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<br /> 16. Putur�Adv�►�a�e�. 11pOn�a�upsl�1 purrUU�7r. (.Ondor niay.al lts option. m+�ko ii�I�litlpnnl m�d` r _
<br /> A[ivnnCn�to HorroNtar.51�ch t�tivanc89 Fnd���ttivancos,�alth Int�rcat Iharcon,811t1�1 bn eo[urod Gy ihl@(tn;�d ut TrUel.At t10 tllltp 4hllll
<br /> tho prir:cip�i c�rnuuni ui i��s�1�i�Satik+.yn�:,a c:.r.urcc!t�t lt�19 L'�c!rf 1'n���,�s��t►nc:luctl�g aums advancnd lo urotoUl the Gaa�+rity o!tt►la -
<br /> C�u�l ot�iruWt,�a��8�k4t10�Ng�nel p�inoipal ai��ount c�latod horain,ot S.t�S��119f1=�1----.wlilchuoF�r lu proatnr.
<br /> �0. �1licN4��oii��rovhtan�.
<br /> (�) �orruw�►Nol R�l��tlt1.Extonstpn at tho umo IaP paymonl ur modlliGCitwn ol nrnc��tlzalion�I tha ou�no a4ourotl by thl�
<br /> QQ�d ot 1'ruet plrFir�ted by 6�nd�r to any s��cca�sur In Intoroal o!Oarru►vor nhall nat opornto ta rato���,In�ny mnnner,ll►c�Ilabllity
<br /> ot tn�erlQlnal tTarraevur and Horrower's s+►ccoa�ars�n intaraat.landar o1�nU tl0!�0 raquknd to GOaur�onGU pr0000etlitg:l nQ0lntt
<br /> p��.�'N nuc�an�Qr ar rQhsqq fu�ktond ttm�tor paym:.'t't!Or olhere�iso modlty amortltnilpn pt thp eumg ooCUrad by Udd[)eed ot S r�ot
<br /> hy roa�an�t eny dem�nds mRde by tho orlQlnal puirawer nnci Dorrowo�'�cuceassnr3 tn tnhrttst.
<br /> (b) Lortd�r'�P�wrt+i�. WithOUt ettaoting the Iiobiiiiy oi i►��y uti�or pa�son ii�bt�tne th��raymet�t o1 eny ohti�tlon hn►eln
<br /> montiunoa,nrio Wiii�aUi aYactia�ytF�!!�n or char��et thip L�?M�M Trusf upon mw partlan ai tho Ptopn�ry no1 then ar lhotetotore
<br /> raleaso+d ne eoauriry tor tho IuU emaunt ol ali unpalcl oblipnt�ons,Landar mny,irom tlmo ta timo nnd wlthaut nntiCe(i�reteaRa any
<br /> person eo Ifnbte,(II)extend thp malurliy or eltflr eny ol ti►o tornts oi nny Auch oblipntimis.(111){�rnnt othor Indula8nc09,(Iv)reltano
<br /> or►econvoy,ar oeuse to be roloaaaQ or�uconveyod ot any timo�I Lontlor'e optlon nny pArca�,portion or nll of tfle Praperiy,
<br /> (v)tako or roleAea any other or nddltional sacurlty lor nny�bll�nron I�orain montionod,o►(vl)m�ka catr�poaltinna or athar
<br /> errAnpemunt9 N�ith deiuiura lu�nlatla�i th;,scta.
<br /> (c) Fo�#ranc�by L�n�O�r Ncl w W�Ivsr.Any lar�onranco uy Lanclor In oxercl�lnp eny ripht or remady lieraimdar,or
<br /> othmrwise aflordetl by 0ppllac+blo lAw,shall not �o o wAlvor of or pracluda tho oxorclsa o!Any eucl�ripht or rers+edY•1'he
<br /> procuremonl of Inaurance or the paymant�f taxea or other IWna or chArpes by Lender ehall nqt bo u�cAlvar al Lender'e rlpht to
<br /> acceterate tha maturlty of tha Indabtadnesa aeourod by Ihl��w�cl of Tivat.
<br /> (d) 9ucc�uo»�nd Aniqn�8aund;Jolnl pnd 8�varal LI�bllity;C�ptlo�f.Tho covannnt�nnd npraemonta hsreln oan•
<br /> tc�inod shall bind,And tha riphte horo��ndar ahNl Imuo to,tho raspactivo sucC4ssorp ond aselgn9 ot Londer and 7ruetor.All
<br /> Twaet a�for unveniuncn only c�nd nro notbo boni sad to fntflrp ol or dolina tho p ovlslons9h�reot.P�`aflrapho ot ttds naed o}
<br /> (e) R�quNl tor Natioa.The pnrltos liorepy roquost tf�nl c�co�ry ot any notico at d�lauil heraundar nnd A cony o1 eny nottce
<br /> of aA!e hereundar be mall�d to ouch pa►ty to ahl9 Dafld o1 Trust al tho addross sot farth nbovo In the mnnner prexo�l0aci�Y
<br /> appllcable law.�xCept tor any olher notica ruqulrad under ppplic�hto IAw tu bo plvnn In anathor manner,any notice provided
<br /> far In lhls Oeed ot 1'niet ehall bo plvan by mnlling such notico by G�rtlllod mall addreasflcl ta tl�o athor parile9,a4 the addreee eat
<br /> larth above,wny noticp provldad tor In thia Aeed of Trus1 ahall be effectivo upon malUng in lhe menner deelgnuted Itateln.(f
<br /> 1'ruetor Is more than on�person,notice eent to the addrase eet lorth above ahall ba notica to all auah pardnne.
