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Uurru�vcr Fhall l.crp U►c iinp��uvcmcntti nc►�v rxisUuh ur ��cnc� cr crcct�vl un thc <br /> Proprily iutiwcJ u�;idust l��ss by iirc, har�rJs inrlu�lyd ���I�hin Ittc tcrin "rxtcnd�d �����crag�:" und tiny ulhcr h�unrds, includin� <br /> fi��udv u�•fluu4lin,;, ti�r wl�i�h I.�nil���'rc��ulrcy iiisuruncc. This inrur.�nca rhnll ho ninintuincd in U►c umuunis iind li►r Ihc�xric�Jy <br /> �1��t� !_enilrr rs�ynirey, 'tlse in,�ra�c�.�c c:s�::er pr�+Nldi���;Ilte I��,tactu���,hall he�husen hy F3rrr���vcr 4uhj��t lu t.c�xkr'r appenvt�i <br /> �vhich ,hadl nut l,c unrr;i�uanldy wlUihclil, If'tlar�u�vrr tidlti lu m,dntnin c���•cra�;c �hsrrihed t�huvc. l.�ndc�n�ay, ut l.rndcr`s <br /> aption,c�ht�in crncm};c t�pr�tcct i.��iicr'��ights in thc i'mpsny in arrurxinncc��ith par.i�;r.iph 7. <br /> Ali insuranrc puHrirs imJ ecncwals shi►U bc arccptnblc t�� Lcndcr tmd shall includc u sti�ndunl nu�rlb:�yc dnt�se. I,cndcr <br /> tih�ll h»���Ihe�ight to hold Ihc polirics imd roncwals. If l.endcr rcc�ui�cs, Hnrro�vcr shnll promptly give to!cnder�ill reccipts nf <br /> paid prcmiums nnd�rnawul natice�. In tl�e evcnt uf'(uss. (�urrowrr shall�y+ivc prumpt noticu to th�insuri�ncu carricr nnd Lcndcr. <br /> Lcndcr may mnkc pruof iif lass if not mndc pro�uptly by Borrotvcr. <br /> Unlcss I..cndcr tmd 1�orr��wcr uthccwlsc�i�roc in writing, i�surnncc pr�uccds shiill bc applicd to restoration ur repair of thu <br /> Property damuf;rd, ii'thc restoralion or�cpair is cconomicnlly fcasihic and I.cndcr's security i�not Icsscncd. If thc restomiion or <br /> repiiir iti nut cconomic,�lly i'eayii�l�or i.cnder's tiecurity�vould he Iessenecl, the insurancc pracccds tihail he iippli�K1 ta U�e sums <br /> securcd hy this Sccurity Instrument, �vhcthcr or not then due, wfth nny cxress paid to Borro��•cr. If I3orravrcr ubandons thc <br /> Prulxny, ar d�KS nut answcr within�0 dayr i� n��ticc frum Lendcr th�n thc insurancc currirr h�s c►ffcrcJ tn sctUc n cl+►im, thcn <br /> l..cnder may collcct ihe insw•nnrc prc�ecds. L.cndcr mny use �he prarc�Yis to n;pair ur rrstore ihe Pmpcny or to pny su�nv <br /> securcd Uy this Sccurily Insirumcnt. whethcr ar not thcn duc. Thc 3Q-day pericxl�vill bc�in�vhcn�hc nuUcr is givcn. <br /> U»Ic�s l.ender nnd f3orr��wer athenvl�e i�grec in �vritin�, imy npplicati�m nf prncecds ta prinaipid shall not extcnd or <br /> postpono thc due datc af Ihe monthly paymenty rcfcrrcd W in parabniphs 1 und 2 or change the umount of the p.�yments, lf <br /> undcr pm��sruph 21 thc Prapcny is acquircd by I.cndcr, Harrowcr's right to any insurancc policics and praccccls rcaulUng fram <br /> dnm�ge to thu Fraperty prlor ta tha ncquisition shnll pass to Lsnder to tha extent oi'the sumc,ecurcd by this Security Instrument <br /> inuncdiutcly prinr to thc iicquisiNon. <br /> 6.(krupancy.{'reservntlon. hielntenancc snd Pmi�ection of th�1*roperty;Rorro�ver'ci I.os�n Applicatlon;LcASChotds. <br /> Borrowee shull occupy,establish,and uso the Property a�Horra�ver's principal residence withln sixty days uRer tho executlon of <br /> tl�ia Sec�rciiy lnsu��mcnt nnd shall cuntinuo IR�cxrupy Ihe PmpC�Y ��ti��rmwer's principid residence for nt Ic;ist on�;ye��r iit'ter <br /> the dnto of occupancy.unless l.cnder othenvirc ngrecs in writin�, which consent shall not he unrcasonably wlthheld,or unlc�.q <br /> cxtcnunting clrcumstunccs cxist �vhich arc bcyond Barrowcr's control. Borrowcr sliull not deslruy, cianwgc or impair thc <br /> Pra�xr��, allow ihc Praperty h�dctedor�itc, ar commit wnstc cm Ihc P�•operty. F3onawcr sfiall be in cicfuult if t►ny forfcituro <br /> action cr p��cccding. �vhcihcr civil ar crlminal. is bc:gun that in Lcndcr's good fa:th Judgmcnt cauld �csult in f�rfciturc af thc <br /> Prap,,rty or olher►+�ise materinlly impair the lien creitted by this Secucity Instniment ar I.eixler's securlty lnte��cst. Boreower muy <br /> cttr�sucl�u dcfuu?t,t�d n;instatc,c�s proviclul in par+igriipt� 18, by causiug thc ac►ian or prxicccding ta trc dismis!.ed with t�rulinb <br /> mai, in i.cncicr`s ���ri rni�h detcrminn�ion, pr�ciudes �ur�citurc of ihe sorrower`s in�cres� in tho Property or otper ra,.