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<br /> • 95-i0f961
<br /> � S.H�r..�nl a Proper4 I�aranca 8are�cwa ahW kap the imp�+ovemeab now e�isting ar beratir,r�rxud on the PropatY
<br /> i�d egt!inst Ms�by fites.Ma�rds 1nclttded witltiu tho Wm"extendad wvaage"a�ul any aihc-�6s�r3a.�cluaWsg tlaoda or -.
<br /> Qoodiny.far wdicD l�ender re9ui�a�n�tr�oe.'Ibis inaurmce aluU ba maintainod ia tlte amonnts and for tbe periods�hat Ler�de�
<br /> roqutrd.lta insuritw�e c�rfec Pzovidiag tde insnranoa sMll be chosen by Borrowu subja�t�Lendec's appmval which ad�ll not
<br /> bo unrason�bly wlthheld. U Barowar f�ils w m�intain caver�ge dWCiibed ebovo, L�cadcr may.at Le�der's o�►don�obsa�n
<br /> povaago w prntect Iaadar'a rights in the Progaty M a000rdance with p�ragrepb 1.
<br /> All Wur�ncx Polict�and renawals s1W1 be a�abb to Lsadar and shaU includa a at3ndard mozt888a�lau�.L�nder shaU
<br /> i�sve tho rigbt w bufu u,a��s�°a'1.If��rm,uires.Bamwei shall DromptlY 8i�►o to L�der all ncdpsa uf Wid `
<br /> pcpniums nd raiaw�l nodc�.In U�a eveat oF bas.aaROwa shaU give prompt notioe to tha insuranco carria aad I�nder.t�er
<br /> may m�te grooi�f k�N nd made promPdY UY B�iowet. _
<br /> Uaiaim laida aad Boctowex wt�awLse agirae ia witidn8�insu�oe P�s s�tl bo applisd w restoiatiOn a repair of the
<br /> p�p�tY d�n�od+if tt�o assaa�on a rqxir i�ecanomicallY feadbk►�ad Lendes'a socuiiry iv not iess�cl.IP d�e restuwtioa a
<br /> ropair is not acaoon�iCa11Y fas�'bb ar Lmde:'a eaauiry wouta be le.ssaiod.t6e ina�uance Hproceeds s6a�11Bono�iva dab�ndons the
<br /> eoau�ed bY thi�Sec�uitY lnmuam�ahdl�r a aot th�xt due.wlth any axcess prid
<br /> �co�aty.or does aot�sara wLh�a 3Q daye n�fmm�,�fer�t the iawraooa carler bss off�ed t�spde a claim.then
<br /> La�aer may eovece we iRwr�oco pc�ocooas.Laider,nay�so tAe pooceds to repair ar nspxe a,e Prop«ey o�to pay auma soc�e�
<br /> by this Sa.�rlry Ios�utt�en�whetMs or not d�en dua.Tbe 30�dsY Period u►Ul begin wha�tbn nodco ia gtveu.
<br /> Ualea�Land�r aod Sosrowa otbawLse�ree in v►ritin8.�Y eAP�oi p�ooe�s to TxIncip�l st�aU not p�und a postpane
<br /> tbe due d�le ot the moathly P�Ymeats�etarad W in p�aarsphs 1 aad 2 a chaoge the sa�onnt of tbes PaYmeats.lf unckr p�Db
<br /> 21 tbe Pmpa�ty is ao�uirad bY Lei�der.Borrc►wa's rigdt tu any insu�ance policies and p�ocae�s resuldn8 fmm d�na��d�e
<br /> �Y P�'10 thc ao9�aitbn a1u1►Q�s do I,a�da�o d�e acteat of d�o sums aaaued by t6b Secnrlty Insuumant Lnmedi�telY
<br /> �b m0��' , Bo�rro*cr'e Lqu A Iidltbn;l.dlebokl3.
<br /> i.Ocer�uex,Piraarrnfio�Msiate�ace aad Pt+otecflo�o�fhe�copert!• OD
<br /> ao�rokes ahafl oecnpy.eatil�iish.aad u�e the Prape�ty aa lian+owcr•s pri�pal nesfidea�ca sri�thtn aixty days a�ier the executton of
<br /> tEis�ecw�tY 1�md etaaU ca�a�nue o0 occopy tt�e Ptnpaty as Hoa�owa's�rinclpo!re�idence fa�t k�at ooe yalr�d�
<br /> tiiio ui ct�t.u� L�da s�ssr�-'!'��° -�-- jn wniting= whi�;h 000�mt sLali mt ha�IDt�o�ubli�wlthbel�. a nnkas
<br /> qil�u�drp�oea�ist wDieh�e DeYond��xmwer's oonoroL Ba�rovva shall aot destcor.daa�a8e a impait tbe PcapatY.
