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<br /> R�Ymanu may no longu bo req�irad�at the opt�a�of Lcnder.if matBABo insurmce wveraga(in tho emount and for tho perlod
<br /> thai L,���4��)Pro�by en insuccr oppsQVed by Le,�►du agein bocomes Rwilabb and is obtained.Sorrowa ah�l pay the .__
<br /> w�u re4uired to m�inidn maetBeBe iass�rat�co tn effecb��P�►ide a loss resezva�uaW tho resluis�ement far mortgego
<br /> ��oo a�de itt�dance with any wrltt�en�een�t betwan Borrowa ind Laider a ep�llcabb Iaw.
<br /> L�da or its agan msy maks rea�onable entrk�upon and iaxpecttons ot the P�oPeitY.Irender ahell give
<br /> 9'�' If rea�onsbb cause Iot tho i��spectios+.
<br /> Bormwa nodx at tl�e dmo of a prlor w m insp�xtton spec Y�S
<br /> 10.Co�dw�n�tbn. Tda pi�ocaeds of any award or claim for dtm�Ba.dicoct oc conseqnantial.in connation wtth any
<br /> ��x�r.a�at�ca ar otha t�of aay�art of the l�eitY�or fa oonvayaaco in Uw of condannulon►aro herebY assl8ned a�d .
<br /> shaU be p�3d to Y�dida. ah�U be appUod w tho auma axused by this Security Instrament�
<br /> Ia tt�e eveat of a t4lA!a�cing oP the�YBarowa I�i�the�vatt of a partixi G�ki�ig af tf�Pm�tY in Hrhich the fefr muket �
<br /> ahW�c or not tba�duo.imniedi�Y�t�he tWdnB Is Wual to or gratet thatt tha amow�t of the sums eacurcd by this S�titY
<br /> vatua af tho Pr�openY in writLeg�ttw snma eecu�ed by this
<br /> L�auumeat imnaedistelY before tha t�ia8,unkss Bormwex end Leadu otbavvlse �ee
<br /> 5xnrtry in�tnuaeat siw�U ba rcd�cad bY the�wunt of tho pmceeds raWtipliod by tb�following izactioa:(a,l ttxi total anount of
<br /> tbe suiva seaur,d�irsely befase tl�ta��►g,divided by(b)the fair matka value of the PropatY lmmediately befaro ttro _
<br /> tal3ng.My bolance absll be p�W w Bormwer.In thee event of a pattial takia8 of t4ao Pm�tty In wl�h the fair mulcd.v�tue of tt�e,
<br /> propaty immedia�ely befora the tatdng ia less tban tbe anwwu oY d�e�wms sxured i�nmodi�sWY�sbfU be appllod� _
<br /> Bonnwa aud Lea�er othavviae agree in wtIdng or unless ePPlkabk law otheiwjse pro d�s.the proct,eda
<br /> s�uas eocut�by d�a Socurity InsuumeAt whett�et or twt tbe sums ara thea due ,
<br /> If the PmputY is abandoned by Bomower.�if.aflet aodoe by La�da w Hamwer tt�at tha cond�nrcar offera W malca aa
<br /> aw�rd a sdtle a clai�n fa dameBes.Bamwu t�ils �either��raw ad�w�a rsp�ir of the PropatY�tha�sums secund
<br /> is autborized to oaUcct and ePA1Y�P�►
<br /> �yy��ec�t�,inst�umw�ahah�r or nM tben dua �n of proceeds tn princip�l stnU not aau�d a postpone
<br /> Ualess I,�nder and Hosrower otherwEse agrea in writing,aaY app
<br /> the due date of tbe montdly payma�ts refeaed sn in peragraphs 1 aod 2 or chsage tha amour►t of such pyd�eub.
