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<br /> Bea�efiaiary shaii give notiae to Trustor .grior to aoaele�atioa
<br /> foilowing Trustor's breach oP any oovens�nt o� aqreement in this
<br /> Deed of Trust unless applfcable law provides othr�rwise. The notioe
<br /> shall speaify: (a) the defaultt (b) the aatfon required to aure
<br /> the defauitt (a) a date, not less than thirty (30) days from �he
<br /> date the notice is qiven to Trustor, by wbic4� the default must be
<br /> auredt and (d) th�t, failure to aure the default on or before the
<br /> date spec�.fied in the notiae may reault in aaaeleratio�n di the sums
<br /> secured by th3s Deed of Truat a�Yd eale of the Property. The notiae
<br /> shall further i.nform Trustor c�� tY�e right to re,inetate after
<br /> acaeleration and the right �o brinq s Court aation to asseYt tt►e
<br /> non-exist�nce of a de�ault or any other defea�ae of Trustor to
<br /> aacelerafiicn and sale. 2f �� �efaui� is na� aured on or beloxo -
<br /> the date specified 3n the notiae, Benefiaiary at its option may
<br /> require immediate payment in fuli of all sums seaured by thi s Deed
<br /> of Truat �ritAout further deYaand and may invo3ce tho power o� aale
<br /> and any ather reme�ies permittefl by appliaable law. Henef iciary
<br /> shall be e�titled to aolleat all expenses incurred in pursing the
<br /> remedies provided i.n this paragraph, including, but not limited to,
<br /> reasoaable attorneys fees and costs ot title ev3denae. Thereafter
<br /> SenePiaiaxy may:
<br /> a. Eithar in person or by agent, with ox withput brirtging any
<br /> avLfvn �� p��xaa�ing, ar hy a ra�a3var agpofntsc3 b� a C��t e�n� �
<br /> without regard to the adec�uaay of 3.ts security, enter upon and tnke
<br /> possession of the Trust Estate, or any �art thereof, in ita own
<br /> name or in the name of Txustee, and do any aats which it deems
<br /> neaeasary or desirabie to preserve the value, merketesbility or
<br /> rentabil3ty of the Trust Estate, or part thereof or intere$t
<br /> therein, inarea�e the inaome therefxom cr protect the seaurity
<br /> hereof and, with or without taking possession of �he Truet Es�ate,
<br /> sue for or ottterwise aolleat the rents, issues and profits thereof,
<br /> including those paet due and unpaie, r�nd apply l:he sarae, less aasts
<br /> anfl ex�enses o� operation and aoileation inaludinq attorneys lees,
<br /> upon any indebtednesa seaured hereby, aIl in sucb order as Benefi-
<br /> aiary may determine. The enterinq upon and takiaq poesess ion o!
<br /> the� Trust Estate, the coileation of such rents, issues an� �zcfita
<br /> , anct the agpiication tihereof as aPores�id� ehali not aure Ot Nd�Vd
<br /> any d�fauZt or noti.ae of dePault hereunde� or invalidate ar} aat
<br /> don� in response to such default or purauant to such notice o!
<br /> defau2t and, notwithste�nflinq the contfnuance in possessfon of the
<br /> Trust E�state or the coiler�tio�, reaeipt and appliaatian of rents,
<br /> iBSUe� oar profits, Trustee or Beneficiary shaii be entiftled to
<br /> exercise every riqht provided for in any of the Loan instrumernts or
<br /> by law upon occursence of any event of default, including th� right
<br /> to exercise ttle power of sale=
<br /> b. Commenae an action to forec2ose thfs Doed of Tru�t as a
<br /> mortgage, appoint a reaeiver, or speaifiaally engorae any of the
<br /> covenants hereoft '
<br /> c. Deliver to Trustee a atritten dealaration oF dePault and
<br /> demand �.or eale, and a written notiae of default and eleation to
<br />_ DE�QF iROSR• Paqe 4 of 7
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