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<br /> .� pnt�;;mn1� �. i,r c�nn�o Uto amaunt oS'such paynicnt�. Any cxcrcv procccds �vcr an nmaunt rcquinx! tu pay �41 auGsln�uling
<br /> , -x in�lcGtcd,tr.s�und:t iho NdtQ�td IAi�5cxuiity[n�m�nt sf�►1!t��.�a}d ta lhc+�ntiiy legally cnt[4kd th�rcla. �: :
<br /> .. __ _� t
<br /> �-
<br /> - - , - fi.F�cea. i.cndcs may c.-�tEia:i E'c�tuttl thu�b�;aut,�tnxl.n1 f�,th�S�;set.�ry. �.
<br /> � � 9.Crouads for Accrkrwilan ot pcbt. .
<br /> ...._.. _.._ .__ (a)�eTs�ult. �,anAer mAy. oxcept i�s li�uitc�i Ly �abulatlan:, i�su�3 by !!:� Sr:re�wry !n �cn.r oP su�ymcnt doinults. � __ .
<br /> � ccc�uiro immcdlnto paymcn►in full of nll sums sccurcd Ay this Security Inscn►mcnt if: •
<br /> ` (i)I3nrrowcr d�faalts by falling to pay in full nny msnthly puymcnt rc�uir�d by this Sccudty[nstrumcnt prior to or
<br /> an tho duo dnta of tho noxt monthly paymcnt,nr
<br /> � . - (ii) Aurrowcr dafnult�n by failing, for � pcflocl of thirty dnys, to perform t►ny other obligndons contnincd in this -
<br /> • - Sccurlty ins�z�mcn�
<br /> ' �' �' (b)SAIc Without Credtt AppeY►vAl. I.cndcr shull, if pcnnittcd by applicnblo luw nnd with tho priar upprovul of tha
<br /> � ' ' Se�rctnry,rcquicc immcdlata�wymcnt in full af all sums socurc,�i by this Sccurity Insuumcnt if:
<br /> ., ° �� -. p)All or pa�t of'tho Property,ar n bcnoGcinl irttcrest.in n uust owning a11 or psut of tha Properry,is sold or alhcrwiso
<br /> � y,� = omnsfercecl(other than by dnviso or clescent)by tho Darm�v..r.nnd :=�:�
<br /> _ _ ,� . (ii) 'iho Property is iiot occupied by d�o purchascr or gmntcu t�s his on c�r principal�ti;sidenco,oe tho purcliascr ar F,.�
<br />- „ gruntcc docs so accupy tho Prnpcny t�ut his an c�r crcdit hus nat bccn t�pprovcd in accordancu�vith tho rcquircmcn�� ����_
<br /> , . af tho Secntary. `--
<br /> �, . �;_
<br /> _ � ��,�'_ (c)No Wpiver. lf clrcumstanccs or.�ur thnt would pcnnit Lender to eccluiro immediato puyment in full,but I.endcr does _i
<br /> :' �. nnt cec�uir�such nayments�Lender dnes nat w�ivo its rlghts wlth respec:t to subsequent events. �,--
<br /> - -_ .. _ti_+�. -
<br /> - � ' � ��� (c1)Regulatlons af 1Il►U Secretary. In muny circumstances re�ulatlana issued by tho Secretery wil! ltmit Lendee's -
<br /> _ -� - .,.,�:. :� ri�Ihts in tl»�;ase of puymant dcfuulGq to requiro im�nedlnt� payment in full und fareclo�o if no!paid. 'I?ds Sccurlry �
<br /> :,��;;.�;:,�.?;;;� � Inswmcnt docs not authosar.�accelerndon ar fareclosuro if not permittcd by cegulallons of tho Secrctary. -
<br /> �:.�a��. � _ _
<br /> �� (ej niort�}z ivai insun.v. Bonowi.-r i;�����t��ih:ilii��urit-;isoussna::°' 5�..^N�crr��rrd ihrsrhv nnt ho
<br /> �'���-'����_��"��� ali�ible for insurnnco und�er tho Nadonn�I�ousing Act within 6U dnys from Ihe duto hereof,l.encter mny.at iGv opdon and __
<br /> ---�1 r--���. --
<br /> ��-�^�`�.�� nntwlthstanding anything nn pflra�rnph 9, requiro immcdlnto paymcnt in i'uU of z+ll su�ns sccurcd by this Sccudry
<br /> ---- ._�._ . .�..... ...�.�..i�;s�J �����u,.+v,�� ���f�na sr�retnry d�!subscuucnt tn 60 days fzam 1ho data
<br /> ' �hcrcof dcclining�u►insu�e tfii.9 SocurIry Inswrtccnt und iho Niita au:u��:ti the+�y.si�a�l�;,�ee:n�concluslvo ps�f af -
<br /> -�: � �
<br /> .-_='�:.�� such incligibitity.Natwlthstanding Iho foragoing,this apdon may not Ge oxcrcisccl by I.cndcr whcn�he unnvnflabillry of -
<br /> __�._______._�' insumnca i�sr�1�ly duo ta l.ender's fnilura to remlt n morignga lnsuran:�premium w tho Secretary.
