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<br /> � �9s�ose83
<br /> without lim�.�a�ion ao��s of evidonce of t�.��`e, Cour� costr, :_
<br /> appra�ienls, su�weys end at�os•neys feea. P,ny su�h costs and
<br /> expenge� not paid within ten (10) days of written demand shai]. draw
<br /> interest at the default rate provicled in the Note.
<br /> g. E�+lINENT not�lA=t�. shouLB the Trust Estate, or any part
<br /> thereof or 3.n�ereat tt�erein, be taken or damaged by reason of any
<br /> publia improvement or aondemnation proaeeding, or in anp other
<br /> �aenner ina].udinq deed in lieu of Condemnation ("Conden�nation„), or
<br /> should Trustor receive any notice or other infox�aation regarding
<br /> suah pxoceedinq, Truatar ahall give prompt writton notiae thereof
<br /> to Hen�tiaiary. Henefiaiery shall be entitled to all aomgensation,
<br /> � • aWr�zzds and athex payments or relief thexefor, and shall be entitled
<br /> :' nt ita optioa to ,aammence, appear in and �xnaeaute in its own name -
<br /> any aation or pic+oaeedings. SeneF,iaisry shall aleo be entitled to
<br /> make any aomprom�:se or settlemen� in conneetion with such talcing or
<br /> damaqo. Al1 suoh �offipensation� amarde.. damages, rights or ac�i�on
<br /> and proceods mtparded to Trustor �the � °Proceeds") are t�tereby
<br /> aeaigaed to Be�sefiaiary and Trust�or agY'e�s to execu�e suo�a furtlzer
<br /> assiqnYaents of the Proaeeds as Sa�rteficiaxy or Trustee may requir�e.
<br /> 6� �s�pnrxmx��+ oF suCCESSO�t sTEE• BeneEiciary may, from
<br /> time to time, by a written inst�ent exaeuted and aeluiowledged by
<br /> Benefiaf�s�►, meiled to �rustor and recozded in the County in which
<br /> the Tsu�t Estate is �.oaaied sti� by a�ie�sa r.a�ag�yit�s� �it� t:�R ,
<br /> �rovisions of tRe spplicabl� la�r of the state of HebrasKa subst�.T
<br /> tu�e a sucaessor or suceessars to the Z'ruetee named herein �r
<br /> acting hereunder. '
<br /> 7. nrr[!nRSSflRS Pi�1 P►SS?'C!?S. T21�.B DABd Of Tr11Bt applj.BB t0� .
<br /> in�u�ces to the benefit of and bit�a'l� aii parties hereto, th�fr heir�a,
<br /> legatees, devisees, personanl representatives, suaceseors and
<br /> asa�.gns. The t�rx "Senefiaiary" shell mean the ewner and holde�r of
<br /> � tbe Note, wriether or nat aaffied as Benefiaiery herein.
<br /> g. �gpg�,tQg,q. aeneficfa�,^y, or fta aqents, representat{��
<br /> or workmen, aze authorized to enter at any rease af 13ri�iea�ing the �
<br /> i.� any part of the Trust Estate fOr the purpc B �
<br /> el�me anci �or the pur�sa o�' perform��xiq any of the aata it is .
<br /> authorized to p�rform uris�er the. terma of any of the �an =nst�ru-
<br /> ment�. ,
<br /> g. r_�raxms_oF �EF�ifI.T. Any af the follow3.ng �v�nts shaii be ,
<br /> dee�ned.an event of delault h�seunder: ,
<br /> a. Trustor shell have fai3,ed to m�ke payment of any install-
<br /> �ment of interest, pr9.ncipal, or principal and interest or an� ��er
<br /> sum seaured hereby when duet or
<br /> b. There has ocaurred a breaah of or default under any t,erm, �
<br /> � covenant, agreement, aoadition, proviston, representation or
<br /> warranty contained in any oP the Laan Inatruments.
<br /> DE�d!l�OS!-Page 3 of 7
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