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<br /> �,nymcnis mny nu lunt�er he requlrcd. t�l tlio i�pUun af I.�ndcr, if marli,nFc insursinrc covcrnF;c(in Uic�n�num uad fi,r Ihc per��,d
<br /> tl�nt Lemlci� rec�uhrs)�nuvfdc�l by nn inswcr �ipprnvcd hy �.c�tdcr agnin hrcanrc�:�vnilnbla aml is c►binincd, iiuremscr Fi�nll pay
<br /> Ihc p�cmf�ms rcqufred te►i��,ilntuln mor��iige insurnuco In effcct.aF��►pruvi�lc u lusq resrrve.unll) Iho��cy�l�'eu►citt for ntatl�qgc
<br /> Insurnnce cnds li�acrorclr,ixo with���ry wri��en a�rco��u�it{+elween fktrrawe����H11.4�xter nr iippiic��h{a Inw.
<br /> � 4. lu5{�ecllm�. Lcuder nr its n�;cnt n�ny n�akc rc,isannl,la cntriCS up��n nn�) inspcctic��is nf th� 1'rul�eriy. �.cnd4r tihull�Zivo
<br /> � ,t]��rrawcr nol(rc at tlio Hnic��f c�r rri�r to an in5pcctian spccifyiii�re��soii�hic cnusG f��r thc iiispccUun.
<br /> 10. Cumlcutunllon. 'I'lie pr�,cr.cds af nny ��vnrd or clnim ti�r clmm��cs, ciircct nr canscqucmlal, In ronucctiun �vlth nny
<br /> ��ndc�ui�alion or olhcr lakhia of�ny pnrl uf Ihc I'ruperly, ar fur coirvcyt�nru in licu uf condcntnaUon. nrc hcrc:by nssigucil�nd
<br /> •sm�n�,�r����i��,i.cndcr.
<br /> � '� • hi Ihc evcnl of n totnl tnkin�oP Ihc Praperly. �ho nrncrcds�linll bc opplicd to Ihu Rums sccurcd by Ihis Sccuriry incb�umcnt,
<br /> �vhciher ur nu1 Il�c�� duc, �vith nny cxc�s,y paid ta Hnr�r��ver, la fhr. cvcnt t�f o pnrUtd Inkin�nf tit�� 1'r�pr.rly in �vhi�h tha :nir
<br /> , mnrkct vnluc of Il�c Pr�per�y inmuclintcly hcforc�hc IakinF is rqunl t�� ��r gra�tcr Ih�m the nniount af thc sumv�sccurc�l Uy this
<br /> � 5ccurily In�Uument I�nmcdiatcly 6eforo tlm tnking.aulcss 13��rrrnvcr au�J Lcnder nU�er�viso ngrcc in wriNn�.lt�c sums recurcci by
<br /> � Itils Securlly Inst�umenl shall he reduceei hy tlia nmouiU of tiw pmcceds au�Uipliecl by,tlio fi�llo�ving frnction: (o) the lnlnl
<br /> nmuunl of�I�c siims sccured {mmc�lintaly bcPoro Ihu Inking, dividcd by (b) Iho fnir mnrkct vnluo of tl�o Property loimcdln�oly
<br /> hofi�re Ihe lnking, Any bnlnnco sl�nll be ��ald to Horr��wcr. In Ii�e evcnt i�f+� pn�Unl tnkin�; nP tl�o I'roperiy in which tiw fair
<br /> rnnrket vnluc uf 11te Properly inmudintcly hcibro tha tnking Is Icss Ilinn the mm�unt of tlte sumv sc�ured immCCilutely befate Qio
<br /> taklug, uuless linrrnwer nitd I.ender�therwlso nerea in �vrGlnF or uidess tippllcuble I�tv otherwlse provicles, Il�o�n•ocecds Fh�ll
<br /> he npplicd lo Ihc sums nccurecl hy Ihis Security Inslrtnnent whclhcr or imt iho stuns nrc lhen due.
<br /> If Ihc I'mperty ia.iha»duncd by Oo�rmvGr,ar if,nC�cr noticc by Lcndcr�o l3orniacr Ihat tl�o coudcmnnr offcrs�o m�kc au
<br /> mvnr�l ar scUle a clnim frr dmm�ges, Ilorrmver (ails to respond to I.cnder �vithiii 30 dnys ofter Ihc clnte the notice ie glven,
<br /> Lcndc�Is milhnrizcd to�ollcct nnd nprly lhc procccds,�t 119 opUrn�, ciU�cr tu rest��ralinn or repair of Ihc Properly or to the sums
<br /> srcured by Ihiq Scr.urily lnstrt►menl, wl�clhar or nnl then dua
<br /> Uniess l.ender nud Tiorrower nlherwis.. ngrce In wrlling, any np��licnlion of proceeds to principal slinll not extencl or
<br /> pnstpUne thc duc dntc oi 11io munlldy ��nymcnt�roferred tn in pamgraphs I �nd 2 or changa Iho nmatmt of surh pnyments.
