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: �� , �v.� ` _ _� <br /> .---. \V: ' . . _ , <br /> , �,. . <br /> . ��� <br /> �;, � . � � <br /> , , '.. � „ ' � . . � , . <br /> _ . , -------_.... <br /> . .. . _ <br /> .. . _._. . �._�.:... .. .. <br /> , . .. . . . . .._._. .._...,- - _ <br /> -- - -,�. ... �.. . • + <br /> .. , ���-_l, �"' �,Q�1�'r.i�.�. - . <br /> 4,�tr�.fic�atl Wnd Ul��r�Ibtu�•tl insi�rapcc. �torrowcr eh�!! i��su�o�11 Iniprovcmcnty on� tho I'ro�xrty� wttcthcr notiv in <br /> , oxistencQ ar�uGsC��ucnqy crcctcd,oguinst Any i�nrgcds�c��u��Ucs,ttnd�cncics, inoludin� ftro, far whi�h l.cndcr rcquiecs <br /> insura�ico.'It�ls iivaranco ahnit tx�mnintnlned in tito nmounls wid ti�r tho periocl�tflnl Lendcr rcqu(r�,s.I3a�a�vcr shidl nlso insura <br /> _ o � ��l improvemcnl.9 on thp�:up::rty�whet�cr�ow in oaist�+�ca cn snbs:qu�tty cr�te�J�q��4nst Mss by{�as Eo tt�axtc�t ec�uls�d __ <br /> ._ �_ by thc+Sccrctary.Atl lnsumnco x�nll ho cturicd wlth campant:,s app.�uvui by 1..c���r. 'I'h� ins��mnca�wtictcc r.�d tu►y rene��als <br /> - .;;,,,�... shali bo hotd by i,endcr nnd�n�ti inciudo lass paya�i�clauxes i,i favu;af,an�in�fc�nn�.cce�t,�►h!e tn.L�nd�. _-- <br /> �. .. .,.�. <br /> ' in Q�a ovcnt af loss� Hormwcr shull givo Lcndcr U�m�cdi�to nodco by mnll. l.cndcr mny mnko praof of tasg if nnt nueda <br /> �. prom•ptly by llattowcr. Ench insumnco campa��y oonccmcd is hc��eby uutharizcd und dircctcd to mnko paymciu for such loss <br /> . _- --_ dinx:iiy G��tcr� instciui uP to Aorrowcr and tn I.andcr jai,�ily. Au w��u►y pru�8f t�a 1,suran�.pra�is mny La Qpgllc�l by _ . <br /> ; I.cndcr. at its option,cithcr(n) to tho ncdustlan af tho indebtedncss undr�otio Noto and this Security Instjriment, first w any s�- <br /> �, dcllnqucnt tun�untg oppltcd in tho ordcr in parng�aph 3,nnd thcn to prcpuymcnt of pdncipal,or(b)ta tho restoradan or rcpalr of <br /> � tho damagcd Raperty.My c►ppltc��don ot tho nracecds to tha principal shull not wctcnd or�sqwno tho duo dat�of tha monthly ___ <br /> � ' "'�� paymcnts wnich oro�cierrcct ro in par:igmph 2,or chango tho ttmouni of sucU pnymcntv.Any cacc.�s insw�anco pracc�ds ovcr n� -___ <br /> �" - � � _f Eunount requln;d ro pay nll outstanding indcbtcdncs.9 uncicr dw Noto und this Socudty Inswmcnt shflii Uo pald to t�o cndry Icaally <br /> ��, cndQal thr,rcta. ___ <br /> , � . .,- <br /> � ' �� In tho ovcnt ai fora:lasuro of this Sccurity InsUUmcnt or atlicr transfor af dtio to tho Pcupeny that exdngulshcs tha �_:'� <br /> � �- lndcbtal�css,:i11 r�ght,Utic and intcrest af Dorrowcr in nnd to insumnca poticics in forc�ahnll p;us to t}�c purchaccr. �'�; <br /> F. i�• <br /> � =- <br /> � ', �`_ 5.Occups�ncy.Preservatbn,MainlcnARCe and Protectiar�at tho I'rapertyi Liorro�ver's Loan App�kxtian;Leaseholds. <br /> 'i�� ` ',_;:•- Dorcowct shall occupy.establish,And uso��b'mperty ns Bonowcr's principal resi�cnco wlthln sixry days uftr�r tho cxccution of <br /> • r � - th#s Svau��lty Instnimcnt and shall condn�w'!o accnpy tho Property ais Bonowet's pcincipal residcnco for at Icasl ono yctu nitcr thc — <br /> ciuto of accupancy. unt�,ss tho Sccre.'�i�� @ctciminca this rrquircmcnt wUl a�uso untlua hnr�lahip for Aarro�acr, or unlcss __ <br /> ' . .,�`�. oxtcnuating cirCUm,stuncc� oaist which oro boyo�td Borrawcr's cwitrul. Da�cower rh�q uukfy I.w�Qu� uf �;iy �:xt�nuating =_ <br /> 1-. ciccumstancc.9.Ho:rotivcr shall not commit ws►sto or destroy,(lA1YlII�0 OP SUbOtitiit�RUy CIIAlI�O 1I10 Pf0}1C1'tjl Or AIIOW lh8 FI1)j1Clty i0 <br /> A�•==�.- =-:?�-�� cictc�ior�so,re.�sonebb wcar and tc�u oxccptcd.L.cndcr muy iospect iho FrAperty if tha Property is vacunt ar abanctoned or tho loan - <br />_ �- � � is in dofaul�I.ender may u►ko rcasanflbla ocdan W p�tocl and preserva such va;.ur►t or at►an�on�cl Pcoperty.Barrawcr sh411 also <br /> -u<'. r�-;:�:�� � Ixi in defauh 9f A�xrowcr.dtuing tho laan ty�plication praccs.9,gavo matcrisily falso or inaccurato information or statcmw►�v tn � <br /> �i-.-__.�;= � �". Lender(or�,i1;cf to prnvido l.endcr with any mnterlW infarmation)an_cunnectton wlth the loann ovidencecl by 1lio Nate.i� <br /> "-_��.J.'�._ <br /> =-�_�;�;���� but nat Un�it^ci to. reprr,sentadons canceming Borcower's ucc�apuncy of Qto 1'mp;.rty os A pdncip�l residence. If this Sx�arlly <br /> ,.-'-"''r`=s [nstrumcnt !s on a Icascflold, HarrowCr sltttll compry with tiic pmvi�icros oi ina icaia. ii Svsz�i`wc,�iw�u .� u� w� <br />-';'.�-�:..�:�:r; , <br /> ���"�'�'''�` Piroperty,ttw lcascfwld nnd fco titlo shail not bo merged d►nlava l..cndcr ngrccs u►tho mergcr in wdting. <br /> ___ -�LIY^J�1� <br /> _ " ."'. __.-. �——.'..V1C'� <br /> —=�'""�� -�'-- -�■_����_ni_��t..��.�o...�.. n....n..�n. ahnll �ov oil nnvamcnentul nr <br /> w�l:�iji�W OOI'fU�fCP ilAt1 L'�v{�{:nVO O�uiWCf �tst�asal m►wc��v�.q. w.v�w..w w..�• r.y ..-� p.�'-- - <br /> ___ --_��� munkipel chargcs. Cu�cs and imposi4lans lhat aro not includcA in paragraph 2. Bamnwcr stui�3 pay thcso obljgations on tima � <br /> ---�-=--- - dL�ccQy to tho endty which is owcd tho paymenG If failuro ta pay wauld adverscly affdct L.endea's interest in tha Praperry,upon <br /> _ -___ __�__� Lendcr's rcqnrsl Bo�rcowcr ahall pcomptly fumish to I.endcr rccclpt9 ovidcncing thcso paymcnts. <br /> --�- ----- if Borrowu i�ils to mako thcse Nuymcnts ar tha payments requirccl by�uagrpph 2�or fAils to perfom�any ather cavcnants <br /> and agracmenw wntaincd in this Sccurity Insteumcnt�or thc�is u Ic�al pracr�c,ding¢hat mAy slgnUlcanqy affcci l.cndc.