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<br /> TOC:FiTNEiR WITH��11 the impravcmc�us i�mv ur t�c�ra�tcr erccte�l m►the prap�riy,i�rid td)eahrntents,appu►tetinnces,iutd
<br /> fixtu�cs �n�iw u�� hcrcnftcr ti p:trt uF thc pruperty. All repinc�mcnts nnd nddll(nr�s shnl! also he c��vcrcd hy tl�is yccurity
<br /> (�isu�+ment. All af thc firrc�;oln�is rcl'crrcd to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt ns Nic"r�or;.ny."
<br /> i3AitCtl)1VkiR CUVt3NAN'1'S th,it liorro�vcr is 1►�wiidly sciscd cif tho c�ti�W hcrcGy runvcycd mid hnw Itic right t�►�rimt and �
<br /> e�,m�4y thu i'e��p:.fty ,�n�i tfi,�t th� 1'e�►���iy is ��n��c��mher��t, CKC�(�t fi�P�f1C1if1thPAI1CiS ��f PCC<it�t. R�eemvice a:�r�;}ntF�nd�viii
<br /> dctenci�cncrully thc tirlc tn dto Praperty ngninst idt clnims nnd dcmnnds,subjcct ro«ny ciuumbranccs of rccord, j
<br /> Tii[�S�'CL'�Ii`: 1i�iaicitl►bi�;id'T ttiliiYi{ilza tli't{�t)idl�'JYci'idittti fi�i i�nnti��i�a{ u�e a�it nar-uni�'���rn c�,�ennnts «ith iiniiicd
<br /> vadc�tions by jurisdirtion ta cnntiUtute i�w►iform sccurlty in5t��im.nt rnvcrin��enl pr��nerty.
<br /> UN1FnRM COV13N�1NTS. Bora�o�vcr imd Lcndcr covcnmit nnJ ngrcc ns fitillo�vs:
<br /> l, l'uy�ucnt ot P�•iu4tp�l aad intcrc�t; P�•cpaymcnt �md I,utc Cttm�cs. }3orro�vcr shall prontptly p;►y whcn duc ttto
<br /> �srincipal.�f ani Int�r�st o�ti tha J�Lc uvi�t::nc�:t by tho Notc�d any pr�nym�.nt�n;!latc cf�arR:.;du;,andcr thv Not�.
<br /> 2, F�tndv for T��xev nuil Ii�SUrnncc. SubJcct t��i►ppllcublc liav or lo u writtcn wni�cr t�y I.ender, Qorr�iwer shall pay to
<br /> Lcndcr un tho duy uiontl�ly puymcnts nro duo undcr tho Natc. unNl thc�Ioto i�paid in iLll,u surn("t�uiids")for: (il)�ICtll'�y 1(1?IC9
<br /> stnd�sscssmenis whict�ui�y ntt�in priorlty ovcr this Sccurity Insiniment e�s n Ucu on diu 1'n►perty;(G)ycnrly Icascl�old paym��nts
<br /> �r grounr.l rents on the Property,!f imy;(c)yeiu•ly hi�zi�rd nr property Insurnnco premiun�s;(cl)yearly flncxl insurinco premiunts,
<br /> if cu�y; (c) ycarly mort�agc insuruncc premiums, if.►ny; und (� nny sumw payabic by Dorrowcr to L.cnacr, in ncrnrdimca with
<br /> tGe provisinns of pnrngriph 8, in Ncu af thc pnymcnt of martgnga insurance premiums. 'fhcsc itcros nrc rnllcd"Csscrow ltcros."
<br /> Lcndc�•m:►y, 1t nny tima, coUcct iind hold �unds i� nn aniaunt not ta cxcccd thc maximun� nmount n Iencicr for c� f'ccicrnlly �
<br /> t�cinted ntortgage loan may rci�uire for l�orro�ver's escrow necaunt under tho federul lteul Estute SetUement Pructdures Act oF
<br /> 197A a.q umcndcd from timc t��zimc, 12 U.3.C, Scctlon 2fiQ1 et se��, ("RksSPA"), unleNS anuU�cr 1�►w thnt Appli�s to tliu Funds
<br /> s�is a Iesser nmount. li'so, Lrndcr mny, a�i �ny tima, callcct nnd hald Funds in im tunuunt not to oxcced tho lesser nmount.
<br /> Lend�r mny estimnw tha nmaunt uf Funds clue un tho b:�sis of currcnt dutn i�nd reiisani�blc csNm;urs of oxpcnditures af futuro
<br /> Gsrrow Items or athenvise in acrnrdaaco��•ith npplicnble Inw.
<br /> �The Fuuds shn11 be helfl in nn Instiw�ion whose deposits nru insurcd by a fedcrtti ngcncy. lnsttamcitit;tllty, or cntity
<br /> (including [,ender,if L.ender!9 such�n institudon)or in nny Falert�l flome Lonn Dnnk. I.ender shnll npply the�unds to pny dio
<br /> �scrow Itcros. I�ncicr may not rhnrgo Donawcr for holding c�nd applyin�tho runds, iinnunlly nnnlyzing tho esccow nccaunt,or
<br /> vcrifyin�tito Escro�v Itcros. ualc58 I.kll(IGI'Qlly9 UpifQ\YCl'IIITCICSI OIl[IIC FUI1tI5 Al1tI tlp�I�Cl1nIC I(11Y p:rmits Lcndcr to mnko such
<br />; �chnrgo. Howevcr, [,cniler mny rcryuira Drrrowor to pny n ono-tlmc chnrge f'oe nn indepcndcnt rcnl estntc tnx repc�rting s�evtce
<br /> uscd by Lcndor ln connc;ction with t4is loan, unlcss upplic�blc la�v pravldes othenvlso. Unless nn agrecmcnt is ntucio ar
<br /> npplicablo Inw rcquirev�ntcrc�t to bc pidd, Lender shnll not bc�eqidred ta pay 8areo�ver any intcrest or carnings on thc FmiJs.