<br /> -- --�`� 10.RetnttAtement. Bana�vcr hu.v a�ight W ba rcii�stated lf Lcndcr hns reguircd 'unmediAta puymGnt in tat!4��causu of
<br /> _..�.._��,=.�
<br /> _,.,� Aonowcr's failuro ta pay nn ama�int duo undcr tho Noto or thi�Sccariry Ensuumcn�1'h�s dght t+ppltas cvct�otira foroclosure
<br /> prc►cocdings uro instltut�;l.To rclnsuito tho Sccurlty I�suumcnt,aorrotivcr s�zv tendcr i�n lump sum�11 e��nmunts rc,�ulrcd to bring
<br /> -°_��,�� Bocrower's account cur,ant ancluding,to tha oatent thoy ara obUgudons of Bocmwer under this Sec:t►rity II�strument,foccclosure
<br /> --=���� cost9 and reasonabla And cwstoma�y altamnys' fees and expense.a praperly ussocinted with tha fareclasuro prcaccecling. Upan _
<br /> —'1e��' rcL�statcment by Aarrowcr,thL9 Sccudty Inswmcnt and thc obligadons�hat lt sccures shal]ccmain in cffc�ct as if I.cndcr had not
<br /> - -_�� rec�uired immciliato �sayment in �ull. HOWCVG', Lender is nat requireQ to �permit relnstatement ii: (i) Lencler has acceptod
<br /> -!'_-" rcinstntcmer�t aftcr tlte commencoment af foreclosurc praceedings within two ycnra immodiuteiy prcccdtng tho commenccmcnt of
<br /> - ° __ -_�� a cur�ent forcclosi,r� gracc.eding� (ii) rcinsu�tcment will precludo foreclosure on differcnt gmunav in tho futuro. or (1ii) .
<br /> -_Y�;;:=.�� �cinstatemcnt w1Q t�ttv�rs..ly affcct tho pdoriry ot tho licn cmatcA by this Sccurdty Inswmcn�.
<br /> ..•„�,—:-m-�, �
<br /> - -��`'� 11.Qa�rra�vea�Nat Releasec9;&`arbcarAnce By l.ender NuY A WAiver. Bat�nslon of tha t�me of payment or modificadon
<br /> 3 ���
<br /> - {�"���'' af cunortizatlon of tho sums securul by thls Sccurlty Tnswment grnntt,d by L.cnder ta any successor in inuxcst af Ba�rawcs s6a11
<br /> --r��--�=s`��� nat operato to relcaso tho liability of the ariginsl Borrowcr or Harrower's auccessor in interesl.l.ender shall not bo rec�uired to
<br /> ---�_;�;���;�t; ' c.c�mmcnco pmacctlings ngainst any successor in interest or rcfuso to extend dmo far puyment or atherwisc modify umactjzadon of
<br /> �.'��;;�-,� ' tho sums secund by this Scc�uity Instru�ment by reASOn af any demond moda by thv origins►1 Borrowcr or Fiorrowcr's successors _
<br /> :,.,,;�'°� in inte�est,Any farbearancc�by l.ender in exercisin�any right or remedy shnll not b�.a waiver of ar preclude the exucjse of eny
<br /> -'°�L".atii/.'�}� dght or remcdy.
<br /> I�.L7RC�'LYa�i�. -
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