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<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Barrower shnil keep the Improvementa oow existing oc hereufter erected on the
<br /> property insured ngainst lass by fire, hazarda includcd within tho term "oxtended wverage" snd any ather haxurda. including
<br /> floatw�r fl�oding, for which Lender requima insurnnce. Thia lnsurunce Rha11 be maintained in the amour�ts nnd far tho pedods L
<br /> that L�nder tequir�w. The insurance currIer pmviding the lnsurance shWl be chosen by iiarrower nubject tu i.ender's appruvui
<br /> whtch shall nat be unreusonubly withheld. If 8orrower fails to maintuin coverage described above. Lender may. at L.ender's
<br /> option.obtein eovecage to pratect Lender's rights in the Property in uecordanee with pacagraph 7.
<br /> Aq insurance policIes ctnd renewals shall be acceptable to l.endec and shall lnclude a standard mottgage clause. Lender
<br /> shull have the right to hold tho policies and renewals. If L.ender requires.Borrower shull pmmptly give to Lender all recelpts of
<br /> p�id premium.s und renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inaurance careier And Lender.
<br /> Lender may make proof of toss if nut mnci�p,�u�ptty t�y�,r�oR�r. `
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree In writing, insurancc procceds shell be applied to restoration or repair of tbe
<br /> Propeny damc�god.if the mstoration or repalr is economicallY feasible and Lender'a secudty is not lessened.Tf tha restoration or _
<br /> repalr is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insnrance proceeds shall be applied w the sums
<br /> s�tcured by this Securlty Instrument, whether or not then due.with any excess patd to Borrower. If Boaower abandons tha
<br /> Property. or does not answer within 30 days a natice from I.ender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim. chen
<br /> L.ender nu�y coltect the fnsurnnce procee�ls• 1-ender maY use tha �roceeds to repair or restore the Praperty or ta pay sums _
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument.whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod will begin when the notice la given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise asree ia writing, any application of proceetls co princip�l s1�a11 not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af the paymenta. If
<br /> undet pacagraPh 21 the Property is ac9uired by Lender.Borrower's rlght to eay Insurance pc�llciea and proceeds resulting from
<br /> damage to the Property prlor W the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry Instzument
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisitton.
<br /> 6,pocupancy,Preservatton,Meintenance and Protection of tde Praperty;Borruwer's Loan Appitcation;Leaseholcls.
<br /> BoiTOwer shall occupy.establish.artd use the Property es Borrower's principal residence withln slxry days nRer the execudon of
<br /> this Sr�curity Instrument and shell continue to occupy the Property as Borrawer's pdacipal rrsldence far at lesst one year aRer
<br /> the date of occupuncy.unless Lender othenvise agrees in wrtttng. wMch consent shaU not be unmasonably withheld,or anless
<br /> �x=��}�g���,;� � y��z� � �y�d Borrawer's control. Borrowet shall not destrny. damegc or tanpair the ,
<br /> property. ailow the Praperty to detei�ioratc. or ctsmmie waste on the Property. Borrawer ahall bQ in dafault if an�v forfe�iture
<br /> action or pmcceding.whether civil or crlminnl, is begun that in L.ender'e good faith judgaxnt coutd resWt in farfeituro af tho
<br /> pcoperty or otherwitse muterinily lmpnir the lian cresitod by this Securlty Instrument or L.ender's sesurtty interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such u defauit und reinstate.as pro�lded in parngraph 18� by c�uusing the nctloa or pmceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that. in Lend�r's good fntth determination. precludes forfelture af the Bonvwer's tnterest in the Property or other mater�al
<br /> impairment of the lien creatcd by thls SccurIry Instrument or[.ender•s securlty inteirst. Borrower shail slso be in defaalt if
<br /> Borrower.during the loan appt[cation process,gave materfally fulse or inaccurate information�r statements w i.ender(ur faited
<br /> W provide Lender with any materiallnformatIon)in connection whh the loan ev(denced by the Nnte,including,but not limitfxl
<br /> to.cepresentatIons conceming Borrower's occupaacy of the Pcoperty as a princIpal residence.If thia Secudty Insmxment ia on o
<br /> leasehold. Barrower shall comply wfth all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tltte to the property, tho
<br /> leasehold end the fee title shall not merge wiless Lender agcces to the merger in wriNag.
<br /> 7.Protedton of I.ender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the crrvenants and agre�meate containod in
<br /> this Secudty Insuun�ent,or there is a legul proceEding that may sigaiflcandy affect Lender's rights In the Pmpeny(such as a
<br /> procetding In bankruptcy.probate.for condemnaHon or forfeiturc or to enfo:r.e lawa or regulations). then Lender may 8o and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary co protect the value of the Property nnd Lender's dghts in the Ymperty. Lender's actions mey
<br /> inelude pay�ng any swns seeured by a iien which nas prioriry wer ti�ia Secu�ity Inbi.�xnt� ag�r�r.g � t�. �'-'Y;^�
<br /> rrasonable auomeys'feGS and entering on the Property to make repuirs.A,Ithough Lender may take action under th[s puragraph
<br /> 7.Lender does nat huve to do so. —
<br /> Any amounta disbursed by I.ender under thjs paragraph 7 shail become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instivment.Ualess Borrower anl L.c��r agree to other terms of psyment, these amowits shail bear interest ftom Wa
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall 3fe payable. with interest, upon not�ce from Ixnder to Barrowex requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as�wndition of making tha loan secured by this Socurity
<br /> Instrument, Borrowtr shall pay the premtums required to maintain the mortgage insurance In effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requiral to
<br /> obtain caverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivatent to the
<br /> cost to Bomower of the mortgage insurnnce previously ln effect. from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> aubstantially equivelent mortgage insurwece cuverage is not avattable.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one•tweltth of the yearly mortgage[nsurance premium betng paid by Borrower when the inswance coverage lapsed or oeased w
<br /> be in effect. I.ender wiil accspt,use and retain these payments as a loss c+eserve in lieu of mo�gage insurance. Loss reserva
<br /> Porm 3028 9180
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