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' - �l <br /> � -r-ul�s�.ir+ �.�s-_, ._ '.- . —' _ _ ."^ - . , ' , . _ . , ' i __— <br /> _ 1 :'r3 t - - • ' � . ?_� _s...i _3 — — <br /> � .�as�`a�c.s"SC-_ovor.�:� ' __ ' J�__ ' "r._ -�.r__��1�111`l� .� ..11.._`.'.i��:.i?,'.'-r`•��a.n.�w�...M,ry..�.r.«..� ��w. �.r. _.--_ <br />. . ...��. � � � <br /> � �;i� �qt���,�.� � <br /> �iaymcnts may nu lun�;cr bG r�cyni��c�l,u� Ilic„pQun uf Lcnd��•,if u��u9U+i�;e intiurm�rc covcruf;c tln thc i►mUUnt nn�l far thc perlu�l <br /> tlrot l.endrr rcquirey)pe•uvided by nn In�an r ep�r��ved hy�.ier+�gui��hscon�es availablc nn�l i���btaincd. Ilu��r�►�vice tihnll pay <br /> thc pr�:mium�;���►►iic�i t�►m,�intuin utc�ttFa�;e buurance tin cffcct.��r tu pr�►ai�lc n I�,ss rc�c�-vc�,until�h��r�c�uircmcnt fur uiu�if;a�;c !_ <br /> 'snti�at°a��c�sn��ia accc+r�ncc.viti�nny�viltten;��cc�neat bct4vccn�turru�vcr nn�11.c«dcr or iipptl�aE�lu taw. <br /> 9. It:�,�=!e3t. !rl�ier {�r its nse�it m4�Y ��uil;e t'�asnnable eutrics u{x►n ir�t�i ins�-�ctions af tlte Fr��x�ty, l��i�tex�i�ll give e <br /> r.��•rnwee��uttre nt tlic tinia��f'or priur w m�ins�xctlon spccifyin�matimu�t�lc rnusc ior 1i��iu,pc�tion, <br /> 10. Co»demnntton. 'thc procceds of ttt�y t���'sr�l ��r�lttint fb�dnma�;r,r, .ii�L�.t ar �an•::x��3crttlal. 1n��n�i�icsilo�t witll ut1Y ! <br /> cmidennr�U�ti�i nr athcr taklnE of'nny pati o4'�he Pn�perty, ��r t'ar c�nveyunco in Itcu uf'�undemna�iun, a��e hGrehy i►ssi�,n�i1 and -- <br /> shnll bc paid Iu L.cndcr. -- <br /> In�hc cvcnt uf a tc�tid I:ikin�nf thc Property,thc pmrccds shtdl tfe applicd tu tha sumv s��urcJ hy Utis Sccuriry Instnintcnt, <br /> �vhcthcr��r n�t thcn�Itte. �vith nny cxress paid iu li��ii�ts::. I:�tt►c c1�c:�t �f�,l�.�rtl!+1 tnkin,y of'thc Propert�+ in �vhich t4�c fi�ir _ <br /> 1111TI�G VQIIIC Of IItC I�1'�`perty immcdintely bcforc ti�a t��king is cqual to or �;n:atcr�h:in tt►u amnunt oF thc sums securcci hy driy <br /> Sccurity Instn►mcnt immcdi��tcly hcfarc thc tuking,unicss l3urrowcr nnd l.c�tdcr c�thcnvisc nsrcc in wri�iug,thc surns ucurcd by <br /> �his Scc►irity Instrumt�nt shtdl bc: rcducal by �hc nmount nf thc pr�cecds multiplicd by thc fallo�vi�i� fr.tctio�c (al thc tot.d <br /> umount of the sums sccurcJ Immcdintcly beforc the uiking, �lividcd by (b) the fi�ir markct vnlue oP the E'mj►cny immeJiutcly <br /> beforc thc tnlcin�, Any bal:tnce shi�ll hc paid lo Uorro�ver. In thc cvcnt of n par�ial tnkin; of thc Pcoperty in �vhici� Uie fnir <br /> mnrkct valuc of thc i'roperty imnialiatcly bcforc thc taking is Ictis th;�i�d�c nmaunt nf Oic sums,c�urcd iuuncdiatciy bcforc tho <br /> takirig, i►nlcys Rorrmvcr um�(-cndcr��thcnvisc ubrcc iii wcilinF or unles�upplicablc la�v othcrnisc providcs, thc pmcccds shall <br /> bc;applicd ta thc su�ns tccured by ihis accurity lnstn�mcnt�vhcthcr or ac�t thc sums arc Uicn cluc. <br /> 11 thc Pro�crty is ubandoitcii Q►y porro��rr,ar if,uficr noticc by l..