<br /> sllo�v the�Y q delr�foca�e. a oommit�ale aa tAe Ropaty.BamoMa sh�ll be in def�it If�ny fafei0ue actian or
<br /> pcaoeeding,�hdAer clvil or criminal.ia begun th�t la l,a�da'a good f�ith ju�dgmau e�uld ns�ilt iu forfeitiu�e of the A�opaty a
<br /> a�►3ee m�ta'i�11Y LnP�i*th�Uea cre�ted aY this Secw�ity In�wa�mt a Lrmd�t'e ex�utli�►inoa�est Harowa ais►y cuce sucb a
<br /> det'auit aad ntia�ate.a4 peovidod in porag�aph 18.by causing t6e actioa oe proaoding tn be diarnis�ed wlth a ciiling�hd.iu
<br /> i,eoder•s�oo�l6itD d�aanio�iou,FrecluAea farfdwt�oi the Baiowrs'a�a�rest in tbe Ropaty a atha m�tai�l�t of
<br /> the fiea txe,a�ed Sy chis Soc�aity Instnumeac ar I�enda'a eecuritY jnten.�t.Barowrr ahnU�leo be ia defeuk if soim�ar.du�in8 db .
<br /> bw�0�gi"a�y Eat�e a uwx�u�te infamr.t�oa ar�mmts tio LaWa(ar failed b provWo La�la wHb
<br /> ■ry mtletisl iafa�mrtjoa) ia eo�neco�oo altb die ben avZda�cod bY tha Note.iocWdiog.but aot tlmited w.re�daiadons
<br /> �oc�ain�Bo�mN►er�s aocu�►of the Propeity as a y r i n c�l c e s�d e a o a I f d�f s S o c u r i t Y Iasnun�ut ia aa a ks+�ohoW,Bocro�va'
<br /> edt!eomQlY�t1e alt dre pav�ioos of d�e 1we.U Bamwra acquices foa title oo d�e Aape�ta►.tbe iwelwid�od tDe fee tjtia thell
<br /> cOt ma�e�11eas L�G�da�b t�0 alergC[b l�g.
<br /> Z Fl�ctiaa ot 1.e�3er's Ai�Ab ia t�e Pe'opeMp. If Barownx fiita to yafoim tbe coveaatMa�uud�roama►ts contained in
<br /> dds SecurisY tr�ur�.a tha�a �S�kgat pio�xodin8 t�t�naY s�gniBc�t�a�ect I�eoder'a righb in•tbe krnpa�ty(sud►as a
<br /> pco�ee�ia�,pn�. . .__ ._�, ---�:�r.,a.s:�3..tw.t„�+�m+.}�ao�nd psy
<br /> lN�'Wiill�iinl�iHtsa7�avrac�vvi xrvavaw
<br /> ���� �p��''Y�NO Ot t�1C P�O�Q►�T.td{�t�b Yl$�1S j1l 1�16 PI�O�fJ[�►.�idfll'�4�Cl�Ofts[��C11dG
<br /> . p�pYo�n�ays'fees i�ad�ou d�e Pmy�e�Y �� ��B�I�eadet�teta acdos�untfer p�ra�raph 7.I+endrtk
<br /> does oot t�ve 1�do so.
<br /> Any�aw�nt�dishunod bY Leadar ancle�ttiiis p�a6raph 7 abaU beoane addidoaal debt aP Bamwa eecured by this SeauitY
<br /> Ioetcumeat.Unlaa Barrow�rr and I�aK1er�gcne to otAer tams of MYmm�,tt�e aiaoimta sf�[I bear intcwt lrom the etWe of
<br /> di�rsea�et at tde No1e cab aad�11 be p�yable.witb inte:+esy upon notiee from Iraidec Du Boao�ves t�o4u�in8 PoY��
<br /> S.Morlpie�nia lf i.ender requirod moctg�ge�es a car.didon of mVdn�Wo Ian�ocuced bY this 5ecu�►
<br /> It�umm�Batra�ret a�stl P�+Y�F���4ui�cd e� m�inuin tho matSaBe ia�raoca ia effax. If�fa 4ny rea�on.d�e
<br /> mo�tgage iaw�a�ce coverage requirod by I�ncier�S a oeaxs m De in effoct.Sonower shall pay die�taluired w
<br /> obtain ooven46e a�fi�itY esluiv�eat to tho moctgego Iasuranco p�eviouslY in af�ect,at a ooet aubstaaxLlly equivalm►t N tbe
<br /> cast tR Boav�et af tha mortg�ge inammce pcevbwly in afect. Brom a►�e mortgage insmcer approvad by I.enider. If
<br /> �t�a)ly Wuiv�a�mo�a�i�aa�u�ace coveie�ge is not aveilabte,Bax+�fwa sholl pay io Lenda each month a sum cqual to
<br /> ooa�olRh d the y�arly aorl��6e iasurenoe P�'emium bein8 Paid by Bomowa�rhea tLe insurance coveraga taysed art u�sed Oo
<br /> De in ei[act.Laida wW aa�pt, ose aud cemin thesa payaia�ts av a bes rese�ve an lieu of mortgaga ins�uance.L,oss n�ave
<br />— Fom+ao�a o�ao
<br />- ��Y�N�toa+2� aaa•aofe tnn�.►.:
<br />� .. "�c�4�3�a 793-5 � .
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