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<br /> Ib.B�um�ti+er's Copy. 13orrowcr shnll l+o givc»ono canfbmicil cupy af Q►o Nato tuid t►P thi9�Ccud�y Insteumcnt. ��
<br /> 17.7'rxn�P�r o!It�e 1'�ope�ty or a RQnetictwl interest[u tlorrativer. If�ll ur uny pvt of tho f'mi►csiy ar nny interest in it is
<br /> .. �;alii�r t�nnsfeir�.d (or if n Iscitetisi�i intexest U�[�ortawcr is solv pr trw�sfcsrcd and 1�Qrm�vcr�s uat n nntuml�c PvOn� tY�1�l0U1 � ,
<br /> � Lr.nrler's prk�r wt{uen eonsenl.Lencte-r m�y,ut its opdun,rcyuUo lnmteti�nto�ayment in iuil of nQ sums xecurcd i►y 1h(s Secu�ity _
<br /> - � Insuumcnt.Eto�vcvcr,Uii�c►piia»shsil nal bo excec��t�l by t,wide.r if axacisa fi�psahi�ite�f E�y fedei'al lqe��.�c�t'tt�dat�ot'th� , .-
<br /> � _ ;__ _ � Sacu�lty Insaumcn�.
<br /> if Lcrdrr e;.er�le,�;t1tii�e tinn,l�ncl�.s st�!!glvi�errc�wc.r nnric�nf ncceJe�ilnn.'Iho notl.-0 shnU proviclo n pettad uP not Iess
<br /> � . ��� �.. = than 30 days from tho dato�a andco Is dcllvcnd or mnilclt�vittiin whicb Borrowcr must pay all sums sccurcd by lhis Secu��tty -
<br /> �� Instrument.IF Dorrowcr 1'ul►s w pay thesv sums prior ta tho oxpiradon of Ihis r►criad,Lender moy inv�ka a�ny remccllcs perm[ttccl
<br /> �' by this Sccwity InsUumant wlthaw funhcr noUco or aemnnd an Donrowcr, ..
<br /> ,� �A,t�n��awer'a Rlyht ta Rclnstatc. 1f lionmvc� inccts ccrU�in candidans, Uone�vcr shall hnvo tho rlght to havo �
<br /> � cnforccr�lcnt af U�is Sccurity Instrumcnt discnntinucci nt nny dme priur tu iiw �udie� uf; (�iy 3 uays Zue such �th�r �:,r.c.�!;s ---
<br /> � opplicablo law mny slx;ci6y far roinsmtcm:.n�)bcforo sulo of tha 1'rup..rty ►irsuant to nny pa�vcr af snto cnnt�inc,�l!n this Sccivlty
<br /> Instnirncn�•or(b)cntry of U Judamcnt cnforcing thiy Sccurity Insm�mcnt aso co»didons aeo thut Aarrawcr.(o)pays I.cndcr�11
<br /> sums �vtdct�than wauld bo dua under this Security Instn�nient and tho Noto ns if na trccolemilon had occurred;(b)curas nny
<br /> ^ default of�ay ather covenanLv or ngrecmen�a;(c)pc�ye nll�xpenses incur�ed in enforcing dds 5ecurity Insuument,including,but
<br /> � ° .�' not limitcd to,rc��nnbio nttomoyA'fcxs;and(d)tnlcos such ucdon n9 L,cndcc mn�rc,vonnbly rcquira to assuro�hnt tiio licn of this �
<br /> • • Sccuriry Instnamcnl, Lcndcr's dAhts in tho Praperty und Barrowcr's abligattan to pny tho sums sccurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> Instn�mcnt shnll candnua uncht►ngccl. Upon cclnstatemcnt by Eiarmwcr, this Sccudty Insuument nnd tho oblignlions sc�um.cf
<br /> � hereby stiail remain f�i�iy effectyvo�s if no nccalerntt�n had accurced.Ho�vover.thig rigl,t to rcinstnto shnll nat apply in tho cnso af ,
<br /> " �� = t�cccalcrnlian undcr para�aph 17.
