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<br /> `1'C1�6TH[3!3 WI7'11 nil ti►a impmvemcntv aaw oe hercaftcr er.,cud an tha pruner�y,and nll c:�scmrnts.rlghts,up���r2cns�►ccs. -
<br /> rLnt9, r�yatii�, n�ii�r�t�l. oll aa�l ��.; eightv ra�d ptafits. w,�tcr dgfiu nnd stacl: anci ��l! fixturc� no�v or hemafZer a p?�t c►f thc► °
<br /> ���ty.�!!l fc'�t•l�a�l�t�d:uh.�liions ,h.441 a1ss�i�a covcrc�i by tt►�s Sc�:u�ity I��w�me-�i�AI�c�f 1�o fu�;�i�ecf�.�d sn�n -
<br /> QitL9.g'�Cltiity InSS'iit��itt Cti ttto"t`�-�3pCity." �
<br /> Eip1tROWHH COV�3NANTS thnt Borrower i�Inwfuily rei�cd of tho astnto her�eby convoyc�l mt�huv�ho elght to gmne nnct _
<br /> convoy tho l7uparty �nd thnt tha Ti�rogcriy is unc�cumbcrcd, wcecpt fur cncumbran�s oP ri�cord. lla�owcr�vt�mn�s and will =
<br /> dcfcnd gcnerfllly�ho tltlo to�ho Firop�rty a�ninst iill cl2lms nnd dcmiu�ds,subJect ta nny cncumbmnccs of rccard. �
<br /> 1,Pwyraen4 af P�riacipxl,Ieters�t aad Late GhArge. ktamnvcr st�all pay when duo thc prtncip�l aF�and interest on�tltc =
<br /> dcbt ovidcncal by thq Noto and tu?a ch�rg:,s daa under dto NoYc. _
<br /> 2.MontAty Payment otTsuccs��nsurancc Wnd Othcr Chxrges� Bormwce shnll includa in et►ch monthly naymcnt, _
<br /> tagcthcr with tho prir.cipal nnd intcrest n�sct farth in thc Nato ond nny taw char�cs.u sum f�r(a)t�xes artd spccinl asscssmcnts =
<br /> lovicr! or to bo levicd t�gainst tho I'roperiy, (b) lcaschold payments or �un�l renls on the Pra�xrty. iind (c) prcmiums for =
<br /> insuranca m�uircd t�ndcr parug�nph�l.(n nny ycac in which tha Lcnder must�k�y o mortgngo insursu►cc prcminm tu Qw Scc�.tary
<br /> of Housing and Urban Davolapment("Secretary"),ar in uny year tn wi�ich such premlum wauld liavo been req�drat lf Ler.d�:r sdl!
<br /> held thn Sccurity InsUumenl, cxh monthly �ayment shnil ulso includo cithcr: (i) u �um fur tho nnnunl mortgqg� insuranco
<br /> pm.mIum ta l►o gaid by Lcaidcr ta U►o S3crctary.or(ii)o monthly chargo iastcsxl af o mortg�u l��s�unnco prcmium if this Scc�uity
<br /> lnswment ls hold by tho Sccrcwry.in�rcusanabl�tunoi;nt to ba dctcmilncd by tho Sccrcwy.Bxc:c�M for tha manthly CDtugo by
<br /> thts Ssxtctury�thaco item9 ara e,�+llecl"Bscmw Items"nr�d Q�o sums palcl to Lendcr tuo c.�lletl"Bseraw Flmds."
<br /> I,endes nwy,ut any tlmo,collecA and hold nmuunts for Bscrow Items in an ngg,cegnto nmount nai W ea�o�oa ihe mexin�arn
<br /> funount that may ho rcquirctt for Borrowcr's escrow accaunt tmdcr tho Rcal Estnw Setticmcnt k'c�c�cciiuxs Act o�'1474, 12 U.S,C.
<br /> Sc�ction 2fi01 e.t seq. and implcment3ng rcgulotions,24 CFR I'art 3500,nv thoy mny bo amendccl fmm tima ta tlmo("RGSPA").
<br /> ca�ccept that tho cushion or rescrve pem�lited t�y RI3SPA for unantic�+atcd disbuxsement��ar dlsbur�cmcnts befoin the Borrowcr's
<br /> paymcnts uro nvnllabla In 1ha o�ccount may npt tw twsecl on funounts duo for tho mortgnga insumnco prcmium. -
<br /> 1Q'lhe tunouflta hold by i.ender for Sscraw Items axcecd thc nmounts�cm�ittosi to bo lteld by EtBSPA.Lender shull deal wlth
<br /> thc�oxccav funds ss tequlred by RSSPA. If the amount�of fands hcld by I,ender at an�Uma aro not�sufCcicnt tn pay Iho Fi4crow
<br /> itetiin�"i aa'v�a.w"iLw .o'i:3i�a���i3i'v�.a�'!!v'..v. °..�.".`�i°..�`R�t`.�,w��vS°C!1^S:1°.�.+°!:`s3�°.�.Hnn t«r •.��ce�a��mltteYl h�
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> 71u�l��emw Fwids ere nlodaacl aa��iNn nl��jiv fur ell suluv�ulCd bv Ihi9 SoCUIItV WS�t11NGIIt If BQi[OWC1'4G1(1�78 W
<br /> Tua�dcr tix;fu13 ji:iyii�ciii c,i Q11 Rik:i� Sllu�9�B(�+iuiVa�B tiCCaW"it 6h81{II�3 CP'c.i=I;i��itl�If1�f'iilaiir,"a�I.,"Ii"«i�3i�f3$E�iH:.0�il�taLssir�i
<br /> item9 (a)� (b)� nnd (o) And ony mortgago insuranco premium instnllmettt 4hat L.endet httv not becomo c�bUgatul to pay to thc
<br /> Socretuy�arid Lct�dcr ahall pratnpUy rafund any oxc;c.gs funds to�i:.��r�i�wc.r,p54.:TIC(I�RfAJy pfIUT W 8 CO�'CC109qfC 68115 Of�tAC PI�Qj16(�}I
<br /> a�it�acguisition by 1-ender,DarraH�et'R aa;ount shn11 ba crcciited with nny t±��tLtncc rom�ining for ntl instaUmcnts for itcmy(�)t
<br /> (b).wx1(a).
<br /> 3.Applic�tbn of A'�ymcais.All psiymcnts under paragrnphs 1 und 2 shnll ba applicct by Lendr,r�v followe:
<br /> �,W tiw mortgago i�suranco premium w bo puid by Lcnder ta the Secrctury or tn thc monthly charge by the S� . �tary
<br /> ' L�stcaci o�'tho monthly mortgago#nsuranca prcmium;
<br /> Socand,w any taxes. speck�l assess�nents,Ieasc]�old paymentv or gcound rents.ancl firo.flood and ok"s�s hazard insuranco
<br /> prcmiurav,av rcquired;
<br /> 't�'�;;f4,tq intcract duc undcr th�I�'ote;
<br /> �•,y�1�,W amnrtlzatlon of tho pdnclpal of tho Noto;
<br /> �l�fi,ta late chacgc;,v duo undcr tho NoW.
<br /> �•!R(NB) �oeoe� P.o•�o�e mmai.: _.. _. .
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