<br /> (q (esp�cUpn.Lender may mnke or cec�ee to be mad�rea9onabla ontrlos upon ar.d Inepeatlone otlhe propsrty,provided
<br /> that Lender ehall Alve Truetor notice prior to Any euch Inepontlan specitylnfl reasonabte oauau theretor telRted to LAnder's
<br /> Interr�Nt In the Proporty.
<br /> (a Rseonv�y�nc�.Upon paymoN ol atl sums aocurad by thl�Uned of Trust,londOr 8hail reque�t Yruatee to reconvey tha
<br /> F'na,nerry end�hell euPrender thls Deod o1.Truet and ail notes ovldenr.inp Indebtodneae eooured by thls Oeed o1 Truat t�Tru�iee.
<br /> Truatee shell �econvay tha Propertyr wlthaut warranty�nd without ahnrao to tho person or peroone lepally�ntlNed thereto.
<br /> Truetor nhall pay atl coat�ot recordatlon,if any.
<br /> q.� p�wnwl Prop��lyi 6�curity AqrNm�nt. Ae additlo�al securiry tor the paymant oi tho Note,Tc;�ator heraby qrents
<br /> Len�e��unde�the Nebraske Unllorm Cnmmeralal Code a deaurlry Interest In all tixture»,etlu►Pment,snd other p�rwn�l prCperty
<br /> u�eclan oonneotlon wllh the reai��tata ar Improvomente laosted tharaon,and not otherwlA�daolared or de�med to be a;�art ut
<br /> �.��Q�ur4d hetaby.l'ht�Inatrumont ehell be Gonstrued ee a Saouriry Agreemant undor satd Cade,end!ht+a�x1N'
<br /> �hall h�►ve�afl the���hts�nd ramodloO ot a aecura�i pariy unaer eaici���ii a�;;lass s�s:l�:l�hlr as�!s�n��"�!a!'!a und°r.
<br /> be�umulatl e wl�th,a d I�pno wayte IlmlteiUon onf Lendcr�'e riphte snd emedl e under any o he�►necurlty Apr�isment���nscl by
<br /> Bui�awor ot Ttudor. u a..�fie�.eu aw�_
<br /> (I) l..�+nd��lBe�+bt�►�eM.TrustGr heroCY w�r►11nte a�a represa�e ii�ai ii�mv to:.:.��1�u,.u:s.._.».-,.•--l-•- �nf anv
<br /> mortp�fls,deed o1 trust,teate or purches�Cont�AOt daaorlbinp all or any part oi the Praperiy,or oiher cu�ri'aai,is►::aman!or
<br /> apre�mont conetitutinq a Ilen or enaum5rence epalnst all o�any part of tlie Property(oollactively,"Llens"►,exlatinp�r of th�
<br /> d�►te ai thle Deed ot Trust,arrd thAl a�y and all exlmtlnp Llane remaln unmadifled except e9 dlanloaed to Lendar In 7ruelar's
<br /> writtan dlioloiure ol Ilen�u�A enoumbra�cea provldetl ior hareln.Trustor ehall tlmely pertarm rll 01 Truet�r's obll�tipn�,
<br /> covenant�,reprusentetia�ea�d warrantles under eny and all sxlaltinp and tutu�e Liene,shAtl prornptty forwAr�l ta tender oopla
<br /> con1wnttln a�y n e�nnar mnodity lhe prov�lel ne ot ar allpw'eny tat ue advances undor any elx�tnn'or t tu enLten�prlor writtu�
<br /> �� Applfc�tbn W Paym�nt�.Unteas otherwlse requlrad by law,eum�psld to Londer horaunder,Inaludinp without ilmilutlon
<br /> p�ym�nt�01 prinnlp�l and intereat,Inaurance proceed�,condemnutlon pro�eeds and rent�snd protic�,ihell b��ppllsd by
<br /> Lender to the�mo��nts due and owlny trom Truetor end Borrower In�uch order aa l.enQer In It�wls diacretlon doem�dssirabls.
<br /> (k) My�ahMfty,H any proviblon of thla Deed of Tru�t cantlluta wiiki apptloabta law or le decfarxsi InvAlld or otharwi�
<br /> p�en eNectbwUhout the contl latln�l p ovlelon,and to t la end he p ovlslona ot thla Qaed of Tru�t and trie Note A e dact rAd to bs
<br /> sevar�ble,
<br /> (I) T�'+n�.The tarma"Truator"and"8orrower"nhAll Inalude both�Ingutar and plural,pnd whon tha Tru�tor and 8ortower
<br /> A�e the�ame person(e),those terme ae uaed in ihla peed of Truet shall bn Interahangea6ta,
<br /> (m) Qov�min�I.�w.Thta Daecl 01 Truet ehell be q�verned by the taws ot the State of Nebraekn.
<br /> Trwtor he�exacuted thla Oeed af Trust aa o1 the dato written�boVe.
<br /> pa yin Conatr��at Y or
<br /> — uetor
<br />