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<br /> 1/.'f��unsfrr��P Ihe Ih•a�xri�ar u Ilcncf�clul lutci•c.,t In ilor�•oacr. II'ali�►r c�n� parl��1 Ilu•1'�r���•��y ar;ury iiurn•:� in 81
<br /> ir+ul�l ur lau�til�rr�tii�ur il';�l�:urlirlal inteir�t In Huuuacr ar suld ur�r;m�tcrrcd und�tnrra�crr iti nut si u�nur.�l pa�nnl�vith��u�
<br /> I.�n�lcr'. ��riur ��riuri� .ununl, Icn�ke m,,y, at ih o��tiuu. r.•i�uir�� inm�rdl��ir �+aymrtu iu f'ul� ut�idl �um. .crurcvt hy �his
<br />- S�c�ully In�l�ttnSCn�. Hu�cearr,tl�iti u�F�iun yl►,dl n�til(k�atirn•iye�l by (x�uh�•it r���r.•ir�1r���vhi{�It��.l Ira tiylrr,d I�n��uv uf tf►�d�da
<br />- ui thi+ticc►�ri�v�n,trumrn�,
<br /> II L��I�icr���rilticr Ih�ti��pNu�l. I.�nile�'tihc�ll�:Ir�Il��trut�•rr uullrc ul'ii��crlrr.iN��n, 'I�lie nuli��sliall �ih►vld�,t(tiCi'ind��f I���t
<br /> !r•.:1lt:uti �t!tl,ti4. f�t:jt�ti �l�� ita4e i�te tix:i't.c i, ttL1itt�T�:1 ur iru�itr.i tt•�ilt{ii l:�,ilCii ii�iii�►��ri iitthi j:�)� iti .imio �eeurc-�i i+y iitis
<br /> Srrw•Uy In�uumrnl. II'iiur�u��•cr f�afls la p:►�• Ihc�c�um�priur tci thr r�pira�iun nf this prriud. I��n�lcr m:�y in�•��,lc u�ry rr�n��lics
<br />_ {�enniuc�l I1y Qdti 5��:urity Inrnuiti�cnt wiU�uut fu�U�rr��u�ir�ur dc►nanJ un Hur�u��rr.
<br /> IH. Ilur�v�ac�•'s I11�ht lo Rcit�tiittte. 11' (lnrruwrr mri�� rer�idn cau�lUiui�,, Nurr�►��rr tihidl Lu��c Ih� r1�;ht tu h;ivo
<br /> rnfor.rment uf Ihi� Scrurll�• InVrumciu �liticun�int►rd�it uny tiinr prinr tu thr.:u�licr uf: li�l S �luyti lur ,urh u�hce perl��d nv
<br /> t+=�l�lir:!l+le• l�:w tet��y ��e�,if'g• litr =yll}�i��i�iiiiiltl ��riinc ni�Ic ui� �iit i'�u�xnv ��ur�uimi i:� wty pu�rc� ��i� +�dc ��aitnincd in il�i�
<br /> SLCUriq�Imin�mrnl: ur(hl rnlry��I'n,jud�mirnt cnfin�cin���hi.5crurlty In.trununt. '1'hu,r c��mlili�u�y iur Ih,�l liurru��•c�•:li�l pays
<br /> l.cnder nll �,ums �el�irli Ihrn u�nuld he ilue imdrr tliir tircw�iry Im�itmirnt iui��hc Nutr ii, if'nu:icccicruUnn hu�l u►cw•rrd: thl
<br /> cuns uny defauU ��f'uny athcr cuvcnanis ur iiprc�n►cnia: (rl pay�s id) cxpcutirti inrurrr�l in cntirrrin�; �his Sccw•i�y Intitnimcnt,
<br /> including, but nnt limhcd tu, n:c�snnuhlc au��rncys' fccs; tm�l (dl lakcs ,url� acliun:iv I.cn�icr m,�y n.�.unahly rct�uir�tn assurc
<br /> that Uic licn uf Ihis 5crori�y Intiulm�cnt. IAndcr's rif;hts in�hc I'ruperly nnQ Ilarra�vcr'r uhli�;rniun tu pay thr �umv scrured hy
<br /> this Sccurl�y� In,uunun� �hall rantimio unch�ingrd. Upim rcinstutcmcnt liy [lnrru�v�r. thi, Scrurity In�.tnunc�n mid tltc
<br /> obllgalf�►m ticcuretl hcn:hy ,hall ramain fully cfl'cctivc�n if'n��iucclira�iun had inci,rrc�l. H���rc��c�, this riglit tu n;intitnte�hnll
<br /> not npply in tht casc uf ur�cicr;Uiun undcr p.�rui,raph 17.
