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<br /> „�� •}'�� ', �t�l;;�p!p±+ntel�i,Londer iR hare4y asslgnnd ell cor:ipenflaUan,UW�(�'�8,clamapoy nnd othor pttymonta or rollof(horolnnttor =
<br /> _� "i'ro��Od�")In conneaUuri wfth cond�nu�h!I�r�ar otiier t�tktn�ni ihv I�r�hurty or psrt thar�oi,or tar convoyane�In Ilau ol aond���i��a• =
<br /> - IIOn.l.endEr eliaU be enUtted�t ue�ptlon iu a:war�ianca,�pD:�r fn cttd prc"�u!e It��t`^w^n�atie nny acilon or ptoceot�In09,snd _
<br /> � - ehhll stao t�o enUUe�t ta mek�any oompra��l��or aetUom�»t In aanneatlon wlth ouch taklnp or dnms�e.In Iho�venl eny�sorilon ot • _
<br /> ,�Y` Ihe Pr�perty IA�o tpk�n or daina�ad,l.ondor eNall have U�a op:ilon,In Ito�atc�c;nd ubsolut�ctlesratlon,to�np1�all euch Procc�de, _
<br /> etter dflduating thorotrom all caet�on�t�xpat�eea Influrrad Uy It In oonneotton witi►e�OD i'r�conda,upon�ny Indobtndneas seaurnd _,
<br /> � - I�erelay hnclln Aunh order ne l.ender nay daforminu,or to apply uil euch Proceede,allee euoh cieduotlane,to the reato�aUon of the _
<br />-� . �-' p�,�l�sr�y upan suah conditlon�aa�ondor may cteto+n�ine.Any a�pttoatlon o1 F'roceCda b indebteciness aNA11 no9 ewta�id nr pastpone _
<br /> -_:r,;,�i� thp du�da2a of arry p�ynrent�unc�ttx3 Nc+le,or esu�e�ny et�i�►utt thareunder or h�t4�,n�ter.A�y unappllsd tunda eR�U ba psld to -.
<br />'-,::°;.=. 'I�plStb�. �
<br /> ��� @. PKtBrm�nce�y L�ndar.Upon the ouourrence of a��vant ot Defeull heraundar,or If any Rot ie u+ken ur tapni pr�cedctlii�
<br />- commenoed whicsh m�teri�lly�Heata Le�iQer'e tnterett in tho ProPoRlt��aeda�rnay h-,it3 a�n dla;.rcSt�,fsut�!t?��ulehttp9tJ^i►E+±�^ ._
<br /> ��' ao,and wlthout notice to or demnnd upon'f�uetor rnd witt�oul�eleaalnp Truntor Irom nny obllpatlon,do�ny ant whlch Tru�tor hae
<br /> ° aprae�t bu�f�lls to do and msy aieo do any other aot It dee+ms nar.oaesry fo proteot the eaaurity hotaof.'Prustor ahnit,tmmexllataty
<br /> '� " upon demend theretor b�1.ender,pay to Lender ell cuata end e�apenee�Inaurred end eume expende�by Lender In conne�tlon wltl�
<br /> -�i the�xaroldu by lendu�ui iliti��ru��ln�rt�ht�,taQ�tt��e elith Intereet lherenn at cne deinult reto provlded In the At�te,whloh ehall�e
<br /> -:�-- added to the Indahteclns��a�aurod heraby. Lender ehtll no1 Inour any Il�blllty becauae of anythlnp It mey do u� ui�iii t�.;3 °
<br /> '"""*•'' Uereunder.
<br /> °•.�,.'° p. Ht��ou�MaNttrt�•Truatot�heil ksep ti��ProRerty�n comptl�nc�wit1�all appltceble lew�,ordlrtancei anA►e9ul�tlon� _
<br /> �;��� rat�llnfl tu Indu�trl�l hyplane or�nvlrunment�l prohction(colEeodvMy roheroal to h�reln x�"Environmsntel l.�►wi")•Trudor shall --
<br /> -��:- - kesp lhe Praperty t�e Iram elt eubft,ances de�med to be h�xardow or toxla under sny Envlronmental Laws(co�NcUvsry r�lfrra�i to
<br /> �.,,i:.� hereln ae Nezardoue Maturlal�"1.T�uetor hereby warrants and represont�to Lander thot thera e�re no Naiardou�Metertats on dr
<br />_"�Y.�� under the Proparty.Truatar h9reby npreee to IndAmnlry and hotd hennlsea�ender,Its dlrectore,oflicers,emptoyeae and eysnb,snd -
<br />-- sny�ucce�tor�to Lendo�'e Interesl,trom an�!apetnet uny and al!otslme,damegee,loesee and IIabllltiae arlatnd In conneaHon wlth
<br />_-�;��-°- ths pretence,uea,dleposel or tranepoN o1 any Hazartlous Materlats on,undar,from or about the Property. THE FOREDOtNO
<br /> - 10.Mabnmsnt al R�nb.Truato►hsr�bby easlpne to Lender the rente,leeuea and proAte of the Nropetty;providad that Y�ua:or
<br />`�'��= sAail,untU the o�currence ot an�vant o1 Deiault hereunder.hava the rlphl ta calleot and retaln suoh rente,lsaues and praflt�es thsy
<br />---- decome due�nd payrble.Upon the acou�tenoe o1�n Event o1 Detault,Lendsr may,elther In penon or by epent,wlth or withaut
<br />