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<br /> 16.Rutunt Aelvpnr�ea.rtJpon request of Borrower,Lender may,at its optlan,make additlonai end(uture advances end re-
<br /> advart�ea fo Qurruwd..,,u�h�t+rancee and rond�ancea wlth fntereatthere�n,ehail be seaured by thls deed of TruaR At no dme shelt
<br /> the prino►pai nmount ot the inslebtedneas t�eaured by thla Oeed ot Trust,no:fnciudlnp eums advanced to proteat the aeourlty ot thls
<br /> Da�d ot Yruat ox•aeed the orl�lnal p�f�clp�l emount atatad herefn,or s�.1..0��� whlchever is greater.
<br /> 16.MMcNlan+a+s�Provisbns.
<br /> (a) MNrowK Not RsNN�d.Exceneton of the dme tor payment or moditicatlan ot amortluatlon of the suma seoured by thfe
<br /> Qeed of Tru�t pranted by l.ender to�ny suaaessor In intereat of 8orrower ehati not operate to retasee,in any manner,tbs It�bllity
<br /> ot the oriptn�l Ho.roarer and�onower's suaccs3ora In intsros�LeRder ahall not be requlred to commence praceedinga apainat :
<br /> tuCh suca�storo►retuts to extend Ume lor payment or otherwiae modiy amortlzatlon of theeun►a seoured by th(s Ocad otTruat
<br /> by reason of any demande made by ths oripinal 8orvower and Borrower's successoro in Interest
<br /> (b) I.Ntd�r's Pow�n.Wlthout atfeotlnp the IlebSilty ot eny oMer persan Ilable for ihe payment of any oblipaUon hereln
<br /> nsenponed,and withcut aHeatinp the Iten or ohar�e of thle Oead of Truat upon any portlon of tho Property not then or theretotore
<br /> reteased ae aecurity for the tull amount ot aiI unpald obligaUons,Lender may,irom Ume to tf ine and without notice(I)release any
<br /> perwn eo Iiabte,(fi)extend the meturlry or alter any ot the terms of any suoh obligetlone,(ill)grant cth�on or�at o!Me'Property.
<br /> or reaonvey.o►cauae to be relea�eed or reconveyed at aoy Hma at Lender's opUon any parcel.po �Q�o�
<br /> (v)ake or releaae eny other or addldonai aecurity for any obllgaGon hereln �+tta�����m
<br /> artinqemenb wtth debton in retaUbn theroto.
<br /> (a) Fo�barane�by Ltndrr Not�Walwr.Any fo�bearance by Lender I reund�r.a
<br /> otMrwiss aftorded by eppftcabte law,ahall not be e waive�of or preoNde � ��•�
<br /> pracuroment of tnru�anGe or the payment of taxea or other Ite�e or eharqes by Lender sh�ti not be a waiv�r of I�enclrer's ripht to
<br /> accMerata the matunty of the Indebtedneaa eecured by thlB Deed of Truat �
<br /> (d) 8ueaason and Afsipns Bound;JotM and Sw�al LUb{Iiq►;C+ptla�s.7he covenants and eproemente heretn enn-
<br /> taiqcd ahall bind,end the righb heraunder shall inure to,the retspective auccesaors and aasigns ot Lends�and Truator.All
<br /> covenants and agreemenis of T�uator aha�l be jolnt and swerat.The capQons a�d headinge ot the parapraphs at this Oeed of
<br /> Trust are tor eonvenience o�ly and a�e not to be used to Interpret or de8ne the provlsiana hereof.
<br /> (e) R�qunt for Noticn.The parties hereby�equest Met a copy of any noNce of detault hereunder end a copy of any notidr
<br /> of eale hereunder be mailed to each paAy to thie Oeed ot Truat st the address set forth above in the manner proaedbsd�f►
<br /> �ppttcable taw.Qtcept br any other aotfoe requi�ed under applicable taw to be Qiven in another manner,eny nodce provided
<br /> tor in this Deed of T�uet shall be given by mailirtg sueh noUce by ceRified matl addresaed to the othar pariies,+�t the addrae sat
<br /> b�o�vm e�an ono person,eotlee aent�ei dd eas aet tort abo e eha I be n�aUcs t a0 s ah pe��n�h���if
<br /> (n �e�p�cqoe,Lender may make ar eeuae to be made ret+aoneble enMes upon and inapeations of ths Ptb,'pe�'ty�Pro�ided
<br /> that Lender shalt qive Troet�r�otice prior to any euoh inapecUan speaiylnp reasonable eause thereter rsl�tad to Lsnd�'s
<br /> interest in the PropeAy.
