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<br /> . S.N�rd or Property Inturac�. Borrawer aheil kocp tho improvemcnta nsw oxiating or crocted an tho property --
<br /> iniorad ��Inst taw b�r tiro�h�z�rde included wWdn tha term"�ctendad cov�rago" ond eny othe�tm�r+de�ltdcltading tloods or
<br /> Qo9d1nA�fot ivhtEh I.sndtr requires insurence.This insarenca sdall be mAltttaftted in the etrtounts and fas the pet►ads that Lertdet �;
<br /> roqylros.�I1ie itist�tenco r�riar ponvlding tha iASUranae atull be ehonn by Barrowu subjoct to lrea►der's approvtl whbh shall noi
<br /> ba tu�rwontbly wtthhold. If Harrowu feils to rpeintaGt coverage d�xcibod abovo,Lutda may. at Lertder'a opdon�obtain —
<br /> oovenge m pe+�t Lender'a dghts in tho Propaty in axordance wtth p�uagraph 7.
<br /> Atl lnsu�ance pugcfey end rp�owals sball be acc,eptabb te l.enalar and ahall includo a etanderd moztgege clause.Lu►da sdap
<br /> hsvc the eight to hold the polides and ren�wal8.If L�nda require��Bonowu shall prompdy gtvo to Lendu all rxaipts of paid _
<br /> pr�miums and r�ew�1 na�ces.tn tho aveat of loss.Bozmwu adaU glve prompi na@ca to tha iasivasece carrla arM Lender.I�a�der F
<br /> ma►y mate proof ot loss if not mWe proAapdy by Harower-
<br /> Unless 1.enQer aad Boaowtlr othecwLYe agroo in wrldng.lnswr�a�e�ada st�aU bo appliad w restoration or repair of�a
<br /> pnoputY d�cnaBed.If the restor�oa or repair ia economicaily Feasible and LEndu's sacu�ity ts aot lagseaed.If tha msro:adon or
<br /> repair is not boonomically feagibla or Laukr's securlty would ba lesseaed.the h�ianoe groceads shall be applied to the s�ms
<br /> sacurod by�his Sx�ulty IaswmeaL whethtx or nai then due. wIth any axcess paid to Bmrnwer.If Borcawer abandons tha
<br /> Pcopaty.a doeg aot answu wlthin 30 days a notkx from Leadtr d�at tha insurance c�rler hag o�'ered to seule a claim�thea
<br /> i,a�dsr may t�oliect Itte inauf�oe y��cc�eds.Leadcr moy use the pioxeds w t+e�air Qs tGStore the Propeaty or ta pay sums seciued __
<br /> by tbis Serauity InstNnkat�whetha or not thea►daa'fie 30-day pertod alll begln wheu tha notica is givea.
<br /> ITnLLessss Lendex end Bomowu otherwlse�groe in wrldn8.�Y ePP�A of pmceads to princip�l�hall not eatead or postpone
<br /> tba due data of tha uwntWy payments nfeend W in par�raphs 1 and 2 ar chat�ge the amount of the payments.�f under patag�raph
<br /> 21 the]Pi+epe:ty is acx�uirad by Lec►da�Boaower's tight w aay insurance polldes and pro�eods nsuldn8 from dmnage W tlte
<br /> �P�Y t�w the ecquis[tlon s6a11 pass to L,euder w the axuat of tbe sums sacurod by diis Sectulty►�nsbumettt ia4medi�tely
<br /> priarto the�oquisldon.
<br /> i.�uaPu�7r P�rvatioo.M�tiat�nxna And Prota�ton of the Propertyi Horra�ver's Loan Applip�Nun;I�easehaW.�.
<br /> Barmwer sh�ll oavpy.esmblish.and�sa the Prope:ty av Barowar's princ�l nsideACe wid�in si�cay days after tha execadoae a�
<br /> this Secwiry Instrumeat end sNall ooadnue w oocupy cha P,roputy as Bormwa's pc�ncipal restdenae for at kast one year aRer the .
