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<br /> CD�i�d O�YAU�Y' 1�YfTM �l1'�UHE ADVAAt��B
<br /> ��
<br /> i NI3 i3EE���r TRUST,in�uadu no oi 4ho 13tl� d.^,y o}� Qtat• �1�._-..,b;�n�en�� �
<br /> Iha 1'�uator,_�_ Gooctvin Ca�ntruction Ca
<br /> 512 Johnoon Pl Grond Ialand Hc G98q�-47�31 � ��
<br /> who�e malilny addreaa la (hereln"Truetor;'wltethrr ens a►mor�},
<br /> the Truetee, _ G�lv� Pointe Hank, a H�bra�ka Curporution
<br /> .
<br /> wliose maliln9 addross 19 P_._...p� Dox 1507 Grand Isl�nd, !7� 69802�_� (horein"Truott+e"►,and
<br /> lho L�en�ficfary, �iv�.� Pointc� F�nak �
<br /> �_..
<br /> whoso m�lliny�ddresa la� 2p1S N. Broadvell Grend Iolond� NE. fiAQp�-iS07 ��hereln"LsnclaV"�.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDkRAT10N,lnnludinp Londor's extvnalon o1 aradit Iclantified hereln to�..
<br /> Goodwin Canetruation Co (heraln"Borrowor", whether one or more)end Me tru�l h�r�ln cr�hd.
<br /> iha recolpl of�vhlr,h I�hereby Aaknowlodged,Truntor horeby Irrevocetily prs�tte,tran�t�re,conveyy and aa�l�n�to 1tu�tfl�,IN
<br /> YFiU3T,WITi i POL'U�R OF 9AL�,tor tho b�n�ilt�nd socurity ot lander,under and eubJeclt�+the terme end condltlone heirtn!!tMre!b
<br /> lorth tho r6e1 ptApsrty descr bed a�(ollqw� e:
<br /> LC�T i, 81.QCK �, (�8�Rt3� LOAN•5 SUEiDIVISIAN '�tl TH� CYTY OF ORAND ISLAND� NAl.L CO
<br /> 11HTY. H6�RASKA.
<br /> Topether wtth stl buildinqs,�l;nyrovements,llxtures,etreete,alteys,paesapawaye,oa�emonU,rlQht�,prlvil�s a�xF appurtr
<br /> n�ncat tocated thereon or In anywlao pdrtslni�q tt�ereto,anA ihe�enla,lssuee end p�otits,�svarolons and remaindan thsraof,an.y
<br /> sUUfi p�rt0111�1 prvpeTiy iitsi i�etiteto�t6fi io mo impPo'vSmenw u"v a'a tv v-vfai�iiniv a i#R»3io,liwl�f'v1�Yy��iiv�.!..'::�.`.�w�li�i'.:��°"''...
<br /> cootinp equlpment;anQ topnthar with tha hom�a`aAd or mnritul Intero�ts,I}any,whlch Intere�ts era hereby ralensed and walv�J;�II
<br /> of whlch,lncludino�eplacaments and Additlon�thoreto,le hnreby decterad to be e part ot the real e�tate seoured by the tl�n of thl�
<br /> Dsed ol T�u�t Rnd atl of the fore�alnp belnp rete�red to hereln ae the"Property".
<br /> Thl�Uesd of Tn�et ehall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum encl Interoat evldanced by a promtesory nols vr c�sdii
<br /> eflra�mentdRted _._.. �atah�r 13th 1995 ,havinfl n maturjty dete Af AorAl a3th 1�79G
<br /> .
<br /> In ths ari�inal principal smount at t� S9,ORO.QO ,Aqd any and ei►�nodlflcatlon�,�xlen�lon��na1 r�n�w�ls
<br /> thersal o�thersto nnd any and all tuture edvnnoes and read�ancea to Rorrawer(ar any o1 them U more th�n ansa 4�er�a.md�r
<br /> purw�nt ta an�or mors promi��ary notes or credll apreemente(hereln cellett"Note"►;(b)thaP p�yment ol othw sums�C1v�nc�d b}1
<br /> I.�nd�r ta pralact the eeuutiry oi the Note;(c)tha periormanae ot all covenents and eflreamsnt�at T�u�tar aet torth h«r�in;Rnd(d)�11
<br /> pr�nt��d tutur�Ind�bt�dness�nd oAilp�tlana ol Sorrower(or eny o1 them If more than ons)to L�nder whslh��dinot,lndir�o�
<br /> �b�aluN or continpant and whsihsr prl�lnp�y note,puarAnry,ovardr�tt or o4he►wl�s.The Not�,thi�U�KI of YrU�t R�d lufy And nli ,
<br /> oth�r doauunt�th�t s�cura the Nate or athe►wlte exacuted In conneotlon therewith,inaludlnp wlMou!Ilmit�tlan puar�nt�,Nourlty
<br /> •prMam�ntr�nd��lynmenta of leasos and rent�,ehall t�rete�red to herel��e the"LoA�pocum�nt�".
