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<br /> S. �Inziu•Q ur ►hv��c��ly Insurmn�e. Ilarru�ver shnll kccp iha impra��cmcnl+ nuw cM1:�11nh ur hrr��aQ�r c�rricd ��n tho
<br /> {'��n��crty insu►e�l �i�,uiutit luss I�y fre, hnrnrds (n4ludctl �vitldn thc ternl "exteitdcd r�wcrn�c" m�d any u�her ha:�nr�is, includitiy —
<br /> tlaxis��r floi�dio��, f��r widch l..euetr.r reNul��es Insurance. 'This Insur.u►ce wltiill be IIIIIIilIllllll'lI III llll U1114/UIIIA 11111I Idl IIII= ��erlad•;
<br /> that Lcnder rec�uir�s. '1'ho insuranrc rnrricr}+n�vt�ll��g �i►e in5urnnce:�h:dl he rhurrn i+y R+�r���+wee �,��h�c�� ��� Ix��drr'x��ppruvul =_
<br /> w1�k!} �h�ll �x�t lx: �!i►E�asu►E.}�ily wlqt#�.la, U'U�i�.,�.�a• 1'�its [a n�alntalu covcra;e dcs�rfh�d obo�•.. Erncl�r tri.i�, :�t I.ctiidee's —
<br /> c�pticm��,.�t;di�r+weraF�to p�►tect Le:�der's rlght�in thc:P►t�}�es�ty in acct�rci��ii�x�Eith p�n•��y�•al�i►7. �_
<br /> A!! lnsurance pnlirfrs �!ti+� r��n��wnlr:�I�:�1! I,r.e�creptuhle to l.endcr�u�J sli:►II Includa a ;,t�tndard nt+►�•��ia�14 41�u�+�;. �.�n�l�:r _
<br /> shnll h�►vc thc ri�ht ta lu�ld tlic pnlir.ics imd�en�wulti. If Lcndcr rcqulres,ti�a•�•u�vc►tihull pr����iplly�;I�•u lu Lrndcr ull rcecipt.��I'
<br /> paid prcmfums aind renc�vnl naiirr,r•, In thn cvc��t��f'luss.[locrmver shnll give prontpt nudrU to tite Invut;m�e catrlc►'tut�l t.en�ler.
<br /> l..cndcr m;iy nu►kc p��ui'�►1'Icns iF n��t mi►do promptly by 8nrrowcr.
<br /> Itnl��.�14•�idcr+�n�l 11��rrn�vr.r ntlienvise��;tce In�vrl�inl;, insurimco pr��recd,slml) Nc npplicd tu re�lurnliun ur r�p;ilr uf Ilto L
<br /> Nropcny dnmagcd,if thc restoratton or repair is cronnntictilly fcayihic and[.cndcr'Y rectn'ity ly itut Icyselled,If'the�'4ytaratlnn nr
<br /> repair is ��ot ccon��micnlly fensible or Lender's security �vould be les.r•ened,the li�stu�imce pr��cecds tihull ho nppUed to 11►o nuaus
<br /> sccnrcd hy this Sccuriry lnstnimc�ut, wl�ethcr or not thcn duc, �vith any cxcesti p;►id to liorru�vcr. If flnn�owce ahimd�►ns tlto
<br /> Properry. ar ducs not ans�vcr with{n 30 dnys n naticc from I.cndcr that thu insu��uuo cur�•icr hns af'f'cred ta�culo o clnfm, then
<br /> l.cndcr nu►y c�tlect thr. insurnncv pn�cccds. l,cndcr nr.iy usc U�c �►rocctd9 tu rcpnir ur restarc Iho 1�►Y�perty or to p��y �utns
<br /> secured by this Se��urity Instrument,wh�:thar ur aut thei�dua.The 3Q•duy perlod�vill hegin when the nuticc is giveu.
