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<br /> '1'Ot�G1'lll?1211'1'1't!all 11►u impruvcmcnlw nu�v cu hcrcnRcr crectcd on the p►r�p..�iy,unil nll cascm�ntti,appuitcnanrcy,und
<br /> fixtures a�,�v on c�rrnll��• :► paFt aP thc pr��pcny. AU rcpl�ucntcoits ucid ndditioii� shuil ul��� bc covercd hy �hls Sccurity
<br /> instnmiciit. All��i'ilw fui�r�c►tng I�.r�f����ed to in tNis 5c��urUy Inb�n�m�nt nv�h,. "t'r�pc�ty."
<br /> k�t7l2tif7�►L`til:CUV��iAPd'��tti,i! [f+nttir.��cr i�:k��s1`ully sclscd nf the c�tutc:h�s�(�p�v��tivcy�J Euul ha��th�ribht ta grwit and
<br /> convey Ihe i'r�,ti►ciiy ui�u thai the t'mp�:riy tR un:ncumtx�r�'�!. c�kce�±t fi�r Cncu��thrnnces ui�c4un1. lfurro�ver�vcsrrunty uuJ w1U -
<br /> SCt'i nii(;cntr;tiy th�t!!!e t�e tl3�Ps'.��.ny or�in�1:�11 cluln�s mid denuinds. stthlcct tu 8+�y cncuntbrimccs uF rcw�rd.
<br /> Tif15 Sk:CUl�1'fl' INSTRUMtiN'1'�umbincti unifi�nn ruve�mnts fcir nutimtnl u5c mtd nnn-tudfi+rm c�c�vcm�nis with ilniltcd
<br /> vm�fi�tlonx by Jurisdicilun tu cunstitutc a unifurn�sCCUe{ty iifstn�mcnt co�rrin�e�:il pmperty. -
<br /> UNIF�UItM CAVf'sNANTS, t�on•mvcr and Lcnitcr rc►vrnmu�md ng�cc ns fi►Il��wv;
<br /> 1. 1'uy»�cnt oP il'rincl��Al unil Intcrc5l; �''rc�tnymcnt und I.ute Cltar�rs, Darro�ecr shnll pc�unptly piry �vhcn duc tho
<br /> principul uf nnd inteeest un tlte debt evidenceil by ttw N�x�nnd any prcpayu��nt a�td Ittte chsi•�ca�1n�under tNe N�te.
<br /> E. l��utds i'or Tuxcs u�d L�surnncc. SahJect ta isppllcablo Inw or ro a writtcn wi�ivcr by Lcndcr, Bnrr�r�vcr shnll �ay In
<br /> Lc�idce on ttic day munthiy p�yments nrc cluo undcr thv Notc.undl ttic Notc is pald in fall.n sum("Funds")fur: (a)ycnriy tnxcs
<br /> end nsscssnuntF whicl�may nttnin priarlty i►vcr this Sccurity Instn►mcnt as u lien on tho Prop:rty:(b1 ycarly Icaschald pnymcnts
<br /> or ground rents on thc F'�ropc7ty, i£nny;(c)ycarly huzun!or propccty insurttncc prcmlums;(d)ycurly tlo�xl Insurnnc�prcmtum�,
<br /> if nny; (o)ycnrly mortgngo insurnncc prcmiim�s. if uny; nnd(�nny tiumo p:�ynhlc by Horrowcr to [.cndcr, in ucmrdanco wilh
<br /> thc provisions c►f p:tm�ranh B,in licu of tho p�ymcnt of martg�ge insu�imce p��cmiums.Ti�cse itcros ure rullcd "Fscrow ltenu."
<br /> l.cndcr mny. at any timu, c��llcct und hold i�unds in nn nmount not to cxccc�cl thc muximum mm�unt i► Icndcr for a fedcriilly
<br /> �clntcd mortg:�gc loam m�y �cyuirc for 8arruw�:r's cscro�v ncrnunt uncter thc fcderal Rc��l Estnte 5etdcmeut Procedur�s Act af
<br /> 1974 ns nme��ded fram time to time, 12 U.S.t'. Secdnn 2b01 et seq.("RBSPA"), tuilcss iuiothcr Inw thttt applics to tho�unds
<br /> sets u lcsser nmount. If sa, (.ender ntny, nt .uiy Ume, callGCt und hold Funds in :�n amnunt not to excecd ihe Icsscr nmaunt.
<br /> l.cnd:.r mny cstimntc tho nmount oP�unds duc un�hc bnsis af curi•cnt data iind reusannbic cstinu�tcs uf ex{xnditures af futarc
<br /> �so�ow Itenis ur othcr�visc In nccrndancc wlth npplicttblc Inw.
