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<br /> Oot. �19._95 b1►�nd anwnp��, i
<br /> THIS OF.�D OF TRUST,is made as ot tAe �'th day of �
<br /> ths T►uatsr, K�ry F4ye Fattig , eingle persan . �
<br /> 3111 Y Colleee St Apt 20 I3r�nd Iel�n herein"Truator."wBhMhir orts a mon?�
<br /> who�e maUlnp addrese Is
<br /> the Truatae, �ive Points 8ank, e N�breaka Corporation ,
<br /> P.0. Box 1507 (irand Ielend, H�: 68802 �h��n•'Trostes'�,and
<br /> whose mafilnp addresa is
<br /> �e�n��Q��� l�ive Pointe B�nk �
<br /> whose mallinA addresa is 2015 Tl. Broadrell tir�nd I�l��d. 1i8. 68802-1587 (�s�Nn"�9.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEFiAT10N,inciuding I.ender's extenslon of aredit IdentlNed hereln to -
<br /> llary Raye fettig (hereln"8onower",whethar one or more)�nd tAe Uuit Mreln cre�Md
<br /> the reCeipt of whleb le hereby acknowledBed,Trustor hereby Irrevoaabty granta,treu�atero,Comeys and asitpns to TrusM���N
<br /> TRUST.WITH PCWER QF SALE,for the beneflt and eeaurlty oi Le�der,urtder and subjeatto tho terms and condltions herelnalNr�st
<br /> toM.th�roe�pron�rtyj deacribed aa tolto a
<br /> Lct �aur ��J bt�e�'� ll��'°8 Su�divieion. in tbe City oi tiri�nd Ielend, Hall
<br /> �ouaty, Nebraeka.
<br /> To�ther with all bulidinp0.improvementa,fixtures,streete,Blleye,paasapewaya,essemente.�Iphts,prtvilpes arrd�ppurM- .
<br /> nancs�tocctod tharoon or in anywiee porta�n�np thereto,and the rente,issues end profiffi.�evenions and�emalnd�n thw�of�and
<br /> ' suoh pasonsi Dropsnf►that Is attached to ths Improvemente so aa to canatitute a ibcture,Inaludinp.but eot Itmited to�i�tin0 ud
<br /> coot;nn eQuipmsnk and topether with thp homestead or maritel Irnereats,if any,whiah Inteaeata are hereby relqtwd�nd w�twd:��
<br /> paed of Trost�nd atl M U�s tore�olnp beinp rotorredtto herein as Uia18Peoperly'a��m the reel estate esoured by thw Ii�n ot Mis
<br /> This D�ed of Truat ehait seauro(e)the payment ot the prinaipal sum and tntereat evideneed by a promistory nate or oredR
<br /> spresmsntdated �atober 6th 1995 ,havinp a matudcy date ot Aoril Stt� 1996 �
<br /> In Ms o►Ipinat prinoipat amount of i 61.8N.88 ,end any and all modlNcations.�x�entiom and re�w�N
<br /> tMreof or thsrsto�nd eny ar�d att future advancea and readvancea to 8orrower(or eny of th�m if naro than one)hsnur�d�r
<br /> punl�ant ro ons or mor�promiseory notes or credit apreemenb(heroin csUsd"Note'�;(b)the paym�nt of other�emt adv�nc�d bY
<br /> L�d�rto proLatthaeiouriry of 1tN Note;(e)the perbm�snasot alt eovenantaand ap�e�m�nb o1T�u�tor selto�th h8roer;and(��f�
<br /> pnqsnt and tutur�indebtsdne:s and obtlpatlona of Borrowsr(or any o!them N more thsn ons)to lN�der whNh�r d�reet IMtr�ot
<br /> absWuOS a co�inpent and whather arisinp by�ote,�uarar+ty�ovardmit or otherwUe.The Nota,thl�t?eed of Thtst arM!anY�����
<br /> alhe►do�uenb th1�t aaurs the Note or otherwise exeouted In connectlon therewfth,lnotuding without Iimltatlon quan�e�1.s�eurtty
<br /> sprMmenri and asai�nmente ot leases+�nd rents,eheil be rete�red to heroin ee ths"Lwn Oxuments".
<br /> TYustor cavenanqt and aprees with lenaer es followa:
<br />- �,p�ynw�t d lM�ht�dn�.A11 tndebtedness secured hereby ahatl be pnld when due.
<br /> 2.Ttll�.Trustor is the owner oi the P�opeKy,hae the ripht and authority to convey tNe PropeRy.and wurantt thtt 1hs�fen
<br /> croated h�reby ts a HM and prlor�ten on the PropeAy.except for Iiens and enaumbrances est Porth by TnMtor in writinp�ed
<br /> dNivensd to Lendsr betore axecutlon of this Oeed of Troet.and the exeeudort and deiivery ot thte Oe�d of Tiuet doss notvlolt�s�ny
<br /> corttract or other obli�tion to whtoA Trustor is subJeot
<br /> 3.TixM,qs�nb•To pay betore dettnqueney all texes.spealai neaessme�ts and nit otAer oharpe��pairui tM Prope�y
<br /> now or hasafter levied. »�
<br /> - 4,In�uance.7o keep the Property Insured epalnatdemepe�bylire.haur�s Inoluded whhtn the tonp"exlet►d�d �!•
<br /> sueA ott�x huards es Lender may roqulro.ln amounb and with compantes accephtote to Lender.naminp L�ndK a�aanitlon�i
<br /> n�m�d traured.with lou Wribte to the lender.ln case of loss under auah palictos,ths L+�r►dsr ts author�zed to adJust,aoH�ct ar►d
<br /> epnfpromtw.ail cteims tMreund�r end ehai!hsvs the optlon otapplylnQ a�l or pnR of ths inturance proceeds p)to any tnd�bNan�s
<br /> �ecund Mrebp and In euch order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Truator to be used far the repafror reston8on of Ms Property
<br /> - or(fiq ionny other purpoae or obJeat saUstaotory to Lender wlthoutaffeoting the iten of this Dsed of Trust tor the tutl amount eeaured
<br /> - heroby bofore such payment ever took piace.Any applieadon mt proceeds to Irtdelnodnea�ehalt not extend or poatPone fhe clue
<br /> - dats of any paymenis under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> '� 8. Ew�ow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor ehall pay to Lender,in sueh manner es Lender may dssfpnste,sutftalsnt
<br /> �.,�..�n.neeta l.ender to Dav ne thev beaome due one or more otthe followU�:(I)ati texes,essessments and othar oharpesapaln�t
<br /> _�._._ r..�...M....�,..�,.�wr+.
<br /> the ProperiY.tiq the premiums on the properly inaurance requireo itmeunder.ario im�on':M������•-�.,^�--+-o-_.�._.�
<br /> � requtred by lender.
<br /> p 8. M�6nt�nanc�,R�psin�nd CompHansa with Lawt.Truetor shali keep thA Properiy ln pood eondition an9 repair thaD
<br /> ' promptly repair.or roplace nny fmprovement whtah mny be damaged or deatroyed;ehnll nat commtt or permN any wtsN or
<br /> � de0�lonUon of ths Property;shetl not remove,demottsh or e+�batimia�lty slter any of the improvemsnb on the Prop�rh;�hall not
<br /> � commiL�utfer or permitany aatto be done In or upon ths Property�n vlolatlon of any taw.oMinance,or rpul�dan:ana shNi pay and
<br />:,-�� P p�d�bph���at�T�tor's coat and expenae etl ilona,enoumbnnees and charyes Isvied,impos�d or a�ted�efnst Ns
<br /> `�
<br />,�J
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<br /> J ' �
<br />