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"__�._' . . <br /> ' . :�. 9inxord or 1'roQurty ���sortmar. Ilnrru�vcr shnll kecp Q►o I�npnwcm�nts n�»v exi�ting i�n c�nnitc�• crccted �n tho � <br /> I'u,perty insure�l agniiist lass hy fire. hnr.nrdy inciu�lcd cvllhh� the tenn "eri1�mIM1 cove��n�c" r��td n�ry uthcr i�yrnrds, inclu�Un� `__,_- <br /> ilucids ur Il�udli��, fnr�vittch L.cndcr rcqulrcy iasuruncu. 'I'his (nsurnnce sin�ll bc ivaintaincd in Uic.imuunla n�id far Uio�ici4�tils� = <br /> Uiat Ix�idc�• re+lukrs, '1'I�e inrurance cf�ri�ic�r p�-��vfdln�; tl�e insur.u�cc Fl�idl be ch��scn by 11t�rr�»ter si►hJcct tt� l.e�xler'v approvul`�� . _ <br /> �vhtch stinll uut t�c unrrns:�nahly �vithhcid, lf �1urc�}�ti'Er fafls �u �uuintnlu ruvern�c�des4rihcd nhovc�, l,cndcr may, at I.cttdcr's ` <br /> uption, ciUtnin cuvcrugu tu protcct I..endcr's ri�hiw In�hc 1'roperty in irccm�dnncc with part�brapl�7. �A � <br /> All tn�.urnncc palicic� m�d renc�vuls shnll hc neceptnblc t�� L.cndcr ond shnll includfl c� etandiu�d mnrtgago cinusc. Lciidc� � . _ <br /> shnll hnve U�e rIgIN ta hc►!d tha pullcicy iu�d�tnewals, If I,cndcr rcqulres,13prr�tivcr shall prumptly�ive�o Lendcr nll reccipis o ' � <br /> pidd pt��:miums nnd re�io�v,i) nntice,. 1n tlic evenl nl'Inss,Ilarrmver tihnll give pr��mpt ni�tico tn the ii�sur�mce cm•rler►md l.endcr. '. , _ <br /> LenQcr mny mnkG prnoP uf luss ii'uot ron�le promp�ly by Il��rrmvcr. „ - <br /> Unlcxc l,cncl�r tmd Rarr���v��othcr�visc ugrcc in�vrlNng, insurnncc pr�cce<Is simll be.n�tiplicd to restoriUian��r rcpnir of ihr.� <br /> 1*�r�perty dnmaZtcd, iP the rastor+�iinn nr repalr is ecoitumicnlly fc+�sible nnd Lr.ttdcr's;sccurity ia nol Iessened. IP Ihc restornUon or ` <br /> reptdr is not ecouomically feasiblo or I,ender's security wauld be Ic.r•scaed, �ho insurance pmeecds shnU be npplicd Io tho sumq <br /> scrurccl by this Sccurity Insin�ntcnt. �vhclhcr ar nM Ihcn duc, �viUi uny exctss ptdd to Qarrowt�•. If llorrmvcr nbandons thc <br /> Property,ar docs t►ot nnswcr�vithln 30 dnys n noUcc frum l.cnder�hnt tl�� b�sumncc cnrrlcr I�as offcrcd to sculc a cloini, thcn <br /> Ltnder mny collect thv insurniico pr��cecds. I.enQer may use tho procccds to rep�ir or rest�ro�ho Pmperty or ta p:►y sums <br /> scr.urcd by this Security Instriancnt, �vhcther ar no1 then due.'flie 30•clay periocl will hcgin��vhen U�e noUce is givcn. <br /> Unl�s9 I.ender ond Horrn�e�er olhcrwise ngrco in wriUnF, nny oppUaition nf prncccds to principnl shnll not extGnd or <br /> �„�Inn�te � �c �'ne dnt. nf the mnnthly n;►ymenis �•efcrrcci to in pnrngrnphs I nnd 2 or chnngc thc amount af tho paymonts. If <br /> under parnErnph 21 titu P�nperty is zuquirect by L.endar, iiorrn�ver's rlglit tn nny lnsurnnce policle.v mid prucecds resuiting fmm <br /> dmm�ge lo Ihc P�onctty prinr ta the ncquisilion shnll p�ss to L.e,ndcr t��Ihc cxlcnt M'the