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<br /> TppgTHEIt WITH all the Improvements now or hereaRer erectad on the property�and nl�easements,appurtenanccs.and
<br /> fixtures now or hereatter a p�rt of tha preperty. All npLecements and addltions shali also be covered by thls Secudty
<br /> [nstrument.All of the foregoing ia referced to!n this Secudty Instn�ment as the'Property." -
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thut Borrower la lawfully sctscd af the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grnnt end
<br /> canvey the FropertY et►d that the Property ia unencumberod. exapt for encumbrances of record. Borrower warmnts and wi�l
<br /> de.fend general�y tho title ta the Property against all claims and demanda. subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> THiS SSCURITY INSfRUMBNT wmbines uniform covenants for national use snd rton-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> veriuHons by judsdiction to constitute a uniforcn securiry instnunent covering real ProPeKY•
<br /> UNll�ul-tiv'I COV8NRt3TS.°orrQtitier snd Len!;er c� �t8 Late Chitrges oBorrower shall promptlY P+�9 wh�t �uc the
<br /> � �. p�yment ot Pri�xcipal end Iaterest; Prep�Ym y a ent and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> principal of und interest on the debt cwidence�by the Nute and an prep ym —
<br /> 2, Funds for Taxes end Insurance. SubJect to applicable Iaw or to a writtea► waiver by Lender. Horrower shall pay to
<br /> L.ender an the duy raonthly payments are due under the Note.uutil the Note is paid tn full,a sutn("Fa►d�sl"`)'u�e�Ya'8Y��
<br /> and assessments which may nttain prlorlty over tMis Securicy Inst�ument ea$lien on tha PropertY;(b)Y Y p �
<br /> or ground rents aa the Properry,if any;(a)Yearly hazard or property insurance premiwns:(d)Yearly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> if any;(e)Yeariy mortgage insurance premiums.lf any: end(�aay sums payabto by Borrower to Lender. in ascordan�with
<br /> the pmvistons of paraBrePh 8. in lleu of the payment of morcgage lnsurance pmmiums.These items are c�11ed"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may, at uny dme. collect a�►d hold Funds tn an amount not to exc�ed tbe maxim�m emount a lcnder for a fe�lernlly
<br /> related mortgaga loan may reyuire for Bonower's esccow account under the federnl Real Bstate Setttement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 us amended from time to tlme. 12 U.S:G. Sectian ?.601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless enother law thet appiies to the Funds
<br /> sets a leaser amouc+t. If so, I.ender may.at any time,ooilect and hold Ftmds in an umount not to eaceed tha lesser emount.
<br /> [.endar may estimate the araount af Funds due on the baeis of current data end ma�neble sstlmates af expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordence with applicable law.
<br /> . or entl
<br /> The Fund» shall be held in an institudon whose deposits are lnsured by a federal agency. Insavmentatity tY
<br /> (including I.ender.if Lender is such en insiitutton)or in any Pederal Home l.oan Bank•Lender shall upply We Funds to pay th6
<br /> Esctow Items.Lender may not charge Borrawer for hotding and appiying the Funds.annuaily at�alyzing the escrow acr,ount.or
<br /> verifylt�g the Fscrow Items,unless Lender paya Horcower S�iterest on sha Fun��d spallcablP I�w permita L�ender w make such
<br /> a aharge.EIowever.L,ender may requ�re Borrower w pay e one-tfine chargc for en in�ependent real estate tax reportjnfi ser�'i�°
<br /> used by I.ender in connection with this loan. uniess epplIcable law p�covides othetwise. Unless an a$reemw►t ls made or
<br /> eppHcablc law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Horrower any interest or earnings on the Fucxls.
<br /> Borrower and I.ender may agrce in wdting,however,that interest shall bc paid on the Funds.L.ender shutl givo w�orrAwer.
<br /> without charge, an unnua!accoundng ef the Funds.ehowing credita und deblts to the Funds und the pur�wse for whicd each
<br /> debh to the Fu�ds wav made.The Funds arc pledged as addittonnl sceudty far all��i���ndersshdl aocauat w Boirower
<br /> Ig the Fun�ia hcld by Lender exceod the amounts permina!to bo held by app'
<br /> for the exass Funds tn uccordance with the rectuirements of applicabla law.If the amount of the Fuads held by[.ender at eny
<br /> dme ie not sufficlent to pay the E.urow Items wtiea due.Lender may so s�tity Borrower tn wridng.end�1n such case BorcoW�r
<br /> ahail pay to Letxler the amount necessaty co nwlce u�tho deflciency. Borrower shail make up the deficiency in no more tluu�
<br /> twelve monthly payments,ut Lender's sole discntfon. ,
<br /> Upon payment in full of aU sums secured bY thle Secudty Insuument, Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds held by L�end i.If.lu aneT�unds deld b Lenders t the timo of acquis d n orp s�ale�us adcredp againsththe ums se�ured by
<br /> of the PropertY. ePP Y Y Y
<br />- titia ar,�.usliy Iubi.zttu�tt.
<br /> 3.Applicption oi P�ymente•Unless applicuble law pmvIdes otherwise,a1L paymen+is raxived by i.ender undcr parn�rap� .
<br /> 1 and 2 shull be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under tlte Note; socond.to amounts payable under paregra�
<br /> third,to interest due:fourth.to princjpal due:and last,t�a any late charges due wider tha Note.
<br /> Q�.Charges; Ltens.Borrnw�r shall pay aU taxes.assessmenta,charges,Fines end impositiona attrlbutabia to the Prop�rty
<br /> which may attetn priority over this Security Inmument, and leasehold paymenta or ground rents.if any.Borrower shati pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.that cnanner,Borrower shall pay Wem on tirae directly
<br /> w the person owed payment.Borrower shap promptly furnish to I.ettder all notices of amounts w bc paid under ti�is P�S�Ph•
<br /> If gorrower maices these paymenta directly,Borrower shall prompdy furnieh to Lender raeipis evideming the paymcnts.
<br /> Boaower shell promptiy discharge any lien whtch has prlority over thls Securlry Insuument unless Borro�ver:(a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligatton secured by the Ilen in a manner W�P�;n`the L.end r's%pi�nion op�ernt�e�tdof prev nt�the
<br /> by, or dcfends u�ainst enfonement af the lien in. legal proc�eding
<br /> enforcement of tha lien;or(c)secures from the holder of tha Iten an agrezment sritiafactory to I.ender sdbordinuting the tien to
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument.If Lender deierntines thfit any patt of the Pmperty is subject to a Iten whicii may attain priorlty over
<br /> thia Security Inatrument,Lender may give Bon+nwer a notice tdendfying the l ien. Borrower shall sntisfy the Ileu or take one or
<br /> more of the ecttons sct forth above within 10 duys of the gtying of notice.
<br /> Form 8028 9180
<br /> Pope Z af 0
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