. :�:. � ,
<br /> .. . ' �
<br /> . . .
<br /> . . _ �_.____....._ � - -�._... _. . .. . . .. .... . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .... . ... ....
<br /> ' �
<br /> _ -. --- - . ���°-�,Q�1���� _
<br /> A.t�i�c�fiaxl ancl URRcr l�H�qrd�nsurance. i�orrawcr shnll ins�vo all Improvc�ncnts on ttto P7o{xtty��vhct�cr nn+v i�
<br /> ._ .�istenca or Nul►sc�ucndy crcct��l,ngainst any hnrnsds,CtL9UAI11C9.and cnnUn�;cncics�inclucfing fir�,for tvhich Lcnder rcqoiRs
<br /> -- .... -�----:- i��si�rai�co,'ChL�in�r�runsu 9!►all h�s maintaincd ia tho e�ununGv and fur thQ�crloclv th�t l.endcr rc�;uirc.v.tlarrawcr shnli i1�S0�I15Ut(1
<br /> :_ -___" _;_`:� t�l!tmp��►vcn�cnt�o�thu Prc���cr�y�whelhcr now�n o�dstcitco or subsr.qucntly crcxtcd,t�alnsi toss by if�tl�(c�ttt8 cr�G.nt r�u�utrd -
<br /> by tiio Sc�rotnry.All insuronw shnll bo c.�uricd�vith companics appravctl Uy i.cn�icr.7�o I�:�urnnw�►ctlictca und uny rcncwnls
<br /> - ���- shnil tw hc!d by I�cndcr nnd shnll incli�da tii�.v�iaynUla ctausr�in invor of�and in a farm usc�ptubin fu,I,�i�itci. -
<br /> '' ' In ttio ovcnl of lass, llor�a+vcr shnll Sivo Lcnder immcdinto n��dc�by midl,i.cndcr mny makc proof of toss if not mnd�
<br /> -.___. -_,._ _-
<br /> �romptly by �arro�vcr. F.och insuran�o camp:►ny canccm�ad is hcrchy nuthorucd nnsf cUccctGt to muka pnymc.nt for such lo.ss
<br /> ' � h� dircctly to I.crtdcr, instc�t of to�orrawcr and to I�ndcr Jotnpy. All ar any part af Q�o lnsurnncc:proccccis mn�r bc applted by
<br /> L.cndcr� nt its apdon,clthcr(n) tc�tho rcducQian af tho iniichtcdness undcr tho Nata nnd this Sccudry Insdumcn� tirst to uny
<br /> �.� � dvU�yucnt amounts npplied U�thn order i�pn�agraph 3,und then ro prcpayment of princi�;�l,nr(b)tn�ho restaradon or rcpair uf
<br /> � - tho clumugcd Praperty.My appiicadon of tho proccccis to tho princlp.�t shnU not cxtcnd or postgan�o tho duo ctnto of Uia monthly ___
<br /> ' ° - pAymcnts whlch a�c refcncai to in�agmph 2.ar chango tho nmount af auch pnyments.My oxccss insunuicfl pnnc4cds ovcr nn
<br /> - amaunt rcq�►Inec1 tc►pay a11 autsumding indebte:dness undcx thc N�to nnd ihls Sccuriry Iustrumcnt shall ta pnld to th�cndty legnlly �
<br /> . - cntlticA Qicrcto. !�:
<br /> � �_' In tho cvcnt of forcclosuro af thls Sc�urity �nstrumcnt or othur uan9f�:r of dtlo ta tho Property that axtingulshcs tl�n �_
<br /> '� � '-' ° indcbtcdncss,i�ll dght�dtla and interest uf Horrowcr in micl to insurunco paliciav U�fonca shn11 pnss tc�tho piue ha�cr. __
<br /> i S.(kcupaacy,Preservation�MAintenance and Protectwn o!th@ Property;Barrower•s Lonn Appllc�tloni Lcasehokl.v.
