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" srr_._i.— --'- � '— , <br /> _ _ �ya_ .—� _ _ _-_ _ _ _ <br /> '. � ���_ __�oE��•-�-•-- _' -'�' '_'' ' _ .� �_crrr-. . -___ <br /> ������ � � <br /> p�ynicnis tuay n�►luul,cr bc rcquireQ,i�t U�c u��tf��n��t'I.cintcr, iP mur��;ngc in5ur;mra ravcriil±e(iu�hc n►utmt iutd fi�r ilfc��ta�i -- <br /> Ihat l.cndcr rr.qttirr�:){��-uvide�l hy�+ii i�����i:r i��►nrc���tii hy I.cizdrr u�ai���c����tes��vnilnt►lu iuid is uhtuincd. [�urru�vcr shnll �ay 6 <br /> Ittv�x���tilut��}cc��ui��sf ta�ius#n[nln snnrt�n�c ittti��n���rr in effc�i,n1'lU provide c�lu.r•s reservc,u�uil th��r�quirement tiir mnn�agc _ <br /> lttsur,�i�r:endF in arcv�r�la�r.�e Hrith�aty writt4n u�rccuicnt het�vr-6o purru«'4r und Len ler or appNcahlc iu�v. ` <br /> o, Inc=u�rtlnn. Len�cr ur its u�;cnt muy m��kv rcu+u�mGlc cniricr upan iuid inspccliuns of'Ihc 1'i'nperty. Lcndcr+hnll givc � <br /> tlorru�vcr noUcc nt thc�inu�,f ur�,rioi•ta�ui intipccli�m specitiyin�;rcas�,uublc cnusc fi�r thc in��xcUu��, <br /> lU. Co�tdciui►tltlon. '1'he p.�xcccls uf;�ny tt�vtud ar cluitn for dam�Fr.r•, di�cet or cunsrqu�nii�d, in�nnnccNon�vitl� any N <br /> cundcmnntiun ur whcr tnhing uP.,��y r;nt of ttt� Nroperry, or ii�r c��in•cyancc in licu uf r��udcntntUion. a►ro hcrcby i�ssigncd nttd <br /> shull bc paid tc�l.cndcr. <br /> !:�th=c�rent�f a trnal taF:in���f d►c PruFert��,the pr�•rrdc�I�ull hc nnnlicd to thc sumc sccunai hy thiw Sccurity Instniment. <br /> whether ur not thrn duc, �vith nny ex�:css paid tc� Ci�ir�a�vcr, In thc evcm uf u partinl tnhin�ot the Pe��pcny in �viiicL il�a ti�i� -- <br /> mart.ct vnlue ui'the P�a�xtiy immvliutcly bcfose the takinb is cqui�l to or�;reatc�thun the umount ot'thu sums sccured by this <br /> Sccurity Instnimcnt i►nmcdiutcly befurc thc li�king,unlcss Borrmver and IA.nder uthenvise ngrcc in writing,the sums scciircd by <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcul shnll bc rcduccd by tlic ��mount oi' the procccds multi�licd by thc following fractian: (u) Qcc tatal <br /> nmaunt of tlie aunis nccuicd immcdiatcly bcfi�rc Il�c ttiking,diviQcd by (b)thu fnir mnrkct valuc of thc Property im�ncdlntcly <br /> bcforc Il�c tnking. Any bnitincc sht�ll l�c p:�id t�� Hor�o�vcr. In thc evcnt af u partial tukinF of thc {'ra}xrty in which thc fair <br /> roarkct vnluo ui'thc Prupeny immcdii�tely bcfocc ihe ti�kiny is Icss than thu.�mount i�f the sums sccurcd immcdiately lsefore thc <br /> tnking.unlcss 8orrowcr nnd Lcndcr olhenvisc agrcc in�vridng or tmlccs upplicnbic lmv othcnvisc providcs, tt►�procccdq shnll <br /> h�up��licd to tho sun�s sccurcd hy tidc Secudty Instn�mcnt whcthcr ar not thc sums aro tttcn duc. <br /> tf thc Nropcny is i�bnndonccl by Borrativcr,nr if.nRcr naticc by Lendcr ta Harrowcr that thc�.