<br /> �2.g�1�!E�!!�3 gor6wrance By Len�er Not a WiWer. Bxta�sion ot tbo t[me for psymce►t or modiflcada� i
<br /> of�of the suma exured by th9a Securlty Insuument grsatod by La�da w any e��ooe,�or m intoswi i�f S�,�r st�1
<br /> not aacab to ieba�o the liabUiity of tGe orlgin�al8orr�ower or Barower's sucoes�oi's la int�ar�st.L+endec sb�U not 6e:oquicnd to
<br /> caama�co Prooeedin88 a�n��►Y�in inta�st or ref�sa to exw�d tfine for pnYma►t a othawlse modifY smddxado�of
<br /> the sums sxused by this Sac�r[ty Iasuument by reason of any�y shallbnM be a wAiver a�a Bacrow�s�a�oo�so�s
<br /> in intaa�tt.MY forbearanoe by Lender in acar�sing any righ
<br /> xigfitor cemedy. ' g��i Joiat and Siw�'d Litbilityi Co�sen. 'I�o coven�nts and eg�eancmp of thtt
<br /> 1&Succe�oee and A�eips of La�der and Barower. subjxt to d►a �xnvlstons of
<br /> Secu�ity lnatnunaat sfisU bind and ba�efit tbe sua�sors and a��s
<br /> p�grnph 1T. Barmwa's aovau�ts and ag�ts ahall be joint and scva�l. Any Barowes wbo co-signs dds Satuity
<br /> tneuwnan uu�aas na eRauu�ne rtou:ta)�s oa•s�ns���' �t o�uy w mo�s+�a�►t snd oonvay m�c
<br /> �a1+o,var't inoae,st m tba Prope�cy unaar the anna of aus socurity Inanuma►�ro)is noc pasonallr obltg�d w i�r��
<br /> secured bp d�Sa��Y Instrumat�and(o)a8�oes that L�endar aad any whu Bon�owar may agroe to ext�d.modiEy�focbar a
<br /> awke any�ocanmodMsona with regard w tbe tenna of this Sa�ity In�►t a tha Nete wbhout tluit Boaowac's eon�ant, I
<br /> _ 13.La�s CLar�s. If dKs lo�a sxured 1>Y thts Se�itY Ins�ua�t�s subJa:t to a law whi�h acts muimum lo�n ch�g��
<br /> _ � i�.r-.t���� nY infltn[!Y�B�f�41L lb0�AS�SL�[Of�l�ll lOaD C�f$G4 t?011OC10d OI W bE COvOCtCd�Q OQUtlOCpOA�oeaw Ln t9E ..
<br /> Ql[COOd Lj10�11��1�1�tis f�IW1t(s�Aflj►SI�EZI�C�[g0 Eh111110 fEdUCCd�1j►Ij10 i�11OlII►t IIOt7uiiGi�iG iG�ii�i��' v--
<br /> pamipoa um�t:ea�n N)eur�s at�dy oovectoa fran soaowa wtdcn m�caeaoa patntued limits M►w be refwxied oa soao.vec.
<br /> L�et�der mty clwoss W malce this nfund by xoducin8 the prL�P�owad under the Nooe or by making a diroct p9►ycnutit to
<br /> Bocroker.IP a nfund reduaa principai.t1�se rali�ction wlli ba trc�tod�s partiallxq�aYment witbant any pnpa�rmait ctwr8d
<br /> �ndathalloto. .
<br /> 14.Notioa. My notkx Oo B�t[owa provlded for in this Securtty�nsliumdtt shalt be givat by delivabtg it or 6y en�iliug it
<br /> by�ac c1�s mAil ua1�s�epplicabb law roquires use of anotha method.'11�e aodcc slisll bo dirocted w tha Propaty A�dres9 a
<br /> aay odia�ddre�s Bamwer desigastes 6y notice to L,ender.�#ny nodce to Isnda shaU be�vw by first cless ma�7 to La�da'a
<br /> addres� atatod hanejn or aay otha addm.ss Lcnder de�i8naus bY nodce to Bormwa. Any notice provkkd fa in this Se�ty►
<br /> Lnauument shall bo doaned oo havo bee�given to B�mwa or I�dm'a►1xa Shrcn ss pmvWed in this p�gr�h•
<br /> YS.Goranias li.�wi�'�b�7. ThL4 Securlty Ins�un►eat st�all be govemcd by feckral iaw and tho hw of tbe
<br /> _ jur�sdi�ion in which tbo PrapsrtY is locatod.In the event that any provision a c#auae of th9a Seattity Inst�mont or the Noie
<br /> oonfliem with applk�bb law�such caitlict shaII aot aHect atha provjstons of t6is Saeurlty Iasuwnent or the Nota which can be
<br />— givd�ef�'ect�vithout tt►a c�ontl[cdn8 Pmv�iOn.To this a►d the piavieions of this Security instcument and the Nota are declarod w
<br /> bo�evereb3o.
<br /> — Form�Q28 9f00
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<br /> Pap�4 oi 6 �nnuu:_ ,
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