�mtcr ta l���rrnwcr�hN the c�ndemu�r ofPcrs to mnkc mi <br /> mvnrd or scttle a cluim far dnmages, Borra�ver fnils �o ecs�nd to I.cnder �vithin 30 dnys nftec thc date the noticc is givcn, <br /> I.cnctcr is ttuthurizcd tC callcct and npply thc prucccds,�t its opllon,cithcr ro rc�tor.stian ar rcp:iir oF thc Praperty ar to thc sun�s <br /> sc�curcd by this 5ccuriry Instnmicnt,�vhctlier nr not thcn duc. <br /> Unlcss Lcudcr nnd Ilorra�vcr nthcnl,isc nrrcc in writing, uny npPl�cn�im� of procccds ta principai shcdl uut cxtend or <br /> postpcmc thc d»c dntc of thc a�unthly payn��nta refcrrcd to in paraFnphs 1 and 2 or chnn�;c�hc nmount of such p�ymcnts. <br /> l l.liormtivcr Not RcicaseA: N'ori�arm�cc i�y 1.eric�e:Not n lV;�Iccr.L::tcnsion of the timc for payment nr mocli�cntion <br /> of nmorti•rudc�n of'thc surns �cc.ural by this Sccurity I��stn►ment grnnted by Lcnder to any succcs5or in intcrest o�Barrower shall <br /> not apernte ta icle:►,u ti�e liability af tt����riginal I3nrrawer�r Etorrowcr's s�iccc:ssors in interest. [.endcr slinll not be�:yuirccl ta <br /> commenee proceaiings agiiinst any successor in interest or rcfuso to exten�i dme for p�yment or otlienvise mixfifj�nmotcizatn'�;� <br /> of the sui»s �ecured hy t{ils Securiry Instrunxnt by rcason of any dcmnnd mndc by thc ori;,�in;►1 I3orrowcr ar Aon•awca�•.- <br /> succcssors in �ntcrest. An} f��r6carnnco by Lcndcr in cxcrcising iiny right or rcmcdy shttll not bc t� wnivcr af or precludc thc� <br /> �v�}�icn ►�F nI►�r rleht cu'rclt'k1:ly'. <br /> .� 1" ."�. r..: c <br /> 12. 5uccecears n�d Acti9�;ns Bo�L����, J�iint nnd Sevcral i.iu6iiity; �a-signcrts. 'i"►ra c�zs�;�nr.��: b.��-.���-'-s <br /> Securiry Insut�ment shnll bind nnd hrucf��^�hc successors and uss3g�s of Ltndcr und �orm�vcr, subJect to the provlsions of <br /> �ara�ao►� �7. F3orcowcr's covennnts nnd agrecmcs�ts shull tw jolnt nnd*cvcrnl. Any�'iior�rawcr whn ca•signs tlds Sccurity <br /> Ii151iRilttilt�3t1�t�l�S !�!C=C�'l4fo 111G NOIC: In) lS CO-Stgning ini��-ii�ni ���».aif:�::.. .-��� ---R"�-°��-ot1= arnnt Unil C011YCY lh0�t <br /> I3armwcr's intcrest in the Pmperty unQcr thc tenns of ti►is Sccurity lastnuncnt;(b)is no�personntiy oMibut�u�o ptiy tlt�o+snt� <br /> t;ccured by ihis Security Instn�ment;und fc)��grecs that I.ender and uny.�►ther i3iirr��ver m�y n�rce to extcaul,iu�.lify,fi►rbear oc <br /> mu�e any ncci?�anu�►diuions with regard to the terms of ihis Security instrurnent��r thc Note without that Borrower's coi�s�:nt. <br /> 1'�. I.OAII CIIAY�;C9.If thc toan sc�y.