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<br /> .,�•� DEED a� TRUS`6 WI'TM FI�TURa A�VANC�!� 9y _
<br /> :�_�-_.�. � TMIS DEEp OF TRUST,Is maAo as oQ me aay ot�.. ._.....__� . 1fl_.�by an�umar.l =
<br /> ��°�-- �;-.i� Goud�in CnnoEruotion Ca -
<br /> � "� � ; thv Ttuetor, u �nuo� ron c� on e r"'-'� '
<br /> '-'����°�� _.... heretn"Trustar;'v�hether one ur mor�), �`
<br />�=�� whoae meliiny sddreas In ---- ---- ( ��-_
<br /> °-�r•F�= Fiv� Pointo Bonk, � Nebrnaka Corparoti on _
<br /> ' � thA Trustoe, __._._-p-��o�-��07 Gr�nd I�land� NE Ca0802 � �� -
<br /> ,� - . �� �__..__. -
<br /> whuefl mallinp nddrosa Is (haroln"Truetae+'�,Rnd
<br /> .�n�r=;�,T Five Pointo Banlc �
<br /> -�:� - the Beneflcl�ry. ---
<br /> -,�;�� 2015 N. Dxvs.i',s`�2 fi3rond IalAnd� NE. 60A02-1507 ,
<br /> _ - - whas�+maltinp acldres9 Is .._....�_ �. --- .(hereln"Lr�nder'►.
<br /> -- FOR VALUA9LE CONSID�FiATION,lnciudinp Lender'e oxtoneton of ore�ll Idontltled I�ereln to
<br /> --- - Goadw�n Conntruoti�n Co
<br /> ��=5.�� _ __ ___�.__(horoln"Borrowor",whether one or moro)And the trutt her�la ars�tsd,
<br /> -- - the recetpt oi wy1Gb Is haroby uakno+vladfled.Tr��3tor harnby Irrovooebly Arants,tranelere,oonvoys and asely^s to Truitee,IN
<br /> - --__--�� TRUS7,WITH FaWER OF SAI.E,br tho bAnetit end aoaurlty of Lender,undar and subJeotto tha terms and conditlon�harelnriiw aai
<br /> �T�Q�,� pp�'fhaueaB�lQ�lln1l.clelK7ihRdt�BL1A1�9�W�
<br /> __ _-.�-,.
<br />_�-33T�.� NALL COUNTY. NERRASKA.
<br /> _ �;�-g
<br /> __ _�� Topsther wilh all bulldin�e,Improvomants,Iixtures,slroets,alleys.passapewuye,eae�menta,rlphta,prlvitepe��nd sppurN-
<br /> - n�ncu lacated therflon or IR�nywlso pertelnlnfl thereto,and the rente,lesuea ancl protlte,revereiona end rAmalnci�►�dwraa4,and
<br /> __= wch�iw�al property Ihat is aUeched to Ihe Improvoments so an to eonatituie a nxiu�e,irrciudi�f�oi�i�a�ii►�,��,:�..�::.,y�
<br /> � cootlnp equ�p�en6 anU tnpethar with ihe homeatAnd or marltal Interests,II any,whluh Interoate ero hereby releeied�nd w�lved;all
<br /> ---- 01 whtoh,Inctuding replacemente and additlons thpreto,le hareby dealared to be a part of the roal eatatn seou►ed by N�e Ilso o1Mt�
<br /> n.ed ei Trusi and all ot the tareaolna belnD i�eterrad to heroln as the"Properry".
<br />_ _ -- - ,
<br /> __ _ Thle pnecl o17�ruat ahall secure(a)the paymont ot tho prinalpal aum and Intereat ovid9nced by a promt�iory note or ar 1 �
<br /> Oatobor 13th 1995 April 13th �996
<br /> apr�em�nt dated _ ,hAVing a maturity dste of.._. - �
<br /> ------� 59.000.QO
<br /> In ths oriqfnal princlpal Amount o1� ,and any and ell modlllcati:��e,extsn�lona end�en�wal�
<br /> tfi�rwl or thereto�nd Any e��d all futura aduancos end roadvancea to Borrow�r(or any o1 them i,°m�pre���ne)horeund�r
<br /> punuant to one or mara promissory notea or oredit apreertr.9nte(hereln oallecl"Nato"};(b)the paym�:'�9��tt�'f'..}�����s ed�►�na!d bY
<br /> I.end�r to prot�ct the seourity ot the Note;(o)the pe�tormanca o1 All ca��enAnta and apreemonts o17ai;�(1�;�n4S'es�'+4�brstn;�nd(d)�II
<br /> pr�nt�nd tuturs Indebtednefe snd obft�atlona ot Borrower(or an�y s�9 them II more than one)to 4.am�der whNher direc4 Indlutrct,
<br /> ab�oluM or contln�ent and whethor erisl�rg by note,puaranry,over���'�:ar otherwlae.The Noto,thla Daed of Trust�nd any�nd�II
<br /> othar doouenta that seour�ths Note or otherwlaa executed In conneotion tharowlth,Inoludln�wlthaut IlmitAtlon Qwr�nteet,seou�ity
<br /> aQraement��nd�iaiqnments of leases end ranta,eh�li be referred to hereln aa the"l.oan DoCUmenis",
<br /> Tiuetor covsnants anU aprees wlth Le�e:er as tollowa
<br /> t. Paym�nl M Ind�btadn�u.All Ind�+^^�neaa senured her�by shall be pald when due.
