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_.,.�. . ; ' i;'„D.. ;� �. :;,��.. .� <br /> ! A�T t ` �w.,+Ci: -�v.t,:.. . <br /> i `� . . f �� �,�. .... _. ,. ,....... .: �,� •���°---_--' . <br /> ' � � ' - .5...q.{,„:.i�'e'jlvr:qi.:,.. � � - i ' ,a i �v .._ — <br /> � �'��.Y.�'1Pi�_� T° '"X_�ra.s�r.;o-•�..�.kr t . . <br />.__.�"_ ./ _Aft:Jls'.� .'�'.'�..,'' :..''...�u.-_�._ ..r .�.rL..:..........i1.�.�..,.,.- v' <br /> .._--��. . . .. -a�...�_�__ _ � _ ":�11,rG°'T�-.�nfw��..�� - _. <br /> � .. w .r-n aT�-=-Y„`�.:T.*�-l�'���`�°��,�:i'�'��} � ~jY'. �` } .-�_ <br /> 16t'�����ft��y ti► . ti '�.�t 'i��.;' + *� t�� . . n,. _ <br /> y. �{4.�'..M�Ua+'Y�VMlII�7�il�vts�er.cHJ+r�-r .-. . , ' --_._...__.W�__ �.�... — . . . . .ca. .' .-'- •"- .� - .. . Tr �idaY�vv_a., . <br />. . ' . ... . _ .. . - n � .. . �� .. // - _,. . .. , � --. <br />..r —_—_ ..-- :.- - _ . 'il � .. �_ .. " ' __ . <br /> _„_ __"'—__—. <br /> ,. .. . . .. . � .. _ . ... .. . .. ___ _. . . _ _ _-- —_ <br /> ���..�_� .• . , r- .�=-- . .... . . ._— - ��'^. -_.. <br /> . <br /> - _`�.Y."'_".._.—.—�--_�1___ ��f`�IRrid�a��n ara�...AYA�����:��..tifel.vieL"r.2ltl��RSC'•!�...�{_'r.xftN'��'it1'rn.t-:..:�..�+..- <br /> -- ,95-�O�i�61 = <br /> � 16.Borrowee'��ap . Sonawcr�vcn anc canfara�d copy of tlto 1Vots end of thl.9 Secuiisy Inswmen� � <br /> of tbe Property ar auy intsrest In it�S �� <br /> 17.Tra�rRr or t6� or. �Interat m BaRawer. U au or any pacc — <br /> aold a t�+sfarod(or if a intercst in Bonower is sol�or uansfemed end Bomowu ls aot a aawratpason)without —. <br /> L.�,nde�r•s prl�wrItt�et�consen�Laadu may�at itsopdo�n.requira launod�ata paymeat in Poll of all sums secured by th�s S�curlty - <br /> InstNmea�Howeva.this optton shall not be ase�sed by Lardu if ea�er�lse is pmhibltod by fodaal law as of ths dete of this <br /> Seau�Ity Inmument <br /> If L�Wer�ucercisp�his L�ender shall g[va Bomnwer nodca of accekiadcm.'I'ha nottoe shall pmvtde ap of not less <br /> �,3i3�ra��s�c�s�e i�ddlvtre�or mrl�r�Ithfn�le�^h Ro*rowea mn�t pay ell sums secured b�this Securlty _ <br /> Insaumait If Bomuwer fiiis a pay d�sur�s pr�Or oc>tbe e�p�ratioa of thia palod,Lendsr may invoko any raaedies permiuW <br /> by d�s S�,^uclty Ia�eat rrItteoat fusthea not�e or demand on Barowa. _ <br /> is.BorroMar's Y�6t to R�Instata 1� Bocrower moeta cam�nn oondidons. Bonowec shall hava tba rlgi�t t�o bava <br /> eafainanast of dda Sac� U�swment discAa�ued st any�,prlor to the eiulla of: (a)S days (or such ottx�pviod a4 <br /> q�pllGabb law mty spx�y ar rdastatement)befora sele of the PropatY pursuant to Any power of sele contained in thia Sociuity <br /> Insnumai a(b)eatry of a judgment enfaaing this SocudtY Inmummt'fiose condibans aie d�at Bamwu:<e)pa S Leadu ell <br /> suuu�d�w arould be dun under tbia Socm�ity Iasuurneat end da Nate as if no aocdaatba bad accunoa;�b)cures eny <br /> 8riautt oi�y otrier coveaants a