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.;.,'; _.;� . _ � . . <br /> --_., �� ,, • .. . _ , , .___ <br />`_'✓.) � .. . - ' ' r , �. _.i, <br /> , . _ . .. . r' " ` � '-. <br /> .. _ . ` . . . • . ,. . _ , r . . <br /> ' . .' . . . _. . . - . . <br /> �. - .. : _ . .. . <br /> . ....r.-_.-.-..__._._.._.� .._'_—"— ,.-.. ..._..___... .__..__..�.__.._...., '_'__"_' __' ..._ " -._.. _'— �. . <br />_ .. {:: � � —_-� ` 1'�e� �,����t'��� � <br /> � � <br /> . .-- . : <br /> ^ 12.!iuccessors imel As.9lbaa Ilountl;J�tnt nttd Severi�l l,kebiUtyt Ca•Sl�raevs. Tho caveu�u�ts n�td np�reemems aC t4ih f <br /> Sc.�cur+ty instrument yhnll Mnd iuui hcnofit U�a successors enci nssigns pf t�:ndcr i�nd tlurro�vice, sub}r.ct t� ttio pravisluns af � <br /> � p;un8r�ph �3,b, Uano��rcr's rovcnants nnd agrccmcnts shail tw joint nnd sovcr:�i, Any Hurrn�vcr whu �o•.r•igns 1hiy Security <br /> lnsuument 6ut does not oxecutc !hc Not�;: (q) �9 CU•sixntng thiy S��curity �nsirwnont anly to mpctgn�;�,EjC1(IL:UII� COfl�'6Y lltiil t <br /> - _.. -- � <br /> _ - : __�_ � Bnrowcr's inG:-rest t� tflc, y{a ±t�e , ts S�m�iry Insuvaient;tb)Is�H►t �ersonnity ablig�ted t�p:�y tfsta sUTtl.9 �-- - <br /> ���Y <br /> �L�':*� .�l . • f \Y �_ _•.. <br /> secu�ecl by�his Securiry IrisptimCn[;a�c����, ; �+u ixndcr t�nd itny othe�I3o�ro�v�r may ag��to c�tend,mc;stify,CarL_ae oe <br /> - -- .-__- - mnka:u�y nccomm�dduu�is twui rr.�3i�EC��q�cctc�uisui iiiu�Lyuritg tnsaument c�r ehs;�nt��is�ouE d�:�t lingnW�r'g cn�sCnL �_ _ <br /> - ��:yP'-.,:-.w.. � , <br /> l3.Noilcas. Any notico to Llanowcr providcd for in this Sccurity inswmcnc shall bo givcn by dclivcruig it or by n�Nling it <br /> . � by lirst cicus�r�nil unless n�plicabla Inw�cq►dra�uso af anothcr mcthod.7?�e notico shnU bn dircctcd to thc PcQper�y Addres9 ar <br /> - •------�------� <br /> -� uny oUicr adnress uonmvcr da`i�nuccs by nudco tu i�:ud��.Any L:.nd�s:;h:,ll Lw si��en Gy IIlSI Cl�SS m:1+1 In I.c�tdG''s <br /> 1` .� uddr�.;ss smtaf hcrein or nny addres9�.ender dcsignates by nodco ta parrowec.Any nouco provided for in this Security Instrumcnt �:�. <br /> , �; . <br /> shnll bc dccmccl t�I�nve becn give.n tu Ilorcower or I.endcr wiicn givcn t�s prnvidecl in this p:uagruph. <br /> - � � <br /> ` � ;���` '� lA.Covcrning I.uw;Severability. This 5ecuriry Instromcnt sliail b� Qavcmcd by fcdcral Intiv and the IAw of tha - <br /> � " jurlsdicdon in which tho Pcopert}► is locatca. Ya the eve�tt that nny provision or cluuso of this Securiry Instrument or tho Nata �: <br /> _ `� ' conilicts�vith npplicnblo law.such conflict shall not nffect other provisions o[this Security Instrument or the Nato�vhich cnn be �_. <br /> � •` ' ��� �iven effect withaut tho conflicdng provision.To this end tho�mvisions of thi�Security Instrument and the Noto nro declsued ro --� <br /> ,�'�'-'�- 1 bo sovcmblo. �`' <br /> • . . ���� - <br /> � ��`i_-� � 15.Bosrawer's Copy. 8ono�vcr shnll be giveu ono confarmed copy of this Security InstrumenG — <br /> '*` ,,. ��"�,- � a6.Asslgncnent oP 4tentw Barmwer uncondldonally :�ssign9 and transfcrs to