<br /> T�wtor cov�n�nta And ayree�with londer aa followe:
<br /> 1, p«ym�nt oV tnd�btadn�,All Indebtadnoaa necured hereby shall�e pAlcl whan due.
<br /> R.�NI�.Tn�stpr In the awner of the Property,hae the rlpht and aulhority to convey the Properly,and warr�ntl�thMt th�Ilon
<br /> croated hereby da a 11nt and pr�or Ilen an the Praperry,c+xcept far Ilene and encumbrancoe eat torth by T�ustur In wriGnp�nc!
<br /> detiver�ed to l.ender betore axecutlan of thls paed of Truat,end tho executlon a�ci�dellvery ol thla QMd al Yru�t doss�ot viol�M�ny
<br /> cantr.�ct or othsr oDllpatlon to wnlch Truator 1��ubjec�
<br /> 3. T�ucN�A�s�smNnb.Yv��ay befare dellnque►ioy at1 taxao,apeoltl e�eesnnent�and all ather aharps�apalnit th�P�opsrty
<br /> now ar h�rsaft�r tevled.
<br /> d. lrwuranc�.To ke�p the Proparty Inaursd��slnst dAmape by Ilrs,hai�rd�Inotuded wlthin ths t�m"exMndsd cov��p�".Rnd
<br /> �uoh oth�r h�xard��a 1.sndsr may requlre,in amaunt�enci with cc►mptmle��ccept�bie to L�ndar,n�mirr�L�nd�r u�n addldon�l
<br /> namacl In�ursd,with lo�s payable to the 4ender.In oa�e o1 toe�undor euch paliclee,the Lsnder Is�uidwr�z�d W�dJusf,coiN�ct�nct
<br /> Gompromiw,�II claim�thwrounder and shall have the optlon oi�ppiyln�all or partaf Ihs Insur�ncs procs�ds(I)M�ny intlN�Ndn�
<br /> tecured hersby a�d In�uah order es Lender may determine,(II)to the Trwtpr to De u�ed for the repalrnr resMt�Mon o11he Prop�rty
<br /> or(III)for any other purpoue or obJeot satiniaotory to Lender without atteatiny the Ilen o1 thla Qeed of Yruat for the tull�mount wcurecl
<br /> hereby b�tora�uch paymant ever took ptace.Any appllcatlan oi procseda to Indebtedneas ohall nat extend ar po�tpons Ihs dus
<br /> date of sny paym�nh under Cne Note,or cure any delault thsr�under ar harsundsr.
<br /> 5,�„�_•�•,���en,�,r?�n d_sn�r.s!►�;!!►ndA:.�7LRtnr R�}�,�nau 4n ls��Aw('.ln•���h ir+�nn�r w.���!c�t nu.�dw.�nnln,a��t�,�.�.
<br /> sum�to en�bl�Lend�r to p�y ao they becomm due one or mute ol the tnilowina:(I)�tli texa,e�ssasm�nu�nd oth�r oh�rqn apaimt
<br /> the PropYrty,(II)th�pr�mium��n the property Inauranas requlred hereund�r,and(III)th�premlum�on�ny mnrlpap�Ineur�ncs
<br /> requlr�d by lend�r.
<br /> 8. MaMrMnanc��R�p�kr�nd CnmpNana�with I.�w�.Truttor�hall keep th�Proasrty In pood condlHon�nd ey�i�;�h�ll
<br /> prQmptty r�ir, or ��ptaa�any Improvement whlch may be dsmeDsd or destrpyod;�h�ll not commlt o�p�rmR��y wAN or
<br /> deterlar�tton of the Property;ehall not remove,demollah or aub�tt�ntlslly aiter any o1 the imptavemsnt�on th�Nropertyr;shall not
<br /> commit,eulfer or perm(t any ect to bc�d000 In or upon the Property li�vlolatlon of any law,ordlnance,or rQpulatlon;�nd�hall�y�nd
<br /> prprnptiy diwhar�e al Truetor'n coat and oxpenso pil Ilene,c►ncumbrencea anci pharpsa levled,Impaed or asww�d�pelnst th�
<br /> Pr�parry ar eny part thnroof.
<br /> �� +• `� ",�
<br />