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<br /> �7. Emia�nt Qomtin.Lender Ie horoby assipnod eil compen8atlon,swarda,demnpoa and othar payments or rello}(hereinafter
<br /> "Proaeeda'�in conntotton witt�aortdemnatlon or other takinp of the Nroperty or part thervof,or for conveyanae tn lieu ot condemns-
<br /> tlon.Lender�halt be entlUed at Iu opUon to aommenae,appear tn and proseauts in Its own neme�ny eotlon or proceedlnps,and
<br /> shttl aloo be entlded to m�ks any aompromiss or aettlement In aonnsation with euah akinp or dsm�pe.in the aveM any poRlon of
<br /> the Propertyr I�ao taken or dameped,Lendar shell have the option,in Its�o1s and absolute dlsareUon.to apply atl euoh Proceed�.
<br /> •tar deduaUnp th�refrom atl eoaq and�xp�n�es inourrad by itln oonnsotton with�uah Prooesd�,upon eny indabtadnas s�aund
<br /> h�roby an�In auoh oMer se Lendar may determine,o�ta egpty etl euoh Procssds,atter euah dedu�4lone,to ths restoratton of ths
<br /> Prope�y upon�uoh con�ittlon�aa Lcndar may dciarmtna Any cppllcrition ot Procc:do to indobtcdnc�ohatl not oxWnd or posqtano
<br /> th�du�dwb ot any Wym�nb undar th�Not�,or aure�ny dstault thereunaer or hereund�r,Aoy unapptled funds�htlt b�psid to
<br /> Tiuftor.
<br /> 6. P�tormane��y L�nd�r.Upon ths ocaunenae of an Event of Default hereunder.or It any aot le taken or tepel procMdinp
<br /> camm�na�d whiab�n�teriaiiy titects Lender'�Int�re�t in the Property,Lender m�y in Ns own dlsaredon,but without obllp�tion to do
<br /> so,end wi+lhout notlas to or demtnd upon TNStor and without ralattlnp Trustor trom any obii4atlon,da any aot wf►toh Trunor has
<br /> a�n�d but ttll�to do and m�y at�o do any other aot it dsems neeeaanry►to proteot ths seourity hereoL Trustor shatl,fmm�d�atety
<br /> upon Ger a�vJ thsrs:ar Dy Lendat,pay to Leedsr ali r0sta and axpsnesa inourrsd artd eums oxpanded by Lsndarin conrteotlort�Nh
<br /> t1N�xerota�by L�nd�r of ths forpolnp�Iphtf,topether wlth Intere�t thereon at the d�Muit nte provlde0 in ths Note,whlch�hatl 6�
<br /> add�d to the Ind�bbdnea asaurad henby. Lender�hs0 not inour any tlabllity bsaauss of aoythlnp it may do or omft ta do
<br /> MroundK.
<br /> 9. N�s�►dow M�MrIM�.T►uitor�haii ke�p M�Propey tn aompilancs with atl appitoabl�I�vro.ordinanc�and npulatbns
<br /> �elatinp to Industrisl hyplens cr anvironmental protsatlon(coileativsyr�eie►nd to hsreln a�"Bnvironmenhl Lawa'�.TPU�ahell
<br /> k�sp th�Propsrty froe trom all substenass desmed to bs ltuardous or toxio under any Environmanmi Lnws(aoitsat{vely reteaed to
<br /> hKetn a�"H�zardaus Mat�riais'�.Truator hereby warante a�d mpre�sMs to Lender that there a►e oo Haurdous M��Nats on or
<br /> eu�der the Property.Trustor he►eby ng►ees to indemntfy and hald harmless Lander,ib direaton.ofticers.employees tnd epenb.and
<br /> any succe�sors to L�er►dsr's Intsres�irom and apainst any and all clalms,damapes,loases and Iiabili�s�artdnq in connsotlon wNh
<br /> the proesna,u�,dbpo�al or traneport of any Heurdoas Materlal�on,und�r.irom or about the Property.7HE FOAEf30iNa
<br /> 10.As�qr�nt of R�nb.Trustor hereby assl�ns to lender ths ronb,issues and profEb d!the Praperty;provid�d that Tn��
<br /> shul.un81 the ocourrence of an Event ot Oeteutt hereunder,have ths�Ipht to colleat and retain suoh rente,isaua and proflb as tl�sy
<br /> becoM�due and payabte.Upon ths oceur�encs at an Ew�nt at Dehult�Lender may,e{the�in penon a by apent with or witMout
<br /> brtrt�inp any aatt4n or procesdinQ,or by a reeeiver eppotnted by e eourt and wlthout ropa►d to the adequaa�r of ib�sourity,ettbr
<br /> upon�nd taks posseselon o}Me PropeAy,or any p�R theroof.in Ns own name or in ths nams of ths 7tuates�and do�ny aab whbh R
<br /> d�ems necewary or deeirebte to pre�erve the value,markembllBy or rentablilty ot ths Rroperty,or a�ny partthereotor IMeta!th�rNn.