Lender all tho rcnts nnd rovcnucs of tho <br /> ;=� -�• - 1Property. gormwcr Lender or Lender's agcnts ta collect the ren�g and rovenucs nnd hcreby directs et►ch tenant of tho <br /> • .; :��_ � Property to pay iho�ents ta Lcnder ur Lcnder's iigenis.Hhwovcr.prlor to[�endnr's uorice to Uano�v►r of Ilorco�ver's�rcach of _- <br /> ° ' �:_ '�' any covcnnnt or agre�ment in Uie Sr,�urity Insorument,Barrower shall coUcci�nd receivo nll rents und revenucs uf u�u Fru�e�ty i�v �; <br /> _.._. ..,��'�� wsteo fur tho beneCt af Londcx 1nd Bonower,Ttiis a.�.signment of rcnts constitutey an absoluto nssigtiment su�d not su�u�si�nment �, <br /> =�'=a-�- ��`1�.+�.`� for tuidltic�nHl s�c��riry oNy. __ <br />."�1�_{1..•.. � <br /> -_4 }y�. �f Lendcr gives nodca of breACh w Horrowcr: (a)ull rents recaived by �lorruwcr shall bo hctd by Aorrower �u:rustea for ___ <br /> � �`:.���_ benefit af Lcn�cr only,W ba applictl to the sums securetl by tho Scctuiry llnsm�mcnt;(b) Lender shal� C�.indUul T3 coU�xt nnd <br /> --=-,�e�_.�;.._�,� recelvo oll of tho rents af tho Pcoperty;nnd(c)ettcl�tenunt af Ihe Froperty sA1;�pay all rents due 1nd un�id to Lend�r or Lender's -- <br /> ,__-__ �;yF_�.� ugcnt on Lcndrr's written demund ta tho tenunl. <br /> -_�.���� Donowar has aot oxcctiitcd nny prlar assignment af the rcnts and h�not c�nd will not perform any Act that waulcl pnvent - <br /> ----- <br /> _� uncieT mam eat�tv�ising iis rigniv undcr ucis p��uagrap�iv. <br /> -�='�v—'-a-�'--��-�7-- I.endu shall not ba rcquired to entcr upon,u+ka control of or mnintain tho Propesty beforo ar ufter giving nodco of breuc:h W <br /> _ _ ____�_�:�� $Orn�r��T. Howuver,I.ender or n judiclally npgaintr�l recclvcr mny do so nt;u�y dma thc�o f�a breach.My applicadon of cents _ <br /> -== °�-,� shall not curo cu:�aiva nny dofAUlt ar invulidnto any other right or rcmedy of Lender.7T�is assignment of renw af tha Peuperty <br /> - --� shall terminat�when tho debt sccured by the Ses�:,.r,i:y Insuument is paid in fbll. <br /> _ � <br /> --�� NON-UNIl�ORM COVYiNANTS.Ilorrawcr and L,endcr funhcr covcnnnt and agrco ns follawa: <br /> -:=�:�.�� <br /> `'�"'i 17.Foreclasure Pracedure.Y�I.ender requirea immedWte pAyment in fu11 under�ragrAph 9.4ender may invoke the <br /> -�----_�� power ot sntc Aacl mn�v othe�rcmeclies pern�itted by applicabb Ww.Lender e6AU be entitled to colkct all cxpensrs tacu�red <br /> ta purauin� �he�rmedte9 under thi�paragraph 17.Iacluding�but nat A�imited to�re�,sonAble attorneys' tees and casta of - <br /> - - --= dtk evidencr. <br /> - = If the power ot sale l� invaked, Trustee a6a11 recur�w �otice o� default in taC4 caunty io whkb Any p�art of the `°' <br /> -��„�:f�:�;� Prape�ty f�facAterl und s6a11 c�otl copirs of such notke d���ut mAaner prescribed by wpplkalbk law to 8orrowe�r�snd to the <br /> _____,� other persoa�p�escrlbed by ApplkAbfe ti►w.c#LYae the tame required Dy ppplkabk 4►w�Trustee sA►siW�ive puD1k notke o� <br /> ��_;�� sak to t6a person�And In lhe e�anner prescrSbed by a{�plkab{e law.Trustee�althout dems�nd an L�orrowEr,9ltall sell tde <br /> - _ <br />