<br /> 'Pl�e Funds shnit be hcld in tin institution whoEC depc�sits nro insurcd by t� fcctcrnl uF;cncy. instnimcntnliry, or cntity
<br /> (including I.ender,if Lendcr la�uch an instiiution)ur ii�uuy PGdern111am:.Laan Banf:.Lendcr shnll ep�ly�ho Funds to pay the
<br /> L'scrow Itcros. Lcndcr may not chnrgc Dnrrowcr far 1►olding nnd npplying the Fonds,nununlly unnlyzing thc cscrow nccaunt.ar
<br /> vcrifyi�ng the�scrow ItemY, unless l.�:nder E�ays Y3arrowcr intetcst an the Funds nnd nppliu►ble law permits Lcnder ta muke such
<br /> n charsc. Now'evcr,Lendcr��iny rc��uirc Harrawcr to p:►y n one-tinn:cl�c►rge for nn indep,.ndcnt r�d estate•tax rcpnrting scrvice
<br /> used by Lcndcr in canncction with this lonn. unlcss npplicc�blc law providcs othcr�vise. Untess nn �grccmcnt is madc or
<br /> applicablc la�v rcqulres intcrest ta bo paid,L.encicr shnll not be rcquircd tn p:►y Borro�ver any intcrost or e�lrnings on tlie f�u�xis.
<br /> Bc»•rowcr nnd L.ender nwy a�rce in writi��g, hmvever, thnt intorest Ehull bc pr►id on thc Funds. �cnder shall�ivc to flc►trawcr,
<br /> wii�iaui cmnn;a, a�aar�aa!a.,�::ntltsg r.f!!�F.e�. �.!�inP cre�its ned eichits to Ihc Funcls a�;£ tha pu�sc fnr which cach
<br /> c�ebit ta the f�undy wna�nacto.The f�unds are plcdgctl.tv sidditionnl sccurlty for ctll E.ums securcd Uy this Secudty Instntment.
<br /> if thc Funds hcld by I..ender cxccod the amounts pc:rmitted to bo hctd by npplicttblc law, (.etxter shall nUr,�unt to Barrower
<br /> ;,,,;!p�ov�ta R��ndc 1n ncrnrtlanc��vitll lII1C IC(lUL[CII1Cri1S Of OpP��Ci1bIR IiIW. If thc nmaunt of thc Funds hcld�iy i.c�xler at uny
<br /> dnx ts not suificiem io pay tho T��c;�w i�ems whcn duc.Lender mtty so notll�Rono�ver ip writing,und, in such va.so isoriuwer
<br /> shnll pay to Lender the cunouat necessar�•co mnke up tl�e deficicncy. Ilorrawer shnll mnke up the deticioncy in�a moro than
<br /> twclvc mnn�hly payments.nt l.endcr'g salo discrciian.
<br /> Upon payment in fu11 of all sums ticcurcd b�• thiy Sccurlty InsYrumcnt. L.cndcr �hall promptly refund to Borrowcr nny
<br /> F�mds hcld by Lcadcr. If',undcr parugrqp'��1. Lr•f�i�r shull acquir�or scll thc Property.l.cndcr,prior ta tho acquisition ar salo
<br /> af tho Froperay, shali apply uny Funds hcld by I.cl.hdcr at Il�c time af�cquisition ar satc as�cav l:t c+gninst the sums sa;cum.cl b,y
<br /> this Sccurity anstrument.
<br /> 3.ApplkAtlon�►f P�yments.Unlcss npplicablc law provldcs othcrwisc, itli paymcnte cecci�-cd by[w;ndcr under pnrngraphs
<br /> 1 uixl 2 s!�all bc nPpliGCl: first, to nny prcpnyment chargcs due under thc Notc; sccmi�l, ta nmounts pnynblc undcr pnrng�aph 2;
<br /> third�to ice°e-est due; faunh.to principal due;und Inst,to nny lutc chargc9 due undcr the Notc.
<br /> Q.Ci��iges; l.lens. Horrawer shal!Qmy nU tnxes� assessmcnts,chargcy, iincs nnd impositdc�ns nttributablc to thc Praperty
<br /> which muy nttnin priarity ovcr this Security instrument, �ncl Icaschold paymcnts ��r graund rents. if any. Borro�ver shn�f {�s►y
<br /> tlicsc ublis�tians in tha manncr pravidcd in pncugrnph 2,ar if not�aid in thnt mnnncr.Aorruwcr sh�11 pay thcin m�tim�diccctly
<br /> ro thc person oweci payment. Sorrowcr sholl prompUy furnish to Lendcr nll naticcs of nmaunts to be paic�undcr this paragrs►ph.
<br /> If Horrowcr mnkey lhcsc puyments dircctly,norr�wcr shnll pmmptly furnish to I.cndcr reccipts ovidencing the pnymcnts.
<br /> • Borro��rs shall promptly dischnrgc any licn whici�has priorlty avcr this Security Instniment unless Aaerowcr: (n)egrcos i�
<br /> wriUnb ta the payment of tho abligntion sccured by tha licn ii�a manner acccptublc ta l.endcr: (b)contests in guod faith th�Ilan
<br /> by, or dcfcnds aguinst enforccment of thc lien in, Iegnl pracce.�fings which in thc I..cnder's opinion aperatc to prevent thc
<br /> cnfarccment af the lien;or(c)sccutes from the holder of the licn nn nbrcement satlsfnctary to l.cndcr subordint�ting the fi�n to
<br /> Ihis Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any pnrt of the 1'roperty is sub]ect ta a llen which may attidn priarlty aver
<br /> thls Sccu�ity Instn�ment. l,endcr may givc Harrmver n nutic�e identifyii�thc licn. i3orrowcr si�ail satisfy thc lien or tnke ono or
<br /> ncoro of tho actions�et forth nt►avc wiQdn 10 dnys of thc giving of noticc.
<br /> Form 3028 0J80
<br /> a�„�:os a
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