�tcrini <br /> Impainea�nt of the lien crelted by t��is Securiry Instn�ment or Lendec's security interest. ��*.rrower shnll ulso be in ct:€ault if <br /> Bor�a�+•rr.�turing thc loan applicatian process,guve n�aterl�lly fulse or innccurate informuti�n ar statemcn�s to Lender(or failcd <br /> •� ��..1J_ 7_—J--"_..t„_"'�_._1..1 7�C�_���1__�__ _�...�__�5��._.I�L ��.��__� _�.)J��__J L_..L_ �t_._ !_.L.JS-- L._. __.�1__f�_.� <br /> aa.Envrncc a.c�nrc� .�m a��r matc��a���nv���uanrnr�c.i�v�n�;uvu w�u�u�c cvan c�wc�nw ary uro nv�c. tm-�aann�� wt nin t�mtcw <br /> to. represcntntiuns con,.crning�rra�vcr's accupu�;.y af the Property i�s n principal resldence.lf this Scc�a�r.�y Instcument is on a <br /> lcaschold, ���rmu•cr shall camply wfth nll Ihc provisians uf thc lcnsc. If Borrowcr ncquires fcc tidc ta thc {'r�perty. thc <br /> lcascl�n!ii mid tha fcc titic shnll�ot nKrgc unlcss I.cndcr�rccs ta thc mcrgcr in writin�. <br /> 7.E'rotectlon oP l.ender'K Rightg tn the Property.If Qarrower fnlls to perform the covenants nnd afireements contained in <br /> thia Sccurity lnsuu�ie:at, or tl�cre i���Iegnl praccoding t1m mny c;igniflcnntly nffect L.ender's righis in ihe Property (such aA n <br /> proaxding in G�nkreptcy, prabntc, for candcmnatian or farfeiturc ar to enFe�,-cc Inwa or rcgulntions)� thcn I.cudcr may dn and <br /> �u►y for whiucver is necessn�y to protcct the value af the Property and I.a:nder's rights in tho Prope�qy. Leixler's ncdmm �u�y <br /> inclncte paying any sums securecR �y n lien whieh has prioriry ovcr this Security insteument, appearing in courl, paying <br /> rcasonablc aitorncys'fres nnd cr►t�vi:�eg on tho�ro}x:rty to msike nnpairs. Although L.cndcr mny tt�kc ncNon ut►dcr this�n;n:grnph <br /> 7, I.cnQcr docs not ha�c to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender unde� r.�is pa�-agraph 7 shali become ndditionnl debt of Bcv��wcr secured by this <br /> Security Instnmzciat. Unless Bormwcr und Lendcr ngrcc to other ternis of p�yment, thcse amounts shall benr intcrest from thc <br /> dAtc af disbursement ut the Natc rato and shull be p:►y:�ble. wlth intcrest, upon noticc fram Lcnder to flc�rrowcr �cquesUng <br /> pa,ymcnt, <br /> A.Martgwge Insurance.If I.cndcr requircd marigugo insurnnr.c as u conditlon of mnking the loxn sc�urcd by this Sccurity <br /> instrumcnt, IIorro4�•er shull pay thc premiums rcquircd to malntnin tho mo:n;;ugc insurance in effect. If, for any �euson, the <br /> mortguge insumnce cx;��crngv requirecl by I.erxter Inpse.o or cGases to be in eflect,Barrower sh�il pay the pi�emlums requircd to <br /> ol�tain covcragc substanlially cquiv�ient to thc mortgngc insurnnce proviausly in effect,at a cast substantiA�ly equivalent tu the <br /> cust to Bnrrowcr of the mortgn�,e insur,tnce previously in ctfect, from An niternate mortguge insurer approved by I.endcr. If <br /> subst�ntinlly equivalc�t mong�o insuinnce coverage is not avuilable, Aorrawer shAll pAy to Ler.dee cach manth a sum cyual to <br /> onc-twclQh af tl�c ye:�rly mortguge insurancc premium 6eing paid by Borrowcr whcn tho insutnnce covcrcge lapsed or cease�t to <br /> be in efFcct. Lcnder wiU uccept. tue and retain these payments ns A loss rescrve in Ueu af martgage insurunce. Lass reserve <br /> Fann 3028 Ql80 <br /> Pa�u 3 010 <br /> ...-.......��,.�....-. -_- --°-�-- •�� <br /> __�,.,.�.-..-�.�.- . �--.-..�.�.�...... . _ . , ;,+ ;,, �f, �.`��:''� — <br />