> '- cui•u'v a�t�y dePmilt of�tuy other c+wemuits or o�;reements: (c) pn s nll expensev ii�currcd In enl'urcini;�hiy Sccurity Instnwmut, _ <br />_ �`, inclucliitiy. but nut Ilmit�d to, ecnsonnblo nUarna�s' fcca: nnd (cl�t:II�CA Slll'II tiClI011 115 I.cnJcr nu►y rcusunahly rcqulrc lo n.r•�uro <br /> � llmt tlic Ilcu uf this 5ccurity h�strunicnt, l.c�n�lcr s righta in tha Pn,perty nnd Il�►rrowcr'g nhNgntinn t��pay A►r,Kum�xceurcd bY <br />-`_�' llils Security lnstrument sh�ll cc►ntlnur unchnnged. Upon rcinsl►Uement by fiorrc��vice, Ilii� Sccurity Inslrument und Ihe <br /> obligntions sccurcd hcr�Gy shall �emnin fully cffccUva�ns if no ncccicrntlun had occurrcd, Na�vevcr. thls rlZ�ht tc� rch�stsUa Nhnll -- <br /> �';� unt apply in thc case oF ncccicration undcr parngrnph 1 . <br />-� f9, Salc nf Nutc; Chaugr oP I.rnm Sc�'viccr, �hc N��tc ar n parllnl Intcrevt in �hu Noto (tayrth�r �vilh Ihiy Scrurlty <br />--:� . InstrumcnU ina�y bc sold onc or moro tiincs�vUh��ut priur uoticc t��Ilorr�nvcr. A snlc may result in a ci�anFo In Ihc cn111y lknuwn <br /> as the "1-c�iin Scrviccr")Ihnt culiects monthly pnyuients duo under�he Note nnd Ihi�Sccurity Instrument. There tdsn muy he une <br /> � or niorc chnnges uf tho Lonn Servfccr tu�rcli►tcd tn a salc of the Noto. If U�cre is�chnnge�►f the l.nnn Servlcer, (lorrawar�vill hu <br /> = givcn writtcn nolica nf tlio chnnge in nccordnnco witl�p�t'i�grnph Ih nhcwc and opplicablo la�v.'Tha nutico�vlll AtiUc Ihc nc►u�c and <br /> - nddress ol'the no�v l..aan Scrviccr und Ihc adcirc9s to which pnymt:nls ahnuld bo mndc. 'I'i�o n��ticc ►vlll also cuntnln nny ��Ihcr <br />��- iniormntion rcquircd Uy npplicnblc Inw. <br /> - 20. Nn�.urdous Substnnces. Dnrruw�r hhall nat cnuse ar permit thc presence, uso, disposid, qtoro�c, ur rcicnso uf m�Y <br /> H��nrdouv Substanccs �m or In 1hc Froperty. fi�rrowcr shnll nat do, nur allmv nnyanc cisc tn Qn, an �hin� nffcctinK �ho <br /> -�'i Propeny tl�at is in vi�lntlnn of any I'snvimnmeninl l ious Suh.Pnn�e.v+Umt�nrc gcnc��illy rcc��F Ir.c��l+�yh�c�nppro�rl to ta ni�n�l <br /> =p:� starngc on thv Pmperty of snmll yunntiUcs ot lini.�n <br /> - residenllnl uses n�ul t�uiulntenuncc uf lhc 1'rnperiy. <br /> _� Iiorrowcr shnll pramplly givc l.cndcr �vrittcn notice��I'nny inves�ign4ion. di�hn. dca�nnd, Imvsuil or athcr nclion h�Y any <br /> gnver�mentul ur reguli�tory ngenc��ar{iriv�te pnrry invalvin�Ihe Praperty n�td nny Hnz.�rdc�ua Suhclanco o�Cinvironmenln� l.n�v <br /> �� of wliich il��rrowcr hns nrlual kn���vlcd�;c. 1(Iic�rru�vcr Icarns, or is nu�H�cd ny uny govcrnmcnlnl ur reguintuiy nu�hurUy. Il�nl <br /> y� �ny removnl or c�thcr remcdinUon��f uny H.rr.nrdc►us Substnnce nffectin�;thu Pr�tiperty is nccessnry, liorn��vcr sh�ll prnmptly tnko <br /> - all n��r��nrg rcmcdial ncdonq in nccordimca�vlth I?nvimmnca►I�d Li�w. <br /> -' As used in this pnrngraph 2U, "Ilazarcious:�ufisianccs" ni� ii��sc :ulss:a:�d��'ss�e! as lc.�Klr nr Iwwrdous su@stu114CY hY <br /> -= Enviconmentnl Lnw nnd the R�Ilo�ving cubstnnccs: gns��flnc, kcrusenc, utl�er flmm�mhlc c►r tn+tic petrolcum prnducty. tnxic <br /> pesticidey nncl hcrhicides,vointile salvents, mi►teriuly cuntainina n�best��c or formnldchydo,and radi�acllve mnteriids. Aq used In <br /> tt:i� ;Mrs;t�a�h 2n, ^Rnairmwiutlnl Lt1�v" mcuus fcticrcd Inws and Imva nf thc jui�Is�UcUon whcra Ihc Pmperty ly It�c�UCd ihni <br /> - rctatc tu I�cn�th.safcty ar c��virnnmenlul prntecdon. <br /> - NON-UNIFORM COV�NAN'fS. lic�rrowcr i�nd I.endcr furthcr covcnunt and agrcc t�s���Ilo�vs: <br /> - 21. Accelernllnn; Remcdles. l.ender Fl�nll�Ive notice to liorrower prior ta accelerutlt�u P��Qowiug 1i�►r�v��ve�•'s hrturh <br /> o)nny covennnt or ���reemeut In thls Securily Insirumenl (I�at not prlor to accelerntlon under pur+�g�•n[�h 17 unlesv <br /> npplicnble Iti�w �ravldes other�visel. 