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<br /> � y.��qYAi'(1 OP N10UCIly I09U1•�uncc. tic�r�uwcr ehnll kc�►tt�o Iu�pn►vciticnGa nn�v exisNnFl an c�scaRcr cm,�:iccl on tlio Pra��crly
<br /> , insurt,cl[ptniiiet loss by ii��, hnr,�ids includcd wlthin Ih�t�nn °��tcn�l..d covcrn�qo„ i111tI QtIY /►lI1CY Ilil't.11f1I9� inclading Iloni.iv ar
<br /> � _ fia��ing�lur�vi�icb l,�rtiicr�u�ir�a la�.ur��co.7Y►is insure:►ca stinll lx�mntnt�iuc0 in thn amn�nts und for tho pericxl9 th�it Lcii�er
<br />-.- --. __. ---_ r�ui�s.'Ihe ins�ren�.b carricr prnvtding lhc li�uranc�shall G�u chus���by L1ott9tuer st�b}_t!to]sndcr's�pi�avu!�vhich sh�ll not
<br /> -. =_--- � t� unr�casona�ty wiU�hcict. [f �iorrowcr �alL9 to maLn�in covcrago dcscrib;ei abovo. I.cndc.r muy, at Lc��d..r'� c�p�t�n, ahtai►i � "
<br /> covrr�a�o ta pnatcct 1 cndcr's r�ghts in tteo l�rapc��ty in accaretnnco with parng�uph 7.
<br /> �---_--.�. Ali insu�an�o palicics and renowNs ahati Uo aa:cptuttlo co t.cndrx t�nd e�aii Uiciudo n yu+n�d murtgi�u clauso,Gendcr sh?ill `-
<br /> t.:;.�. �� h�vo tho right ta hold tho Erolicic9 and�cnowals. II Lcndcr rcqui�cs�8orro�vcr shnll�nnmpUy givc to LAnci�r�ill rc�aipts a!'pald �
<br /> ' p.rcmiums futd renawul naticas.(n tho avent of lu;s,DOif(IW�7 SIIAII K�YD[1f0111�11 t10I�C0[O ih0 I11SURi11C0 CNT�CP MfI LCI1l�C�.Lendcr „
<br /> _ _ may muko praof'af losv if not mn�o psampUy by qorrow�,r. ��
<br /> " ° Uniess t�encter tuid Dormwcr ol�erwiso c+grc4ln wriUng,lnsunmco�roceecis ehnll bo o}�plicd to rosUOradon ar rc�afr of tl�o
<br /> R'oo�ty dnmaged.iF tho n:storntion or replir i.9 economi�lly fe��.slbla And t�endcr's sccuriry is not lessenecl,if tho re.ctorntion or
<br /> ' repair is not economicAlly Cr,aslblo or Lertcler's security would bo Iesseneci�tha insurnnco�roc�eds shnll bcs appltecl to tho sums
<br /> � , ��� socurcd by this Sccuriry Insuumcnt, whcthcr or not thrai duo, wlth e�iy aaccss paid to Dorrowcr. If Hormwcr nb�ndons tho
<br /> Pro�caty,OI(�QG9 I101 OJiSWCt WIUlIi1 aO(IAy9 A IIO11C0 P�Ofll LCII(ICJ lllAi Ul0 II15UIt1R60 CARICt IlA9 9IfCtC(I IO SCItIO n CI711IT1�thcn -
<br /> � • ='� ' I.cnckr mn �olt�i tho iu�surunco ruccecl.v.Lendcr ma uso tha racceds to re
<br /> y • p y p pair or resmro tho Praperry or ta pay sum9 u�urcd
<br /> , � , n f by this Sccwity Instrumcnt,whcthcr or not thcn duo.'Iho 30�day perlad wlll t►c�tln when tho notico i.q�ivcn. _ --
<br /> � �+ Unlrss I.ci�dc.r and Darrowcc othc:�viso ugnx3 in wridn��nny oppticadon af proccc.ds to princlpal shall aot ontcnd or�osiponc '°
<br /> � �� ;� tho duo clato of tho monthly payments refc�rccf to in pAragraph9l tu►d 2 or chango tha:unamu af thu paymcnts.ls undcr pa�roph
<br /> -- 21 ttia Praperly iy ocquircd by Lcndr,r�ilorrowcr's dght tn ttiny insumnco policles and procccci9 resuldng f�am dt+mngo to tho
<br /> "• - Praperty priar to tl�a acqulsit�on shali�.�ss to l.,cndcr to tho aatcnt of tho sums sccurc.d by this Sccurity Insuument immcctl�Wiy ="�'
<br /> '�"�-'. r prlor to t1w acQuisltian. _,_
<br /> ' � = 6.OccopAncy,PrtservAtlou�M�ioter+anc�e ancf Prottction�f the ProgcKyi IDorrower's I.o�n Applkationi LeASehaids. =_-
<br />_ _ . Barrowcr shaU occupy,aStabliSh�und uso thc�Pcrty a,9�orrawcr'a pdncipaf�•csidcnca widiin eiary days ttftcr tha oxccutlon of
<br />� � , this S�urisy Insuus�;.nt And sha!!eAniinua tc►ac�►�py tbo E;a�,..i1y�Hc„iuwer'a N,i��uipal rwi�k:��w[ur ui[u�i uuu yra�afiix i1w ���.
<br /> '__ t�` '= dato of occu��cy. unless Lcndcr othcrwiso ugrccs in wr�idn�, whlch canscnt shall noe ho u�wnably withhcld. or unkss
<br /> _ . _ ca�G;nuadng circumstnncrs cxist which uro bey�nd Bnnowcr's wnvql.Bomowcr ahall nat dcsuoy,cl�mago or impatr tho Propcsty� --._
<br />--_,.f_�. y:;4'�„�; albw tl�o Propr.� to dctetioretc. or cummlt wasw c�s� tho Property. Uosmwu s!►a11 ba In default if nny fo�Feiture xd�n or =
<br /> `�--��,� -w. procecding�whcihca ciril ar ctlminul,is bcgun that in l.cndcr's good faith judgmant c:ould na-ult in forfcituro of tha Praperty or
<br /> •�---.�� :- otheiwiso Rwcciiatly Impair tha l�en crr.atecl b�+thi.v Socurity Instrument or Le�der's sacurtty interest.Borrowdr may curo such a
<br />