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[�c�r����NCt .hali kc�p tl►a l«►pravcment9 i�otiv r�i�tin�*. rr hrr�ulir�• er�ct«i ��n ihe <br /> Fr��ti��iy in�ur�.i aF�inst lasv hy firr, i�a�ani: incitii4cYi �vithin tl���rm "r�leixlc�cl e•u�rrn��€�" ie��d uny t�ther h.�z�ntis, inclu�i��,� �_ <br /> t1«�!:nr 11+:��l4s�b. tier�t�hlch L�c�der n��;��lre�In•ur:u�a•e.'I'I�i� i�►tiurnzi►L 4hull he muinlulnrd in thu aiituu��ts iu�d fi�r thc peri�nis <br /> Ihut l.endcr rcquln�. 'I'hc imu►•i�nn:cnrricr��ruvidin� tlic inrur;n�rc �hnl) ho�hi„cn hy Ilurru��•cr yuhjccl tu I.cndcr'y ap�»t�vnl <br /> which slu�li nut hc �enrcatinni�hly �vithhcid. it'Uurruwcr liiil� l.� n�;ti�u�d�t ruveru�;� dcrrrillcd .tNut�c, I.citdcr nr.iy, ut l.rn��c'n - <br /> uption,ahtain ravcragc tu pivtcct I.cndrr's�i�;hts in thc I�r�,party in ar���rdunr:witl�paru�;r+�ph 7. <br /> All in�urancc pulicics und renc�vuls �h:�U be ucrcpinhl� tu IAn�icr und ybidl iucludc u ,uin�lnrd marl�;iittc rluusr. I.cndcr <br /> shall havc ihc rit�ht t��hot�l thc palieirs und r�ac�vui�, 1i'Lc�iitci ic��ui�'i+, [iui�u�t�� .h�di�n�nii��iiy bl�c tu I.i;i1�t���11 i���lpt;ui • <br /> p�iid prcml�mis cu�d reucw;►1 n���iccs. In Ihc cvcnt ut'lotti,R��rruwcr sludl bivc prampt nu11�r tu Ih�insurtmcc carrirr ond l.cndcr. <br /> [.cndcr m.►y n+aku peuoi oi'loss it nnt mFidc prumptly by Hun�o�vc�, <br /> Unic.0 l.cndcr and Qnrra�vcr athcnvisc n�rcc in wriAnt�, insun�ncc pmccc�ls whull hc npplie+l Io res►i�r+ni��n ur rcpair uf thu <br /> Propeny dmm��;ed,iF tlie�eslomNon m•�ept�ir i.r•economicnlly feaslble nnd l.ender's tie�:�u�lty is nnt Iessened. It'�he restaa�dun ur <br /> rep.�ir is not cconamict�liy fensihle e�r Lcnder's security wuuld ba Iesscned, the insurnnrc pr��rccds sir.dl be�ppU��t1 ta the sums <br /> securcrl hy this Secutity instrun�ent, whethcr or nnt ¢hen �luc, �vith nny exress p.dd to H�►rmwer. If Dorrmver ttban�luiis the <br /> Aroper►y, or docs uut nnswcr within 3Q d�ys a n��tirc f'rum l,cndcr thnt thc insurancc carricr has ol'I'crcd ta sctqc i�rit�i�u, thcn <br /> I..,cnder mny c��llect Ihe insurance procc��ls. I.ender may u+c tlie pr�iceeds t�► mpair or resturu the Protsetry ��r to pt�y sums <br /> sccu�ti�cl by this Sccuri4y Iasirun�tnl, �vhether ur nut thcn duc.The 30-dny perl��a will begin�vhcn the nnticc is given. <br /> Unicsti I.cndcr und llnrra�vcr athcnvisc ugrcc in wri�in�. imy npplicatiun uf prurecJs to principal �hidl not extcnd or <br /> postponc ihc duc dntc of tho manthly paymc�ts rcfcrrcd to in paru�m�hs I nnd 2 or chiuigc thc nmuunt of'thc pnynunts. 11' <br /> undcr par,t�rnph 21 thc Nropcny Is i�cquii�cd t►y Lendcr, Bu�ro�vcr's rlght to uny insurnncc policics nnd pracccds rrtiulting frcun <br /> dmnq;e ta the Property prior tu the,uquisition shuU p.itiy lo L�:nctcr t.