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<br /> ' ... --- .. � .. . . - ... - " � ' . ' -' . .- _t�{� - '-' - � :l'- . . .-.- . -' -- '-- . ' '.— --'
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<br /> 16, Futu`�Ativ+�»ce�►, lJpon�cyuuat ot [lorro�dar, landar may, �u Ita uptlun,mnko�dditlon7l�nd luturu nd�nno08 und ra-
<br /> ndv+�nca�to t3orcower,Suuh advancos ancl roaclvnnca�,with�nternst Il�e�c3on,ohnll bo aocurod by thl�C1ced of Truet•A1 n0 tlmN ahalt
<br /> U1N�r1aCl{3SI 8t�1�Uilt 01 ti10111dE1btad►ies�enaurad by ihis oaa�i�1 T►��o�,r�s�tlftC)4lElit�auma advmy�ud tv protcR�i tlta C_�ttrliy o!tttl3
<br /> UAOd at Truat,oxcaad th0 oriplq�l princ►pn{nmuiu�l ataiatil I�c�c;1��,a��._ u�UUU _y�;tilCh;:V@Y!9�rpAt?►
<br /> 10, Mi�C�naos+�RroH��.
<br /> �a) ►��aw.0 Na p ��Ni.l'xionelon o1 thci Ilmo far paymm�t or modlllcatlon ot nmartltntlon�f Iha numa 6eoured by Ihta
<br /> need ol Yru01 prAntecl by�loncier to t�ny cucco53or In Intor�sl af Horra►vpr�hall noi oporato tb rolGaan,In any me�iner,lhe IlAbit{ry
<br /> ol lho oclgh»I f�urrawor and UorrowaPa auccos�arn In Int�res�.lonctor ehnu nat ao raq���rc�9 to co��monco praeeedinn�apalnst
<br /> GuCh:succan::ar or felu°�to ext�nti timo tor pnymc:nt or othorn�inn rnoclify amorU�ntion ai thc�A��mA�ocurcx9 by ihl9 t?oed ot lru�l
<br /> by���dr�ot ar�y ci�jmanda ma�i�by th�s ariginol E3�rrawv�onci Hnuawa+'a cuccessors In Int�ra=�
<br /> (�} 6��tN'y ppwRr�.Without nHectt���piQ Iinhtlity ol a��y atAE�r�larsnn Itabto tor tho paymoM o)ony oblipatian h�r�i�
<br /> menUoned,end wlthout nNocting lho tlon or oharpo a1 thla Daud ot Tru�t uqnn qny portlon of Iho t>roNoriy not ii�on or liioretuio�a
<br /> relersed ad ancurlry tnr the fuii amounto"r nii urtN�t��uil�atiois,tentiar may,fra:n tim;,ta tim^;std�lthgst neitCA(4!tn�naan nny
<br /> pereun eo 1ieGle,(II)�xtend Ihe mutu►ISy or altar any of tho tonn3 0l any auch abliflatlona,(111)prant othor IndulqunaoA,(iv)reteaeo
<br /> o�rettonvey,ot C.9��ee to pe rateased Or roeonvoyeti a1 any Ifrt�o c+t l.ander'6 oFtian nny parcCl,portion or all a1 the p�o�tiy,
<br /> (v)take ar�ataase any other or ttddillonal sacurity tar any obllfl;ation I�oroln montlonod,or(vl)mako aomRa�����nq ar othar
<br /> arranpemenie wi�i�de�4aca 1�r�t4�3»thCtC;O.
<br /> (o) Fotbaaranr.�by L�dar ltat e WahrK. Any lardaarpnce by Lender!n Qxprclaing any rlpht ar�amedy hereunclsr,ar
<br /> otherwise elfoMed by appllcnbto law,ahall not bo a wnivor ot or prQCludo tha or,arclso of eny�uoh tlpht or ramedy.Ths
<br /> proeurement ot In��ranco ar tl�a p:�ymont o1 tnxos or othor Iienfl or charpes by Londor ehnll nut bn a welvor of t.vnd6t'a ripht l0
<br /> accelerets Iha meturtty ot ttie indobtednoss aocured by tl�la 10009 ot T�i�at
<br /> (d) QuccMSOn�nd ArN�n�Bnund;Jotnt�nd 8wKa1 LIabNHy;G�ption�.Tho oovonnnt�nnc9 oproemente hereln cnn-
<br /> tAlnod shall bind,and tho rlgl�ts horoundar shull Inuro to,tha�ospoativo eucceasors nnd neniyna o1 Gender anc9 Trusstor.All
<br /> covanant�and c�greamonts o1 Trustor rha11 ba jolnt ond aflvaral.The captlans and hoadl�gs of thp paragraphs of thle peed ot
<br /> T�u�t ara tor convb�lonce anly and dro nat to bo used to intar�ral or dofino tho prqvislono horaot.
<br /> (e) R�qu�at i�r Natko�.Tho p�nloa hnreby�aquost that a capy ot eny notico 09 detauit heroundar And N copy o}say nutice
<br /> of edlo hereundbr bo malied lo ouch pwrty to thls OQad ut 1'rusl At tho ad�rass sot tortA ebave In the mennsr praaarit�od by
<br /> eppilCe�bte lew.Except tor any otlior�otica roqulrad undor opnticnblo Inw to be gtvan in anothor menner,any notice pravkfed
<br /> tur In thls Deed af r�uat shall be�Ivan by mt�lling auch notico by cnrtltied mall ndd�essed to tl�o othnr pArtle�,at the addroe�a set
<br /> toritl above.Any notice pravided for In thfe Deed ot Trust shall b[�ottectivo upom m�lling In Ihe manner daslpnate�horeln.(l
<br /> Trustar ta more tl�an ona parsan,notlsa�nt to thfl address eet tarth ar.ova sliall���utica to atl such persone.
