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It'ull ar any �xu�t ui'Uic 1'rupc�ty ur i�uy inicrc�t in it i <br /> I\hlllll 111'(fi11R�1'i(l'li�1�1'II 11 IfClll'I{Cinl inicrc�t In Iit�rru�vcr is u�id ur�ranytcnrd nnd Ilurr�►w4r Iti ii��t u n;uur;�l persunl�vithout � <br /> Lcadcr'n piiuP 1\I�IIICII ltlll�l'll�, l.�ndcr m;i�, nl Ur untiun, rcNuirc immedia��� ��.�}�mm�l in full ��i'all tiumv urirr.;l hy Ihi� f <br /> Se�:urity 1n,mmirnt. Hm��rv�r. �fil.r upilui�,l�nll aut t,�rxcrrl.rcd i►y Lcnder il'c�cr►iu ir•prohihitcd hy fcdcrnl I:i���ns nt'tiic date <br /> t�f d�{r tic�.y�tlty Itt,ir�mt�'ttt. <br /> If t.e�Kicr enrrriy4�:�{�is u?�tkrn. l.c�i�ler sliall�;ivr lle���u�vE��'sh�tl4E��f a«::lcratlou. '1'h� uu�i�c:,i�{�11 pruvid:����r►��a�►��►�� <br /> Irss tlr.u► itl di�Yy I�rum Ihr �laae t'�c �toii�i i` dcUvcn�l ur nwllyd �vithin whirh Ilnrro«•cr ntust pay� nll �ums sccuri�d hy this <br /> 4ccurlry h��tn►mcnt. If liurrn��•cr fidls lu p,�y thrsc ytnnv priar to�lic�►ul�tt►Is periu�i. I..:n�tcr mny invoi:c��ny remcdics <br /> perntlitcd bv ahls Sc�urity In,ln�nunt with��ut iur�hcr noticu ur den�und�►n Roeruwrr. �- <br /> IN. Rorri��ti•cr'y Ri�ht to Rcl��.rtota li' Horm�vrr mccls ccriidn ru�iditiuns, Uurru�vcr shi�ll lim•u Ihr �ight �u hiivc � <br /> cnli,mcn�cn� ul'�hlr ticcurity h►sliununt dluuntinu�d nt i�ny Nmc pri�,r tu thc carlicr ol': ln) S dayy lar tiuch ulhcr perlc►d os � <br /> n IlcublF: liav ma 5�ccif Pi�r rcintitntrmcntl bcfarc �i�lc ui' thu 1'r�� rrt urtiuiini ta nn �����cr uf �alc cauaiincd iu thi:� � <br /> PP Y •I Y P YP YP <br /> �rr►�ri�}I��eu��mE�nt:t�r t�+l ctut}�nt'a,jt:dgmcni�ut:nduz;tt�i,Sra�ilty t�ti:t�uni�nt.7hosc conditions an th:at Durruu•Cr:(:i)p:iy.� �_ <br /> Lcndcr idl tiumti which thcn �ruuld bc dur undcr this Srcuriry Insirum�nt imd thc Nutc ns if no urrcicriiUui�had ocrurrcxl: (b) <br /> corc.r•i�ny dcfi►�dt oY iuiy uti�cr cavc�mnt� ��r ub��.cmcnts; (c) pays ull expcnscs Incurrcd in cnf��rcinU Uils Sccurity instn�mcnt. ' <br /> includin�, h►u not limited tn, rcasonabic nU��rnc�s' fecs; imd ld1 luk���tiuch ucN�m i�s l.cndcr muy��snsonnbly requirc tu nssurc <br /> thut th�:�irn ol'this Scrurity Instrumcnt, Lciidcr s rights in thc Pruprrty und Sorr�►wcr's c�blig+iti�in tu pay titc su►m sccurcd Uy <br /> this Security biytrument �linll rontinur unchnnsed. UMm reinstatemcnt by H��rn�wer, Ihis Securlty insirumc�u und tho <br /> nblibiuium sccured f�ereby shidl reniain f'uliy ei'fective i►s ii'm�:�crelcmtiu»I�ud uccurred. Hmvever, this ri�ht ti�rcinrtnte shnll <br /> not npply in thc cc►sc af acccicrutiun tu�idcr pam�;rnph 17. <br /> t9. Si�le oP Notei ChUnge of 1.�►im Servlcer. Thu Nute or u puriiul intcre�t in the Notc (together �vith this Sccurity <br /> lnstrument)nu►y he mld onc��r marc Umcs wilhout prior nutice t��Burro�vcr. A salc miiy result in��rhtmgc in the cntity(known <br /> us thc "l.