<br /> inareaoe the IRCOme tharetrom or prot�t ths seourity herocff and,with or w(thout tekinp po�sesdon of the P�opsrty.sw fer or
<br /> otherwl�e collea!the renta.issuea and proflts thereot,Inoiudtnp thoae pAat due end unpt�id,and apply ths sune.tew costs��d
<br /> expenees of open�tton and coltecUon ineludinp attorrteya'tesa,upon any frtdebtedneas seeuroei hereby,atl in such order ae Ls�xler
<br /> may detsrmine.The entsqnp upo�and tstunp poatesston ofi the i�►operi�r,the coiieaHon ofi tuob roni�s.iusu�w rc�ixi,#a�w�it��
<br /> applicatlo�Ulereot ae aforesaid,shall not curo or watve am►defauit or noUce of detault heroander or invtlidate any ect done in
<br /> reaponsa toaueh detauttor pureuantto auah�oUoe of detauit end,notwlthetandtnp ffiecontlnuanas In�se�sion af ths Pro�tya_
<br /> the collecUon:receipt and appllcatton ot rents,feaues or proflb,and Truates and Lender shalt bs er�tiUed to exerous av�ryr rl�h�..
<br /> p�ovidediorin�snyof tha Loan Documentsaby lawupon occurronoeof any Eventof0afsult,Inciudinp withoutiimitattonthsrl�qt�o
<br /> exerqbe the power of eale.Further,lender'e Nphte end�emedtea under thfa parag�aph ehatl be cumultUve with,snd in no way a
<br /> IimlMUon an,Lendereriflhtaandromedies undar�nyas�ipnmentotls�teaand reMe�ecardeda�at�etthePropsrty.Leisder,TruaOre
<br /> end the recelver ehal{be Ilabte to account only.those rents aeNaity reoeived.
<br /> 11.EwMs d O�huN.The foliow�np shtll conat[tute an Event ot Detault under this Deed ot Tn�et
<br /> (a)Faiiure to pay any instsliment ot prinolpal or tnterost ot eny other sum aecured heroby when due;
<br /> (b)Abreaiehofordefaultunderanyprovfai0ncont�l�edintheNoM,thleDeedofTruat,anyoltM�oanDocumenb.orany
<br /> other Ilen arencumbwnce upon the Propertv:
<br /> (qy A writ of exeaudon or atfaohment o�eny eimiler proceaa ehatl be entered againetTrustor whieh ahall 0eoome a Iten on
<br /> the Properly or anp po�lon thereof or ir�terest thereln;
<br /> (d)There ahall be flted by or egatnst Trustor or Borrower en aaUon unde►any proaent or tuture taderal,atato or pthor
<br /> etatute,taw or�epulallon�etatlnp to bankruEitoy,inaolvenay ar other retief tor debtora;or there ehall bs appolnted any trusbs,
<br /> receiveror Ilquldetor of Truetor or Bonower or of all or anr pan of the P►operly,o�the ronta,Iaauas or proflt�thsroef.or Trustor
<br /> or Borrower ahall make eny Qenerai asalgnment for the beneflt oi creditore;
<br /> (e)The,e�le,transtar.tease,aestanme�t,conveyance or turther eneumbrance of all or ar►y pe�t of or any tnterost In the
<br /> ' ' Properly, elther voluntadly or tnvoiuntsrity,without the exprosa writton cohaent oi Lender,providad thet Truetnr shall be
<br /> � permitted to exeaute e Iease of the Property that doea not contatn an opUon to purcheae end the term of whloh doea not exceed
<br /> • one year,'
<br /> ' (�Abandonment ot the Proparty;or
<br /> (y)if Tr�stor is not an individusl,the Isauance,saie,tranater,aesignment,conveyance or encumbrance oi moro than a tota�
<br /> of.�_percent of(it a corpore8on)it�lesued and outatandinp etook or(it a partnerahlp)a totat of percent of
<br /> p8rtnerohip interesta dudrtp the perlod this Oeed of Truat remains a Iten on tha Property.