�'s rlghtv in <br /> `_��� tho Prc�puty(such a9 u proccodinA in bankn�ptcy,Cor condcmnatian ov W enforco taws c►r rcgulations),then Lender mny do and <br /> _ pAy wtwtevcr is noccssar�Ro protcct t�ho valuc af thn�rt►perty and i.cattkr's righ�s ln tho Fcoperiy,i��cludlr,,�g�uyment of taxcs, <br /> `�� hazard i��surenco and other item9 mendoncd in par,�raph 2. � <br /> - My amounts disbursed by I.cnder unAcr thls paragraph shall bcxoma an acldidonal dcbt of Horrawer and Eaa socurcd by thts <br /> --- <br /> _ ___�_�.= Sccudty Insuument.7heso amauntv shaq bcar interesl from tho dato af dlst+ursement,at tAe Noto rato�cuid st tfias opdon o . <br /> �_� ahall bo lmmcdlatcly duo ond payab3o. ` <br /> - ---�`' 7.Cwidewwtbn. 7bo pracecds af nny sward or claim far damages� dircct ar consaguc.�tial, in connoctbn wlth any <br /> -�� condemnat4w�c�r Mhcr talcing af nny part of�1►a Ptoperty,or for convcysnco 1n placo of condcmnation,aro hcc�cby as.algnod snd <br /> -_.__-__-- shail ba psdd w Lcnciet tci the eatent of ttw iuU amo4Nt of tho indcbtcdncss that remains unpaid under tho Nota und this 5ocurlty <br /> - -�-�-=--_��� insuument.Lcnder shall appty�uch pmceccis to ehe eeductian of tho initeebtcdness under ttio Nuw ond J��v S�udty lnstrument, __ __ <br /> ---������ ��'� first tn any dclin uent amounts liac!in tho order a+nvidccl in h 3,And t1�en to re mcnt af dnci An licatlon <br /> t:� q �PP � P�B�P P PaY P P�� Y aPP <br /> �•'�� of thc proccr,ds ta tha princlpal shail not oatcnd o:postpona tho dua daw of tho manthly paymcn49�which nra refcrtcd ta ln <br /> ,_ ..,,,,._.. <br /> -��,�:"`�� <br /> - - I 1!•' <br /> q��":����p :�_ �•4R�NE) (osos� Pap�9o1� mniai.:___----. . -- <br /> _r'+SfiPi.�u_ r_r".. . —_' .. <br /> �r'SY�ii: ' <br /> .. - ��� . . � � fLC.�i <br /> �t��� <br /> Ir'1Q"' �♦ '• _ <br /> „:.' " . . "__ -'.�:._'___.-."._-..-....•—.Z.79u.���....�.__..�. �cJTS'Tjli: , � __"'�a1' –�:�N' <br /> �'.�'T� J.p�n .. . �� i.. , . ,F••-il� \-. �. ��'�ti . .. . . _ <br /> ..r- ,. ,• � . . . - ' - . . '.h, _ . • ,• � _ : <br /> . . . - . � . - . . r <br /> .. ��. ,. .. . �. ' � � �. - <br /> . � . ' , . �. . � , � , � � - <br /> . i +..►. � .. . - t�i������e� ''' „ , �► _. <br /> ..- , �., *. .� , <br /> . '�" - . . J ln.�t�, - • <br /> . . ` �. r ` � . , <br /> .� � . . . _'`����=.;��; <br /> -. r.� . ,. . . .. , . ���,��T.;^�- .. <br /> ,_ . .� ' � � I i. r'� ..'.�_:l�HYN.r\ . " . ' .ir,I.- <br /> ♦ <br /> _ . ' __ _._'_ .��S 'aA������� <br />