'rhe nutice simll s�xcl`y: (n)Ihe default; (b) the actlun�•e��ulrecl to cure Ihe�Iefadti <br /> (c)� �Inte, not I�.ws tl�nu 3U dnys fro�n the cinte Ihe notl'ce ly�Iven tn llarrowee,hy whtch lhe tlel'nnit mu5t tw cure�l;nitcl <br /> (el) thut Pullnre to cure Ihc dcP��ult on or hePnrc ti�c ilutc epeclficd in Il�c nottce m�iy restdt lu iacccicr�►tlun o�tho A�m�s <br /> sccu�cd by Uds SccurUy lnstrumcnt �nd snlc oP Ilsc Nroperty. 'fhc notice shnll furUtcr(nParm D�rrnwcr �it thc rl�ht ta <br /> rclustutc nitcr ncectcrntlou and lhc rihi�t to brin� n caurt nctlon ta nsscrl tho iton•existencc nf n defnult or any other <br /> ��efensc ai' O��rrmver tn ncceleraUuu nnd Anic. ll'the dcfnult Is ��ot curitl ou or hetore the il�te e�xcifled lu the nollce� <br /> Lendcr� at its optl�►n� mny requlrc Immcdinte pi►ynlent in Pull t�f nll Faros securcd by this S�curlly Inst��umeut �vithont <br /> furtlicr�lemand nnd mny luv��kc lho{�owc�of snlc nnd��ny i►t�rcr remedles permUtcd by applicnt►lo IAw. l,endcr hhwil he <br /> entitled ta callect nll ex{�enses lucurrecl lu ptu��uln�the remecUes provided In th19 pnrnRrupl��1.IncladlnR, bul �tnt Ihnitcd <br /> t��,rensonnUlc nttorucys' f��es und cosis of tiAc evldcncc. <br /> IP the a�vc�• aF sale Is Invoked, Tr��.stee al�nll record u notico��P dcPnult h� ench cuunty In wbicl� m�y �art ot lho <br /> _ � ' pmpertv Is�ocntetl�nd shall m��U caples oP�uch naticu In the nuumer prescribed by npplicuhlo I��v lo Iiorro�ver and to <br /> tl�r othcr persons prescribcd by nppllcnlilc Inw.Aftcr tl�c Umo rrqulrccl by nppllcn6lc Inw,'!'rustcc�I�all glvc puhllc noticc <br /> oP Fnlc to Ihe �er�ons pml in Ihc mnnucr nrrscrlbcd by npplici�blc Inw. Trustcc� wUhoui dcuiand on Norrmrcr�ehall ecll <br /> -- llt�Praperly nt publlc nttctl�►p t�tho Glghest hiddcr nt tl�c Ume nnd pincc und uudcr tho tcrms dcstgnatcd In tho nullce of <br /> sulc In ��i��'��ublic npuotm c�ment al�the ima'nnd pl ce oP�nuy�prevlausly�scl�cdaled enie.'I.endrr or ity c�esl�neo Pnp�y <br /> — PrnpertY Y P <br /> -- porchnsc thc Ih�operly nt nny sals. <br /> Fo�m 3028 8180 <br /> _ Pnpo 0 01 0 <br /> _:re • <br /> .�='�Flwr-7�-w�s^no^ . , ^=7*. – ---- - - -*-- } `---_. <br /> H� . , . �� '' , �� '— <br /> , �, . r �. , ,. `• , I �,�.,�� h.a�} 1.. <br /> � ` <br /> =t t , +,��"-�..�;, <br /> tit� ' r . w � k ,. <br /> � �a; 4F-°',� p. x� �. <br /> _ 5 . . . . .._ ,': �r <br /> , f . . <br /> 4s�� rr • . ,. y ��� ��,T .t`, . <br /> -,�i,' • �•q�;.y;;;� _-- <br />__-,�4� .. � 'A F' ��'7'„r � .-Ywllv`IYo.:-. <br /> I y t <br /> , �� . . �•�� ,,}fJ �* '�!��,i7�',•' <br /> � ,:M <br /> ■ 1.. M �3'�fi' _ <br /> Y ia'�'. - ' ' - t ' ��� P' - -- <br /> i_� . . . . �. �:�. r•L-'_��s}�trAwi^�. <br />,_ � . , . �j .. ' . ° -l • a� �.'7+i1r i� - _ <br /> '�s � ` � '�'t 'Zy�t �.:-. <br /> �, . _ . �x � - � �__. <br /> . � � - +�ar:�n��:v....�.�..�.t.:Y•m_�z__ <br /> ` �r � �Id�'- <br /> ...`tr�.�.. .. � . .. ��[uL...�___ �_..._. .. . . r...,_ ._�._ . ..�. . .. �.._ _ai.h:::a�__ — — — _. <br />