<br /> 12,p«n�dN�:AccNKnion Upon DNauM.in the event of any EveM of Delault Lender mey.without notiae except as requtred by
<br /> law.deolare all Indebtedrteas secured hereby to be due and payabts and the same ahatl thereupan become due nnd payable
<br /> wlthout any proaentmen;demand.protest or noUCe of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> ' (e)Demend that T�uatee exereise the POWER OF 8ALE granted herein,and Trus2ee ehail lhereatter cauae Trustor's
<br /> Intereat in tha Properly to ba eoid and the procesda to tre dlatributed,alt�n the manner pravlded in the Nebroaks Truat�eeda
<br /> � . ac�
<br /> (b)Exe�ciseanyandallNghtaprovldedtor�nanyoftheloanOaovmernsorbylawupooaccur.renceofanyEventofDetaul�
<br /> nnd
<br /> (c)Commence an aadon to torectase thls Deed ot Truat as a mort9ape,appoint a receiver,or apeci�oatly entorce any otthe
<br /> covenanta hereot.
<br /> No remedy hereln Conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclueive ut any other remedy herein,En the
<br /> I.oan Docume�ta or by Iaw provlded or permitted,but each shalt be cumutaHve,shaii be in addition to every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder,In the Loan Oncuments or now or hereafter existing at�aw or in equity or by statute,and may be exe►dsed concurrentty.
<br /> independently orsuccessively.
<br /> . _ ��._�.y� _. .Wi� �� .u�.�"_ _'.��..r �r��wd�..w...���...+N...e.ul u.Ulw.�w�.��s�wwwlw�s -
<br />- id.t�Wl�f. i tit7 N Vtttov tno��oa�yn a�a�i1 an�v vru�w•vavsq a......v....�. ...�>�•w•�.n.w r...� .......�• w�....�
<br /> eucceasoror subatitute Trustea.Truatee ahall not be Iiabteto any party,ineluding without Ilmitation Lender.Barrower.Trustororeny
<br /> purahaaer ot Ute PropeR�r.tor any tose or damage un�ess due to r�tcte0!{pr yyl�t�ul misconduct,end ehali not be roquired to take any
<br /> eatton in conneation with the enforcement of thla Deed of Truat uMeas I�demnitled.In writing,for e�i coste,compeaeaUon or
<br /> expsnees whiah may be assoalated therewith.In addidon,Ttuetee may become e purChaser at any eate of the Propery Qudielal or
<br /> under the power of eale granted hereln);postpone the sale of ali or any portfon of the Property,as provided by law;or ee11 ihe
<br /> PropeAy es a whole.ar in separate parcels or loffi at Truetee's diacretton.
<br /> � 14.F�u�nd ExpMf�s.In the event T�ustee setta the P►operty Ey exercise ot power ot saia,Trustee ahail be entltled to apply
<br /> any aale proceed�iirot ta payment of att costa and expenses of oxeroieinp power ot eate,inctudlnp alt Trustee's tees,and Lender's _
<br /> 8nd T�uetee'e attomey'e teee,actua�ly Ineurred to extent pomnitted by applieable law.in the event Borcower or Truetor exerelsea any
<br /> right provided by!aw to aure an Event of Oefautt,Lender 6hail be endUed to recovor trom Trustor alt costa and expensea actuttty
<br /> incurred es a reautt o!TrustoPa deteutt,Inctudfng withvut Ilmltatton atl Trustee's and attomey's tees,to the extent permitted by =
<br /> apPtloa�le law. -
<br /> o .•
<br />