.... r;;�,i . .. . _. .
<br /> � . . ��-�=_-,., � . ._. 1;� i� _. _ - . _
<br /> _t:
<br /> , , . .. �I --
<br /> .. . _, �� ` :,�. ,_
<br /> �.. . . , _ . . �� - -.-.,`„�3-rr,. -- .
<br /> ,. _ . � _ .. ..
<br /> . � �-.^� - . . . ... . . _.. � , . . . . ..._.... ...... �• - --- _ .
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> .. ����� �.�����. �
<br /> . pamqmnl► 2, nr chmigo titu tunatutt of such naytrunGV. Any exccsv pn�iats avcr am m��►►nt ecyuirc�l ta p�y nti uutslnndln�
<br /> indebtednCvs under lho Noto nnd Ihl�Securlly IiisUuinent shn�l ho[�atd tn tho etitity leaally entitic�l A►er�tn.
<br /> .. 8.i�r°9, l,�ticr tn�y collrct fcea end cs►nrqc.a nuthori�,c�1 by iho 5cxrctary. _..__
<br /> _. . - , � ��, .
<br /> �� � 9.(irountis fo�A��cekrnt[on of Debl. �
<br /> -�.�.o-~-+�'� r -
<br /> . _ ,_ ° (�)Detault. I.ender mny.except uy Ilmited by regulatlons iss�;etl by tl►o Secretnry in thv cuso uf paymerit de€nuic��
<br /> rec�uiro tmmcdinto payment in f��ll af ntl sums sccure.�by dds Security InstYUment if:
<br /> (i)13on�wcr dcfaults Uy fniHng to pay�n full nny monthly payment�uircd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt prior to o�
<br /> .. —�. - - ;.� on�l�v Jun�i+du uf iiw r��t nonL�{Y Fa1'�z'��+n° _ _.
<br /> - . (ii) �orrower defaults by faili�g, for n periaf of dilrry dtiys, to perfarm uny ott�e.r obligadons wnWined in this �'-=
<br /> � Socurlty Inswmcnt.
<br /> .: ;;. �.`�� =r=
<br /> - (b)SAEe Without Cred(t Approval. Lcndcr shnll,if �nnUteQ by applics�blo ttiw nnd with thc prtar ar�provnl of Q►o _
<br /> : �' Sccrcwry,n.qutn�immcdiato payment in full aF up suma sccurcef by this Sccudty Instn�ment if: -"
<br /> . . _ � � (i)All ar part of Qio Property,or n bcncGctnl interest in u tn►si awning Nl or part of tho Properiy,i.9 sold or alhcrwisa
<br /> -�.- .
<br />. :�,;,,.. , � transfcrrcd(othcr thnn by dcvisc c�r�esa,�t)by tho Ilorro�vcr�nnd -�
<br /> - ��<`'���.';�;. '+• � (ii) 'i�o Prop..rly is nai occupial by tha purchoscr or gruntco os hiy or her princip.►1 residcnco,or tho purchnscr or �
<br /> .,._
<br /> '` , , gruntea dcx,y�o occupy Iho Property but his or her credit hns not boen approved in accurdnnas with tho requiremems �:n;_:
<br />- ' . �'v af tt+a 5ecretiuy. �P3-
<br /> _ ..::_��:� --
<br /> ` �. ; .
<br /> _7� , ';� notircc�airo'such payment�;.`l.endcr d�ot wuiva�ic9�righits wi h respcct t sub.eequccn o cniq�t��utl,but l.�,ndcr daes =_
<br /> ,,. .
<br /> ��-
<br /> ���, � ' (cq ReRuations olHUD�ecretAry. 1n many circumstnnccs ragulAdons issued by thc Secretary wUl Wni� G:nder's = �
<br /> �.:__.-
<br /> .. ,_��:�� rights in Iha c�ua aP paymcnt dcfnulW tc�rcquiro immcdl��to paymcnt in [aU t►nd farc;claso if not puid, This Sceuriry �_�
<br /> --- �---�-�:��-�� Insuumcnt dae�not nuthori�.o c�ccelcmtion or farcclosuro i[nat permittecl by ruguladana ai tho Sccretary.
<br /> _:. „•f �
<br /> - :a_ _ ._ . � �
<br /> '��_•- -���;�> (e)Mortgage Nat Insured. Dorrowcr ngrcea thet should this Security InsUUmcnt And tho Notc sccurcd Ihcreby not be �.