<br />- - ---° 2.TNia.Yruatof Is the ownor of tho�'r��o�ty, hae the rlght end authorf4y ta convey thH Pr�aparty,and wArrant�thd th�Ilen
<br /> oreAtsd hereby If a(Iret and prlor Ilen cr.�nhe Proparry,oxcepl for Ilena and enaumbrancea est fohh by T�uYtor In wr�tlr�p and
<br /> � del'.vstsd to Lsncler batore exeautlon of thle Dead o1 Trust,and the exeoutlon and delivary af ihie t)aed o1 Truat daae not vlotat�sny
<br /> cont��at or oMer obl{p�tlon to whlch Truator Ig oubJeot.
<br /> 3, T�a,A��am�nb.Ta pay betore delinquency all tAxes,apeclal a��ensmenti and atl other charpee ap�insl th�Prop�►rty
<br /> ° now or h�rw�fter levisd. „
<br /> _:- �1. Mwr�ncw 7o keep the Property ir..�ured a�alnet dAmaye by flre,hatard�tnaluded wlthln tt►u tsrm"extendsd cov�rRg�,�nd
<br /> --- ° such oihsr h�tar�i w L�ncler may reqe'r�,In amounta and with campanles acceptable to Lender,naming L�nd�r as�n�►ddNbna�
<br /> � narr�d Insurwi,wltN loas payable to the 4ender.In oase ol lase under euoh pollcle��tho La�der la authorl:ed to�dJust,cotl�at��►d
<br /> -- compromlas,a19 clalme thereunder and ahall have the aptlon ot applying all or part of the insurance proceede(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> aeoured hereby and In aucre Qrder ae Lender may detormine,(iq to the Truator to be used tor tha repairor reatoratlon of the Praps�ty
<br /> - or(Ili)for�ny other purposo or obJect satlefaqtory to Lende►without afte�tlny tha I len o1 ihla Qeed of Truet tor the fu11 arnount eecu�ed
<br /> �� hereby before auoh payment ever taok�laae.Any appticatlan of proceeda ta Indebtednesa�hall not extend or poatpon�th�du�
<br /> - - --- dats ot any payments undar tho Nota,+ar curo eny default thereunder or hereundar.
<br /> _...��--� b. C�Cr01�.Upon writien demand'vy i.o�ao'r,i�itoivi"sh811 pay t��.SAG�:,:,Iti oUCh tii:,iiR:.P a�:..'^.."'�••3!!1'��d"!.�'�lQtlLl�.•_'..'1�lQlM! _
<br /> , �uma to�nable Lender ta pay s�they become due one ar more of the totlawing:(I)aH taxea,at�e�smant�Rnd alher oharpe�ap�lmt
<br /> _.-_=r"�'� ths PropeRy,(Ip the premlum�on the properry Insura�ae requUed hereunder,and(iiq the pnmluma on any��r•o�:�y�Insurl��ia
<br /> �° nqulrad by I.ander.
<br /> ;�,e,;� 6, �A�Nnt�nsnc��R�patr��nd Compilanc�with Law�. Trustor ehall kee�the Property in qood conditlon And►epadr,�h�ll
<br /> —�-j4� pron�ptiy repalr,or replace any Impro�emeM whlch may be damaged or �estroyed;�hall �ot conzmlt or pe�mlt any wute nr -
<br /> detertor�tlan of the Property;ehall not remove,damollyh or subatantially aiter any of the Improvemente on the Property;�h�ll not
<br /> ��= "��. '� commN,euHor or parmU any actto bo tlone In or upan tho Property in vfolatlon o1 sny law,ordlnance,or regulatlnn;and ehall pay ond
<br />_::;�. ���%.�:� . prornptty dlf�aharQe nt 7ruatar'o coe4 and oxponar��II Ilona,c�noumbrancea end ahprpea levled,Imposad or aet�ased epein�t the
<br />- Prape►ty or any part theruof.
<br />� -•i �2cLr..
<br />