�Ihe extent oP thG sums secu��ed by this Sccurity Insttument <br /> immediiucly prior to U�c acqui.ition. <br /> 6.f3icu�►nticy, 1'►�.scrvntian,Mntnten►mee nnd['roteclian of the{'roperty; Burrn�ver's I.onn Applicntion; I.ensch��d�. <br /> Barrowcr shall c►cciapy,cstabli5b,nnd uso tlic Prnperty ur pc�rrowcr's principal residcncc�vithin sixry dnys nticr thc cxccudon af <br /> this Security lnstrument und shnll c��ititiruie ta occupy the Pmperty ns Ilorr��wcr's principat re�idencu lu�sl one yc�r after <br /> thc dutc of occupancy,tmlcss Irt:ndcr othcrtvisc s��rcc� in writing,whlch cc�nscro shnll nnt bc unrc��snnahly withhcld, ar unless <br /> cxtenuatiny circum�tances exict which nre bcyond Borrowcr's contral. Harrower shnll not desuoy, damaEe or impair ti►e <br /> Praperty, nllow thc Pmpeny to dctcrioratc, or comio�it wastc un thc Peoperty. Borrawcr shull bu ia Qcf'nult if�ny forfcituro <br /> ��n a: ..�...3lt:�,��sls�:�i�}!nc�s's:�ii:�s!, }s t�auss s.hst in!r!�rs's gc�� 4'�i�l�Swio�ncnt cnWd result i�fnrfcllurc of tl�c <br /> Property or otherwise mnterinlly impair the licn crentcd Uy this Scr.urity instrument or l.ender's securlty intcrrst. Borro�ver m�y <br /> curo such a dcfiwlt aad reinst�►tc.ns providcd in pnrngr:�ph 18, by causin�thc ucUon or pr�xccdi��ta bo dismisged�vit��a niUng <br /> �h:��. In tcncler•s enod !'uith detcrminutiun, prccludcs forfciturc aF thc Horro�vsr's irtcr�st in tho F'raperty or othcr at�nterlul <br /> impuimicnE af ti�a li�n c;eated by thi� ;ecurity ��s:�:�amcitit er I.cixl��'� securisy interest. �orsot��er stsa!! also be 4n default if <br /> &�rr��wcr,�lu�ing thc Ic�an a�pplicatlon pr��ccss,gi►���.matcri:�lly inlse ar inc�ccunuc inform�tian or stntcmcnts to l.cnd.r(or fnilcd <br /> to pmvide I.encler with uny materinl ini'ormation) in connectian with the loan evidcncec!by the Note, lncl�ding,but not limited <br /> to, rcprescnauions conecrning f.#arro�vcr'R occupnncy of thc Property us u princ:pal residcncc. IF tl�is Sccurlty Inst�umcnt is on n <br /> Ic:��chold, Qorrawcr shnll rnmply with �dl thc prnvisiam ��f' tho Icasa If Rnrrowcr ncqidres fcc titic to thc Pro�x:ciy. thc <br /> la�tichold anil thc fcc dUc shall not mcrgc unlcss I.ea��ier�igr�cs tu tha mc�gcr in wridng. ' <br /> 7.�'rotectlon of[.en�ler'ca RIgDt91n the f'rupe��ty.lf Horruwer Fnils to perform the covenlnts nncl a�;naements contnined In <br /> this Security Instniment, or thero is n Iegal proceecling thnt nmv signlficanQy afFect Lcuder's �ights in the Property (suclt ns n <br /> procccclE���in bnnkn�ptcy,prolmte. far condcnmatian ar forfen:ux or ta enS�xce In�vs or reg4.".ntians). then Lendcr m1u���nnd <br /> pny fm•«:�atevcr is necessnry to protcct thc viduc of the Pco��ny �nd I.,e�ider's rights in tt�;� Fropcny. I.endcr's ac�n��.