<br /> Unless l.endur ►uid Aorro�vcr nthcnvlso t��rco in wrlting, �my upplicad�m oi' pracccds to principnl yhnll nut extcntl or
<br /> postpono the duc dntc nf thc mrnthly paymcnts rcfcrred to in parugr.�phs 1 and 2 or chnngc tlw umnunt nf Iho pnymcn�s. lf
<br /> undcr p;n.��rnph 21 thc Properry 1s i�cquircd hy Lendor, Unrrowcr'r�right ta any insurnnco pnlicics nnd procccds resttldnH frnm
<br /> dmna�le ta thc Property prior to tho acyuisiti�n shall pnss tn Lcndcr tc�thc extent oi'Ihc sums sccurcd Uy this Sccurlly InsUluncnl
<br /> immcdi�trly prior ta tlic iuquisiNon,
<br /> G.Ckcupnncy.�rese�watlan.l�lielutennnce And t'rntectlan aY the Praperty; I30IT01YCP�8 LtlAll A(InIIC1�lIUllj I.l'aRrI10IfIy�
<br /> �3orro���cr shnll accupy, estnblish,und use tl�e Property��s Narrower's principnl residencu within qixty d��y�nftor dio executlnn af
<br /> this Secarity instrumcnt iind shnll condnuc to nccupy tho Pr�perty as Burrawer's princlpul residencc far ut Icn�gt una ycnr utler
<br /> Uic dnte of occi�pnncy, unless l.ender otherwise n�i•ccs in�vriting, which consent sl►nll nnt be unrensonnhly �vithhc�ld, ��r unless
<br /> oxtcnunting circumstnnces exist which ttre Uayand aar���ver's conuol. Borro�ver shall not des�roy, damugu or impair tho
<br /> Property, nUmv thc Propc��ty t�detcriorntc, or cammit wustu on thr. Property. Borrnwce shidl bo in dcfnult if nny fnrfcituro _
<br /> �ction or}�roc:eeding, whether eivil ar crlmimd. is be�un thnt in Lender's gacxl fAith judgment c�uld revuii in furi'cituru uf�ha
<br /> Fropetty ur otitcnvisc mntct'inliy impair tha licn crctitcd by this Sccuriry Insteumcnt or l.cndcr's sccurity intcrest, ik�rrowcr niny
<br /> cu►v such a dcfuult nnd reinstnte,as providcd in pamgri►ph 18, I�y ci�using the ncU�n�r pmcecding ta bo dis�iiissed with o n�liny
<br /> thnt. in �,cndcr'c �acxl fnith dctcrminatiun, precludes forfclturc of thc norro�Ner's intcrest in tho Praperty or othcr n�aterfal
<br /> iniY,,.!s•s��t nf st�lien�c �* b; i�i1s BQetsil; ��nt�r Ltn4!c.�'s�Q���t�r �nr�s�, f��rrnwe�•r,lwll nlsci tn ln dnfuult lf ,
<br /> Banu�vcr,dtving tho loan upplication proccss,gnvc mntc�9ully fnlso or lnaccurnte infoemtnion or Rtetcmcnts to I.cndcr(ar('ailcd
<br /> to providc Lcndcr wlth fmy mntcrial infarmation)in connectlon with thc lonn ovidcnccd hy thc Nato,�nclucih�g,but not Ilmital
<br /> to.rcurescntntinns cunccrnin¢IIurrowcr'y occuQuncv of thc Proucrty av o UtInclDal rcvda�ca If th�s Sccurity InStrumcnt ix un u
<br /> lcasehutd, Corrawer shall comply wlth nl! thc pravlsians af the lcase. If Borrc�w$r acr�uiseY fec title ta the Prnyrsty, !hc
<br /> lcaschold und the fcc titic shall noe mcrgc unlcss Lendor a;,��r.cs to thc mcrger in wriUng.
<br /> 7.Prot�titlnn of I.ender'a RlghtA in the I'roperty.If Uorra�ver fuils to perfonn the cuvcnunts And ngreements cmttnlned In
<br /> this Sccuriry instnimcnt. ar thcra is�lcgn! proccccling thnt mny sisniGciuitly nfPcct [.cndcr'e rlghty in tlic�Prc�pc;rty (such��s o
<br /> pracccding in bankruptcy, Nrob�ite, for candemn�don or forfeiture or to enfone In�va or regulntlons), then[.endcr may cto N�xl
<br /> pay for whntever iw necessary to protect tho�.�luo af the Praperty and Lcnsl�r's rigEus in 11►a Pro�xrty, Lenaer's aetiaus nu►y
<br /> includc p�ying lmy s�ms sccurcd by ci licn �vhich hns priority ovcr this Securlty Instnimcnt, appcnring in coun, paying
<br /> rcasbi�blc attamcys' fcc9 nnd cntering an the Property tn muko repairs. Althoush l.encter may tnkc nctiun uncler this paragraph
<br /> 7,Lender doc»not havc to do sa.
<br /> Any mnounts disbw•sed by I.endor unctcr �his pnragrnph ? sha11 becUmc ndditianol debt of Aotrowcr sccured by thie
<br /> Sccurlty Instrument. Unlcss tlorrowcr nnd L.cnder asrco to othcr tcrms of pnytncnt, tl�cso umrnmts shnll 6car intcrcvt i'rom tho
<br /> ciiUC of disburscmcnt m thc Notc ratu und shall bo pttynblo, with lnterest, upan nmicc froni L.endcr to Barrowcr rcc�uesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mort�GAKe Insurunce. If l.ender requind mortgngo insuranca as u conditiun of mnking the lo;sn�ecured by�his Se.curity
<br /> lnstniment, Bor��awcr shnll pay tho prcmiums ccyuirccl ta mnintain thc mortgnF;c insurnnca in pffcct. If. for nn,y rcr,son, tho '
<br /> nwrtgugc instu•anc�covcrnge rcquircd by l.cnder It�pses or ccascs to bo in effcct. Burrowa•shall pAy tho premiunts rcqulred tu
<br /> ot►tnin eoverng:. substs�Uinliy cc�uivnlent ta tho mortgngo insumnco previausly in effeet, �u n c�st�uUstnntiully ec�uivAlont to tho ;
<br /> cost ta 8arrawer oS the mortgflge insuronce proviously in offcct, from an altern�►te martgngo insurer npprovcd by l.crxfer. lf
<br /> substnntialty ec�uivalcnt martgagv insin•.1nce covcrflgc ls not�vailnblc, Horrowor shnll pay to I..cnd�r cnch montb a euu�equ��l ta
<br /> onc-iwclfih of thc ycnrly mortgago insurance premium heing pnid by Horrawer when thc insurunce covernga lopscd ar ccnsecl to ;
<br /> be in offect. Lender�vill nccept,use and retain these paymenis es n los» ��esorve in lieu ��f mortgaga insuranco. l.nsa reserva �
<br /> Fann 9028 0190
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