<br /> � 19.S�Ie af Note;Chpnge of Loan�ervtce�. 'Rio Naw or p partial intcrest in tho Noto (tngcther wlth this Scc�ulty
<br /> � Iastn�mcnt)mz�y bo so1c1 ono or morv tlmcs wlthout priar nadca to norrnwca.A sfila m�y result in A chnnga in thu cnUty(iuiawn ':�
<br /> � ns tha"I.ozu�Scrviccr")tlint callccts monthfy p�yments duo undcr tlio Noto und this Sccurity Insuumcn4'Y'hara also may ba ono or
<br /> ,. �-. moro changcs af tha l.onn Scrviccr unrolntal W s sulo of tho Noto.If thcrc is u chnngo oF lho l.aa.n Serviccr�aamowcr will bc _ __
<br /> � � givcn writtcn noUcc of tho chunga in txcarcLanco wlth paragmpt�1�S abovo und nppUcubla Inw.Tho nadco will suiw tho niuno nnd _:=._�.
<br /> ': oddres.v of tho naw�c�in Scrvlcer und tno cuidress to whtch paymcnts should bo mado.Tho nadca wlll alsa canmin any ather
<br /> .` i�formedon rcyulrcd�y applicabla lnw, �;= :
<br /> ' ' 2�.4�wzr�rduusSuUaQancea. Doi-row�i shall not eauso or p;,rmii tho pmscnco, uso, dlspo:►al, stc�rn�;c, or relcwso cf nny ___
<br /> . ' : �`; Hs►zardaus Substtu�ccs on or in tho Pcoperty.Barrawcr ehull n�t da,nar allow nnyono also to do,Anything atfecdnA tho Pcaptnty -__
<br /> thnt is in vlolntion af nny Bnviranmental I.i►w.'Cho preccding Awo scntcncos shnll not npply to tho presenca,uso�or storngo on Qio �--_
<br /> ° � °__., Pcoperty af small yunn t ldes af Mncardaus Subsu►nca9 that aro gen�rulay rccosaizcd ta i w np�vop r iaw to normal resldcntial uscs �'_�•=
<br /> ' nnd to maintcnunc�of tho Pro
<br /> " Y Bmrowcr sh�ll prompAy g vi o L.c�ndcr wdticn nadco oP tuiy invc,sdgation, clnim, demnncl k►wsuit c�r bth�r nction Gy nny �-
<br />`• : -� govcmme�tal ar regulntorysgency or privatn pany involving the Praperty cu�d su�y Hu7ard�us�ubstnnca or Envirann►cntal 1Bw _
<br /> _..;_:�;t,��.;;_„ ;�, of which Borrawcr hs�v actual knowlcti�lgo.If Borrowcr Ir,t►rns.or is notlficd by any g�vcmm�n2ni or tcguluwry Autharity,ttuu any
<br /> � _,g remavs�l�nr othc�cGmaiu►don oF any Hiunrdous Substnnco effccdng tho Property is nocess.9ry.Horrowet shall pmmptly Snicu�11 __
<br /> -- �.�� �.: nCOessstr}'iCmctiiai ncucros in oi�biiiiu�i�o v�ti`ii c��..''�iii�c3c7•!Lw't. -
<br />.__.-.�-�.� � As usc�l in tt►is p�r�taph 20, "Hazardous Substunccs" aro thosc substnnci•s dofUud as toxia or hnzivdous cubstnnccs Uy _
<br /> _�-'�""' Bnvlronmanta� l.aw and tho folto�ing substancos; gasalino, kcroscno, athrs flammlbla or u►xic petralcum products, toaic
<br /> _= �-?-�� posticidos an�l harblcides,valatll�solvents,material.v wnt¢ining avbestns or formalcichydo,an�mdlouctiva matc�iuis,As used in
<br /> - `-- = thi�{wragra�h 7A,^snvirnnmcntai�w" mcans f�ac�ai iawe ano iaw�oi ato jw���:�,-���9 i�w�'�:•r��:�w'•�:=::°.:�^' _
<br /> _=_�=`����... to hcaIth�safcty or cnviranmenml protecdan.
<br /> -
<br />