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<br /> U�wn recet��! ��P �myu�e��l u�' INe �►r•Ice I►Id� '1'rnstco si�ull �lclive�� ta Ibe NtuYlinsrr 'i'rustre'A dced caiveylnR QAe ._
<br /> 1'rn�Kriy. 'i'�!0 PCCUNI9 (Il IIIO 'fYit!IIIW�H IICCt9 6IIHII (I� �1PIIIIII �OCIC CVItICIII'C liP(Ii4 (Ci1�I1 tlF�tllf� sinte�ucnts�uncic ltie�r.ln.
<br /> •'i'tusico st�ait apniy tho prcicc�dq nP thC�nle In tha fnilmvin�;ortier: (�iy tv�dl c���iti�nii��xpensc�c oP excrcl.aii��!hc po�vcr of
<br /> �;�k:.a+tt!1[tie�,I�xltulls4k Ilte Si�yt�Er��t t�t ttte'1`ru.�te�'s fees nGa�allY incnrr+ei},noi iv e�cecti �ti+�t�
<br /> it�E���fi`{KTI�SII iii110itit3 fif flt�ItfilC i1!�ItC l�t1tC 1!f�IIC�I�CCI�f�nih►n ni'clefnnit, Ilit()t'C11R1111AIlI8 A1�01•ncyg'`CC9!!9�ICf'lIIII�LI�a�'�
<br /> �3�r5�n�y���i��n�1)g��me Rnr��rrtl(ty�I1I7 SCCIIYIIp IlLY�i Ullli'lII�UI3lI�C�UUV CXCC��p��10�ICIYi011 I11•per�ia�a Icgully cut�ticd to��i�
<br /> U.
<br /> ���2x. l�:ccouveyn�tcc. Upou riiyroent crf �+I) Fu�n� aGCUrcd by Ihis Scr.a�l�y Instruirl�nt, Lcuscr elmll rcquest '1'rustcc tc�
<br /> rec��ivey tha I'roperly nnd tcl�nl) surrender Ilde Security Inslnunent nncf nll nutes ovidonafng del�t secured by tNis 5ecurity�
<br /> Instrun�cnl to Trurlc�. 7'nistc�ehnll rccnnvcy Ilto I'ropnr�y�vllhout wnrraiily ancl wilhout clinr�;u ta dia parsan or persnns Icgally�
<br /> rnlillcd to It.Sucli pers��n nr pc�s�ms Al�nll pny nuy rca�rclntion ct�st9.
<br /> 2i. Sauaiiinle iirn�ice. i.cudL�, ��t ily���ilrati, utioy fr��nt timc tv dme rc»iovc '�rustee nr.d rppalnt :s s+�ccr.ssn��!n!sirr ! r..
<br /> any Trustce n`�poiiitcd hereuudar by mi in9�ruuient rec�r�ied(n ll�o cuunty in�vliieh lhis Sect�rily b�struntGnt is recm�ded.Witl►oul�
<br /> convoyt�iico oP Iho Praperty,Iho successnr trustcu el►t�ll euccccd to all Ilic tlUc, ��owor nnd dutics conferred upon Trustec hc�cin
<br /> nnd by np��icnhlo law, �
<br /> 24. �equest for NoUces. Dorro�vor requesla that coples of tlin nuticcs of clefntdt nnd �ala bo sei�!ta Dorrower's nddress
<br /> which 1�Il�e Propetly Address.
<br /> 25. IZltlerv ln thls 5ecurlty InStrwnent. If one�r maro ridcrv nro exccuted by 13urro�vor nnd recorded IogCthGr witl�this
<br /> Securhy Inslrument, tho covanmue nn�l�gr�cuients of ench such rlQer sholl be Inci�rporntecl Itito t�nd shnU mnencl ancl suppiemcnt
<br /> tho cavc��7nls nuJ ogrccmcnte t�i Ilils Sccurity instrument ns if tho�idcr(a) wcrc 1 part a(this Scr.urity itistrwncnt.
<br /> �Chcck npplicnble box(es)�
<br /> (�Adjustnblc It�to[tiQcr �,r Cundom(niun�nider .� 1•Q k�nmily•Ridcr
<br /> _ arnduntcd E'nymcul Rldcr . Plnnncd Unit llevclapment Ridcr � ' 8hvicekly Poyment Rider
<br /> itnll►wn Itidct __.. Rata Improvemcnt Ride� Secand l�lamo Ridcr
<br /> � V.A.Rtdcr nll�er(�v)[s�ccifYl
<br /> I�Y SICiNI�fa I1i31�O�V, UarrowGr nccepta nnd ngrees ln the terms nnd covennnts contnined in this Socurity Instn�mcnt nud �
<br /> in nny r(dcr(s)cxccutcd by liarrowcr nncl rccardMl wHh It. ,
<br /> W�lI1CSSC9: - /� `���r� �1
<br /> I�l�-��,,,�t ( —-
<br /> pregR �• Wo3�aeQeivaltg -oo�rower
<br /> � t�!)
<br /> dtorrmvcr
<br /> (Sc��l) — --- — _(Seal)
<br /> •Onnawcr •Unnowcr
<br /> S't'A'l'E Ok NI:�fRASKA, Ha11 Cou»ty�ss:
<br /> 7'I�e forcgning iustrumcnt wns ncki�owlcdgcd bcfnrc me this 17�h ��nY��` Op'�pber . t g�5 •
<br /> �y t�rGt�pc T. Waitas�ewek�., �q unmarrSed �erson ,
<br /> Wilneta my han�i anA notarial scnl nt Qrnnd Ie1Nnd. Nebr�aka in saiJ Cotmty,thadntc.efora�aid.
<br /> My Com�nissicu�k3xpires: �—� —'C�jo ��_�� _W���'.61ti���� - �
<br /> Nutnry I' 1� o
<br /> . , �El�Mt AOiA1tY•St�U M M�M�
<br /> ��eT M.a+�.n�
<br /> �y�.ExD.July 7�1996
<br /> v■�e e oi e Porm 3028 p18�
<br />