��an Scrviccr")thut collccts mnnthly pnyments duc undcr thc Natc��nd this Sccurity Instrumcnt.Thcre i�lsa nury be c►ne <br /> or morc chan�;cs ot'thc l.oan Scrviccr unrcintcd ta a sulc of thc Notc. If thcrc is a ch�ngc of thc I.oan Scrviccr, 8ormwcr will bo <br /> givc�n written natic�of Uie change in aec�rdance teith paragr,iph 14 nbm�e nnd.�pplicabie la�v.Th�noticc�vill stute the nume und <br /> uddress oi'thc new l.oan Scn�iccr n�td thc��ddress to which payments should bc mndc. '1'hc nnticc will also contnin any othcr <br /> infoi�mi�tiun�cquircd by nppUci►blc In�v. <br /> Z0. Haaarslous tiubstnnccs. Banowcr shiill ni�1 causc or permit thc presencr, usc, disposel, stc�riigc, ar rcic��sc ui'nny <br /> Ha•r.urdous Substnnccs on or in the Propeny. Bnrrmver shnli nnt do. nor idluw unyone else w do, anything s►ffccting the <br /> Property ihut is in vlolution of ony Envirunmemal Law. Tho prccediny lwa tientenccs sluill nut apply to she presenee, asc, or <br /> storngc on thc Property of smiill yuuntitics of Hn�ardous Substa�ucs that cuc gcncrally recagnizcd to bc appropriatc to narm.�l <br /> resideminl uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> Borro�vcr�hn11 pn�mpdy givc [.cndcr written noticc af any invcsdgntion, cloim, dcmind, lmvsuit ar othcr nction by uny <br /> govcrnmcntal or regulata�ry ngency or private pi�rty involving the Properiy and nny Hauirctous Substnncc or Snvimnmcntnl L.Aw <br /> of which 9u�mwcr hns c�ctual knowledgc. If Borro�vcr Ic�rns. or is natificJ by ciny�nvcrnmcmal or n:gulmary muharity. that <br /> nny removi�l or other remedintion uf i�ny Hnrardous Substance ul'fecting thr.Pmpcny is aecess�vy.Barcawer�hall pro�ziptty Uike <br /> nU necessnry remediol actions in nccord�nce�vith�nvimnmentFil l,u�v. <br /> ns uscu in ifiis pamgrnpfi 2i1, °ii�rdous Su»stnnces" �te ihosc snbsinncc`�ctciiricu a�tiiiiic vr i�t�.ni�i�tis;u`v,�ianiz;`vy <br /> finviranmcntnl i.a�v and thc foUowing suhstunccs: giisolinc, kcroscnc, oihcr flnmmablc or taxic petmlcum pmducts, toxic <br /> pcsticidcs nnd hcrbicidrs,voli�tilc solvents,materials cantnining nsbestos ar farnutldchydc,nnd radioactivc matcriuls. As usGd in <br /> this part�ranh 20, "Environmcutol I,u�v" mcam fcdcral lu�r:s and l:�ws of tho Jurisdictia� whcre thc Property is laa�ted thnt <br /> [rlutu to 6e��lth.s�tfety c�r environmrntnl p��,tc�ctinn. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COViiNANT5. Norro�vcr und l.endcr furthcr covenunt nnd ngrcc ns follo�vs: <br /> Z l.AccclrritUan; Rcn�r.dlc.w. l.cndcr shnll�ivc naticu to Borrowcr prlor to ncccicr�Non follow(ng Aorrowcr's brcach <br /> of any a►venAnt or t►�recmcnt In tt�is Sccurlty lnstrumcnt (6ut aat prlor to acccicrntlon undcr �ra�rnph 17 unl� <br /> appllcable luw provtd�alherwlse). The nnitce shsdl s�xclfy7 (N)�IIC(IC`iIUI�Q (b)the actlon requined to cure the def'sult; <br /> (c)a date.not Ic.