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<br /> �►nymciits nr�y n�� lungcr b��r.quirc�l,ut ih�uplluu uP I,�i�Qcr, if uiu�tF;�igc insu��,tncc cavcri��c(in the amoant nnd for�he�rriod �
<br /> ticit t.ondrr r���uii��.rl p►avlit�d hy un insurce opprovc�l hy I.cn�lcr t�i,nin hecomrs i�vi�iluhlu iu�d is ol�tuinr�l. liorruwr.r nlinll pay
<br /> tl�c prcmiumr rc��ufrc�l tu niuintuin mu�t�uge Intiuri�nrc lu cl'f�rt.�r tu pruvidc n 1����� ��'s��'�'o,an1i1 thc rcquin:�ncnt fue itturtl;arc .
<br /> in5uran�r rnci�;in.�r�vsriliinrt��vilit�i�tiy�vrlEtcu i+;�r�et�tc�u t+c�wccn f?o��r:��t�cr nnA I.c�ndur��r�ipplicablc law.
<br /> S?.IQC���klnn. Lcndrr nr ity u�cnt nuly mnk,.�r�asc�nnk+lu r.n4�ry u!►em,:ixl i».s�etitlo�w o1'the Pro�►e�ty. l.ettcicr sltall kivc
<br /> �Ufi'01YCP ittt(IC`e.�4 Ihe tl�itiC rY ur f�t'inr!+►tFit I�t4�u'ctiE+n sEkcifying!'c:uona6lc cuUSe fi�r thU(n.�pectio!�. �
<br /> 10. Co���lc�esaatlau. 7'he ��ruceeas ui'mw uwurd ur claim far dnninse�, alirect or consequendid, in connectlon �vith nny
<br /> c�ndci»ntriic�n or c►titec ti►kinH i�f a�ny p:ut of the 1'rnperty, nr(irr cunveyiuico in lt�u oi conda►nnnti��n. ttr�:het'eby assi�ned nnd
<br /> shnll bc patd ta LoaJ�r.
<br /> In Qro cvcnt��f n tou�l tnkinR of'tho P+�uperry,the procccds shnit bc npplicd tu thu swifs sccured by this Sccurity Instnmicnt,
<br /> whcihcr or nut lhcn due, �vi�h nuy exccss pniJ Ua lli�rra�vcr. In di�u cvent uf n pti�Na) takin�; af Ihc� Prnpeny in wldch the fnir
<br /> mark�t vnlue uf tho Pru��crty iinmcdlutely bcforc the takNt�Is equnl tu or grctitur tl�nn tho ttmoemi ��f tliu nums yc.,:wcd by ii�is
<br /> Sccw9ty lnsininicnt imnmdintcty huforc�ho taking, unlesw l�orrc��vcr nnd Lcndcr otherwisu�grc:c in writing, the s�uns sccuecd by
<br /> thiw Securily Instruiucnt shnll Ue rcduccd by ihe umount of the proeecds multipliul by thc fi�llawln� t'rnctlun: (a) tl�e totnl
<br /> amount of'iho sun�s securccl im�nedlatcly Ucfuro th� �aking, (IIVI(ICCI flY (h)lllp fAIP a�nrket vciluo of thc E'co}ticrty immcdintely �
<br /> hcforA thc tnking. Any bnlnnco yhull ho ptdd ta Oorra�vpr. In the ovciit of a partiat tuking oP tl�c Praperty in which tho fnir
<br /> mnrket valuc of tho I'rc�perty Immcdlntcly hcfoc�o tho tnking is Icss N�an�hc nmount��f the si�my secur��ci inmic�lintely before Uio
<br /> tctkistg, tntless t3�.�rrowcr nnd l.cnder othorwi+c t�grcc In wrlting or unless nppHcnblc la�v othcrwisc provi��es, the pixKCeds shidl
<br /> he npplial tn thc sums securc�l by thfs Sccurlry 6�strument�vt�cthcr i�r itot the sums nre thcn due.
<br /> If Atc Property is nGnndonccl hy Borr��vcr,or ii,nQcr noticc by[.cndcr to Bon•a�vcr that tho condenmor offcrs to nmkc nn ,
<br /> ttwnrd ar sc1He n cloim for clomngcs, 8orrowcr fniis to respand ta I.encicr�vithin 30 dnys idlcr qtu dute tho notice !s eivcn,
<br /> Lcndcr is uutliar{•r.cd ta collcct and npply tho prcxccds,nt its aption, cllhcr to restarsuitm or rcp�dr af tho`Praperty or ro thc sunts
<br /> sccurc�l by this Sc�urity�nstrumcnt,wl�ethcr nr not tl►cn d�u.
<br /> Unlesy t.encicr iu�d Dorrowcr otl�onvlsc ngrcc in writing, iiny npplicaUon of procrcds t�i principnl shall nM cxtcnd ar
<br /> postpouo tho duc duto of dic ntouthly pnymonts tcfecrcd t�in pn�agraphs 1 i�nd 2 ar changa the nmount of such paymcnis,
<br /> lt.})orrowrr Not Relrxsecl;ForbeAr�nce Hy I�ender N�it u Walver.Bxtension of thu timo:Fnr puymcnt ur mocllGcntton
<br /> of nmorU�ntion of the sumy securccl by this Security Instrumcnt granted by Lender to any Fuccessor in inturest of 13orrawcr shn!!