agre�er�ts:(c)tmYa a�l expens�lacuued in enforch�g thi�Socurity Iasaum�nt�includ�a8.but <br /> uot limitod�wbb euo�meys'tas:and(d�takes s�cb acdon a9 Laida�reasomibly tequira to assure that the lien of Uils <br /> Sacurity Ie�nsmeat, I.endr�'s rlghts in tl� Pmpa�ty aad Borrowu's ob W pay t6a sums secuued by this Savrlty <br /> In�nuneat sdelf condnue uncl�angod.Upon ninstatement by Insuum�►t and th°°b���a cave of <br /> haeby ah�ll niesia fully effectiva an if ao acoefQation had oocurred.Howaver.��t to eeinsmta shaU not aPP Y <br /> accela�dan�mder pa�grapb 17. <br /> 19.Sf�le ot Note=Cl�o=e ot I.aan�a�viar. Tha Noto or a pertial iataest ia the Nots (tog�tha with tt►is Soauity <br /> Inatnu�eat)may be soW one a�rt�e tim�s without peior ootioe w Bonowa.A sab may nsult iai act�n�e in tba eadty(luwaa <br /> a�the"L�o�n Suvkes7 tb�t oolbGS monWy ts duo under the Note and dds Sacurlty Instcumeat'll�iue also may bo oae or <br /> mae chaages of d�e Loan Suvker wu�e to a sa3e af dhe Nota If thae is a chengc of the I.em Savioa,Bomowar�vi111�e <br /> given wrItka nodoe of Rhe chsaage!n�ccadanca wltb p�ph 14 above and�pp]k�bb law.The notice wltl s�ate tbe aame and <br /> add�s of tba aew La�Savicor and Wa eddress w a p�Yiaeats ahonld be maae.'ihe notke will atso contain eny other <br /> infacnaBoa by applicable law. <br /> 2Q.�la��8s�. B�ra�r� n►11t mu c�use or pa�nit the grraeaoe. uaa. disposel, s�oraBe.or rckaca of any , <br /> Hezaedous Snbst�no�on or in the Propeitty. Barower slWl not do,nor albw anyano etse�do.anything a�'axiag tDe Propaty <br /> tt�et is in vblation o�'any Bnvl�aunental Iaw.'lbo grecedir►8 nvo sent�eaoe�stmll notepply to the presd►ca.ase.or�on tha <br /> p�p�y of arnall quAawies of Hezardous Substances that am SeneraltY recog�►ized W be ePP'�P�to normal resldrnwl uses <br /> endto -m�inux�ance of the PropatY• c18im. demand� laasa�ot otuer action by enY <br /> Baroarr st�U piomptlY Sive Lenda wrlue�n aadce of any inv�. @ <br /> g�ranmmyl or n;p�ulat�ryr agea�.y a prlvaLa party involving tha Pmpaty and any Hazardous SubstAnao or Bnvimx►mcaW Law <br /> ot whlch BarmMa bu acmal lmowk�ga If Bamwar i�notified by any govanmennl a regulatecy aud�alty tdt any <br /> raaav�l a or�ranediadon of ar�y fan[dous Subsnnco affect�tg da Pro�x+cty is aeoes�eey.Saa�nwa si�all promP11Y�ks all <br /> neoesa�y temeditl acdcxn in a000cdatica with Fnvjtanmental Law. <br /> As u�af in this p�c�graph Z0. "Ha�td�ous Substaaoes"e�e ttwso substanoes dc�ned as to�cic ot Aazardous sttbstances bY <br /> BnvhonrnwW Iaw and the folbwL�g subs�cxo: �e1inG, lcrrasmo, otba tlammabb a toxic petrola�a► � t�ic <br /> padc3das aad liabicides,voladb sohresin,m�tajats conuini�ig ast�nsws or fonnatdehyda aod wdioacdve rcwocci�is.