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<br /> = 'I'(�QI;PIil:li �Vf1'ii nll thc Improvcmrnts n��w u��hcrcaRcr cre.ini rn�i�c����upc�ty,und i�U ra,cn�rntr, iip�►urtcm�n�x�, nnd
<br />- fixttn�cs nu�v ur hGre,►licr u part uf �l�c p�uperly. All rep1�14411111{IH und t�d�lf�lunti ,hnU nis�� h� cuvcr��d by tl�i� Sc�urity
<br /> la��n�suri�t.AU vf'thc fi,re�;oing ly rilcrrc+!to in Ihis 5rcurlly Ui�t�w�srut�s�lir"!'�aper�p."
<br /> Ht)4tR�\VFE2 4�VF:NANTS that t�„rnn�rs i�+1,«vtullt;sci�ral uF thr�:��atu hcrcl,y r�,nvc►c�i und hay thc right tu Etr,�nt tmd
<br />- c�mt�cy Ihc 1'n►jxrry nnd Ihut the 1'rupciiy is ianenrumbercJ, exrcpt fur rnrumbranrcy uf rcr��nl. p+�n•awcr wurrunts und �vill
<br /> d�fcnci ecncrafty tnc titi�to�hc i'roncrty agninrt eli ri��ii�iy nn�i dc�nnnJy, nuhjc�t lo uny c��cun►t►�;inres ui irc.►rJ.
<br /> '1'i115 SIiCUttITY !NS'fltUMf?N'1 cnmbiitew uniii�mi ctwcnanls ti��nntian,0 �isc iuid �io�raniti�rnt a►�cnunts �lith limitcd
<br /> _ vnrL•�tfanv hy Jurls�Nctlun ti��o�istltutc►�unifi,rnt ncctirily inslrumcnt cuvcrin�;rcal pn�i+crty.
<br /> lJNIFOttM CUVNNAN'I'S,Ilarru�vcr m�d I,cnQcr rovennnt:md a�;rcc ati Ibtlu�v.r•:
<br />_ 1, 1�oyn�cut nY t'.�arljw! itr.:i I::tcr.::t; 1'r.c::tt��:n! s:nt! l.i:i� �:Il:flY!ct:. N��rr���4ft' �I�s!! prnre�rtly �:�y n�h^i! du� t!s^
<br />- princip,d af�md interest uit tttc dcbt �vidcnrcQ hy Il�o Ni�lc�mA nny prcp�ymr.nt�n�l Intc chargcs duc undcr tiic N��tc.
<br />, 2. bbnds for�'nxcv nn�l lnsurnaicc. Suh(cct to cipplic�blo Imv �►r to n wriucn waivcr by l.cndcr, Uurro�vcr shidl pay ta
<br /> I.cnJcr�m Q�c di►y mamthiy paymcn¢�;n�c duc undcr Ihc Notc, until the N�nc is paid in iiill,i�sum("Funds")far: (il)yC.I�IS�ti�xcs
<br />- and nsscssments�vliich may nitiiin prinrity nvcr this Sccu�i�y hisu•umcnt ns t►licn un Ihc F'ruperty; (l�)yrarly ic;ischc�id paymcnts
<br />_ ur gruunci rents on thc I�ruperty,iF,�ny: lcl Yca�ly haui�d m•pr��perty insurnncc prcmiums;(dl yc:uly tl�nd insuroncc prcmiums,
<br /> if i�ny; (e)Ye;�rly nmrigng� insurnnce premiumti. IF nny: imd ltl uny sum�p:ryiihle by Horm�ver tn �ciuler. in ttcr.prJtutce wllh
<br /> tho prcwisiony��f pariigruph 8, in licu�f thc p:rymcnt�t'mort�;ogc insu�•c�nr�prc�niunts. Thcsc items urc adlc�l"�scrow Itcros."
<br /> ' Lcndcr may, at imy �imo, cc�llcct .md holJ l�unds in am m�ou►n not to e.rcc�d thc maxinunn timnunt ii Icncfcr far n fcdcrnlly
<br /> rclntcd mnrtgi�gc loan may rcquirc far I�i�rrowcr's c�rro�v accuun�widor thc fcdcrad Rcal E�tntc Setticmcnt Pr<�ccdw�cs Act af
<br /> 1974 ns nmenaal from Htnc tu tinte,�12 U.S.C. Section 2601 ct seq. ("R�SNA"), uiilcss n�othcr law thnt applics to the Funds
<br /> scts i�less,cr iim��unt. If sn. I.cn�lcr m;►y, nt imy �hnc, collcct nnd hc�id Fuiids in im :�mnunt not to cxcced thc Icsscr cunau�u.
<br /> Lrndcr muy cstimatc Iltc.�mount of nunds duc on Ute busis�if curtcnt�latn nnd reasonnblo estimatcs of expcnditures�f futurc
<br /> �scrow Items or othcnvisn in acrordimcc�vith tipplicnbtc Ittw.
<br /> 'I'hc �imdti shidl he hcltl in an in+titutian who:c cleposit5 �irc insurcd by � fcderal n�cncy, insnumanti�Qty, or cntlty
<br /> �incluclln�;l.cndcr. �f I.CiIiI'ri'I�tiUCII,ui iusiitutian)or in any 1'��lci�d Il�iu►u Iw���n iiuuk. Lcn�tcr shnp npply thc i�unds to pny thc
<br /> G'scrow ltent+, l,cncicr nu�y nnt chnrgc f�orru�vcr for holding iiai�c►pplying Ihc Funds, unnunUy anulyzinS tlic cscra�v uccount,��r
<br /> vcrlfying tlie�sscinw Itcnu, unless Lender p�ys Borro�ver Intceest on the Funcl.e und arplic�tblc I;pv�ern�it5l,ender���n�zke st+rh
<br />_ a clicrcgo. Ho�vevcr, I.cndcr may rc��uirc Horrowcr to puy n nnatimc chcugo for nn independent real csutte tnx rcpc�rting sc�wicc
<br /> ►_�;��;F by Lcndcr in cnnncction �vith this I��an, unlcss appllcablo Inw pravidcs othcrwisc. Unlcss un agrecmcnt is ni�cic �r .