�c mny <br /> includo paying nny suros sccurcd by n licn whirh hns prtnrity avcr this Sccurlty Gistrument, nppr.arinE b� caurt, ps►ying <br /> rcasonablc r�ttornays'fccs nnd entcring��n thc Propc�ty ta makc rcpairs. AUhough I.cndcr mfry tnkc nctiu�a midcr this parusrnph <br /> 7, l,cndcr cloes not hnve to da so. <br /> Any nm�unte dlsbursccl hy,4�r undcr �hie pnrngrnph 7 st�nll becomc additional dcbt of Borrow�r scctucd by tlds <br /> Sccurity Instn�ment. Unless Borrower and I.cndcr ngrco to othcr tcrms of pnXmet�t, thc�c lmounts shall hc.7r intca�cs� fr��m thc <br /> dnto of disburscment ut the Note rutc nnd sh�ll Ue payable, �vith intcrest, upon notico from l.encicr tc+ V�an�owcr rcqncsd�ip <br /> pnymcnt. <br /> 8.Mortgvge Insu��nce. If l.,ender reyuirecl mortgnge insurnnce ns u condidon af mnking tho IuAn secure�f by this Securiry <br /> lnstnin�ent, Nnrrower shnll piry th� prcmium9 rcquireci to ma's�tain ihe niartgagc insurimre in cffcct. If, for nny rc.�sr,n, the <br /> moRgngo inslirance coverage requirecl by I..ender Inpser or eeases to be in effeet, Borrower shAll pny the premiwns required to <br /> obtain covemge substantially eyuivnlent to the mortguge insurnnce p»eviausly in efPoct, nt a cc►st substnnlially ec�uivnlent to Ihe <br /> cost to aorrowcr af thc mart,�sigc insurancc previously in effcct. Pmm nn niternutc mailgngc insurc�approvcd by L,cndcr. If <br /> c+ubstantinlly cyuivalcnt mortgubc insur�ncc covcragc is not ovailnblc,Uorrowcr shnll pny to l..enQcr cach month a sum cqunl ro <br />- unc-twclfti�of d►o ycvlv mo�zr�e iawra�ue Qremium being pt�id by Bprra�vcr whcn thc insuranw covcr,�gc lapsul��r cc.lse.�1 to <br /> bc in cffect.I.cndor will ncccpt. use nnd retain thcsc puymcnts ns n lass rescrve in licu of murtgage insurancc. l..ass rescrve <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> Popu J n10 <br />� <br /> �......r- 1 ��y�+�b. �-��r' ....s�'�_.:....�.Y_'v..�����+�•��_.T��'�-�.�..� _ <br /> @' __ . n _ ' � '-Y ��Gt� '�f` ��'S 1{��e�'� _S. .� " '�,�'M '- <br /> ,t - , i.ic�`_ -j r� 1R.,I�w��. <br /> yr�y :: �=. - . . . . . � ... ,. - - . �... _.r�4 . :�:�: �y iy_`{��y�-r�*�I`'F'�p��p���� _ <br /> Tx -RV1 d1. _ • � ' • � (� . . . "� � '_,5�� ��l�l[._ <br /> � . . . . �4 �YL !•.:� .y:.�. <br /> Y � . . 1- l . ' Y <br /> '' :.'sY `,r�N�- _ <br /> '„ ,. .. . . ' '• . �� •- :-�z' �' <br /> ... .. . . . � ._ . _..���� •i, . _ . . _:L-'�. �����!�.,�r'�, <br /> g f}� ;r "�' , ." r � ' ... : r` ,V L�� _ —— -- �. <br /> �"y�:� _ - .. i ;r �.. . . .. -r �r-� _ � . °°". -- <br /> � , u.�r. ._W__yi�.cc.i.^-i�•n�.. <br /> 4'.}:� � . . :S. ;r�.��+i . , • ' . ' . • _ �.._.— _— — -- <br /> �.I� ' �}�7 lyi! � 74 u�,J� - / . . . ' A Ql .��-..r-rz._.�. �-._.. <br /> �'R �y` . .'E'�`�"r. -s �rriit�+•�al:�tw..� .�. . . _ JI.'7r.�.�..��T��.. <br /> �r-a...J ..�. . � . � . . .._. .. .. . . .. .. � . . ... .__" -- ___.� <br />