�ndcmnor offcrs t��maku�n <br /> nwnrd or scttic n clnim for dnmases, Horra�vice fuils to respand to Lendcr within 30 dAy.;nf'tcr thc date the nolico is given. <br /> l.cndcr is uuthorizcd to callcct aiHi apply qic its optinn,cithcr tn restomtion or rcpnir of tho Prnperty or to th�su[r�s <br /> sccu�r,el hy this Security Instranunt,whether or nnt then due. <br /> 1►nl�ss l.ender and 13orrower athenvise ��grcu in wridns, Any npplication of pracecds to pdncipal sl�nll nat extaid ar <br /> postponc tho duc dntc of�he monthly p.iymcnis rcfe�rcd to in pnr.igrnphs 1 ttnd 2 or changc thc nniount af such paymcnts. <br /> I1. I�o��ra�ti�cr Nat Rele�sed;Carhearnnce By I.cncler Not a Wniver.Gxtension of thc time for paymctit or madiflcAtinn <br /> af amionizadon af�he sama sccurcd by thiti Se,�:urity Instrument grantcd by Lender to nny succcssar in lntcrest of HorroKCr shnll <br /> not apcmte ta►cic:�ce the UabiUty af the origin�l IIorcoaer or Bano�vcr'�successa�rs in intcrcyt. L.endcr shiill not bc rcasuiral to <br /> wmmencc prar.ceclings i�gitinst�ny sua�essor in intcrost or refuse to extcnd tina�for paymc�t ar mhe�wise malify .mtortixation <br /> of thc tum� secured by this Securiry Insttument by reason af any demanc0 made by the orlginnl 13orro�aer or Rarrower's <br /> ���;��:3��, e�V fnrhe?mnrr_by Lsnder in excrclsin.e s�n5� �'i�ht or remcdy shnll not ba n waiver of or prcch�dc tho <br /> cxcrcisc oi'any right ar rcmedy. — <br /> 1Z. 5ucc�ssors and Assig��s Round; Jalnt and SevcrAl 4iAblHly; Cc►-slgnere. Thc �uvcnnnts c�nd agrccmcnts of this <br /> Securitv [nstnuucnt shall bind imd bcnctit thc succcsson nnd n.esigrm af I.cndcr nnd Borrnwcr. subJcct ta thc pravision.v of <br /> pa,-sg;.�ph l?, Uarscswcr's a��'enanGti wec! ngmclnents Fhall � Jp�nt unci sc�erf►1. Any tiartawcr wno cc►-signs ini, �c�:-��.�� _ <br /> lnsU•��.6��:�t but docs no�exccutc thc Nate: (a) is co-signing this Sccurity Insirumcnt only to mortgage, grant anJ convey that <br /> Darn.•�ti��r's intcr�ct M the Fymperty undcr the tcrms of thi9 Security In�tniment;(b)is nat person�lly obli�utcd to pay tho sums <br /> secured by this 3ccurity Insl�ument;und(c)t►grecs that l..cndcr t►nd:u►y other Borro�ver may��rcc ro extend. modify,forbear pr <br /> make nny nccommadsttions with regurd ta tho tcrms af this Sa:uriry Instrument or the Note wlthaul thAt Fiorrawer's cons�nt. <br /> 13. i�An Cha�cw. If the laan secured by this Sccuriry Instrument is subJ�Gt to n Intiv�vhich seis nr,ucin�um loan churges, <br /> nncl that Inw is�nnlly interpreted sa thut the intcrest ur othcr loan rliflrges collccted or to be collccted in�anncctian wlth the <br /> Iaan exceed the permitted limits. then: (n)�ny such laan char�e shall be reduecd by ihe nntount nocessary to reduee the charhe <br /> ta the permittecl