<br /> apt�}icablc I�w rcc�uires intcrest tu h�paicl, l.cndcr sh.iU nut Uc rcquirccl to pay I3nrm�vcr imy intorest or car�ings on thc Func7s,
<br /> 33oriY��vcr uu�!4.��ider�n:�y u�;rce in wriNng, ho�vcvcr, thtit interest shnU be p�id on the Punds. l.�:ndcr shnll give ta Borrm�•er�
<br /> wi�fioul cnargc, :an nnnu�i nccdtmtin�oF thu Funds, shnwing crcdits and debits to Nic Funds ai�d thc puiposo i'or which c;uh
<br /> d.idt to thc l�unds�vns mhdc. 'I'hc Funds nrc plcclgcd i�s n�lditional sccurity fnr all sums sccurcd by this Sc�urity Instrumcnt.
<br /> If thc Fundy hcld by L�;:ncicr excccd thc amrnmts perndttcti ta hc hcld by npplicabtc I«w, l.cndcr shnll i�ccount to Borrowce
<br /> vF ii�o cni,i��TICtiT11�II ORl.Vf�tiLillC �Y�tt�tt1C IT(�UttClilClliO Pi AII�I�I�ZIII(C I11W. ii�nc nmrnmt oi mc Mirxis ncia oy undcr uc a�r
<br /> timc!s nat sufficicnt w pny tho�scrotv Itcros whcn duc, �.�.nder mny so noNfy Barrowcr in wrltin�;.und.in such cusc 6orm�•cr
<br /> shaU pay tn l�;micr tl�c �rnavnt ncccssary ta makc up thc dcficlency. qurtnwcr shnll makc up U�c dcficicncy in no mnro than
<br /> a�•ch�c monthly paymcnts,n:�.endcr's solc discrcNon.
<br /> I1pon paymcnt ln fuli uf nll sum�: s�cured by this Sccuelty Instrument, l.cnder shall promptly rcfund tU Ilorrawcr tmy
<br /> i�und:�hald hy I.�:nder. If,un:ler paragr�ph 21, Lcndcr shnll ttcquire ur scll the Pmpr.rty,l.ender,priar to thc acc�uisition or sale
<br /> of thc I'rapt;►ty, shnll npply uny Functs hcld by I.cndcr cit Ilw timc of acyuisltion or snl�c�s a crcdit against�hc sums sccured by
<br /> this Secu�9ty Inatnimcnt.
<br /> 3.Applicatiot�oi'�'ayntzntx.Unless np�lic��blo Ina provldcs atticrwise,all pi►yments reccivcd by L.endcr undcr pamgruphs
<br /> � ,n�i 2 shall be npplicci: �rsc,r.o an.y prep�ryment chargc�dua undcr Ut�Noto; sccond. ro tm�ounts pay+nble uneter parngraph 2;
<br /> th;r�,to intcrest duc;f��urth,1��princdpnl dur;iu�d I,ist, to n��y li�tc chnrgcs duc undcr tho Natc.
<br /> 4.Chargrs; I.ienv. 13orrawcr shnll pay nll �nxes, nssessments,chargcs, fines nnd intpvsidons uuributahle to the Propetly
<br /> whiel� m:ry uttnin prlorlty uvcr ttds Sccurity Instrument, nnd Icaschold paymcros ar brc�und ccnts. if nny. Ho;rawcr shall pay
<br /> thcsc ohligations in thc mnnncr pmvidcd in parogrnph 2.c�r if��ot pnid in ihnt manncr. E3arrnwcr shnll pny tl�cm on tsmc dircctty
<br /> to thc persrn a���cd p�rymcnt. 9orrowcr shnll prompdy furnish to I.cndcr nll naticcs ot'umountr to Uc pi�id undcr this parnBraph.
<br /> IF��rmw�cr na,k.s thrsc p•t.ymcnts dirccily,Borrowcr sht�ll pran�iptly Purniah to l.cndcr rcccipts cvldcncing Iho raymcnts.
<br /> Bun�u�vcr c"��11 promptly disr.ha�•ge any lien tivhich hns priatiry ovcr�hi�;Securlry Instnimcnt unlcss ilorra�ver:(a)agrees i;ai
<br /> wrlUnb to thc�ayment of ihc abligntion sccurcd hy thc licn in u manncr ncccptnblc to Lcndcr; (b)contcsis in guncl fnith thc licn
<br /> by, ar dcfends t►���inst eni'or�ement of tho lien in, legul pmceeclings which ln tho I.,ender's opinion aperate to provent the
<br /> c�forcentent c�f'the Uc�r or(c)sccurcy from the I�nldcr of thc licn nn ng�ecment si�iisfi�cto�y to Lcuder su6ordiniting thu lien la
<br /> thie Sccw•ity insirumcnt. If f..cnder dctcrmiiies thirt uoy part of tf�e i'roperty is subJect tu n I+en which may �ttain priariq� ovcr
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt, Lcnder mny givc Ni�rrowcr,�nolicc idcnlifying thr,licn. Harrowur shnll Fiilisfy thc licn or tnkc o�ie or
<br /> marc of�hc uctions sct fi�rlh i►bovu within lU dnys of thu giving of notico.
<br />' Farm 8Q28 9/fl0
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