<br /> 19. Salc ai'Notc; Crmn�c oP 1.�►i►n Sc��•Iccr. Thc Nutc ur �i parUnl Inlcrest in the Nolc �togcthcr �vi�b thi. Srcu�lty
<br /> Insu•omcntl ma�• hc�uld e►nc or nwrc linus�viU�aut pi9nr nutirc tu Nnn•�►��•rr. A tialc may rc,ult in i�chun�;c in�hc cnNty(known
<br /> As�hc "Loan Scr�-icor"1�hi�t �aNcrts nu►���hly payma�nts duo�nQcr qic Nutc an�l�hiy Sccurity In,trumeot. 'Piicn:iilsu muy bu unu
<br /> i�r morc ch:m�cs uP Il�c tw�an Scrvircr unrclrucd tu it�,►Ic��f Ihc N��tc. li'Ihcrc i.r�ti chun�;c uf'tlic Lu:in Scrvircr, Uc�rruwcr���ill he
<br /> givcn�vrittcn notirc uf Oic changc in accurdancc�vUh paragraph 14 uhuvc iind iippliruldc la�w. 'fhu�iutirc�vill stntr U�c n�mie und
<br /> ncldress af tltc nc:w I.m.�n Scrvircr and ll►c addrcss lu which paymrnts �hould ho �midc. '1'hc ni�licc �vdl tdsu ro;tti�in uny uthcr
<br /> inform�liun irc�uircd by npplicablc Inw,
<br /> 2a. 1li�7nnlnu� Subitnnces. Borru�vcr ,hall ncn causc ��r pcnnit Uu prc�cncc, u�c, di�pu,:�l, sluruZ,c, ur rcica,c uf uny
<br /> Fl�irnrd��us Suhstancc+ on ��r in Ih� (`raperiy. �lurr��u•cr shall nnt do, nor :iUutv any�i�ns el�.c t�, do, :►ny•th�nb affectiri�; Ihc
<br /> Praperty tltat i. in vinlatian uf imy �:nvimnmcntal 1��v. The precedin� t«�a scmenccs tih,dl not i��ply io ttic prescncc, usc, nr
<br /> storn�e on �he Pro eJty uf inn►II qu,mtitic�uf Hnrarctuiis Substunces�hat ure generilly �cr���nized tu Ne►�pprupriatc ta nonnal
<br /> residcntlul u�es a�t�to mzinten;mce of the Prope�ty.
<br /> t3��r�au�cr�h,dl prompUy �ivc Lc�tdcr �vrittcn ni�flr�uf.ury invc�tiFntion, rluim, dcmand. In�vsuit or othcr actian by any
<br /> gnvcrnmentnl or rcguln�nry ngcncy or pri��a�c pany involving thc Prapcny'1111I itlly H�7.1flIOUS SUI)tilll11CC UP GIIVIYOI1111CI11'JI I.LItV
<br /> of tivhich Borruwcr lias uctual knuwlcdgc. If Hc►rrowcr Ici�ens, ��r i�„��ur� ny uny gavcrnmcnlid c�r rcgulntnry uathorlty, Ihut
<br /> any remnvul or c��hcr rcmcdi<<tion c►f any Hazardous SuUstan��c affcctin�!�he Pr���ert�is necessary�, Barm��•cr shnll promptly take
<br /> ull n�r�ca�rV[Clltr.li:il;iclinnti in nc•cn�d:i�2rr.avil�4�'!!�!C!�l1�._33�I.»'».
<br /> As usc�i in tliis puru�raph 20, °H:�rardaus Substnncc�" arc thosc subst�nres dcfined ns tiaxic or hatardous substtinccs by
<br /> Pnvimnnienta) l..�w itnd Utc fullowing sub�tunccs: gas��linc, keroscne, uthcr tl.mnnablc or toxec pctrolcum products, toxic
<br /> �sticidcs and hcrbicidcs, v�l�tilc solvcnts, nwtcriuls contnining Hsbcstos ur furnmldchvdc,an�l rudioactivc ntatcrihls, As uscd in
<br /> �h:_.............R:O �� °�R.:.:.:uiri:i�iei ini:�° n�cni�; lcaicin� in'wi mni iu�v� oi ii�c junsaicl�an wncrc in: P7'�r.'�"�I'[y 15 (OCA1C{� lflilL
<br /> �......t....