<br /> (�) R�eonv�yana�.Upon payment of all eums eecured by thla Oeed of Tru�,Lender ahatl re�uest Troatee to rocanwy ths.
<br /> PropORy and aha�i surrender this Ged of Tnin and ati notea evidenainp Indebtedneaa seaured by thp Oe�d otTiust to 7'twtee.
<br /> TcutMs shali reconvey m�Propeny without wanantyr and wiL`Kiui�#�sr�a�L`R parson ar�Srsene 4�41Y!�'���°'
<br /> Troator ehall pay alt coab of recordation,H any.
<br /> �h� p�i�pr�p�l�;g�cutNy Ayn�n�t�As eddiNonnl eeauriry tor the payme�t ot ths NoU,Truator henby Q�nb
<br /> - l..ender underthe Nebraska UnNorm Commsrolal Code a e�ecu�ity Intere�ttn ell8xtures,squipmsat and othN p�no�al P��M�Y
<br /> used In conneatlon wlth the roal estate orJmprovemena loc�ted thereon,and nototh�rwise dealarad or dMr+rNd to b��O�ROt
<br /> ths roat e�te secured lhereby.Thte inaUument ehnit be eonatrusd as a Sscurtry Apreema►t undei s�W Cod�.and 1M l�nd�►
<br /> sMtl have all the riphts and�emedlea qt s seou�ed party und�r�aid Code in edditlon to the M�hts and rwn�diM cnRUd undN
<br /> and�ccordsd ths Lender punuantto thu Oeed o}Trust provlded that I.�nder's�tphts Rnd ramedia und�r thi�prpaph th���
<br /> be aumutative with,and In rto way�iimriatlon on,Ldnder'e rl�hts and remsdiss under any othe�eecurity prwmont WOn�d b'f►
<br /> BOfrOYV�6 Of TtUbtOL '
<br /> (i) Llm+�md Enwni�.n�s.Truator hereby war►anri and represer►ts that thero Is no dNauft under iM provisions of�nY
<br /> mort�ape,deed of true�leaae or purehaee contraat descdbinp all ar any part ot Ihe Property,o�other contraat�Mtrur�°r
<br /> •prosment consdtuUng allen or enaumbrance a�afnat ati or eny pa�t of ths Property(coltsaUv�ty,"Uens'�.�xhtlnp as of th�
<br /> Wts ot this Deed of Tr�al and thet any and all extsUnQ lian�romain unmodiHrd Axcspt ss disctosed to LerdK in Truttors
<br /> writcsn digcloauro ot Ilena and enaumbrances provided tor hsreln.true�c►ah�ll timsly psrtomn atl ot TrusbPe obitoatloes�
<br /> eovenanie;repretentattons and wurs�nUes under eny and ail e�xtst�np aM tuture Usn�,shtlt qomptly forw�rd to L�nd�r aopt�s
<br /> of all noUCes of dsfault eent in connecl�oa witl►anY and�II exiltinp ar tuture Uent.end sha��not w�thout L+�x1�'�P�w��
<br /> consen!in any mannx mOdHy the pro+��lons of or nliow�ny tutwe advtnces under any exl�tinp or tutura U�m.
<br /> U)�pp�yq�ipn dlyynMnL.Unliest otherwiee roquind by taw,sums pald to lender herounder.inctudinp wNhout IlmihUon
<br /> 6�'�ndsr to t1 eemour�it�due and owlq9 trom Truapmr end Bor ow�nwah a��nder n Ib sote dl�eredan l3�qir+i d�wl►ab i
<br /> (k��WNIy It any provitlon of thia Deed of Tt�et coMllcts with apPltcabte tsw ar is qeclared(mratld or o�h0
<br /> Qiwnt�ffe�w�ithout the colnfl otinp provislon,and to M�Is e d the provlslVOna oi this�CeedDo!�u�t and ths N°2'e ar�e wdscttrod t�o b°
<br /> sav�able.
<br /> (I)Tiren�.1'Ae tertm"Truator'and"Bortower"ehall Inelude both s�r►Qukr and plural,and whan the Tiuetor and Botrower
<br /> aro the aame person(e).ihoae temis aa uaed in this Oesd oi Tnut ahaA be IMSrahanQeable.
<br /> (ma i�ainmbq Law.Thle Oeed oi Trust shatl bs povemed by the t�ws of the 8taLe ot Nel�rastu.
<br /> Ttustor hes tlzeouted this Dead of Yruat ns of the date wflttsn above.
<br /> r
<br /> Muy F�y� F� g nO� i � Pereon
<br /> YN�f'Of
<br />