sums securcd hy thie Securily Instrumcnt <br /> inuncdiatcly prlar iu ilic ncquisition. <br /> 6. Occup�ncy. 1'rescrv�tlon,Mnb�t�nnncc nud I'mtcction of Ihe 14�►perty; Dorrowcr's l,�nn Appllcntlon; Lc�schold9. <br /> fiorro�ver shnl)aecupy,cstnblisl�,nnd usc the Pmperry as Rarrawc�'s principnl residcnco witliln sixty doy5 nftcr tho exccutlon of <br /> this Sccurlly Instrument nnd shall c�ntlnuc to occupy Ihc Yraperly ns 13arrowcr's prtncipal residcnce Por nt Icnst ono ycnr nftcr <br /> the dute c�f occup�ncy.unless Lender otherwlse ugreev in w�iting, whlch cansent sl�all nol be uute:isonttbly �vithheld, ar unless <br /> extcnuuting circumstnnces cxisl which n�o boynad H��rrowc�'s contral. Barrowcr shull I101 IICSIft)y, ditninbe or impair tho <br /> Propcety, �Ilow Ihe Property to sieteri«rate, or com�nit wnste on tho Properiy. Borrower sludl be in dafnult if nny Corfcituro <br /> action or proceeding, whether civll ��r c�iminnl, ia begun that in I..emler's�aoQ fnitli Judamet�t a�uld�osult in forfeituro ol'the <br /> Proper�y or uttierwise tnnte�inlly imp�ir U�e lieo created by thiq Securlty insnumeut ar Le�i�ter's seciulty interest. Uorruwer ntny <br /> cure such n defnult und reinsime. ns provided in parng�•aph 18, by cnusing the ncNon or procceeiing to bo dismissc<1 with n rulLig <br /> Ihnt, in l.ender's �oizd faUi� detcrmin��tion, precludcs farfalture of �hc Aor�ower's inter�st in Ihc Praporty or other materinl <br /> , impainncnt of tho licn crcatcd by tEais Security Insirumcnt ur Lcudcr's sccurity intcrest. �arrowcr shnll nlsa bc in dciau(t If <br /> B�rrowcr,during Ihc lonn�pplien►lan proc.ess, gnve mnterinlly f�lse nr Inaccurate inf�rntatian ar stutements ta l.endor(ar Tailed <br /> t�►provide l.cndcr wlth a�iy ntaterinl informnUon)in connccUon with thc loim evldenccd by the Noto,including,hut not Umited <br /> to. rep�csentntions cancerning�sorrower�s occupancy oi cne i�roperry ns a principui�iuoncti. ii ii,�,�c�oiy,��►u������in a►,a <br /> Iet�sehald, Rorrower shnll camply with nll the provisions af the le��se. It f�orrower ncquire.g fee titlo to the Property� tho <br /> Ienschalcl�nd thc fcc ti11c si�nll np�mwrgc unlc.s9l.endc�ng�ccs ta lhc mergcr in�Y�iting. <br /> 7. Prateclim�of I.ender'A Rltihts lu ihe Property.If Tiorrowcr fnils tn E►etfornt the covenants nnd agrcements containccl in <br /> this Security Instrument, or thcrc is n Icgal pracccding Ihat m�y signiflcanlly offect Lencicr'� righls iu Iltc Praperly (such ns A <br /> procceding in bankniptcy. proh�tc, for condemontion or farfciture or to enforco It►wq i�r rcgulAtlons), then[.cndor may do and <br /> pny for whntevcr Is nccessnry t�protccl thc va�uc of Uw Pr�*��crly +md Lcndcr'A righte in thc praperty. l.cndcr's actia�s.mey <br /> incluclp ps►ying �ny Fums sccurcd by a Ncn �vhich hns pr��rrary over ihin Secirrlty Instrument, rippenring in cc�a:r.i, paying <br /> rcns�n�blc nttorneyA' fecs nnd cntcring an tho Pmparty to mnkc rcp�i��. Although Lcndcr mny tnkc action undcr thi�parngrnph <br /> 7. I,CII(ICI'(It1C.9 IIOI I►AVC l0(IO Sp. <br /> Any amaunis ciisbu�scd by Londcr imdcr this p�rograph 7 shnll hecomo adciitionnl debt af t�urrowcr sccured by Ihis <br /> Sr.riirity Insirumcnt. Untess Horrawcr nnd Lcnder agrcc ta olhcr tcrms of payment, thcse amouuts shull Isenr intcrest from tha <br /> dntc c�: disbursemcnt at Ihe Nato rato nnd ahull ho pnynblc, with intcrest, upon nodce �'rom I.cnder ta I3orruwer rcqucsting <br /> pnyment. <br /> R. M��•tgAgc lusurnncc.lf i.endcr rcquicod mortgaga insurnncc ns n ctmdition of nmking thc loa!i sccurcd hy ti�ie Sccurity <br /> Instrumenl, Horrower ehnll pny Ihc premiums res�uired ta mainh�in Ihe mortgnge insu�a+nca i�cffcot,. �f, for any rcasan, tho <br /> niortg�,r,c insurimcc crncrago requlred by LenQcr Inpses ar��e��ca ta be in eilcct, Iiorro«•er shall pay the prcmiums reqidred to <br /> obtain wverage subst.mtially equlvalent lo Iho mortgago insuranco proviausly in effect. �t a cast eubstnnUnQy equivnlent to the <br /> cost to Borro�ver af the martgngo insurnnce prevlou�ly in effect, from im niternnte m�rt;nge insu�ur npproved by Lr.ndec. if <br /> Fubst�ntlnlly cquivnlcnt ntortgtt�c insurnncc ca�eragc is no►avnilnblc,Borrowcr shall pay ta L.endcr cach month n sum cqunl to <br /> onc-twclfth oP thc ycnrly mort�ngc insurimcc pren�ium bcing pnid by Borrowcr whon thc inr,urnncc covcrngc I�pscd or cc.lscd to <br /> bc in effcct. L.encicr will acccpt. uac and retnin theso pnyments aa a loss rescrvc in ticu of martgAgo iasurnnco. Lass reservc <br /> ' Form 3Q28 9/90 <br />- e,00 a oi a <br /> - — —-_._.��.� -• - ---- - _ -- — <br /> �.�. <br /> ...,� � .°-r��T ,.;-tin;.,;�,�z . - __ <br /> r- 1 {' •\' ' _ .. . t'����Y J'4'T�D'Ll <br />$ � , �- '�.. �fV{);. � $ �4� . c�� .-_-. <br />� , , ' ' . • ' . ' � � . :r.ti i`,{�c_•A�r.,•; �1 �+r•f��fi7_ <br />-_e. . �. . � �F5'+.�iGr � � �.��',.J�'Yn - , �f+,.c� + _- <br /> a �' ' . ; .��{.,�i�"y; �IIl���4��.eprti�1 , .Y.,t;,�` <br /> -� � f `� - � - �+ �'�t 9c ���f..��.5._ � d�l - <br /> 1�� ..i. '�r, , t� ,� l ��7'.r..ra - <br /> i-r.��-s-.L- T3. t-iw, y,.Lh l.'.� �i-'�i i�. -�C-<, f1 f.S -.. - - atrSt.��4.*nT i-`i � — — <br /> .�: ��?l �.���T,�` .:�-- .t. � �p. ,�p�y . 1 '.. .•.! 1. i` �r — — '+�1-_ <br /> .t!� . _c T� . � � . ' ,�' .��; / . �' i��y --- — R�e_ !�1.0 �_ <br /> _ .� � �. . . . _ _ �'�f� , _ln};+f�'ru . . e, . . ' � ''; — -- — —'� --- -_ <br /> F . . . ^- . .:. . . - u.� <br /> iAw`�-� t -�� : `�e�._-t�'Y 7�C �','�j�'s��t. ' ��w.T� fyf ,__ ��`t_i �. _ Q.. �_ <br /> _yf� ' ' i <br /> .��#4 . �. r N 1,l . -Pb' �SI , '' ' � r _ - --_-- <br /> L ,.(�_�. Y <br /> �7- 4 .Y -t S w, _ �._ � _ <br /> _i_ �:_![.. �ti��..:'� �. ......`"..---.. ._._ .' _ . � �� . ::'.._- --'- -- —- — -- — --- <br />