<br /> ��iutc tu ncu th,snfcry or cnvimnmcntnl prc�tecdon.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM 4'OVI'sNAN"fS. l3urruwcr�md l.cndcr i'urtl�cr cavcnnnt�md ngrec ns follt�ws:
<br /> 21, Acccicration;Kcmedics. I.rndcr shall glvc notlrc to Liiu•rowcr prlur tn�nrcicrnllon fullowi���t�arrawcr•:�hrettch
<br /> af any covenuut c�r a�;eer�uent in this ScearUy Inst�•ument (but pot prlor to uccele�yitlon uuiir.r p�zep�raph 17 u�iless
<br /> Appllcublc In�v provid�nthcrwlsc). '1'he noticc shull speriPy: (a)thc dcfault; (b)thc nction rcq�ilrcd t�►curc thc dcfnulh
<br /> (c)a dntr. not lcs9 thnn 30�Inys i'ru�ia thc dutc thc noticc is�Ivcn ta Itnrrua•cr. bv whlch thc�3efAUlt u�u5t f►c curcd;i�nd
<br /> id)thut fa�����tti to cur� Ihe dcfault on ar t►efore the date s�xclfi�Yl lia the nntice muy result in ucceteratinn aP the snms
<br /> sc�cured t:� t:"�ly kcurity Instrtonrnt i�ud sule oP Ihc t'roprriy. Thc notice sl►nll Purthcr inform Qarmtivcr of the rl�ht ta
<br /> rci�utAtr. ufi���ucccicrat��n aad tl�c r+�;lit tu 6ring u court Acilon to as5crt thc riun-cxistcncc of a defuult ur any othcr
<br /> defense af linrrn��er 6c ��.cclerullwt �nd nale. li'Ihe defuult is nat curtYf cun or before Ahe dc►te speclpe[1 in the noUcc,
<br /> I.cndcr, at Its optlun,a:ej�y rcryuirc InuncrUntc nuymcnt In Itill of�ill sums sccu�rd hy thly Security [nstrumcnt without
<br /> ti�rthcr tl:�mand and inuy Invokc tl�e�xnvcr oP sulc a�ad nny othcr rcmetUcs�xr�nllled 6y ��qpllci�hlc luw. I.endcr shall bc
<br /> entlticcl tn c��ltcct aU exEunscw Inr�em:�t.In pu�sulii�the remcdics pmvEded i�thiy��rn�;ri�p+�211.Inrluiling,but na!Iimitctl
<br /> ta,rcA�►naGlc��ttorncy�s'fces nnd a�c�iyi::of tillc evldencc.
<br /> If th� �x+ti�•cr oP s�lc is i�wokcil. T�•utitc�c� sGull rccord t� noticc of defuult in cnch cue�nty in «•i�fdi noy pArt ot Ihc
<br /> YmpcMy ds I�cutcd�nd shnll muil rnpies oP such noUcc In thc manncr prGUrlhcA by oppUcablc law t�+Borrowcr und to
<br /> the other pe��nns pre.scril�ecl hy uppUcuhle lu�v.Aftrr the time rcqulrec)by Ap{iUeuble luw.Tc��stee shull give public nat:se
<br /> c►f salc ta Ihe pet:snnv and in the munner pr�critx�ci by applicnh�e la�u.T'rttstee. wlthout demund nn Qormwer, shnll scll
<br /> tho Properiy ut puhUc nuctian to Ihc I�iFh�c biddcr�it thc tim�u�nd pincc�nd undcr thc tcrms d�sig��atcd in thc nnti�e of
<br /> sutc In on�e mr morc parcd.n��d in nny nrdcr Trustcc dctcrmincs,7'rustcc may pnstponc ss�lc as pll ar uny purccl of llic
<br /> I'roperiy�y pubUc un►�vuaccment cd thc Ilnic c�ud place of nny prevluusly schaluled sale. I.eader or its cicslgnee i»ny
<br /> purchnsc Ihe I'mperty�2�ny sfilc.
<br /> Form 8U28 8190
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