►rccl by this Sccurity inslrumcnt is suhJcct to u law which sctv mnximum lonn chcr�;'�ti, <br /> �nd thut It►w is finnily intr.r��rctcd so that thu intcrest or other lonn chnrgcs cc►Ilcctcd or to bo coltectcd in conncclion�vith:.To <br /> lonn cxccr�l thc permil�c�! �:,�its, thcn: (n)ii��y s«ch l�an chnrgc�haU hc rcducs�l by thc iunount ncccssnry to reducc Ihc chargc <br /> to the pem�iueci limit: an�t tb)nny Funts zdready callected from FMrmwer which exe�cdctl pc:nniucd limits wiU Uc refunclal to <br /> f3orrnwcr. Lc;a3�:r may ch�x�sc to make this rcfund by rcducing the principal owcd undes tt�e Nate ar by muking a di�ect <br /> paymcnt to ii��rrowcr. If' n rcfund n:duccs �rtncipnl. thc rcduction wiU bc trcatcd ��s � pnrtial prcp�y�nent withaut �=�y <br /> prcpayment chn�gc u�xlcr tho Notc. <br /> l4.Notices. Aay nuticc to Rorrowcr pravidcd for in this Sccurity lnstrunKnt shall bc givcn by dclivcri►�,ii or by mailing <br />- it hy �rst cinsy m�il unicss upplic•,ablc Inw rcc�uires usc of anothcr mcthcxf. '�hc noticc shnll bc dirccted tu thc�u��perty Addres9 <br /> or uny ather addzess [k�rrotivec designutes by natice to I.cndcr. Any notice ta [.ender s.t�all be Sieen by first e11ss cnafl to <br /> Lcndcr's addresti stntc+t t�crcin or nny nthcr iiddress l.cndcr dcsignatcs by naticc to 13arrowcr. Any naticc providcd far in this <br /> Secu��ity instrumcnt nhall be decmed to havo been givcn to Sorrowcr ar l.c�xlcr wl�cn given us providcd in Il�is parAgrnpi�. <br /> !S.Cover+aing la��.; Severabi{ity. This Securiry [nstnimem shall bo govcrned by fccicrll Inw nnd tho law af Ihe <br /> juriscliction es�which tl�e Fmperty is Ic�cateci. in the event thnt any provision or clause af this Security ���strun�ent nr tho Noto <br /> con11lcts a�ii:.n nppliaible I��w, such conflict sliall not nffect other pruvisi�ns of this Security Instniment or the Note which eun be <br /> given cffcct without the conilicting prcn•ssian. T�this cnd tlte provisians of this Security lnstnemcnt antl tho Natc�re dcetarecl <br /> da be scveri►blo. <br /> 16.�lorrnw�cr'�s 4u�)'.�arco�vcr shnll be givcn onc canibrmed capy oi'thc Notc und of this S:�curity lnstnimcnt. <br /> Furm 3028 818Q <br /> Po�o 0 at 0 <br /> _��`= t'c''i.4.. k.i . _-_ �.. - a ���jfi^?!1,�• ------ --- - •il� tiLd9 °'—'-- —� <br /> . y*} i-,m k ..� .na*vn ,�4.��i� ., � �- _ . ..;t .�..c�irz.��A �:..r� �i��ri'��'.�- -� . <br /> t <br /> _ ... .'- ..-' _ . - <br /> � � . : � .*�t �i 3. a�n� 4� <br /> • � , - �. '.�/ '�� <br /> . �. � y 'Y , ;_ J - <br /> 4�� � ,.. <br /> . <br /> i.-u�'�°�k��'7"`�w., i�h�+s�ka . . ,, d;� , � y'�, ��! ,sr••t��T �:vv_.r, -.. <br /> i:�• ;7y, � L.iY�ts,' <br /> . _..._. _. - -`- -_..r_._...---03, t'- -._�.,..i',��.0 .. _i. _ . ..ama�ye..,r.�._.- <br />