<br /> not upcxate;tci rele�sc the liabllity of die origlnal tlnrmtiver ar Darro�ver's successors in interest. Lendcr shall nat be re�luirccl to
<br /> �cammence procecdings ngai�ist any�uccessnr in intcrest ur rul�su tu oxteu�l Ume for pnyi��ent oe other�vise mcxtity nmoriizution
<br /> Of 1I1C S111119 tiCCl1fC(I 41y lIlI9 Sccu�ity Instrument Uy rciis��n nf imy dcmnnd madc by iho o�i�iunl Bon�owc�r or l�orrowcr's
<br /> successors ln iaterost. Any farbcnrunce by Lettder in er.crcisfng nny right or rcmcdy shnll ne�t tw ��vaivpr of or preclude Uta
<br /> oxcrcisc af uny right nr rcmcdy.
<br /> 12_ Suu�.•rsvnrw mul As+iluns Il[�und:.Wnt e�W Severol Llahllllv: Cuslaucrs. Thn cn�•cv�u�ls [tud nerCS:tnollts of tLL9 _
<br /> Secui9ry fn5tnimrnt shnll bind amd benefit tt�e successm•e nnd utisigns of Lendor nncl Dorra�ver, subJect to the pravisions uf
<br /> pm�ngraph 17, iiorrowcr's cavennnte imd agreements �hall be J��Int �nd severul. Any Borrower aho co-signs thia Sccudty
<br /> bisauntcnt but d�cs nat cxccute thv Nntc; (a) iy co-�ignit�B this Sccurlty Instrumcnt only to m��rtg<24`,0, �r1nt nnd ounvcy that
<br /> A�rsnwer'::inierc:.t in the Qroprrty uasies the scrms af this Securlty li��tnssncnt:tt�)ls no�pers��s:a!!y ot+l�gatc�!to�►y 1h�F�!m�
<br /> sccurccl by this Sccurity Instnimc�»;nnd(c)agrccs thnt L.cndcr aud nny athcr Sarrowcr may n�rcc ta roxtcnd,modify, fort�ear or
<br /> nu�kc nny accornmadutions�vith regard tn thc ccrms of this Sccurity[nstrumont or thc Noto�vitl�aut that Hc�rrowcr'9 cunsc.nt.
<br /> 13, l.uau CGa��es. If tlie loan ticcurul by thiv Sec►u9ty Iustruanent is subJcct to f�In�v which sets�nnximum ioan chnrgcs,
<br /> aad tiiAt law is finaUy interpreted sp thnt the intere9t or ather lonn char�;ca calicctcd or to bo coUcctcd in cannection with tho
<br /> laan��xcscd the permiued limits. U►en: (�+)i�ny such lann cl►urge sh��ll bo reduced by the amaunt nccessi►ry ta reduco tho chlrgo
<br /> to 1hc�xmiiucd limit; nnd(b)any sums alrcndy collectcd frmn Rarrowcr which cxcecdecl permittcd limit9 will be roflmclal ta
<br /> Horrawor. i.endcr rnt�y chaase ta mnkc this rcf�u�d by rcducing thv principul ��wcci uncler the Note or b}+ makir� a dicc�:t
<br /> �aymcr►t to 13orr�wcr, If n roPund reciucea principnl, tho teducdon tivfll bc trcutcd ns n pnnlul prept�yment without uny
<br /> prepayment charge undcr the Natc.
<br /> 14.Notices. Any naticc ta Horruwcr provlded for in ihis Security Instrun�ent shull bo given by dciivering yE ar by mnill�
<br /> it by tirst class mnil unless Applicable luw reyuires uso of miother methai. 7'he nntico etiall bo directed to thv I'roperty Acldress
<br /> or ctny othcr nddress Borrowcr desl�nates hy notico to I.pndEr, Any n��ilc� t� l.�r�dor Ahnll ho given hy Grst class mail to
<br /> [.,encier's addross statect herein or nny athcr address I.�endcr dcslgnatew hy notico ta Anrrowpr. Any natica prnv}cicd for i��this
<br /> Security insnvment shall be dcemed tc�have bcen given ti�Aotr�wer i�r l.ender when eivcn as provtcied in Uiis pat�grnph.
<br /> lS.Governin� �,ww; Severahlltty. This Securlty Instcumcnt nhall lw gc►verned by federal Ir�w iind tho lnw of tho
<br /> Judsdiction in which tho Praperty is lacnted. In the ovent ttiiu nny provision or cinusu�►f this Securlty Instru:nent ar the Nota
<br /> � conflicts wUh applicublc Itnv,such conf7ict shull not uffcct ulhcr pr��vlsionv oP Il�id Sccurity Instrument or tho Noto whlch ct►ti�be
<br /> give��c(fect withaut tl�c conflicting provislon. To this cnd Iho pmvlslon4 uP thia SccurUy Insu•umcnt and tho Note nre decic�rai
<br /> ta bc scvcrablc.
<br /> 16,Ri►rrower's Copy.Barrower r+hall be giveu m�e conf'o��mocl c�►py of�ho Noto eixl of�his Secu►•ity LZStrument.
<br /> Fo�m 302a 9/Q0
<br /> Pap�4 uf 0
<br />