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<br /> payment�m�y no longcr tx+�apdreil,nt tAa optton uf icndcr�ii moriga�a insu�nnco covcr.�yo(in tho�inwunt nn�l far tho�xrt�xl
<br /> thnt[.ender requirev)�►rovided hy t�t instucr opprovecl Gy Lendcr tt�aUl[�inmes qvulL�blo mt�l ls obl�l�ted,llona��'er&hsil p�y tho
<br /> - prcm{nr�s rc,�airc�l to ni�lnt�ln nior�pnga Insurcu�ce in effc�;t, c►r to►?ruvtdc+n Insa msctv��,untll tha re,�utremcni fur innrtgQ�a
<br /> - ----..-.--.-. �l.�u�nc�e��t�cc�rda�c�i tvl���ny t�arlt�n�tecu��nt bctwc�n Hnrrnwrr nnd t�ndr��r n�apilcobl4 tncv.
<br /> _-'=_�=� 9.rne;=rd�:�. l.crt�fcr t�r!tv egei�t�ttay r����e r�L��►aDle enlstc� ap€�»�!r+_i ins�tinns af thc t'm�ety. 1.endcr shnil givc
<br /> __ •- �nm►�rr n��itrn s�t tiu�tlmn nf nr prinr to nn Utsue�Unn s¢�If'yln�rc:�sonflblo cnusu Nr tho insl�c�d4n. �.,..
<br /> :�,�;,,:� 10.Con�t�mnAtion. Tt�a prnccr�ds crf nny nwnrA or cinim for dmm�ges,dircct ar conscquandal, in cannccdan �viih nny
<br /> -- �nde�n�mda»or�Iher lnking of nr►y pnrt nf iho Pta}hsty�ar far convoyunca in Iteu af r�ndemnn�on,nro hereby a�igned euid
<br /> eh;ill bo p�id ta I.cndcr.
<br /> - _ �-"- lii iti�'uY���►Of.z i0L1!t��.-tng uf th��I:�s�,..rty�th�pr�:,:,:,.�ls s!►a11��tr�nl3�ta ttss Num�:xx�►ra!bS�thl���uslty rnstees�r.cn!. _
<br /> rn �
<br /> � '- � wh�ihet or not Ihen duo.with any uxcrss paid to Dorrawcr.In tRo ovent oi n psuilttl tnkin�of tiio Fropwty ia whlch tho fair mnrkct
<br /> � � vpino af Iha Araperty immcdintcly bcfuro tho wking is a���nl to or�r��tcr thnn tha amount af tho sums sccurccf by this Sccudty
<br /> -:- Instn�mcnt immutiau�iy lwfuro tho 4lking. unl�,ss parra�vcr nnd Lcndcr othcrwiso a�rcc in writing, tho sums sccurecl by Ihis
<br />�,r"�-°= �- Sccurit [nsuument shatl Uc ratuccd b tha amaunt of tho rucccAs muld 9icd by tho fallowin fracdan:(o)thc tntal amount of •�
<br /> - lho�;ums socural tmmcdintcly bcforc tho Wking�dividecl by (b)tho fair mnrkct vnluo of tho Pmperry immcdtntoly t►cfaro the ��`
<br /> -_ _ ' � taklns.Any b:�lanc�o shall ba p�aid to Dorro�v�r.In Uia ovent nf u pnrtinl t�king af tho�'roperty in�vhich tho f:►ir market valuc of the
<br /> � �-�~ � P►b p c r t y i m m c d 1 A t a l y b a f o ro t h o u t k i n g is Ic,� thnn the nmount uf d�c sums sccurecl immedlatel y befora ttio tnkin g, unlcss �;-
<br />°{�4���jt` Qanowcr and l.cndcr ath�.rwiso o roa in wdtin�nr unicsy n liu�blo law�thcnvlsa rovides,tho rocccds shnll bo a �Ucc1 to tho
<br /> �,�:�',:. 8 b PP P p PI �.`_
<br /> . •c��,;;� sums sccurccl by this Socudty Irisirumcnt whcthcr ar not tl►a sums nro thcn duo. �t•�,_
<br /> '��`�`:.`_�-_ � If thu Properry is abandonccl by fiotrowar,o�if,nftcr noNco by L.cndcr to�orrowcr thnt tho condeninor oifcra ta mako nn �_�
<br /> :���_ � nwnrd or sc:ttlo o clatm for darn�es,aorrowcr f�ila to rc�pand w Lcndcr within 30 dA}�s uS�tcr Iho dats tho noticc is givcn,I.cndcr � �
<br /> _ E_.