�.9 than 30 dnys Irom thc datc the notice is glven to Eiorrawer� by whlch thc defAUlt n�ust be cured;aud <br /> (d) thut fulturc ta curc thc dcfnult on or bcforc thc dntc speclflecl 1� the nnttcc uiay r�sult in scccicrutian of the sumy <br /> securcd by Ihls 5ccurlty Iustrument nnd siile aP the Nroperty. Thc nutice shall ILrthcr Infi�r�n da•rowcr of thc rlght to <br /> reiiuf�te afYcr accelcrutlam m�d thc rlght to bring u court actlan ta nsscrt thc non•existencc of a dMuult ar any athe� <br /> detense af Ronsv�wc►• to ncccicruNan ne�d c,�le. IP thc dePuult Is r�c� r�u•cd an ur bcfarc thc dxtc epcclped In tho notie�:., <br /> Lendcr. nt itA optlon, mAy requl�c Immc�iutc pnyment In fuU o�a:] sums sscured by thir �:urhy Qasts�unitnt without <br /> IY�rthcr demand ancl muy inrai►c thc powcr of�nlc ams+l uj�y othcr rcntcdlcy perntlttcd by nppNrs��Se law. I.FV�dcr FhAll he <br /> entitled to collect all expense9 incu�eed in pu�auiia�G memedie.v pravided in thls purugraph 21,i�Kluding,6�nt not llmlted <br /> to,rcasonAbtc attor��cys'fec�nnd car•ts oF tlNc cvldc�:�r. <br /> If the {�c�wer OI�tiAIC I9 IOVUI(C[I. Trustce shull rrcord n nutlee oP def'nult In cuch cnunty in which Any part of tho <br /> Pruperty iy Ic►�ated nnd shall ms+ll copic9 of such notlee(n the mnnner prescrlbed by applica6te law to Borrower�nd tu <br /> the other pe�xc►ns prescrlbed by appUc��ble In�v.After the time requlrecl by nnpllcablc law,Trustce shall g�ve pt�blic nallce <br /> af c;�alc to thc per�itis und In tho�uAmmr prcurlbcd by uppllcublc luw.Trust���wlthaut dcmund on Ilorr��wer,Fhull scli <br /> the Property ut pubUc Uuetia�to the hlghest bidder ras ehe Nme nnd pince un�!under the terms d�slRnated dn the r�ullce of <br /> sale In one or mm•e pnrcels und in uny order 1'rustec detennlncy. 'Crustce may postpa�ne sale of ull or nny�►�ccl uf tho <br /> Property by {xata�k anuc►unccmcnt at the Umc aud pince oP n��y previously sche�lulcd snle. �.ender or Its deslgnee mny <br /> �,urchs�so thc I'4-�,x.riy ut any ss�lc. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> Papo 6 0l 0 <br /> � L <br /> .�.-.�-----•..-__..�.�.__---.....".��_"".-.__.�.......-.-.-..-�__.___""�.� ........._._. w�� <br /> .""'"'_.. ;' `' P .`"�,����� .'SS,�'if�l.g_ <br /> ` . � ' - 'c' .F(.�' 't t- <br />� . �, b �. ,. . . . _. ' �i� -'. ' .��. � . ` �. ..•:,t•r_t , - <br /> 9 !� v," ,.Y C' F� � .. �!F}.. <br /> - , . -r¢ti:'ir�► -;= xt, � . � <br /> ' ' . .� 4. . ..T:;": j.' . . .. „ i� - <br /> � ' �. • j'.� -� f'1'.}_.� ,, _ .. . ., " <br />� � . ' ' . � , � �'��' ' ��` .ti. .•l� v +4 :. <br />_ - ' , wi�' � - u +piY�y% <br /> �tv!L <br /> . .. .. ._ .. . ^. .r.�, . -,.�:1T.Y_.. <br /> �' .t� <br />.. , . ��'.� _ <br /> . } <br /> �.�(" . i/ 's <br /> S•. [ � <br /> . <br /> . \ <br />..�. 1 . �..O:LI . .., . <br /> .SLPF <br /> /, . <br />__ - . . t. . � " � - � _ Y��,..�'•S,,��' •f-_'if_ <br />__ ' ' . . ��.��� :��jl���5}�.��� <br />-_ .. ;ti�� .. ._ °s '.. �/iyir� <br />_ }i . _ '���+��a <br /> _ . ,_ .. „ �,,.�� � �ti.�.�,�-=- <br /> -, .. .*a . ar.r�`=F�� .2. r .. �_•t. ' ' . �c��;:-__ - - _ ���• <br /> ^ .. . . . . <br /> . , <br /> . ...,..- ...- "' . . � <br /> . . . ... ., . . .a - <br />--. � _ . . .. . � <br /> . .. .._.«... ... . . .�-.ti.a:��.a_.........�__.____ <br />