<br /> d�e of oxupea�y.unless Laade�r othawlso agcees in midug. which conseut shaU not be wrreasonably wltAl�old.at unless
<br /> oici�iB��s�st rs�ls arc�yattd E�rxs's c�rcl.�x�s���!�cn+ny,damaga�im�sait.tLe Prop�t�►. �
<br /> ol1oN the Pnopesty W deteriorate.or oormmit waste on d�e Ptopaiy. Bonower shaU be in default if aay fafdWro actbn ar
<br /> P�B•wAethar civil or c�n�1,is begun tdat in I.a�da'a good!'aith judgmeat oould r�ile in forfeiwse of the Propaty a
<br /> atbawlae m,ataially�rn�is t�e liea cre�tod by this SecUrlty In�umeat or I.eiMa's secuiity inoaast.Botmwa a�y c�ue a�cb a
<br /> dafiult�nd nJn�a.ag proi►�ad in puagtspl� I8.by c�usin8 tta adioa a pc0000dLig to be dismissed wit�a mliag that,in
<br /> Lender•s�ood f�3th detami�tbn,Procl�s forfe{Uue of the Ba[ower's inta�cst im the Pnoparty a otha maurltil iaap�Eemeat of
<br /> th�ila�cre�iod by thia Sacurlty Insu�una�t a Lendes's aocurItp inta�l:Boaower a�U aLyo ba ia dafiult it Hoaowa,d�uing tbe
<br /> loan+�pplic�t�OO pcooes�.gave mstaLUy fe18e ar inaxurate info�tlon a�nts to I.eMa�(a taibd to pmvido LaKfa�vIW
<br /> �y m�OCrW infoctnadonj lu ooanoctian aith the loan evidatood by the Note. �nduding,but not limitod to.repe�a�eutatioas
<br /> oo�oanina Bc�n��a'e oocup��cy of tho Pra�aty a9�pcia�l reaide�a.I[this Soeu¢iry lnatrumeat is m a 1eu�ehold.Sarowa
<br /> abaU oomply wiW all tho provisiona of the�a+�e.U Bamwu�cqulras fee titb to tha Rop�ty.tbe la�ehold and tbe[a tttle a1�aS1
<br /> not mergeunlas Le��dar ag�raea w tbe merga ia writing.
<br /> 7.8rotecqo�ot La�der'e itf�ta is tD�rrq�n�t� If Boa�wer fails o�paform ths oovauNa and�o�nts oant�ed in
<br /> th�s Secvdty �asaunuat,or tlxx+a is a kg4l pcaoeodln8 thai maY signifkantll►affa,t I.eodet's xlghts in da Pm�paty(s�ch as�
<br /> p�uoeoding ia banWuptcy.P�ob�to,for oondeau�aa ar farfdtura ar w eafarx lawa a re�ulst�Oas).thau Lmda�may do and pay
<br /> far wl�avar ts neoesstey to pcot�eet tla valuo of 4he P�opetty aad Lander'e rtghts in d�e PnrpatY.ja�'s aetions mzy ineL�de
<br /> g�y3ag ary aums s0cwbd by a lien which 6�peiority ova this Security�t�apparin8 fn oo�ut.p�Y�B�
<br /> �ttan�ys'fees and eaterFeg a►tho Propesty to nniro repnire.AW�ouBh lxnda may mYe�ctlun a�da a�par�gr�pd 7.Lm�et
<br /> d�oa aot Mroto d�so.
<br /> Any ya�ouat�dLslxnaed by L�adet unda d�is p�eag�ap�7 shall beoolne tlditioe�l debt of Boirower securad by d3s Searrity
<br /> � ' ��t Uaks�Harowri and Leader a�oe w other t�ams of y�ymw�diese �b sh�11 bar inbae.�t fmm t6a d�hs of
<br /> ' ''��sb�csema►t K tda No10 tata sad sha11 bo psyable,wIth iata�Gq,upon notioe tmm Lealec oo Bam�►a m4�6 P��
<br /> a.Mar�Iasarana. If I,mda requiccd matgaga in�ranoe a�a condidoa of matdng tha 1a�n sxund by thi�Saauity
<br /> I�amu�ent, Boaowe� sh�il py tbe graainms raqutred to msinMn the moR�ge iostuanoe in eflFact. If. fa any tea9on.tha
<br /> a•�attgage iosnranoe cova�a ra��ired by Ldtder 1�ar aases to be in effat.Baaower sl�all paiy the p�am�msns cequired to
<br /> ut�in oows�8a anbst�nl3s��alnivakat to 1he a�oitgaga ensaranoe p�cvFoutiy ia etiri�,at a oost subslandally eqnivaieat to the
<br /> oost t�Baa�u�ar of the moitgaga ins�aancx+pcav�onsly in e�'ect,fr6m an altemate matg�tge las�ua�rovad�Y Laader. Lf
<br /> aubstand�ih►Wr�'aie�u mat�8e i�nmoo cnve�sga is not tvaiW�la.Hacowa ehall gay W Laida ac�manth a aun equai�o
<br /> o�atwe�6U►ot tbe Y�Y��P���S P�bY�a wha�the i�ueooe om►er�Be L�Se�t ar ora9ed o�
<br /> be in a�a�. Lenda wIll aooept�md t�etain�hex p�ymmrs a4 a loss resavo in tieu of mortgage iasu�anoe.La�rase�ve --
<br /> Roree aota�roo
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