<br /> (q In�pictbn.lendar may rnake or causs ta be mado reaaonable entrlos upo»Rnd Inspactiona o1 the Properiy,provided
<br /> /hat Lender�hall fltve Tru�tor noti�o prior to any euch insNectian epaeltylnp roasoneblo aauso ttierotor nel�ted ta Lendar'e
<br /> Interest in tho Prope�ty.
<br /> (y) R�conwy�nc�•Upon paymani o1 all suma sesc:urnd by ti�iy DHe�ol Tiu51,1.andar shall raau�alTeu6taa to Pacanvoyt�+a
<br /> F+�operry and�hatl eurrender tltle Deed of Truat and all notea evtdencing Indebtodnes9 secu�ed by thle Uaed of Trustto Truatae.
<br /> True!ee ehell��+r.onvay the Propeny without warranry end withoul charya to tho�nrcan or parsone lapalty entiHed tharel:o.
<br /> Tni�tar shetl�y etl cw�t�at recordatlon,It eny.
<br /> (h) p�r�onai prop�rtY;8�cutity A�ni+++int.Ae additlonal securlty tor the pmyment o1 th�Note,T�u�tor hareby pr�nts
<br /> ��nd�r ur►der the N�braska Uniturm Comsn�rcial Ctxlo a security I�iterest In all fixture9.�+qulprnont snd other permonel property
<br /> us�d lo cor�nBCtlon wtth Iha real entate ur improvemente located theroon,and not other� me dxtsred or desmsd to tM a p�h p1
<br /> tix�reel eatata eecured h�raby.Thla Inetrument ahall bs conatrued se a�curlty l�reement under eafd Gode,and Ehe Lend�►�
<br /> �ti.�.��.r�ant.wnd r��+��d�ut a aeaures!ugrd unQQr sAid Code In ad�itlon to the rl�ht�and�emediss cre�ted und�r
<br /> and accorde�l the Lender pureuant to this Dead ot Tru$1;provtded that Lendorb ri�1�'ta an9�emectte�im�imfii�par.�rapns�an
<br /> b�cumul�Hvs with.And in no way a Ilmitetian on,l,ender's�Iphta and remadlo�undar nny other secu�lty Npteenwnt st�nad by
<br /> �o�rower or Tr��ftor.
<br /> u► ��...o...�R�..e��anr....rnwnr herebv wurant�and�enr6�enh th�t the�e I�no delsult undsr th�provlelon�af�ny
<br /> ���w�ya,d�a3 r.0 tnrst,I�:a o:��rchr.s,.�ce►siir.et deecrlhln�all�r�ny put c+f th�Property,o�otner eont�aL tmau+rtmi or
<br /> aQreament conat►tut�n�e Ilen or encumbrance eprinat�11 or any psh ot ths Properiy(catioctivaty, l.lem"),exlstlnfl��af the
<br /> dale of thls Qeed ot Trust,and that any And al!exlatinp l.iene remaln unmodified exc�pt as dlaclosed to LenAer In'frustar's
<br /> wrltMn dlsclosure ot liena and enaumbrancea provlded".nr h,ereln.Truator shall tlmety pertorm all o!Trusto►'�obl{atbni,
<br /> covenAnt�,o.ap�awbr�latlun�an�warrantlaa untiat any and a11 os;ialtlnp and futura Uons,ahal►pr�mF!!y lonnard to L�nd�r ct+�!�e
<br /> 04 a�l noUoeb of deTault sent In aonnactinn wlth any and all exlatlnp or tu4ure Llens,and shdl not without Lander's prlor writMm
<br /> canisnt ln any mannse mafly tha provislon�af or altow any future�dwance�under any extstina or luture l.ians.
<br /> �) ��W P�2��n1�.UNees athen�rise�equlred by law,sums pald lo Lender herounder,iactu�llnfl wlthout Umit�lion
<br /> paym�nts o1 principaf a�n•9 Interast,Imur�nce procaoda,condemnstlan proceeds r�nd�enty snd profit�,sha11 ba spptled by
<br /> L�nd�►to ths amounts�9:.�n and owlny tram 7rustar and 6orrower In�uch order aa Q.nr..der in Ita sole discretlon desm�de�Ir�bk.
<br /> (k)�wrabMllr�II�tny pruviaio�of this Qeed af 7�us1 con(IIctB wlth spplicubte law or Is deCitrpd 1►tv�lid ot oM�rwits
<br /> un�nforcNbte,such�onfliat or invalidiiy ehall nat attect the ottier ptovitona ot thls Oasd o1 Ttust or the Nots whlch cen b�
<br /> �Iven e8ect w1Mou1 thg confllatinp�rovl�lo►�,nnd to!hlo end the provinlona of thi�Oeed ot Trwt snd the Nola�rs docl�r�d to M
<br /> se�ri►rabte.
<br /> (1)T�.'Yhe terrrms"Trustor"and"E4orrowar"ahall Includa twth ain�ular and plural,and when the Trustnr and Borrowet
<br /> are Me onms person(s),�:iase terma ae usecl In thla Daed a1 T�uzt chall fw Intarchanpesbl�.
<br /> (m) Qov�+�l.�w.Thle Doed ot Truat�hall ba povernad by tha lawn al the Et�te reaka,
<br /> ' TruNor h�s ex�cut�d thla Dseti of Trust a�01 the dAte wtftte bo . � �
<br /> / _
<br /> Ooo v ne uo�ion p�10
<br /> �
<br /> n+ftDT
<br />