<br /> ' '� � Batrowcr shall occupy.astablish.nnd us�tho 1'roper�y as Borrower's prineipa)eesldence within sixty dAys ufte.r Iho execudon af
<br /> �• '' this Sccurlry Insuunient and shnU continuo t�occapy tho I'ropcny��omnwes's prin�ipul residenca for at lcavt ano yeu after tAu °
<br /> � ���:. dnto af occupancy. unles,9 the Secreuuy detcrmines this rr,qulremcnt will causo unduo hurdchip far Hu►TUwc:r, oe tU11C39 �--
<br /> ' :^:� cxtcnusting circumstanccs cxist which urc tx;yand �arrowcr's canuul. Barrowcr shnl! noti�y 1.cr►Ccr of nny oxtenuadng =-
<br /> ciccumstar�ccs.Dorrowcr st►all not a►mmlt wusto ar dcstroy�cltunego or substnntlally chungo ttio Pro�ty or allow the Property ta
<br /> � --'� detcriurate,rerso��abk wenr and tear exccptcd.Lendcr aiuy inspa;t tho Proper�y if tt►a�'mncrt�►�v vacant or aUaa�doncd or tho loan -_
<br /> ' �"� is in defuulG I.cndca may taka c�sonablo actian to pmtcct nnd prascrvo such vacant ar ubanda�ru�Properry�Dwmw�r shuU also
<br /> = - ,�-�� _ No in ckfault if Borrowu,dorin� thc loan appUcatian��racoss�gava matcrlally fsl5o or inaccurato informatlon or st,atcmcnls to -..__
<br /> � .��,t�: d..cndcr(cr faikd to pmvido Lcndcr wlth any mutcrial infnrmndon)In canncction with tha loan avldcncod by Nc Noto,including,
<br /> �Fd:�"::.a����. but(►�i llmitccl to, rcprescntations conccming Sorrowcr's occu��ncy of tho Pcoperty ns n principai residenco. If ttds Socurlty -
<br />-.r,r:.r--°-:.::r�-
<br /> _ _ _ � �� Instrument is on s+ Ic��scholA, IIorrawcr shnll comQly with tho ps+�visions of Qie Icaso. If l�onawcr t�uirc9 ccc dtio co tno
<br /> -_----_��'";�; Pro�►crty�thn&aqschold and fcu tltlo shall not ba mcrgcd unlcss l.cnc��:c a�,rccs w thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> 7
<br /> _ _. .. .
<br /> _.. _.
<br /> _� 6.CL�I'�tl�O SQ�lY2T a�01T0�lCpiil�0�lalA[!R'"B KtROZB ID�t1C�VpCPLf• 1fO�iDWa sittiu! piry au guicamnca�iau vi
<br /> __ '���� muNcipal chergcs. fincs an;i tmpos9tlans that uro noi includcd 1n parntgraph 2. Borrowu sl�alt pay thcso obli�atians on dmo _
<br /> �,.�,;;,� di�LCtly to tho cndry which is owcd tha p�tymcn�lf fuilura to pay would advc�scly utfcct l.e�nd�.�'9 intcrest in tha Pmperiy�upan
<br /> v�;�:,'.��"�� l.ender's recauast Bonowcr shnll prompt(y Iumi�h to l.cndcr recolpts evidencing thcso puyments.
<br /> �:.; �
<br /> ------ _�s 1f Barrawcr fulls to mako thcso puyma�ts or t�o�nyments rcguitcd by paragmpfi 2.ar fnils w perform any othcr covcnanW �
<br /> - and agcecancnts cantalncd in this SeFUrity Insuument,ar thero i,9 u lcgul proc�cding U�a�rtu�y slgnifieunAy affa:s Lc��der's rlghts in
<br /> �--�- tho Pro�ty(such av a pracccding in bankauptcy�for condcmnatic�n or to cnfarco laws ar rcgul�tians),thcn Lendcr may do snd
<br /> :�`�� pay whatov.ar 3s ncccsscuy to pratcct tho vtUuo of the Pr�perty un��Lcndcr'A rights in tho Pragarty.including paymraU of tuxcy,
<br /> ��""'�� tw;rard inswnnca snd othcs itcm9 mcntioncsl in pAr�grnph 2.
<br /> �-���
<br /> Any amuunW disbursccl by Lcn�lcr undcr this purogrAph shall bu.omo an addidonal dcbt of Borrowcr snd R�socurcd by this
<br /> - -- Sccudty lnswment.Thaso smuunt,q ah�all he�r intcrast from tho duW oF dlsbwsemenb nt tho Not�a�to,und at tho apdpn of l.ender,
<br /> �'`'=t'•� shall bo immcdlatcly Auo and payablo. —
<br /> -. -�;_��
<br /> - -�`�' 7.Coademnatbn. Tha �xoccccis of nny award c�r clalm for demagc.a, d'ua3 oc consc.qucntlal, in aonnoctkm witt� aoy
<br /> �r��� eonciamnation or�ther t�3cing of any p�rt uf tho Prog.�ty.or for eonveyunee in plaec�of eanc�err►nntion�aro hcreby as.vlgned and
<br /> �;i;�,, =• - shall bo pald W l.cndcr W tho eatcnt of tha fuQ tunaunt of tho indebt�dncss that rcmatns unpal�randcr Iho NoW and thia Socurity
<br /> -'�'��� .�� dnstrument.I.�cnder shuA apply such proce�etis to tho reductian of�1aa indebtcciness urulcr tl►c Nata and thls Socurity lnstn�mcnt, _
<br /> � ���.-��' f'irst w an de ucnt amounts u Ucrl in tho ordcr rovided 1n a� ►� h 3,and thcn to prepaymcnt af rinci An a tict�don
<br /> ,t;f:'�. Y W4 PP p P 'aF P P Pn1• Y PP
<br /> `'=�':-'''' -''1 of thc procccdv to tho princi al shall aot oxtcnd or tgono tha duo dnto of tfis monl�l
<br /> p pps y paymcnts, which nro refcrrccl W in
<br /> —.��.�,'4�:'Ei...�T --
<br /> �'',,�'`�•"� �R�NElloeoal a.o•ame miu�ic ... . _ -_
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