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<br /> �7. ��s�f+���t R����.Lendsr la harel�y na°lgn��1 mll rbmpr_neatl�n,9warc�9,demaGaA and�ther payn�ente ar r�allef(h�relnEttt�r �.,
<br /> "riClCi.i+�3°��il G011i1�'.CNRII L'+fttt Gp11L�CAlt1!:lf4fl 4f Gl1T°f t3!:�fl�U�f t�t!,'��C��?!t11+C!(?'!tR UIPY�OI,o►(o►Ct�rlvAyAnnw In Ilau nt cottda^r.i11F1- __
<br /> tian.Londer ehnll b�ontltird ot 14a optlon to cqmm�nce,�Fpear tn end prr►eer�ut�I�Ita awn namo any ar►8nri nr praccadl�g�,tancl -
<br /> ehsll Alaa ba entitleci to meke Any comprnmide or oetdemnnt In connocflpn wlth evcn takln�or damape•In Iho evenl any porUon ut =
<br /> lll8 P(Op81�1 19 801:ikP�1 O�il(11i1N�OCi,l�endor shpll l�avo the cptlon,In Ito�o�a c+nc��Usotute dlaaratiun,to apply all au�h PPOCe�sc1�, _
<br /> after dcxluotinn the�eirom all casc�oncl axpent�eA Inou�r�d by It 1�conneatinn wltt�ouof►Rrocascf9,upon eny Inciabte�neis a�cur�l
<br /> her�y end In such ard�r aa�ende�n��y�tet�rmfnp,or to epply ell auoh Proc�eclM,ett�rr eunl�doduoUona,to thp r�*�toration o!tho
<br /> P�a�srqr upa�eanh condltlene ea L�nder m�y c1et++rmina.kny eppl�r.�tlon oYNreceddo ta Indabtadna�»ahall npl exlas�d��p�et�ne -
<br /> dh�dua d�ta oi t��yi�ay��aflta�ind��tha Hnt�,or cure�anyr dafeutt tEt � , ae t:erat�xler.An�un�;�41�c1 tund�ahatl t�p�t�to =
<br /> 7rubidf. '
<br /> A, ��rR,anr.r b�l,�nds�.Upon tho ocour�ence o!en�ven!of 9�IAUlt her�undor,or ll nny aat le teken o�lal,t�l pracesdlnp _
<br /> commence�i whloh mntorlalty eHecte Lender'e IntereAt In ttte property,Lender mey 1�It�ow�diearetto��,Ouf wtthout obt(g�tton W cio _
<br /> eo,Auei wllhou!natlao ta ar demenel upon Tiu�tor and without roleaelnp 1'�uetor t�om eny o8llantian,do�ny er,t whlCh tru�tar haf
<br /> A�reed but faUs to do�nd mKy�teo dn eny other ant It deame�ecouary to proteot lhe eecurity hereot.Trurtor�h�ll,tmmxtl�t9ry
<br /> upon demund therefor by Lender,pay t�I.endor all ca�te and expenae�Incurred nnd eum�expen�led by 1.endar in connenllon with
<br /> �ildnFoi�to've,y L::ittl�;r•4!lt�f4t�0ltt�Yl�fl".tC�1hOTY.�4t314ti1CiC�2lltrT�fl�lth�d�lM;.11tr;�!!!pio:�ltt!:llflllY.`fL4!�.t:fs!L�1l�ltw!1� -
<br /> added tn tho Indebt�clnase seCUrerJ heraby. Lsnder �h�li not Inour�ny Ilabillry bac.�uu�at�nythlnp 11 mny do or omit to do
<br /> herrunder. _
<br /> p. liuudow Mefirtdr,T►urtor�hpl!ka�p t�s Preperty in compll�nce wlth ell appllcebts IAws,ardinance�+�nc!ro�u��Uon� r
<br /> relaUny to Irtdu�trlNl hyal�ne or environr��ntel protecllon(colleelively raf�rrsd to hereln as"EnvlronmenUel Lawr'�.7Ywlor stMit _.
