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<br /> Thia Deed af Truet, the Noto, and any o�ex in9s't�r�um�en� qiven
<br /> to evi8enae or further seaure the pa�ymeat an� perPormanae af any
<br /> obligation seaured hereby are referred to aolleatively as the "Loan
<br /> IflStrutn@Ate".
<br /> 1. Pl►YMENT OF iAiDEBTEDI�tE33. Trustor shall pay when due ttle
<br /> prinaipal of, and the intQrest on, the indebtednesa evidenced by
<br /> the Note, oharqes, fees and all other sums as provided in the Loan
<br /> �netrumenta.
<br /> 2. ��� Trustor ahall pay eaah inatallntent o� all texes
<br /> end epe�cial assessments of eve�y kind, now or hereafter levied
<br /> agatnat tt�e Trust Estate or any part thereof, before delinquency,
<br /> without notiae or deiaaad, and shall prowide Beneficiary with
<br /> evidenae of the payiaent of fihe same. Trustor ehall pay ail taXes
<br /> end assessments whioh may be le�ied upon Benefiaiary�s interest
<br /> here3.n ar upon this Deed of Trust ox the d�bt eecured hereby,
<br /> without reqard to any law tb�at may be enacted impasinq pnyment af
<br /> the whole or any pnrt thereoP upon the Beneffaiary.
<br /> 3. IN3I1R1�NCE Pit�iD REPI�IRS. Trus�or shaii maiatain fire and
<br /> extended aoveraqe insuranae insuring the improvenents and buiidxngQ
<br /> constituting pa�z� oP the Trust Eatete for �n amount no less than
<br /> the amount of �he unpaid prinaipal balax►oe of the Note (ao-insur-
<br /> ance not exces8lnq SOa permi�ted). Suah insuranae poliay shall
<br /> aontain a standard �aortgaqe alause in favor of BenePiaiary and
<br /> shail not be aaataeiable, termineble or modifiable without ten (10) '�
<br /> days prior written notiae to Benefiaiary. Trus�tor shali pro�ptly �. �
<br /> regair, naintiein, and re�laae the Trust Sstate or any pnrt thereof
<br /> so that, except for ordinary wear and tear, the Trust 8state shall .
<br /> not deteriorate. In no event shall the Trustor couueit �ste on or �
<br /> to the Trust. F�State.
<br /> 4. l�CTYbNS AFFB ING TRU3T 85T1►T8. Trile�OS' Sh811 Spp@8r in
<br /> and. ccnteet any aCtion or proceeding purportinq to aPfeat the
<br /> security hereoE or tlne rights or powers of Benefiaiary or Truatee,
<br /> and s21a11 pay�all cost.�s and exper►ses, inaluding cost of evidenae of
<br /> title and attnrneys feea, in any suah aation ar proaeeding in wDiah
<br /> Benefiaiary or Trustee may appear. should Trustor fail to make any '
<br /> paysent or to do any aat as and in the manner pravided in any of
<br /> the 3�qan Instrv�neats, �enefiaiary nnd/os Trustee, each in its awn
<br /> disos�tion, �without obliqation so to do and w�.thout notiae to or
<br /> deaanfl• upon. Truator aald without releasir�g Trustor fron► any
<br /> obligation, may make or do the same in such mannex and to suah
<br /> extent as efther mey deem necessary to proteat the security hereof.
<br /> Trustor shall, immedi.ately upon demand therefor by Heneficiary, pay
<br /> ali costa end expensea incwcre8 by SenePiciary in aonneation witt�
<br /> the exeraise by Heneficiary of the foreqoing rfqhts, fncltiding
<br /> D�0?�S! -Pdg9 2 of 7
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