�used in <br /> tbi�p��ph 20."Baviro�unent�l Lw"meaas feda�l irvs and lawa of the jucisAicdoa whae the Propaty ia loeated tl�at tdate <br /> to ba�llh.s�tety ac eav�e�unaud pe�otectioa. <br /> NON-UN�QRM COH�AN'i'S.Bflaowa and La�dri fuitlxr cova�nt and agcoe a4 folbws: <br /> �l.Aaderatio�i�arMku I.eader sl�all fiva aMioe to Bortowar p[ior�o aeaeleratio�toUovvin=Berrower's breacb ot <br /> iq �T or sp+eate�'s it tri� Satiriiy I�ir�utiw►i.Coai aui priur iv +�uasRai..w. ��.: r.•�•ys"«F� 3? "•w• <br /> a�iic�ble 1aw provtda otUer�ke?•'!'re iotice sLall speci(y:(a)the dehalti(A)tbe artio�r+e9Wred to cde+e ttie ddadti(�) <br /> s�dRie,�at ket tha�30 d11,�s flrom t�dat!tt�notite is�Ere�W Bortawer•6�r�wLicL ti�e tkfaiit tYet be c�red:aad(c� <br /> d�t fl��uts�o pu�tht dd�ult ou or befot�e tbe dah epecUka is tbe aotie�may e�esalt in aooekratioi of tLe�uu recat+�d <br /> b�tYi�Sec�urity I�etruse�t nd a�k att6e Y'roperq.'i'be natice a6s11 frut6er infurw Borrawnr ot tbe ri�t to rdmfate <br /> afrer accdarstion aad tha ri�4t to bEin� a oourt actbe to�aeert t4s noa�e�bh�oe ut�defautt or any other dela�e at <br /> Boe�ower�o aoeekadoi�n�)aAk.It Ik detadt it not cur�d oa or bsfore t�e date specified iv ZLe notioq,I.hdetr at fb <br /> ��IT*'�1��m�diata pa�meet ie fitD ot a8 au�a ses�red by lhte Saurit�Inst�nett wWtont f�rther deiaad <br /> a�d tAq i�ote tk�a d rale and�y otha r+esediea permtttcd by applirabfe law I:e�dev shW be eatitl[d to aolia�t <br />- a�pic�eres hcu*ted ta pnririn�the remedies provitied is tlds par��raph 21,intludinu Eut aot limited dur reasooabk <br /> attorae�'taa nad aosb ot tkk�videeca <br /> V tbe pawer ot sak fs i�vok�1. '1lniatee aball rcp�rd• ootioe d def�tult in eacb eount�► in�v6kh as� p�rt ot the <br /> Pro{�jr te bcated and e�all anfl aop9en ot wcb not6ce in tAe s►anner prrsaribed b�appli�able bw to Bon+o�va and to the <br /> qhe�perapes prescribed by�pplicable law.A(ttr tbe time reqnired bY�PPlicabk Iaw.Tnmtee slull gtve pub�ic aotioe ot <br /> stk M tLe pereo�aod in the manaar presa�ibed by tpplicabb 19w 7'rn�tee.wkhont denand aa Borrowa�.s6a0 sdl tle <br /> Propert�at publk Quction to the hia6eat eidder at!be time and plaa nnd undcr the terau deaignated io t�e notloe ot sak <br />�_ �otm sos�o�ao <br />; �-dY(NE�tY1ta� Pae.bote In1N.a: <br /> 793-5 , <br /> - ; .:.,c•,`'i • • ' <br /> _ • ,, <br /> � , �. _ ,� . ., • � ; ,. �`. . � , i ` - ' �!�'• �' <br /> "•�,�,- s. q. i - .�,, <br /> . . +�:'� evt+�",t. ';', _ � _. <br /> � � � .. .. , , , , " .. � �.' . �\�:JA,.,; ,l,l•�.?•'. n . , .3::�... „ <br /> . .. � ':;�� c .�-� _ ., <br />��S . n ._ .. .. - .- 'O1 "a� . �. u '- - . <br /> , . '. . . .:-1`;' �,e• .._ .. <br /> -��' _ �� � '� .� . . �. .. n � t .�'. _?• ,` `.4���- <br /> ��• •' �.._. .� .. '� . ' . - . . . ^�,t':� ` .��Il)t��`��,��_ <br /> '�' . •� , . i }.. '� --, <br /> ,. ., , , ,': „�. #�,.. � - . <br /> •{ . .. ., t� _ .. - ., - .. .. . . .. ., 1\''�'t,�'.'4,"�. ,l�'p�t� . ti <br /> �� . . . . . r .. .. .. .�N „ I... rJ �� ♦Jt � ' . <br /> ... �� .. . ... . .�.d�_.....__.�._. _....... . <br />