<br /> Dorcowcr nnd I.endor may aarcc iu�vrlting, ho�vcvcr, that intcrest sh�ll bo paid an thc�linds, l.cndcr shnll giv�ta 13arrower,
<br /> withat�t chargc, :►n�nnual �ccounNng of thc funds, showln�cr�ctits nnd debits to ihe F1�nds und 11ie pur�se fi�r which each
<br /> cicofi ia i`rrc raixis a�s mmfo.'f"no M�rnis are ptedg�ci as ndditianai se�mry iz►r aii r,ums s�curcci bp miv 5eeariry tn�tn�ment.
<br /> If thc Funds held by I..cnder oxcecd�ho amounts permltted to bc held by appllc�ble Inw, I.ender�hall accaunt ta�iarrawer
<br /> for the cxccsq Fuixis in nccorc��nco wilh thc requirements af applicnblc lu�v. If tl�o amaunt of tho Funds held by Lcr.dcr ut uny
<br /> «�°.:.°.�.°..:�`:°..�..`��:.�°..SS::8 y^w�:.ti.Cn;r•iu'.'.'i�wi�°n'r:ilvi�wa1o� i.'vi�a vi�itw�"ais 7tv�i��sh.�ia:�i:vi iTt iii�iiitj� � �it oiicti b'waG av�ive�c�'
<br /> .ain�,
<br /> ahuti p�y to C,endcr th3 amoum nccrssary ta mnko up thc dcflcicncy. �orrowcr shall mukc up tho dcficicncy in na maro than
<br /> twclvo monthly pnymcnts,nt l,endcr's solo dlscrctton.
<br /> Upon payment in flill of all sums sccured by this Secudty b�strumcnt, l.endcr shnll pramplly refund to Dnrrawer nny
<br /> Fu�xls hcld by l.cuder.If,unc1��•�aragrapl�21, L.endcr shidl ncc�uirc or scll thc Propcjiy,l.cndcr,prlor ro thc ncqulsltiur�or eala
<br /> af tho Pn�pc»y,shaU npply ttn}�fiuncis hcld by l.cndcr nt tnc timo of ucqulsitian or c�te as n crcciit ngninst tho sums st:curGi by
<br /> thie Security Instnu�icnt.
<br /> 3.Appllcs�t�n oP PKViucnts. Ul1IC9Y i?p�:licable Inw provides othcnr�iso.nll paymcnts reccivcd 2�y I.cndcr under puragraphs
<br /> 1 a�xl 3 Ehall ba u�plicd:.fi�st, to nny prcpuyment chargcs dua undcr th;.9Voto; sccond, to amaunts puyablc►mdcr paragraph 2;
<br /> ' d►ia�4,to intcrest duc; faurth,¢o�rincfptd due;ond It�st,to�ny Inte chnrgc9 due undcr tho Nato.
<br /> 4.Charges; l.ienv.Aorrower shZll puy all tnxcs,nsst�sments, chArgcs. fines nnd impc,sitians ntirihutnblc tu tho Propetty
<br /> wMch may att�►in nriority ovcr tMs Sccurlty Instcument. nnd Ic�schnld kuymcntb or�mund rents. if any. Borrowcr shall pay
<br /> thcsc obllg�tlons ln tiic manncr pravided ln parngmph 2, ar if not paid in.dtnt mnnner, Aorrmvcr si�a�!pay thcui an timc cUrcctly
<br /> ta d�e�ersuu n�ved puymcnt. Horra�vcr shnfl pmmptiy furnish ta l.,cndcr ull nodccs of nir�nunls to bc paid unde.r this parag�aph.
<br /> If Borrower mnkes thcse p:►ymci�ts dircetiy, IIorrmver shnll promptly ft�►•�Ish ta I.cr�de.r recelpis evldcncing the pnymc�its.
<br /> Borrawcr shnll promptl�dischargo nny licn�vhich hns priariry avc�•this Sccurity Ilnstni�ncnt unlcss Borrowcr:(u)ugeocs in
<br /> writing ro tho paymcnt o1'the obNgntion secural[�y the lien In n nu�nncr nccc�tablc to d.endcr:(b)contcats!n gocxl fAith the llen
<br /> by, ar clefencls nEainst enforcement af the licn in, legal proccedings �vhicl� in the I.t;ncler's opin'srn aperate to prevent tha
<br /> cnforccmcnt of ti�o lien; or(c)sccures fram the hi�ldcr of thc licn nn ngrcemcnt satisfnctary to I.encicr subordinndng tho Itcn t�
<br /> this Security Ins►n�mc�n. if'l.cncicr dctcrmi�ics ihnt nny pnrt of thc Praperty is subjccl to a licn ahich may mtaln priority ovcr
<br /> this SeGUrity Insiniment, 4ender may givc 8c�rrowcr n naNce identifying tho lion. Darrow�r shidl sntisfy the llen or t�ke ono or
<br /> mure of tlte actions set fa»h nbovo within!0 cit►ys of tho giving af notice.
<br /> Foetn 3028 8180
<br /> PeU�2 010
<br /> _ - - ..—.=.���9.v�ree�ymiCS -rw��xar�a�e.w — .
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