<br /> kasp the Property free(rom all su0�tancas dsem�d to be hMi�rdou�or toxto under any Envlranmental Lew�(colhctiwly nhrrad to
<br /> hereln��"Ndzardau�Mater►alo"�.T:ustor hereby warr�nte�nd reprefoncs tA lendpi that there Rro na Fit�Rrdaus MdterlatA pn or
<br /> underthsPropary.Tn�otarharebya�r�o9tolndamnlyartdBoldharmt�s9Lenc�er.It�direntore,oflicerhemploy��nd�p�nb,and _
<br /> ony euccets�n to l.ender'�Intarei�trom snd�palnYt�r+y and stl ctAlma,daniapee,lossee and Ileblllties erl�l�p in conrncdon wIM
<br /> tho pre�enco,��se,dltpasel or tranrp�rt of any Hazardaua Materfst�on,undar.!�om or ebuut tt►e Pro(Hrty.THE FORECi01NQ
<br /> 10. A�tpr�t W R�nb.Tru�tor horeby e�alynf to Lender fi�e�ent�.lesues snd protits af ths P�opoiry;previclecf theit Yru�tor _
<br /> ehnll,unttl tha dacurrenca of en Event ot[?af�ull i�ereundNr,have ths�Iphl to coliACt end retaln�uch rants,t�iva��nd�►rofRs�f thoy
<br /> bacom�due�and pay�hle.Upon the occurrencs of sn kvan�a10s1ault,Lender mey,elther In perwn or by��ont,with ar without
<br /> brlapinq�ny aotlon ar procealinq,or by a recelvar appolnted by e court and wlthout�epard to the adequnaY of Its recuriry,s�ler
<br /> uiwn�nd uke poeae�lon ot tha P�oparty,or�ny p�h ttiersot,in lu awn nams or In the�ama o1 ms Trus1M��nd do�ny�c2s eah{ch It
<br /> deeme nc+cea�+ry ar da�irabla to praaerva 1he valuu,markete6lliry or�ent�blllty ol the Prope►ry,or sny part MereoT or Intereot thnrNn,
<br /> Inataese th�loaama thereTram or protset the ea�urllry heraof and,with or without tekinp qaasaaalon ot th�r�opsrt�►,su�tor or �
<br /> otherwise collecl t1�e renta,leaues and protit�thereol,includinp thoaA paat aiuo and unp�id,end apply th�wme.l6os co�U and
<br /> expenae�of oRaretlon and colle�tion Inctudlny ettornAy�'teea,upon s�y Indebtedness saoured hereby,atl ln su^.h ou0aras Lender
<br /> mey del�rml�e.Tha entering upo�l and taklnp poaee'aion oi thp Property,the collectton ot euch rant�,is�uss and proNts and the
<br /> i►pptination tliareot ae aforesald,shall not cure or walve any default or noUce nt detoult harounder or invslidste eny�ct ctona In
<br /> re�panse to auch datx��lt or pur���:��to auch notl�o of default and,notwithstending tAe contim+e�nce In posaesalon of the P�operty or
<br /> the colle�tton,recelc�4�nd sDnlfca2ian o!renta,leeuea or protih+,and TrusMe end Lender eh�tl be en8tie�l to exerclis svery►�ht
<br /> p►ovlded for In any ot t?8 Laan Da:uments or by lew upon ocourrence o1 eny Event ot petautt,Inoluclinp without Ilmltation thQ+�l�ht io
<br /> exerciao the power ot�aM.Funher,Lendur'e riyhte a�d romadicn undm thle pareqreph shetl l�cumulat{ve vulth,and In no way a
<br /> I1mltati0f1011,{.01tde►'9 679T1i9 and r8medie9 underatry ass�Qnmeni 6i ta8'sas a��eni9 iocoiuo8 ag'airroa a�o riG—"iy.:�.��Ti'.,�"�
<br /> and ttie recalYer ehall�lleble to occount onty those�ente actually roceivpd.
<br /> 11. Ewnb ol Wi+iult.Thp fatlowinp�hall con�titute en Fvent o1 Det�uit underthle Qsed o1 Truat
<br /> (s) Feflure to pay any In�tailment o?princlpnl pr int�reet aT any othar eum eacured hereby when due;
<br /> (b} /��r�achofo'dstaultunqar�nyQrOVIMOnCOnt�tn�qtnmeNate,mi�oeedaiinni,i�lyPTttloLVi�ni,p7i.�urtwnii,vra�
<br /> oiher IMn or encumbronce upon the PropartY;
<br /> (o) 11 wrlt of exeautlon or attaohment or any elmtlur procese ehell be entered e�alnat Truetor whlch sflall become A llen on
<br /> the i'rope►ty or eny porllan thereol nr Intereat ther�ln;
<br /> (d� There ahdll be filad by ar apalnst Truator ut F3orrower an c�ctlon Undar any pro�ont or tuturo tadernl,atate or othat
<br /> statuta,law or royulstlon�elating to barkruptcy,inaolvency or other�ellet for debtore;Ar there ehall ba eppolnteci any trustac�,
<br /> recelver ar Ilquldetor of Trustor nr 9orrawer ar o1 sll or any paA o}the Property,or tho rento,Isaue�o�profltw therea},or Yruetos