<br /> �_ __~�;�;�.,����:���� eli�ibto for inswnncc under the Natlonnl FIausing Act within 60 days Cmin the dato heecof,i�cndcr may�at it�optlon and
<br /> -'�.-,:.,' '"T+r: .,`�� nntwithstnnding unything in pur�raph 9, requiro immcdlate payment in t1iU aF a1D si�n�s sccurcd by thLa Sccurity _
<br /> '�..=�_:� n J�� f luva tnm 1
<br /> _. _�.a�_
<br /> - , .� Instn�men� A wrttten atatcment af�ny mnnarizr,ci ngcni oi itio a��•y ���u�t�s ���-�---- -
<br /> _�'����'s�k���� hcrcaf,dccllning to insuca this Security Inshumcnt nnd tho Naw sccum.cl thcrcby.Fhall bo dccmcd cmnclaslvo pro�f of _
<br /> - --__=---�=:t�;; aoch inoligibility.Notwit'�stunding tha fo�cgoing.lhls apdon may not ba cxcs�cl.scd by Lcncicr whcn tho�tinavallability of
<br /> _. .__..._
<br /> —...:' .
<br /> - ' ' • ' ' ' - '-'�_o_��.W._��2•.. nens inao unna nramilui�fIf IIIA SOCTC�HIV.
<br /> 1l18lII'�111CO l3 Sp�C1y aIIC 00 a.cn�lu a nantwv w awu,�«ii�p.p.•«...«t._�*..�._____�_-------- ...
<br /> -ai���:'�� ° —
<br /> � `--`Si�..i.� � -
<br /> '_��-�_-���� 10.ReinstAtement. Hormwer hns o rlght to tw reinstated if Lendcr has req►dred immcctinto paymet�t in fuU becuuso 0
<br /> _�_.;;;,,�;,_��`� Bonowca's fniluro to��+y nn amount duo under tho Noto or ihis Securiry Instrume�t 7his right applles aven u�ter forcclosure _
<br /> ���=.z`, proceedings acc instituted.To relnststa tho Sccurlty Inswmcnt,IIurrowcr shull tendcr in a lump sum all omounts rcc�uircd to bring
<br /> �....�.;.�:� Horrowcr's nccount aucent incluaiing�to tho extcnt thay aro abligailoas of Horrowar undcr this�ccurlry Instxumcnt,forcclosurc
<br /> costs and re�sonable and custom�uy utun.^ea�ys' foc,9 und oxpensc�w pro�erly us.sociacal �vith n:�� �oreclasures procceding. Upon
<br /> u��� roinsuuement by Donawea,thjs Sccudty Instrumcnt und tho obllgations thnt it securcs shull�+er�.�.:iin in cifect t�v iF L,endcr hncl nat
<br /> -- vvquireQ immedlata payment in full. Hawuvcr. 1.Gndcr ls not requircd w pertnit ccfnstnu:mca►t if: (i) Len�cr hns acccptcd
<br /> �r ceinstatc�nent ai'tcr 1ha commencemcnt of foreclosuro procee�itnge wilhin two yeao�s immedlatoly prcceding tho e��mmcncemcnt af
<br /> - -==-=;�� a cuncnt fcxccl�suro procccctinA, (ii) c�.vanatcmcnt wiil prc:cludv forcclosura an cUffcrcnt gmuads in tho futurc. or (iii)
<br /> rclnstatemcnt will advcrsoly affcct tho pricL'a:y af tho licn crcAtcd by tlhls Socurlty Instrumcnt,
<br /> �� 11.eorrow�NM Rele�sed;rorbearAnee Dy�.endr.r No!�Wpiver. xxtenslon of tho dmo of pay��cnt ur mocilficudan �
<br /> __=�� of tunartizntlon of tho sums sa:.�rcd by ch�s Sccuriry Ins.nimcnt grxntcd by l.cndat ta sny ancccsso�r in intcrest ot Yioamwcr sAall
<br /> — not opera�to w releasa iha liability of c'�o���ginnl Horrower ar aarrowcr's succcssor in inu:res�L.endcr shall not bo�cc�uirc�l w
<br /> — - _--.�, commencs procecctings aRalnst nny�uo�v:ssar in intcrast or rafuse�to oxtcnd Umo for paymcnt or othcrwlso modify umort�don af
<br />