<br /> - _�'R` i9 authodzut to call�;ct tuid npply tho proeceda,nt its apdon,aither to re.etnmtton or repair af tho Progerty or w tho sums secueed �
<br />-�'=�� by this Sa;uslty Insuument,wh;,thcr or nat thcn duo. _
<br /> �''�� Unlcss[.endcr and Honawcr�tlicrwisc agtecs In wtldng,any npplicndon of prceccds to princlpal shnU nat oxtcnd or pasqwna �
<br /> � ��'�!!� t�u duo dt►to�f tho mqnthly paymcn�v rcfcm:�f tu U�p:Lag►apLs 1 aiid 2 or changa the anount of such payr�ica�kc. �
<br />�'i:��� 11.qorrawer Not Rckasctli Farbearance ay Ltnder Nnt A WAivcr. Eixtension of tho timo [o�payment�r mcxllftcution =
<br />-mm°=�.�� of amortlr.ltlon of tho sum.g securecl by this Securlry Instrument grnnted by L.cnder to any successor in intcrost af Horrawcr shnll �:-
<br /> -=: n_���.:� not operotG ta rrtcasc tha liability of U�a originnl Borrowc.��r Borrowcr's succcssare in intcc+csG L.cndc�r shull nc�t ba rcquiu:d to =
<br /> _-=-__ '__-.�_� c�mmencu pcacecdings aqninst any succassar in interest or rofuso to oxtetid tlmo far paymen:ar othcawiso madlfy amortl7ntion of
<br /> n_�_ -_� th�sums sccurc�l by this S�urity lnstrument by rcns�n af nny dcmand mndo by tho�iiginnl porrowcr ar Ilarrawcr's succcs�ors _
<br />- _ -.____�-� in int�tcsi.My farbCarAncu by Lcnder ln exercising uny right or remecly shall not bca m waiver uf or prccludo tho oxerclso of any a
<br /> --- = :�!s:� �;.
<br /> -__=== 12.Succes�wre And As.signs iiouad�Jolnt And Several Liabll(ty; Co-signere. 7'hc+ coven:�n�.9 and n�rcemcnts �f this
<br /> ___ Sa:urity Instrumcnt shall bind and bcncfzt tho succassors and asslgns of Lcndcr nnd 8on•owcr. �ub,}cct to thv pravisions of
<br /> ' naraaranh 17. Dorrowcr's covcnants and ax[ccmcnts sh�ll bo kint ond s4ver�1, Any Hortower who c,�►-slgt�s. Ihi� SoCUdty
<br /> {sst��t b�t do;s �ot cx�uta thc F:ut�: (a) i.:ccs=�igniag th�Secvrlt=r InsiNm-.sit only w mortg�a�Srant�nsl c�neoy thKt �
<br /> -°--°_-_ Ilonowcr's intcrast in ih�Property undcr thc terms of this Sccudty Iostrumcnt;(b)is nat persannily ablignted to pay tho sums
<br /> sCCUrcd.by this Sccurity Instn�mcnt;und(c)�grrcc.v thnt Lcndcr und any athcr Hcrrawcr may ngrcc ta oxtcnd.modlfy.farbc�r or
<br /> �'°' mako sny accommadudon9 with n:gard W tho tcrms of Ihis Sccurity Insuunicnt or tho Nuta wlti►out�l�ut Horrowc.r's conscnt.
<br /> 13.L.oAa ChArges. lf tha loao securcd by this Securiry Insuumcnt is subJect w n luw which scts mnxlmum las�n chargcs.
<br /> � and thal law Is finally�n,M-prctcd so that tho lnterast or ather IoAn ch�rges collectcd or to bo collectccS in connecdon with tho foan -
<br /> :.� oxcoecl tl►c permlucd'i~�i,�s,r,^r�n:(N)any such ionn ch�qga shnll bc rcd�iccd by tha nni�lmt ncccs.�ry to rccluco tho ch.ugc to tho
<br /> - pcmiittcd limi.x;�n�t�1�w�y sunia alrcady collccted from D�rrowcr whlch oxcccdcd pcnnittctt limit,v will tw refundcd to Ilarrawcr.
<br /> I.cnder may c[hc�u:� to mako this refund by reductng iha princlpul oHr,d undcr tho Nuto ar by mi�kln� n direct payment tc�
<br /> Aomawer. If a rotlmd reduocs principul,tho teduction wiil bo vcatad ns a panla! prepuyment�vithout any prepayment chargo
<br /> u�dcr tha Noto.
<br /> 14.Notke�. Any naticn ta Ilorrowcr provldcd far in thls Sccurlty Inspument shall ba given by dalivcring it or by mailing it
<br /> -------� by tirst class mail unla�.q appllcaUlo!aw requlres us�e of another mc�hocl.'Il�o notico ehull bo dircctcd to lho ProFcrly Address or __-
<br /> _ any othcr acTdra�.9 Bosr�wcr dcsignutc.s by nadcu to 1.cndcr.Aoy nodc�to l,cndcr stutll b3 givcn by first class mall w Lc�des•'s
<br /> - = address stated herain or any other�uldre.cs I.ender designates by�oticccs to 0orrower.Any nodco provdded for in this Security _
<br /> Insuumcnt ahall bu dcemccl ta huvo bccn givcn W Dorrower ar Lendcr w1�en qivcn a9 pruvlded in this paru�mph.
<br /> ___ _ 1S.Gavernin�4Aw;Reverabillty. 'R�Lv Sccuriry Instrument shall bo gove��ad by federal luw and thv luw of tho -_
<br /> -- Ju�lsclktion in which tho Fraperty is lacnted. In tho ovent thai any provisian or clau.so of this Secadty Insaument or tha NoW �
<br /> —= conflicts with appAcublo law,such wnitict ehnll not nifect othe.r ptovisions of�1ds Securlty Instrumant or tho NoGe which can bu p-
<br /> -- == glven cffcct Nlthaut tho conFlicUng pf�avision.To Ihls cnd tha provisions af thls Securiry Insuumen�nnd tha Note�ra cic.clazed ta ���`
<br /> ---= bo sevamble. -.
<br /> -�--= _ �;:;:
<br /> -_=---_�: . Form 902� O/�0 �;'�.
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