<br /> or�lurrower eha11 make any yoneral esslynment tor the honelit of credltore;
<br /> (e) The,s�te,tranater,IeAne,asatpnmont,convayance or luvther oncumbranca of all or any part o!4�Rny interest in Ihe
<br /> N�operty,either v��tunterlty or Involunt�rlly, wlthoul tha axprese wrttten oanaent ot Lender;provlda9 O;u�t Tn�wt�r ehall be
<br /> permltted to exe���T�a leasa of the Properiy that doas not contaln an optlon to purchaae and the term ot rvhlch does not exc�ed
<br /> onm yea►; •
<br /> �p Abandonment o11he Praperty;pr
<br /> 14) If Trustor I�no1 en Indivtdual,the laeuance,eale,traneter,asalanmeni,conveyanca or encumbrence ol morelhen e�totel
<br /> of.�..._._parcant o1(If a corporatlon)It�Iseued and otitatt►ncllnp stack ar(If a partnership)a total o! percent ot _
<br /> p�rtner�hlp Intereeta d�trinp the perlod Ihla Oead af Yrust remalna a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> 12. R�m�dla;AccN�►�tlo�Upqe DNauk.ln tho event o1�ny Event ot Gafwult Lendar may,wlthout notloe axcept.as requlrod by
<br /> I�w,cMcl�r�all lndebtecinoa sacur�d heroby to be due and pay�ble a�d the aame shatl olateupon become due anc��ayabla
<br /> wlthout eny preeentment,demAnd,protast or notice a1 any klnd.Thereatter LentSer mey:
<br /> (a) Demancl that True►tea exerclae the pQW�R OF SALE pranted hersln,end Trustee shatl thereefter cAUae Trua4o�'�
<br /> Intere911n the P�operty to be eold and the proceeda to be dlttrlbuted,al!In 4he manner provided tn ths Netrraske Truat[7ssd�
<br /> ao�
<br /> (b) Exercfsa eny and eI1 rlghts proulded tor In any af the Laan Oncuments or by law upon occurronce af any Ev�n1 of Detaull;
<br /> nnd�c) Commonce en actlon to forectose thls Deod of Trust as a mortflage,appolnt a recolvor,or spectticalty ontorce eny af the
<br /> covsnants�ereol.
<br /> No rema.�fy hereln conierred upon ar reserved to Truatoe or 4ender Is Intencled to ba excluslve ol eny other ramady hereln,In the
<br /> 6cun►i pc�um�nta ar by law provlded or permltted,but each ehell be cumulative,ehall be 1�Addltlon to evary ather remedy given
<br /> iteraunuar,in iiie Lonn ifocuriibnis fir�ww oi hmveiioi e;�ioFii�st ts�t ar t�.G:iiJlty.7rh,y�iatata,aiid i:i:yi�o..�t�L'C€xssfs.^.Ally, _
<br /> Inde�endsntly ot aucceasively.
<br /> 13. TruslN.The Yrustee mey reAlgn at any tlme wlthout cause,and Lender may at any tlme and wlthoul cauae sppotnt a
<br /> succeaRnr or eubstitute Yruatee.T�ustee ehall not be Itable to any party,lncludlnfl wlthoutllmltatlon Lender,Borrawer,Trustoror any
<br /> purchaset o1 tlto Property,tor eny lose or demape unleas due to recKless or willlul mlac:onduct,and ahall not be�equlrsd to teke any
<br /> actlon In connectlon wlth tho entorcoment o1 thla Aeed ot Trust unteas IndamnNled,In writing,tur atl coats,compensatlon or
<br /> oxpenses whlch may bo oesoclatod therewlth.ln edditlon,Trustee mey bocomo e purchasor et eny uale ol the Property Qudlclal ar v
<br /> under lho powar a1 sole arantod heroln);paatpnne tho salo af ell or nny portlon o1 tho Praperty,ae provtded by law;ar selt the <<:
<br /> Property As o wholo,or In soparnto parcols or lots at T�ustoo'o dlecrotlon. E
<br /> • 1q, Fu�����d�xp�nsu.In ti�o ovant Tru�to[�aolln thu Proptirty by oxorcl3o 01 powpr o1 aalp,Truotoo ohull bu untltlod to�pply �
<br /> any aalt�procaedg flr�t to pnyment ot all costs and expenaos of oxorcl�ln�powor ot oa1o,Includlnfl oll Yrusteo'e tco9,rand Loncfor'e �
<br /> and Tr��eteo'e attamoy's feea,actually Incurrod to oxtent permlt4od by appllcablo IAw.In thr�ovont E3orrowerar Trustor exerclsea any -
<br /> rlpht provlclod by law to cure an Event o1 Default,Londer ehall bo vnNtlnd to rocaver irom Trustor all coats and expenaes actually -
<br /> incurred ae a result of T��uetor'e default,Including wlthoul IImltBtlon�II Trustoo'e and nttornpy'e Ipos,to the oxtent permlttod by
<br /> eppllcablo luw. _
<br />