limit;iind(t+)nny sums alrcady c�llectecl frona Ii�irrower which eaceeded�:rmittat limits wiU be refundecl to <br /> Bonowcr. Lcndcr may ct►cxisc ta makc diis rcfund by rcducE•,b thc principal a�vcd uixice ti�o Nato or by malcing t� dircct <br /> paymcnt ta [3orrowcr. If a rcfund reduccs princip�l. thc rcduction will a: trc.ltecl as n puriinl prcpaymcnt withaut any <br /> prepaymcac charge utxler thc Note. <br /> 24. Natkes. Any noiirc tu Rorrowc:r provideci for in this S.�ru�ity Instn�ment shnll be given by delivering it or by uniling <br /> it by fi�cs class mail unlers+�pplicnble law rcc�uires use of iuiather methcxt. The natice shnll bc dirccted to the Property R,i��sass <br /> or nny othcr �cldresv I3or�owcr dcsignatcs by noticc to Lcndcr. Any noticc to l.cndcr shnll bc given by first clnss �r►aii ta <br /> l.ender'�ncidress stuted herein or auy uther address L.e;nder desi�nates by notiee to�rmwer. Any natic��ravided for in this <br /> Securlty lnstnimcnt shaU f�e dccmai to havc bccn��vc�to Qarrowcr or Lender when givcn i�.ti provided i��t"15 p11'A$�A�1I1. <br /> 1S. Gavern:ng l:�w; Sevcrabillly. This Sccuriry Instrumcnt 6IIA�I t3C Savemed by fcderal luw und tt�e Inw of tho <br /> jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is lacated. In the cvcnt�hut a�ay provision ar clausc uf tlis�ecurity instn�ment or ax�Nate <br /> conllicts with�pplicablc law.such conilict shall nol Affcct othcr�rovisions af this Sccurity Insirumcnt or tho Notc wh�Cn a1n bo , <br /> given effect without th�canf1ictiug provision. To this end tho provisions of this Sccurity instn�ment nnd tlie Note arc dccinred <br /> to bc scvcrablc. � <br /> 16. Bnrrow�er's(:opy. Borrotivcr shnll be givcn ono conformed copy of tho Note mid of this Security lnstrument. <br /> FQrt�t 3i.28 �/�JO <br /> Paqe 6 of 0 <br /> .�..---r---�"'-.s��„------._._-�-a-......�.,.—. . <br /> -°,-._...,..;� _ ... _ �.r7i - - �i��:-=- <br /> ��r.- rx y �;�_i . - � '` '� X.;,, �t�- i 1,!o��w :. <br /> z,G.�v . . ._ ... �- . - 'a a �r-• � ~I - �8 . ,�. 4�j'�-TT-�_ <br /> i "; <br /> l�'`. ti;s � , • - c1:a+,�,� '' �I _� ,' ='3'�" �.�s - <br /> o � <br /> , - - . • ��, -J -�_: n .� - h-�'i��:�+.. _ . <br /> . �- r . - - , - r f 4 ,�j _ 'S •,r.� _ - <br /> -u ��� v.�. ,`}�?. �. r � ` � - . -c � I_��.i -��, �������ki�' --. <br /> �'''y��j�����{�iii ��*"�r���� .-�' J ��' °'{`aiF �+��*7 �.�•:��� <br /> ����t s't�� y� �+ 3 - .= tTlt '. .( .,,,y�-� -- _— _— <br /> �L�� �-�iS.�v=.- k,r. '� -� F� - .r ;v r _ _ <br /> , <br /> • ,- . <br /> - «. • .- .. . — <br /> __ - -:.--� . . <br /> - '.•- !f�r. <br /> '�� ,�trJ�'.-.. .- " l . n � .. � '__ — <br /> . . _... <br /> ... - � . Y�. � � -�` k, � �� r.- _ �—_ '. <br /> r..,�.Xli,��.���� � -�,��'kA+tlq��'7:;".�.�"11;�5.�''R'fk.t . ti- r..� .^r �_ _._ _ <br />