<br /> 11. i�or�•ati�er Not iteicused;E�u�Luuuuce iiy I.���dcr Nul a �V�dver. f3xtcnyion of the dmc for pnyment or modl(icntion
<br /> of amc�rlii.�itloii of Ilio sum9 Fecural by lhie Securily Inslrument 6rnnled hy Lender lo nny suceessor iu inte�ast��i i�urrower Fl�r►II
<br /> cml opernta tn rclense the IinbiUty«f�he c�rlsinal Ilorro�ver ur N��n•m��cr's sttcccssors in iutcrcat. L.ci�dcr Fh�U not h�•rcquircd to
<br /> c��mmence rrocec�lings tigai�iat any successor in interest or refuse to extencl Iime for pnyment i��otlicnviso modify Antarti�,�tian
<br /> af tt�e sums securcd hy U�ie Sec�n�ily i�istrtunent by rcrison of c�ny dcmnnd n�acla hy tl�o oriRinnl Dorro�ver ae [3drrawer's
<br /> succeqsory in interest. Any forhenrnuce l�y I.,ender in exerelalnF nny rl�;lU ar rcuicdv ShaU nM be n walver i�f or prn.ludo tho
<br /> exerciso of nny ri�ht n�remc<ly.
<br /> ' • IZ. 5ucresscn•F nnd Assi�us It���m�la Jolnt nnd Severol I.i»tiliilv; Co•�l�nera, '1'he covenanis t►nd ngreemenis nf Ihls
<br /> Scctu•lly Inst�ument shaU l�ind and benefil Uto eucce.esrn�s nnd nssigns uf Lender end ni�rrnwer, suni�c� ►o �no �ro�t9�o„s of
<br /> pnragmpl� 17, qarro�ver's cuvennnty nnd ngreeinenls sh+d! be Joinl +uid several. Any Borrnwer who co•signs Nds Seci+r�ty
<br /> :��,inu�rri bui iioc,r rroi cxcc�no tha ivoce:�nj iA ca-ai�ninR tnio accurity instrument oniy to uior�gagc, gtnnt ai�cl convey Ihat
<br /> Bormwcr's Intcresl iu lho Pioperly undc�the tcrntv nf Ihin Sectn•fty Inst�umenl; (1�)Is nnt p�:rsonnity oUligatcd io pny Ihc eumv
<br /> secured by Ihis Secu�9ly Insl��umenl; mtd(c)n�Grecs Uinl Lender nnd�ny other Ilurr���vc�•may ngree to exiend, nu�diPy,forl�en►•or
<br /> �itnke nny accommodntionc wiih rc�irrd to Iho termc t�f Ihis Security lnstrument ar the Nate�vilhaut lhat 13orrnwer'c cansent,
<br /> 1.1. I,amy CI�nrRe�.lt'tha lonn seciered hy thi9 Security Instrument iK aubJert �o n Inw wl�ich Sets mnximtun lonn clinrge.v,
<br /> i�nQ Ihnt Imv Is pnally (��terprcicd�o Ihni Ihc lnterest or uUtcr l�nn ch�n•�cs ct!!Ic.±cd or to be collcciccl in amnr.cNon w11h iho
<br /> I��an excced Uic perntitted timits, Ihcn: (a1 nny sucl� lotu�chnrgo sh��ll hc rcduced hy the simout�t ne.sssary lu rcdace the chnrgo
<br /> to Ihe�►�ruiiu�cT llmit; nnd (b)nny Fuuis almady collected frum Rarra�ver�vhieh exceeZlei!periaiUed limi9s�vill be relimdal to
<br /> llonower. Lende� n7�y c�iot�SC to ntake Ild�; refund by reducinF Ihu principnl mvecl widcr Ihe Note or h3� uinking n dlrect
<br /> pnymcnt to Ilarrower. Gt � re('uncl �•aluces prindpnl, Uic i�cducUun wil! bo Ircnled ns n pnrdnl prepayment withmet nny
<br /> prcpnyn�cut chai•Ge un�lcr thc Natc.
<br /> lA.NaUce.�. Any nolice t��qarrnwer provlded for in Ihls Sccurity Instrument shnll bo given by dellvcring lt ar by mniling
<br /> it by flrst class mail unless npplicablc Inw requlra9 uso of nnolhcr mcll►ncl. '1'lio natice shrl) bo dirccted to tha 1'roperty Addrer,s
<br /> nr nny othcr nd:lress D�rrowcr dcsignnlcs by notico to ��:nder. Any eioHce ta I.endcr �hnll be glvcn by rrsl clavs tnflU to
<br /> l.cndcr's�ddress slntecl hnrcin c�r�my atf�cr nddress I.cndcr daslgnntcs hy noticc to Hnrrawar. Any nolice proviiSecl fUr in this
<br /> Sccurlty Instrumcrrt�hall bc de�nud ta have bcen glven to[iarmwcr or Lendc�whcn given ns provlded in Ihla p���g�aph.
<br /> IS.(:nvcrnlog Law; 5cvernbllity. 'f1iiA Sccurity In�trumcnt shnll bo govcrnccl by fedcral law end Ihc In�v of thc
<br /> Jurisdlelion In which Ihe Properly le loc�tetl, in Il�o eve.nt thtit any pmvi5lon or ctauso of this Secudly liistrumcnt ar Ihc Nol�
<br /> conflicls with nppHenblc lo�v,�uch canflict sh�ll nol�ffcct otlicr pmvlsi�ms of�his Sccurlty Instnmiont or tlio No�c whlch cnn bo
<br /> given effect wilhnul tho wufHctiiig provision. To this end Iho provivivns of this Stcurity Insti�ument nnd�he Nute.uc declnre.cl
<br /> lo hc scvcrnblo.
<br /> i6.isorrm��er's Copy. Borrower Shnll be given nne conformed copy of�ho Nc�tc anJ of thia Sccuriry InsUumenl.
<br /> Form 3p28 9/90
<br /> Pya�c!Q
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